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Tune Req: on one april morning

GUEST,Jiggers 13 Jan 08 - 04:14 PM
The Sandman 13 Jan 08 - 04:58 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 13 Jan 08 - 05:53 PM
Willa 14 Jan 08 - 04:40 AM
cptsnapper 14 Jan 08 - 10:26 AM
The Sandman 14 Jan 08 - 10:58 AM
Saro 14 Jan 08 - 11:33 AM
Rasener 14 Jan 08 - 11:57 AM
GUEST,Jiggers 14 Jan 08 - 12:24 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 14 Jan 08 - 12:26 PM
The Sandman 14 Jan 08 - 05:33 PM
Artful Codger 26 Feb 09 - 03:15 AM
Artful Codger 26 Feb 09 - 03:28 AM
The Sandman 26 Feb 09 - 04:56 AM
GUEST,Jack Campin 26 Feb 09 - 05:34 AM
JohnB 26 Feb 09 - 09:51 AM
GUEST,Liz 26 Feb 09 - 10:41 AM
GUEST 26 Feb 09 - 10:44 AM
Paul Burke 26 Feb 09 - 03:21 PM
The Doctor 27 Feb 09 - 05:04 AM
CupOfTea 28 Feb 09 - 01:04 AM
John MacKenzie 12 Sep 09 - 01:40 PM
John MacKenzie 14 Sep 09 - 01:30 PM
Rasener 14 Sep 09 - 02:12 PM
Artful Codger 14 Sep 09 - 03:39 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 14 Sep 09 - 04:08 PM
GUEST,leeneia 15 Sep 09 - 11:22 AM
Artful Codger 26 Sep 09 - 04:05 PM
Artful Codger 26 Sep 09 - 04:13 PM
Artful Codger 26 Sep 09 - 04:21 PM
Mr Happy 01 Feb 10 - 06:41 AM
MGM·Lion 26 Apr 12 - 04:39 AM
GUEST 06 Apr 14 - 11:16 AM
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Subject: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: GUEST,Jiggers
Date: 13 Jan 08 - 04:14 PM


Does anyone have the tune or a link to the tune of the song "On One April Morning" ?

The lyrics are in the mudcat database but I can't find the notes anywhere that I've looked.

"It was on an april morning, just as the sun was rising
It was on an april morning, I heard the young birds sing
They were singing lovely Nancy, of love I have a fancy
Sweet were the notes that I heard those young birds sing"

Please help.


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: The Sandman
Date: 13 Jan 08 - 04:58 PM

if you go to dickmilesmusic youtube you will hear me singing it

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 13 Jan 08 - 05:53 PM

I'm surprised the tune hasn't been posted here before, but I can't see it on a quick look, so here's a rough version from my singing.


T:It Was On One April Morning
S:Mick Pearce
A,|D> D E C|(3:2:2(D2 E) F B|A> F (F/E/) D|F E2
w:Twas on one Ap-ril morn_ing just as the sun_ was ris-ing
A,|D> D E C|(3:2:2(D2 E) F D|G> G (G/A/) B|A3
w:Twas on one Ap-ril morn_ing I heard the small_ birds sing
F/G/|A> A B A|(G/F/) D2 (D/F/)|A> F (F/E/) D|F E2
w:They were sing-ing love-ly Nan_cy, O_ love it is_ a fan-cy
(D/F/)|A2 B> A|(G/F/) D2 F|A> D E C|D3||
w:And_ sweet were the notes_ that I heard the small birds sing

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Willa
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 04:40 AM

Mick's version is only very slightly different from what I sing.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: cptsnapper
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 10:26 AM

Tony Rose did a lovely version - in my opinion.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: The Sandman
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 10:58 AM

It can be downloaded for free from my singing.I am singing it in the key of Dmajor,YOUTUBE DICKMILESMUSIC.
Tony Rose has it available on cd [mollie music].Ihave itr available on cd see my website .

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Saro
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 11:33 AM

There's another very nice version in a book called "Still Growing", which Sharp collected in the West Country - collected the song I mean, not the book. Sorry, a heavy cold is affecting my abiity to write in coherent sentences. Or maybe to write incohernet sentences...

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Rasener
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 11:57 AM

Cyril Tawney also did a lovely version of it Late 60's/early 70's on one of his LP's

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: GUEST,Jiggers
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 12:24 PM


Thanks for the leads and info.

I can learn to sing it from the Jim Moray album if needed - I was struggling with one or two notes so I was hoping to see the written version to help me decide.

My dificulty is around this part ..
love-ly Nan_cy, O_ love it is_ a fan-cy

I have a strange desire to go higher on the word 'love' - I think its a hangover from another song maybe 'O Love is pleasing, and love is teasing ...."

I've listened to the youtube version and that has helped - thanks Captain Birdseye.

I'll have to wait until I'm home to try out Mikes ABC version

Thanks again


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 12:26 PM

For a song sung so widely (maybe largely due to Tony Rose) my copy of the Roud index lists only 2 versions:

1) Mar 1908 from R.Bryant of Cowley, Devon collected by L. Priscilla Wyatt-Edgell

2) Aug 1908 from Ellen Carter of Cheddar, Somerset collected by Sharp (presumaby the version mentioned by Saro).


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: The Sandman
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 05:33 PM

Cyril Tawney was responsible ,for passing it into the revival via a recording ,[I believe first to Lou Killen,and then Tony Rose].I believe Tony took it up,after Louis moved to the states
he[Cyril] told me he never actually sang it live,Tony Rose popularised the song as you say,but as a result of hearing Cyrils guitar recording [folk/Lovesongs of Devon?].
I recorded it myself in 1986,and have been singing it at folkclubs and festival since,and have just recorded it again on my new cd.
when I recorded it I made a consciuous effort to do a different song accompaniment to Tony.
If one listens to the two versions,Tonys accompaniment is melody based,my accompaniment[apart from between the verses]relies upon chords and suspensions,and actually uses a different chord progression to that of Tony Rose.
The only similarity is the melody of the song[it is the Wyatt Edgell lyrics/ tune]and the use of the English concertina
I feel and I KNOW Tony felt the same,that the song[like all traditional songs belongs to everyone ,and is there to be sung,which is why I am still singing it after 21 years.
Tony Rose was a fine singer as was Cyril and as Louis still is
but each of their interpretations are different and I would advise the OP to listen to them all.Dick Miles.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Artful Codger
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 03:15 AM

I'm surprised no one has mentioned June Tabor's rendition, recorded on her album "Aleyn", and also included in the box set compilation "Always". Terrific squeezebox backing, not to mention June's typically spellbinding singing.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Artful Codger
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 03:28 AM

Actually, turns out Snuffy did in another thread (Please Post Tunes Here-2), and even provided lyrics and a MIDItext/ABC!

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: The Sandman
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 04:56 AM

I remember Tony introducing the song and saying it wasthe one colected by WyattEdgell.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: GUEST,Jack Campin
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 05:34 AM

I'm sure I remember an art-music arrangement of this one from my childhood in the late 1950s, which would have predated Tawney's revival of it. A Vaughan Williams arrangement of the Sharp version, intended for school use, maybe?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: JohnB
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 09:51 AM

The Canadian group "Finest Kind" do a good version on their CD "Heart's Delight". They sing three part harmony and have also toured the UK.
Here they give the words and credit Cyril Tawney via Louis Killen.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: GUEST,Liz
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 10:41 AM

I really love this song ! the nicest version I've heard is by Ken Wilson from the Wilson Family, on his cd "Not Before Time"

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 10:44 AM

See the Wilson Family website!

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Paul Burke
Date: 26 Feb 09 - 03:21 PM

I learned the song from Eddie Murphy of the 70s/ 80s Derby group Salmontails, and I must say he sang it very well. I find the song a bit ambiguous; it's difficult to tell whether the protagonist is male or female, or if it's a sort of conversation.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: The Doctor
Date: 27 Feb 09 - 05:04 AM

There is also a version, just entitled 'April Morn', on the 'Revisited' CD by Jane and Amanda Threlfall.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: CupOfTea
Date: 28 Feb 09 - 01:04 AM

Phil Cooper & Margaret Nelson do a lovely version of this, I learned it from their singing, though I'm fairly sure I've got a recording of someone else - solo female voice- though I can't dredge up the name at this point.

Joanne In Cleveland

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 12 Sep 09 - 01:40 PM

Has anybody got the dots for this one. A friend of mine wants to learn it, on fiddle

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 14 Sep 09 - 01:30 PM


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Rasener
Date: 14 Sep 09 - 02:12 PM

>>he[Cyril] told me he never actually sang it live<<

Oh yes he did, because I heard him sing it at The Woodman Folk Club in the black country back in about 1969. I bought the LP on the night and it was also on that.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Artful Codger
Date: 14 Sep 09 - 03:39 PM

More information on the song was posted in this thread: 'Twas on a Monday Morning, O (misplaced there due to my error), including my transcription of a broadside "The Green Willow", the song from which "April Morning" was clearly derived.

I would still appreciate transcriptions or scans of the tunes as originally collected by Wyatt-Edgell and Sharp. Malcolm Douglas said the former is fairly close to the revivalist renditions; it was Tawney's source [Journal of the Folk-Song Society (Great Britain), vol. IV part 2 (issue no. 15), 1910, pp. 94-96]. Malcolm had intended to post the tune, but this was very shortly before his death.

As for dots, they can be derived by inserting either of the ABC transcriptions previously furnished into an online ABC converter with a visual or PDF option, such as the one at

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 14 Sep 09 - 04:08 PM

The second source (Sharp's) is given in Roud as Cecil Sharp MSS, Folk Tunes p.1787 collected from Ellen Carter, Cheddar, 1908 if anyone has access.


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 15 Sep 09 - 11:22 AM

"Has anybody got the dots for this one.?"

JOhn, here's a useful technique.

1. Upthread, Mick Pearce has kindly posted an ABC file of the tune.

2. Go to that thread, highlight and carefully copy (Ctrl C) everything from the X to the end of the entry.

3. Now go to this site:

That page is known as the Tune-o-tron.

(4. While you are there, add the Tune-o-tron to your Favorites list.)

5. Paste (Ctrl V) the ABC file to the Tune-o-tron and click submit. The ABC file will be converted to sticks & dots, which you can print, etc. Further options can be read about on their page.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Artful Codger
Date: 26 Sep 09 - 04:05 PM

Here's the tune as Snuffy posted it in the missing tunes thread (though I've only copied the ABC, not the full MIDItext):

X: 223
T:On One April Morning
S:June Tabor
N:filename [APRILAM
D:Aleyn, Topic TSCD490, 1997
G3G A2F2|(G2 A2) B2 e2 |d3B (BA)G2|B2A4 D2|
G3G A2F2|(G2 A2) B2 G2 |c3c (cd)e2|d4 z2GB|
d3d e3d | c2 B4 (GB)|d3B (BA)G2|B2A4 z2|
d4 e3d |(c>B-B2) G2 B2 |d3B A3 G|G6 ||

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Subject: Lyr Add: Green Willow
From: Artful Codger
Date: 26 Sep 09 - 04:13 PM

In an attempt at consolidation, I'm reposting here the text of the broadside "Green Willow", which I first posted in another thread:

[...] The Bodley copies of this broadside contain clear relatives of all of the "April Morning" stanzas except the first. You can draw your own conclusions.

Bodley Ballads: Harding B 11(1432) [between 1813 and 1838]
Published by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-court 7 Dials
Also Harding B 11(1433) [1819-1844] with differences shown in brackets.
Published by Pitts, 6, Gt. St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials

The Green Willow.

Young men are false and they are so deceitful,
Young men are false and they seldom will prove true,
For rangling and jangling their minds are always changing,
They're always see[k]ing for some pretty young girl that is true.

It's all round my hat I will wear a green willow,
It's all round my hat for a twelvemonth and a day,
If any one should ask you the reason why I wear it,
O tell them I have been slighted by my own true love.

You false hearted young men you know you have deceived me,
You false hearted young men you caused me to rue,
For love it does grow older & seldom does grow bolder,
All fades away like the sweet morning dew.

O that I had but my own heart to keep it,
O that I had but my own heart again,
Closely in my bosom I would lock it up for ever;
[O] Never would I ramble so far far again.

For many a long hour have I spent courting,
For many a long hour have I spent in vain,
But since 'tis my misfortune that I must die a maiden,
O never would I ramble so far far again.

The fragment mentioned earlier (consisting of the first two verses above) was printed in The History of Signboards from the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1908) by Jacob Larwood, L.R. Sadler, John Camden Hotten, on page 247. It was quoted a passage discussing the use of the willow as a symbol of sadness and forsaken love. The writer(s) had heard it sung by an old Northumberland woman, but had never seen it in print.

He/they also wrote (possibly quoting Douce at this point):
'[...] the Agnus castus or vitex was supposed by the ancients to promote chastity, "and the willow being of a much like nature," says an old writer, "it is yet a custom that he which is deprived of his love must wear a willow garland."—Swan's Speculum Mundi, ch. vi, sec. 4. 1635.'

Other threads here have discussed the relationship (by parody?) between "The Green Willow" and the later "All Around My Hat".

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Artful Codger
Date: 26 Sep 09 - 04:21 PM

And further to consolidate, Malcolm Douglas's reply from that same thread follows. I have not presumed to edit it; his first comments relate to the other thread.

I'm going to stick to one song at a time here; this thread has wandered off course (inevitable, with 'Monday Morning' in the title) right from the start. Indeed, most of the 'answers' have been random guesses; some modestly likely, some obviously wrong. Mudcat Disease, as I have come to think of it.

Though we never did find out what song 'Jim k' actually wanted, 'Artful Codger' has brought the discussion back to an interesting topic, so I'll go with that for now, starting with ''Twas on One April Morning'.

Google's references to the Journals are sometimes wrong or misleading, and that is the case here: the citation you found was to the Index to volume IV, so the date is out by four years. ''Twas on One April Morning' was printed in Journal of the Folk-Song Society vol IV part 2 (issue no 15) 1910, 94-96. It was noted from Mr R Bryant at Cowley near Exeter, Devon, by L Priscilla Wyatt-Edgell in March 1908. The words quoted in the DT as ON ONE APRIL MORNING , whether they were copied from recordings by Lou Killen or Tony Rose (the DT doesn't specify), don't differ greatly from what Mr Bryant sang; mostly, somebody has just added extra words and repetitions. Here is the text as originally printed:


'Twas on one April morning,
Just as the sun was rising,
'Twas on one April morning,
I heard the small birds sing.
They were singing, lovely Nancy,
For love it is a fancy,
So sweet were the notes
That I heard the small birds sing.

Young men are false
And full of all deceiving;
Young men are false,
And seldom do prove true;
For they're roving and they're ranging,
And their minds are always changing,
And they're thinking for to find out
Some pretty girl that's new.

O if I had
But my own heart in keeping!
O if I had
But my own heart back again!
Close in my bosom
I would lock it up for ever,
And it should wander never
So far from me again.

Why would you spend
All your long time in courting?
Why would you spend
All your long time in vain?
For I don't intend to marry,
I'd rather longer tarry
So young man, don't you spend
All your long time in vain.

Sung by Mr R Bryant, Cowley nr Exeter, March 1908.

Noted by L Priscilla Wyatt-Edgell.

Journal of the Folk-Song Society vol IV part 2 (issue no 15) 1910, 94-96.

This is number 1546 in the Roud Folk Song Index. Only two examples are known from tradition; this one and a one-verse fragment, with tune, got by Cecil Sharp from Ellen Carter at Cheddar, Somerset, on 13 August 1908. The latter can be found in Roud, Upton & Taylor, Still Growing (London: EFDSS, 2003, 38) together with Mr Bryant's text for comparison. Lucy Broadwood thought it a product of the 18th century stage, and pointed out the melodic and thematic similarity to the enormously popular 'Early One Morning'.

I will add the tune later when I have a little more time.

[AC: Sadly, he had little time left in this world. Our thanks for his frequent and generous contributions.]

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: Mr Happy
Date: 01 Feb 10 - 06:41 AM

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 26 Apr 12 - 04:39 AM

On my youtube channel also ~ anyone with a channel who doesn't do it!?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: on one april morning
Date: 06 Apr 14 - 11:16 AM

Great version from Ken Wilson as already mentioned, found here -

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