Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,DTM Date: 20 Mar 17 - 05:37 AM Oops Suzy Bogguss's song should have read Outbound Plane. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,henryp Date: 20 Mar 17 - 04:03 AM Two Gliders for Tim Robb Johnson 1994 |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Tattie Bogle Date: 18 Mar 17 - 10:01 PM Referred to in Tom Paxton's "Leaving London" If I could beg, steal or borrow, a ticket on some ship or plane |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Cool Beans Date: 18 Mar 17 - 12:06 PM Come Take a Trip in My Airship (1905) has been mentioned before, but this is an especially sweet version (mine): |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,DTM Date: 18 Mar 17 - 10:11 AM Suzy Bogguss - "Outward Plane" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: eftifino Date: 18 Mar 17 - 09:50 AM Cold Chisel Khe Sanh 'got a job on an oil rig, flying choppers when I could" and 'Well, the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone" Also Redgum's "I was only 19" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,henryp Date: 18 Mar 17 - 07:02 AM Drive me to the airport, 'cause my baby's waiting Way up north in Calgary the ice is breaking Colour that jet plane going, colour me gone Down on the Gulf of Mexico with the sunlight shifting I was playing cards and losing while the blizzards drifting In Calgary she's waiting all alone, all alone Written by Ian Tyson. Canadians do that winter imagery so well. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Rossey Date: 18 Mar 17 - 05:21 AM A wartime song with airplanes 'Coming in on a wing and a prayer'. The tune was virtually reproduced in pop band Slade's 'My oh My'. The top line is pretty much identicaL. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,henryp Date: 18 Mar 17 - 04:10 AM Trains and boats and planes Written by composer Burt Bacharach and lyricist Hal David. Hit versions were recorded by Bacharach himself and by Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas in 1965, and by Dionne Warwick in 1966. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Merritt Date: 17 Mar 17 - 07:49 PM Emma, Edwards/Brannon, 1971 as recorded by Jonathan Edwards. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Nick in Croydon Date: 17 Mar 17 - 06:51 PM fretless (2008 Feb 4 at 6pm) quotes Airmail Special as beginning "When you wake this morning honey, keep your head up to the sky", but googling that brings only one hit:fretless's post of 2008. I suspect Jim and Jesse were the first to record Airmail Special, in 1953. They begin it "Left New York this mornin early packed with mail so wide and high", yet every website I can find has "Left New York this mornin early traveling south so wide and high", which is nonsense, when you think about it. Traveling south so high, yes, that makes sense, but wide? What was it traveling wide of? And another thing: is it a direct flight? Because if it is, do you go south from NY to get to California? Parts of California are further north than NY, according to my Odhams New Illustrated Atlas of the World! Hartford, Seeger and Grisman -- could there be a more trustworthy trio? -- sing "packed with" as do three or four others on Spotify, though not all -- and they're not easy to find as there is a much-recorded jazz standard of the same name -- also, both songs are written airmail and air mail, in total disregard of poor internet-bound saps like me trying to search! Anyway, I've settled on: Left New York this morning early Packed with mail so wide and high Sailing through the wide blue yonder It's that air mail special on the fly Listen to her motors humming She is streaking through the sky Like a bird that's flying homeward It's that air mail special on the fly Over plains and high dark mountains Over rivers deep and wide Like a mighty gallant warrior It's that air mail special on the fly Over clouds so dark and stormy Over rugged peaks so high Carrying mail to Californi' It's that air mail special on the fly Watch her circle for a landing Hear her moan and cough and sigh Now she's coming down the runway It's that air mail special on the fly Does anyone have any corrections? fretless? I'm sure the blue yonder is wide and not wild, as some singers seem to sing. I would expect the mountains to be high-topped, but they do actually seem to be "high dark". Anyway, it's a belting song if you can get it up to speed! |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Gene Date: 10 Nov 09 - 08:51 PM and one i overlooked... The Fate Of Will Rodgers & Wiley Post... G |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Songbob Date: 10 Nov 09 - 01:07 PM Teterboro Tower was actually written in response to an incident involving Arthur Godfrey, who, in addition to being a band-leader and entertainer, was a pilot. He was cited by the FAA for "buzzing" the Teterboro Tower (in NJ), and claimed he had an on-board emergency that the tower refused to respond to. I don't recall the outcome (it wasn't a crash), but I recall the incident. Among the songs I think of that mention planes is "Galway to Graceland," with lines like: Silver wings carried her over the sea, West coast of Ireland to West Tennessee... and When they landed in Memphis... I know some others, but I think they've been mentioned above, or are not coming to mind at the moment. Bob |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler Date: 10 Nov 09 - 07:56 AM I've had a skim through the posts above and not seen (but possibly missed) "Heavenly Aeroplane" (got a recording by Helen Watson and somebody, somewhere) "Learning to fly" (at least two songs with this title, one by Pink Floyd) "Fear of Flying" (think there's more than one called this as well). |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: autoharpbob Date: 10 Nov 09 - 07:32 AM Nobody mentioned James Taylor's "Fire and Rain" - "Sweet dreams and Flying machines in pieces on the ground" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Roger Knowles Date: 10 Nov 09 - 04:51 AM Tom T Hall had a good song "I Flew Over Our House Last Night" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Jim P Date: 09 Nov 09 - 10:31 PM The song by Al Stewart alluded to by many people is Flying Sorcery, about Amy Johnson, not Amelia Erhart: Flying Sorcery Tab And, although I haven't actually performed it, I did write a take-off on "Snoopy and the Red Baron" that kind of fits here; I've been obsessed with WWI aircraft and aces ever since I was a kid (Air Force brat). I wrote it more as a "get it off my chest" kind of thing. I fully realize that I'm taking a bit of fluff way too seriously, but what the hell. If anybody's interested: The Real Red Baron By Jim Partridge TTTO: Snoopy and the Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen You've all heard the story As it often is told 'Bout the funny-looking dog With the big black nose But behind the cartoon If you look back then In the skies over France Fought real, live men Baron Manfred von Richthofen Was a brave man Told to use camouflage But he had his own plan He said a man doesn't hide From his enemy Had his plane painted red To be easy to see 20, 40, 60, 80, that was his score The Red Baron fought 'Till he could fight no more He died as he lived Fighting World War One But there's more to the man Than the cartoon Hun He started the war In the cavalry But in 1914 That meant delivery He said, "I want to fight, Not just be in supply" So he transferred out And he learned how to fly. He didn't do well But he was devout He crashed more than once And he almost washed out But he kept on trying And he finally won That bright silver badge That said he could fly alone. 20, 40, 60, 80, that was his score The Red Baron flew Like none had done before He fought for his country As a knight of the air But death was waiting for him With its empty eyed stare The life of a flier Back in The Great War Was violent and brief Men died by the score Richthofen was lucky He was taught by the best And he kept on flying While death claimed the rest Then finally one morning Over the Somme A Canadian flier By the name of Brown Saw an all-red plane About to shoot down a friend So he dove down A legend came to an end The question's unsolved Down to this day "Who killed the Red Baron?" No one can say Some believe it was Aussies Firing from the ground Some still say That it was Roy Brown 20, 40, 60, 80, that was his score With a bullet in his heart He would ne'er again soar From us he deserves To be remembered more As the brave fighting man Not the cartoon bore 20, 40, 60, 80, that was the score Of the greatest flying ace Of the First World War Other men tried But failed to beat the spree Of the Bloody Red Baron Of Germany |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST Date: 09 Nov 09 - 07:46 PM Whats the use of wings if you cant Fly me to the moon I am the pilot of something or other |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,lumbago Date: 09 Nov 09 - 12:33 PM The Letter by The Box Tops Going To California by Led Zeppelin The Only Living Boy In New York by Simon & Garfunkel |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Mick Woods Date: 08 Jun 09 - 09:02 AM "Fat Angel" by Donovan, tells us to: "Fly Jefferson Airplane" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST Date: 08 Jun 09 - 08:10 AM Kristina Olsen Dangerous |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: bubblyrat Date: 08 Jun 09 - 04:51 AM Starwood in Aspen ( John Denver ) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: BobKnight Date: 07 Jun 09 - 12:05 PM "I'm Mandy-Fly Me" 10cc, and a really obscure one - "The Day I Jumped From Uncle Harvey's Plane" by Roger Miller. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: evansakes Date: 07 Jun 09 - 09:18 AM I'm reminded of the sign above the entrance to Liverpool John Lennon International reads "Above us only Sky". I heard Pete Wylie adding a little anecdote at a gig once....he was saying one time he arrived back there to find someone had taped a note on the board above the baggage arrival carousel. "Imagine no possessions" Made me laugh anyway.... ps "Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night?" (Butch Hancock) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Ken Brock Date: 07 Jun 09 - 07:57 AM Flying Down to Rio, from the first Fred Astaire / Ginger Rogers movie. There are several references in THE GOLDEN APPLE (Moross-LaTouche, 1954), to the arrival (with a traveling salesman named Paris) and departure (Paris along with Helen, wife of Mayor Menelaus) in a hot air balloon (which lands on stage). This is on Mount Olympus - in circa 1900 Washington State. Onlookers include Mrs. Juniper, Miss Minerva, Lovey Mars, and Ulysses and Penelope Simpson. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Neil D Date: 06 Jun 09 - 04:03 PM By the way here is a link to "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by NMH. I listened to it again after being reminded of it and felt like sharing. What a great song, and a pretty moving homemade video as well. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Neil D Date: 06 Jun 09 - 03:49 PM I'm glad to see that M TED listed "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Not to many have heard of them but that short lived band was awesome. Not really folk (sometimes categorized as psych folk but more often indie rock), but awesome and hugely innovative. Critically acclaimed as well, the album of that name made many top ten of the 90s lists. I'd recommend them to anyone. There seems to have been several songs about Amelia Earhart. Well here is an exceptional one by another under appreciated indie band, The Handsome Family. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Jack Campin Date: 06 Jun 09 - 03:30 PM Isn't there a Steve Earle song about 9/11 from the perspective of one of the hijackers? Heard it on the radio a few years ago abut can't trace it now. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Bad Bob Date: 06 Jun 09 - 03:02 PM Involving airplanes, tangentially ---- "So Long, Mom (A Song For World War III)" (Tom Lehrer) So long, mom, I'm off to drop the bomb, So don't wait up for me. But while you swelter Down there in your shelter You can see me On your TV. While we're attacking frontally Watch Brinkally and Huntally Describing contrapuntally The cities we have lost. No need for you to miss a minute of the agonizing holocaust.... Yeah! Little Johnny Jones, he was a US pilot, And no shrinking violet was he. He was mighty proud when World War III was declared. He wasn't scared, no siree! And this is what he said on His way to Armageddon: So long, mom, I'm off to drop the bomb, So don't wait up for me. But though I may roam, I'll come back to my home Although it may be A pile of debris. Remember, mommy, I'm off to get a commie, So send me a salami And try to smile somehow. I'll look for you when the war is over, An hour and a half from now! That Was The Year That Was (1965) (With a big tip o' the hat to the lovely and talented Dr. Demento) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,CupOfTea, no cookies Date: 06 Jun 09 - 12:16 PM My taste/lack thereof may be shown by my usually well hidden delight in such absurdities as: BRIDEY MURPHY AND THE KAMAKAZIE PILOT As sung by Clancy & Makem years ago. Also from the Irish sector, and even longer ago, a sweet lullabye tale: BYE, BYE, BI PLANE Sung by the Irish Rovers on the "All Strung Up" album back in the 70s - WHISKEY ON A SUNDAY and DOES YOUR CHEWING GUM LOOSE IT'S FLAVOR on the same album. Joanne in Cleveland |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Les from Hull Date: 23 Jul 08 - 01:52 PM Actually they are aircraft - but they are not aeroplanes. Ali Baba's Camel? I'll get me bomber jacket... |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Richard Bridge Date: 23 Jul 08 - 01:48 PM I'm almost sure there are some songs about the Hindembrg and teh R101 - not aircraft but airships. Oh, and 100 |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Leadfingers Date: 23 Jul 08 - 01:47 PM 100 |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Joseph de Culver City Date: 22 Jul 08 - 05:45 PM Having a heck of a time finding lyrics for this one. I'll have to check the CD when I can... Steam Powered Areoplane-John Hartford Was Major Tom in an airplane? Will make a note to ask David Bowie. (Right!) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Joe G Date: 22 Jul 08 - 04:58 PM Homecoming Queen by Robb Johnson - one of his best recent songs about a stewardess |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Tangledwood Date: 22 Jul 08 - 04:54 PM Kristina Olsen: The Yellow Piper Heart upon the Hill (they say an RAF went down . . .etc) James Keelaghan: Cold Missouri Waters (smoke jumpers from a C47) Dare we mention American Pie? (the name of Buddy Holly's aircraft) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Dave Illingworth Date: 22 Jul 08 - 03:19 AM AMELIA EARHEART's LAST FLIGHT (Red River Dave McEnery 1939) recorded by many people. Loudon Wainwright's FEAR WITH FLYING (1978) "I'm not afraid of flying - just afraid of crashing". The great Lightnin' Hopkins recorded at least one song about his fear of flying, Fine British singer-songwriter and rocker, Mickey Jupp, wrote YOU'LL NEVER GET ME UP IN ONE OF THOSE (1978) On a non-musical note, I read that the European Union has banned the great DC3 Dakota from passenger carrying, due to more of their silly regulations. For over 60 years the aircraft has had the reputation of the safest aircraft ever built. There is a song to be written there........... |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Joe_F Date: 21 Jul 08 - 08:28 PM There are 30 9/11 songs in _September 11, 2001: A Memorial Songbook_ (M.A.S.S. F.I.L.C., 2001), including several about United 93. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: LesB Date: 21 Jul 08 - 07:24 PM 'Have you seen the saucers' by Jefferson Airplane. Seriously though ;The left left right steady man' by Keith Marsden about a bomb aimer, & Tom Bliss has written an excelllant song about his fathers exploits in a Blenham during the war. Cheers Les |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Val Date: 21 Jul 08 - 12:54 PM It's absolutely not a "folk song" by any stretch of the imagination (just like many of the earlier suggestions), but I rather like "Icarus: Borne On Wings Of Steel" by Kansas. |
Subject: Sky Pilot From: Genie Date: 21 Jul 08 - 12:19 PM This song isn't literally about an airplane pilot, but the imagery is there. SKY PILOT (John Weider/Danny McCulloch/ Eric Burdon/Vic Briggs/Barry Jenkins) (Recorded by Eric Burden & The Animals; Album: The Twain Shall Meet) He blesses the boys as they stand in line, The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine. He's there to help them all that he can, To make them feel wanted he's a good holy man. Sky pilot, Sky pilot, How high can you fly? You'll never, never, never reach the sky. He smiles at the young soldiers, Tells them it's all right. He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight. Soon there'll be blood and many will die, Mothers and fathers back home, they will cry. Sky pilot, Sky pilot, How high can you fly? You'll never, never, never reach the sky. He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile, The order is given, they move down the line, But he's still behind and he'll meditate, But it won't stop the bleeding or ease the hate. As the young men move out into the battle zone He feels good; with God you're never alone. He feels tired and he lays on his bed, Hopes the men will find courage in the words that he said. Sky pilot, Sky pilot, How high can you fly? You'll never, never, never reach the sky. You're soldiers of God, you must understand The fate of your country is in your young hands, May God give you strength, Do your job real well. If it all was worth it Only time it will tell. In the morning they return With tears in their eyes. The stench of death drifts up to the skies. A soldier so ill looks at the sky pilot, Remembers the words "Thou shalt not kill." Sky pilot, Sky pilot, How high can you fly? You'll never, never, never reach the sky. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Genie Date: 21 Jul 08 - 12:03 PM Tattie Bogle posted this: "'He jumped from 40,000 feet without a parachute, x3 And he ain't gonna jump no more. Chorus: Glory, glory, what a terrible way to die, x3 And he ain't gonna jump no more He landed on the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam, x3 And he ain't gonna....... They scooped him off the tarmac like a ...' At which point the memory fails ... " Ah, yes, we sang that song too, except we sang the chorus as: "Gory, gory! What a helluva way to die!" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Genie Date: 21 Jul 08 - 11:59 AM "Live Like You Were Dying" (Tim McGraw?) The chorus starts out, "I went sky diving ... " |
Subject: Songs involving Airplanes: Ebony Eyes From: Genie Date: 21 Jul 08 - 11:56 AM I see that "Wild Blue Yonder" was already mentioned (my "Find" button only scaned one page), as was Lightfoot's "Early Morning Rain." The Everly Brothers' "Ebony Eyes" was also mentioned, but here are the lyrics: EBONY EYES (recorded by The Everly Brothers) On a weekend pass I wouldn't have had time To get home and marry that baby of mine, So I went to the chaplain and he authorized Me to send for my Ebony Eyes. My Ebony Eyes. was coming to me From out of the skies on Flight 1203. In an hour or two I would whisper "I do" To my beautiful Ebony Eyes. SPOKEN: The plane was way overdue so I went inside to the airlines desk and I said "Sir, I wonder why 1203 is so late?" He said "Aww, they probably took off late or they may have run into some turbulent weather and had to alter their course." I went back outside and I waited at the gate and I watched the beacon light from the control tower as it whipped through the dark ebony skies as if it were searching for (my ebony eyes.) And then came the announcement over the loudspeaker- "Would those having relatives or friends on flight number 1203 please report to the chapel across the street at once." Then I felt a burning break deep inside, And I knew the heavenly ebony skies Had taken my life's most wonderful prize, My beautiful Ebony Eyes. If I ever get to heaven I'll bet The first angel I'll recognize, She'll smile at me and I know she will be My beautiful Ebony Eyes. |
Subject: ADD: The U.S. Air Force From: Genie Date: 21 Jul 08 - 11:49 AM Nobody's mentioned the USAF song (originally the song of the US Army Air Corps), THE U.S. AIR FORCE Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder, Climbing high into the sun. Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder. At 'em, boys, give 'er the gun. Down we dive, shooting our flames from under, Off with one hell of a roar. We live in fame or go down in flame - Hey! - Nothing can stop the US Air Force. [Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps] |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Arkie Date: 20 Jul 08 - 05:33 PM Harry Chapin's song Taxi mentioned learning to fly and another stretch of sorts is David Bowie's Major Tom, which is about a space ship or either getting high some other way. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Arkie Date: 20 Jul 08 - 05:23 PM I did not see this one. I think it is in the Digital Tradition database, but I first found it in a paperback songbook many years ago. Teterboro Tower Teterboro Tower (Oscar Brand & Jac Holzman) Teterboro Tower this is Piper 2-0-2 I'm turning on my downwind leg, My fabric's come unglued The stick is burbling in my hand, I think I feel a stall & a bug's caught in my Pilot, my gauges don't read at all Now listen Piper 2-0-2, this is Teterboro Tower I cannot raise the crash crew cause it is their coffee hour & you're not cleared in the pattern, don't try a landing yet Just circle for departure while I mooch a cigarette Help Teterboro Tower, this is Piper 2-0-2 I'm sweating out this landing, I don't know what to do My superhomer's on the blink, & your voice is fading fast Please clear my on my final, or this flight may be my last Now listen Piper 2-0-2, This is Teterboro Tower I'd like to help you buddy, but I just don't have the power The F.A.A's your only hope, so if you've time to spare Just file a form in triplicate & sign the questionaire Teterboro Tower, this is Piper 2-0-2 I'm in Secaucus Hospital & I owe it all to you I'm sorry that I cracked her up & messed your pretty field We'll try it once around again if ever I get healed From Folk Songs for Fun -by Oscar Brand - Hollis Music - 1961 Some slightly more militant lyrics are available (also on an Oscar Brand LP, as I recall) under the title "Itazuke Tower." The primary difference is that this version is geared to post-WWII Japan and involves an Air Force P-51 Mustang. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Stringsinger Date: 20 Jul 08 - 12:42 PM Elmer Hawkes from Boston area wrote "Orville Wright". |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Janice in NJ Date: 19 Jul 08 - 12:28 PM Did anyone mention Early Morning Rain by Gordon Lightfoot? |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Genie Date: 18 Jul 08 - 08:35 PM Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition also, Fly Me To The Moon |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Genie Date: 18 Jul 08 - 08:19 PM The Letter - "Gimme a ticket on an aeroplane, Ain't got time to take a fast plane. Lonely days are gone, My baby just wrote me a letter ... ." |
Subject: Lyr Add - The Green Berets From: Jay777 Date: 18 Jul 08 - 04:18 AM Another new-to-me thread. SouthernCelt mentioned this song, so may as well post the lyrics. "Berets" is pronounced the US way, with the emphasis on the last syllable: "bur-RAY" THE GREEN BERETS, lyrics by SSgt. Barry Sadler, music Robin Moore Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die, Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Greet Berets. CHORUS: Silver wings upon their chests, These are men, America's best, One hundred men we'll test today, But only three win the Green Beret. Trained to live off nature's land, Trained to combat hand to hand. Men who fight by night and day, Courage take from the Green Berets. CHORUS Back at home a young wife waits, Her Green Beret has met his fate, He has died for those oppressed, Leaving her this last request: "Put silver wings on my son's chest, Make him one of America's best, He'll be a man they'll test one day, Have his turn to win the Green Beret." This is another of those songs which is probably not considered PC these days, and I personally don't like songs that glorify war. However, it's a good, rousing, tune, and reflects the attitude of many people in the mid-60s, before the anti-Vietnam War campaign really got going. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Rowan Date: 18 Jul 08 - 12:08 AM Perhaps the Dambusters' March didn't have enough words to qualify? |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,SenorChach Date: 17 Jul 08 - 09:07 PM I can't believe no one mentioned Nazareth - This Flight Tonight |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Dean T Date: 18 Feb 08 - 08:19 AM Hi Barry T. I need to get hold of you regarding some music. Can you go offline? deant AT rovinge DOT com |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 11 Feb 08 - 04:53 AM Meir Ariel "Terminal je taime". A weird but famous Israeli song about a man who goes to airports to watch planes take off. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: ossonflags Date: 11 Feb 08 - 03:58 AM Deportees (The plane wreck at Los Gatos) is the full title ofthe guthroe song. No one has metioned the great kieth marsden song; "left. left, right steady man" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Gene Date: 11 Feb 08 - 02:07 AM The Last Flight of Will Rodgers and Wiley Post/I forget-RRDM? Wow... The Historic Flight of Gary Powers/Red River Dave McEnery L.A. International Airport/Susan Raye Boogie Woogie Flying Cloud/Hank Snow Johnny Zero/Merle Kilgore |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 11 Feb 08 - 01:42 AM What was the Al Stewart song from Year of the Cat? |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: open mike Date: 11 Feb 08 - 12:45 AM Nancy Griffith has an album called Flyer with a song about a pilot she met in an airport when each was flying in different directions. and as Gordon lightfoot says in a previously mentioned song "you can't jump a jet plane like you can a freight train..." |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: open mike Date: 11 Feb 08 - 12:41 AM the Alan Parsons Band --On Air (this group was formerly the Alan Parsons project) has an album all about flight which has several flying songs and one of the earliest cd-rom music disc had an entire encyclopedia of the history of flight and airplanes contained in the c.d. On Air covers the history of airborne exploration, from the mythological flights of Daedalus and Icarus, to Leonardo da Vinci's designs of flying machines, to hot air ballooning, and finally space exploration. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Gerry Date: 10 Feb 08 - 06:21 PM I assume the Guthrie song about Lindbergh a few posts up is to the tune of White House Blues, |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Greg B Date: 10 Feb 08 - 05:27 PM I always loved this verse from the A25 song--- (In the Digital Tradition) "I thought I was coming in high enough but I was fifty feet up when the batsman gave "cut", And loud in my earphones the sweet angels sang: "'Float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, PRANG!" ...having quite a few hours in an airplane that liked to act that way. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Santa Date: 10 Feb 08 - 10:32 AM The Fleet Air Arm has a number of songs involving aeroplanes, not surprisingly. There is a book - the title escapes me - on sale at the Fleet Air Arm Museum. Many are just parodies of current songs: Any Old Iron about the Fulmar, for example. Oh, Mr. Fairey about the Barracuda. The best known one is also in Cyril Tawney's Grey Funnel Line book. The A25 Song. The A25 is an aircraft accident report, and the song has a large number of verses from different periods. example. The batsman says low, but I always fly higher. I come in too fast and I prang my Seafire The guys in the goofers all think I am green But I get my commission from Supermarine! (chorus) Cracking show! I'm alive! But I still have to render my A25. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Kiwi Guest Date: 09 Feb 08 - 10:01 PM There was an Ausie song around the time of the Vietnam war. "The F1 Double 1." |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: nager Date: 09 Feb 08 - 06:42 PM I guess any political song would be appropriate? They would have to be left wing or right wing... |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Lin in Kansas Date: 09 Feb 08 - 06:24 PM Great one, Uncle Phil! Here's another: Gary Allen, "Watching Airplanes" Don't think he wrote this one, but he does a great job performing it. Lin |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 09 Feb 08 - 01:51 PM Has "On a wing and a prayer" been mentioned? |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: topical tom Date: 09 Feb 08 - 11:43 AM John Denver's "Leaving on a Jet Plane |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Uncle Phil Date: 08 Feb 08 - 10:22 PM If nothing else it's easy to remember the words. SILVER WINGS (Merle Haggard) Silver wings shining in the sunlight, Roaring engines headed somewhere in flight. They're taking you away, Leaving me lonely, Silver wings slowly fading out of sight. "Don't leave me." I cried, "Don't take that airplane ride." But you locked me out of your mind, And left me standing here behind. Silver wings shining in the sunlight, Roaring engines headed somewhere in flight. They're taking you away, Leaving me lonely, Silver wings slowly fading out of sight. Silver Wings from the "Last of the Breed" tour - Phil |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Gweltas1 Date: 08 Feb 08 - 09:57 PM Unless I missed it when scrolling down though this thread, there hasn't been a mention of "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines" !! |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Greycap Date: 08 Feb 08 - 07:39 PM Apart from all the aforementioned there's a good one called " Colin Kelly, won't you tell the boys up yonder" which was an old patriotic WWll song about a B-17 pilot, recorded by Chester & Lester Buchanan. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Suffolk Miracle Date: 08 Feb 08 - 06:30 AM Woody Guthrie: Ship in the Sky Well, a curly-headed girl with a bright shining smile Heard the roar of a plane as it sailed through the sky To her playmates she said, with a bright twinkling eye My Daddy flies that ship in the sky x 3 My Mama's not afraid and neither am I 'Cause my Daddy flies that ship in the sky Then a button-nosed kid, as he kicked up his heels He said, My Daddy works in the iron and the steel My Dad builds the planes and they fly through the sky And that's what keeps your daddy up there so high x3 My Dad builds the planes and they fly through the sky And that's what keeps your daddy up there so high Then a freckle-faced kid pinched his toe in the sand He says, My Daddy works at that place where they land You tell your mama, don't be afraid My Dad'll bring your daddy back home again x3 Don't be afraid when it gets dark and rains My Dad'll bring your daddy back home again And slightly more remotely- Woody Guthrie: Lindberg Mister Charlie Lindbergh, he flew to old Berlin, Got 'im a big Iron Cross, and he flew right back again To Washington, Washington. Missus Charlie Lindbergh, she come dressed in red, Said: "I'd like to sleep in that pretty White House bed In Washington, Washington." Lindy said to Annie: "We'll get there by and by, But we'll have to split the bed up with Wheeler, Clark, and Nye In Washington, Washington." Hitler wrote to Lindy, said "Do your very worst," Lindy started an outfit that he called America First In Washington, Washington. All around the country, Lindbergh he did fly, Gasoline was paid for by Hoover, Clark, and Nye In Washington, Washington. Lindy said to Hoover: "We'll do the same as France: Make a deal with Hitler, and then we'll get our chance In Washington, Washington Then they had a meetin', and all the Firsters come, Come on a-walkin', they come on a-runnin', In Washington, Washington Yonder comes Father Coughlin, wearin' the silver chain, Cash on his stomach and Hitler on the brain. In Washington, Washington Mister John L. Lewis would sit and straddle a fence, His daughter signed with Lindbergh, and we ain't seen her since In Washington, Washington Hitler said to Lindy: "Stall 'em all you can, Gonna bomb Pearl Harbor with the help of old Japan." In Washington, Washington Then on a December mornin', the bombs come from Japan, Wake Island and Pearl Harbor, kill fifteen hundred men. Washington, Washington Now Lindy tried to join the army, but they wouldn't let 'im in, 'Fraid he'd sell to Hitler a few more million men. In Washington, Washington So I'm a gonna tell you people: If Hitler's gonna be beat, The common workin' people has got to take the seat In Washington, Washington. And I'm gonna tell you workers, 'fore you cash in your checks: They say "America First," but they mean "America Next!" In Washington, Washington |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Ken Brock Date: 07 Feb 08 - 06:36 PM Cole Porter - I Get a Kick Out Of You. Cited for excellent use of internal rhymes such as _fly_ing up _high_ with some _guy_ in the _sky_ is my _i_dea of nothing to do. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Santa Date: 07 Feb 08 - 04:14 PM Paxton: I lost my heart on a 747. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Mark Ross Date: 07 Feb 08 - 02:49 PM SHIP IN THE SKY by Woody Guthrie and or course; THERE'LL BE A HOT, HOT TIME IN LAKEHURST NEW JERSEY WHEN THE HINDENBURG COMES TO TOWN.. Mark Ross |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,saltz Date: 07 Feb 08 - 02:37 PM Airport, The Motors 1978. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Sandy Mc Lean Date: 07 Feb 08 - 01:30 PM The Irish Rovers sang this: |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: SouthernCelt Date: 07 Feb 08 - 01:19 PM To Guest, Rich: Yes, the Byrds were 8 miles high but I never asssumed they used an aircraft ;-). Don't see "Ballad of the Green Berets" mentioned. (Yes, I realize it doesn't say airplane but the first line is "Fighting soldiers from the sky...") This one may not be remembered by anyone but late 60s "hawks" and John Wayne fans. SC |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Santa Date: 07 Feb 08 - 06:25 AM Early Morning Rain: Gordon Lightfoot |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: M.Ted Date: 07 Feb 08 - 06:21 AM "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Barry T Date: 06 Feb 08 - 11:06 PM I remember this whimsical tune from a Laurie Bower Singers LP back in the early 70's. I also remember The Irish Rovers singing it on their TV show. I think the title is correct, but I was unable to track down the name of the composer. I WISH I WAS A PLANE I wish I was a plane so I could fly above the rain And leave my worries on the ground. The worries in my mind are the imaginary kind And if I was a plane they couldn't bring me down. Maybe if I was a kite they'd never make things right I'd get so tied down with a string. Besides, they'd need a breeze so they could fly along with ease And if I was a plane I wouldn't need a thing. Chorus ------ Above the clouds I would fly in a sky that is blue All the world will be down instead of me. Though the mountains would try they would not get as high I know they'd try to touch me but I'd be too free. Oh the world will never see a plane as high as me My silver wings will touch the sun. I won't rest till I find a spot up in the sky A spot abover the clouds just big enough for me. Chorus Repeat first verse |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: oldhippie Date: 06 Feb 08 - 08:19 PM "Tchpone" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Volgadon Date: 06 Feb 08 - 07:26 PM Vladimir Vysotsky wrote many songs about pilots in WW2. Yak-Istrebitel (Yak fighter plane) is told from the POV of the plane!!!! The plane can't stand the 'one who sits inside me'. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Neil D Date: 06 Feb 08 - 07:14 PM "Treetop Flyer" performed by Stephen Stills. Don't know if he wrote it or not. Very nice guitar work. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Nick E Date: 06 Feb 08 - 06:37 PM Jefferson Airplane, Planes from the reuniun album I love Planes Jet Aircraft I love Planes Jet Aircraft He was just a little boy and he sat there in his school And the little girl in the very next chair she thought he was so cool And she watched him draw and draw Planes and wings and flying things Even during tests he'd keep on drawing And his mother didn't want him and his father was always working so he Just set his head to the center of the sky and dreamed of FLYING at first like a leaf floating in the air Now like an eagle soaring there FLYING Great roaring engines now will lift my wings Rockets now and spacecraft to the center of the sky I'm getting ready for a great leap forward Ready for a leap in the pool Ready to touch the stars again Ready to go back to school Puttin' the pieces together Put on your wings and come with me and Fly fly fly to the center of the sky let's go Flying I love Planes Experimental Aircraft I love Planes Jet Jet Jet Aircraft Breaking through The sound barrier Into Into the Light And the little boy is still like a little boy and he met another little girl and they made another little boy And the new little guy still loves planes and flying things And both his mother and father love him and Hold him and hug him whenever he needs it and Soon will send him lovingly to the center of the sky and teach him Flying and Dreaming and Visions True Flying I love Planes Jet Aircraft I love Planes Sensual Aircraft |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Tattie Bogle Date: 05 Feb 08 - 08:14 PM One we used to sing in the Girl Guides: He jumped from 40,000 feet without a parachute, x3 And he ain't gonna jump no more. Chorus: Glory, glory, what a terrible way to die, x3 And he ain't gonna jump no more He landed on the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam, x3 And he ain't gonna....... They scooped him off the tarmac like a ............... At which point the memory fails and I'll go to bed, but not before posting a song I wrote for my son when he was 18 and had aspirations to becone an airline pilot: he's since seen sense and gone down the line of being a musician instead! (Emmie Lou was the family cat, by the way!) FLY AWAY WITH ME Written for Ewan's 18th birthday - 24.11.01. On 24.11.83. Such a beautiful baby, what would you be When you came to manhood, we would see What destiny held for you? Could you be Thomas the Tank's trusty driver, or a Teenage Mutant Ninja fighter, Or a singer in a band that could get no higher? But flying's the life for you. Chorus: So fly me away again, I just wanna ride in your jet plane, I just wanna hear those engines roar As we fly to a foreign shore - oh now We can go, just me and you, Or take Daddy and your big sister too, Both your Grannies and your Grandads, even Emmie Lou So let's fly, fly me away. I wanna fly to Africa See the tumbling falls of Victoria Watch some lions on safari in Kenya Take a ride on camels that sway - oh We'll fly down the Nile to the Valley of the Kings Near Jo'burg we'll see boks on springs And in Zambia we'll buy drums and rings So come fly, fly me away. I wanna fly to Australia Cross the Bass Strait from Tasmania Then in Sydney go to the Opera In the winged house by the harbour, I wanna see Ayres rock, red and brown, Take coffee with the neighbours in Melbourne Town Swim the Barrier Reef, but don't let me drown, And tie me kangaroo down - sport! Chorus: So fly me away again, I just wanna ride in your jet plane, I just wanna hear those engines roar As we fly to a foreign shore - oh now We can go, just me and you, Or take Daddy and your big sister too, Both your Grannies and your Grandads, even Emmie Lou So let's fly, fly me away. And I wanna fly over the Arctic Sea I wanna see polar bears run free And fish through the ice just to catch their tea, And maybe spot the odd whale - oh, Then take me South to the other Pole To p-pick up a p-penguin, ain't they droll, As they fall off the rocks as the breakers roll, So come fly, fly me away. To scale Everest would be a drama I wanna take tea with the Dalai Lama And see the cone of Fujiyama And walk the Great Wall of China, but don't Fly me over Afghanistan - we might Get shot down by the Taliban Or even some of President Bush's gang who can't Recognise your airliner. Chorus: So fly me away again, I just wanna ride in your jet plane, I just wanna hear those engines roar As we fly to a foreign shore - oh now We can go, just me and you, Or take Daddy and your big sister too, Both your Grannies and your Grandads and Emmie Lou So let's fly, fly me away. And I wanna go samba in Rio City The carnival girls are oh so pretty And to climb the Andes would be real gritty Put your senses in disarray - oh And I wanna fly over the Empire State And even flip under the Golden Gate And through the Grand Canyon, I can't wait for you to Fly, fly me away. And though Europe, it may be our home, I haven't been to Budapest, Crete or Rome, And I never got to visit the Millennium Dome, they just Couldn't make it pay - so as I Talk of another destination I can see your look of consternation And I think I've really tried your patience So just fly me home to stay. Final Chorus: So you flew me away again I just loved to ride in your jet plane And I loved to hear those engines roar As we flew to those foreign shores - oh then We all went, not just me and you We took Daddy and your big sister too Both your Grannies and your Grandads, even Emmie Lou As we flew, all flew away. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Georgiansilver Date: 05 Feb 08 - 01:56 PM "You belong to me"....(Fly the ocean in a silver plane) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Little Hawk Date: 05 Feb 08 - 01:09 PM Al Stewart wrote a very neat song about Amelia Earhart. Can't recall the title at the moment, but like all Al Stewart songs it was quite intelligently done...fine music and excellent lyrics. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Jim Date: 05 Feb 08 - 12:59 PM Charley Nobel: I love that song! I'd like to learn it, but something about it makes me choke up whenever I hear it; I don't know if I'd be able to make it through the song. Wierd; nothing in my life parallels the story of the song, but it still touches me. Anyway, Daniel, by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: bobad Date: 05 Feb 08 - 10:56 AM Let's Roll - Neil Young |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Johnmc Date: 05 Feb 08 - 10:42 AM "Bill Hosie" by Archie Fisher. About a man's dream. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: bankley Date: 05 Feb 08 - 09:07 AM from 'Shadow of the Twins' "Meanwhile on the deck of some early Boeing flight The controls lost all effect, Cap'n knew something wasn't right He said 'Communications have been compromised', now the treacherous ride begins For Flights eleven and one-seven five on a 'home-run' for the shadow of the twins" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,HuwG at office Date: 05 Feb 08 - 09:00 AM Another apology to John Denver, courtesy of the Barron Knights: My bags were lost an hour ago As you might guess, I'm at Heathrow For all I know, they're on their way to Rome The fog this morning's very dense, My mates are waving through the fence (Hi, Greg!) In all my life, I've never felt so ill (ch) I'm heaving, on a jet plane Don't know if I will fly again Unfortunately, CD not to hand and I forget the rest of it. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: SINSULL Date: 05 Feb 08 - 08:07 AM Kendall Morse tells a Downeast tale of a pair of locals taking a ride in a bi-plane. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,PMB Date: 05 Feb 08 - 06:58 AM Nice one here: Me and Jane in a Plane. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,PMB Date: 05 Feb 08 - 06:32 AM Black hills of Dakota? They managed to write a song about Amy Johnson without actually mentioning her plane |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Teribus Date: 05 Feb 08 - 04:19 AM Surprised that no-one has mentioned Steve Earle's, "Johnny Come Lately". The aircraft mentioned: |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Sandy Mc Lean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 10:20 PM Roy Brown and Wop May It's the Baron! In terror they cried, 80 men tried him . . . 80 men died. With the German Flying Circus, along for the ride Nothing seemed likely to turn the tide . . . Through the haze flew Roy Brown and Wop May Two Royal Air Force fly boys from Canadi-ay. "Stop the Flying Circus!" they'd toast "Down with the Baron!" they'd drink to their host. There was fear in the sky when the Red Baron did fly, For numb was his nerve, and firm his despise. Eighty small emblems appeared as his brand, Each an opponent, shot down by his hand . . . For Manfred was a sniper who wore no disguise, From a fortress in Breslau came bullets with eyes . . . From above, he'd swoop out of the sun, On the doomed Allied pilot he'd open his guns! Through the haze flew Roy Brown and Wop May Two Royal Air Force fly boys from Canadi-ay. "Stop the Flying Circus!" they'd toast "Down with the Baron!" they'd drink to their host. T'was in spring of '18, over Amiens one day On his maiden mission, the rookie Wop May Felt the roar of a tri-plane hurtling his way, There were death lights flashing! He veered from the fray And a free-fall . . . he tried to escape but in vain, For the Baron was right on his heels again. And he prayed, "Take me home Lord, I'm finished I fear..." When high, from the sky, Captain Brown did appear! And with guns ablaze, from above and below, The Great Baron's plane became lifeless and slow . . . And it fluttered and fell to the ground, Where the great ace, Von Richtofen, dying; was found . . . Through the haze flew Roy Brown and Wop May Two Royal Air Force fly boys from Canadi-ay . . . ["To the Flying Circus!" they'd toast "Here's to the Baron!" they'd drink to their host . . . ] |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Greg B Date: 04 Feb 08 - 09:13 PM A handsome young airman lay dying And there on the deck where he lay With mechanics all standing around him These final few words he did say Take the pistons from out of me forehead Connecting rods out of me brain Take the crankshaft from out of me back-bone and assemble the en-gyne again! |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Songster Bob Date: 04 Feb 08 - 08:55 PM Bruce Phillips' "Enola Gay" "Come Josephine in my Flying Machine" "Thank You, Republic Airlines" (for breaking off the neck of my guitar) -- Tom Paxton ... nothing more comes to mind, but probably will once I sign off. Bob |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Charley Noble Date: 04 Feb 08 - 08:11 PM Sir jOhn- Should you be reminded to check what has been posted above? Deportees is a great song but it has been mentioned at least three times before. I, however, made a mistake above in crediting James Keelaghan with composing "Princes of the Skies." Here's the song as Keelaghan sings it with appropriate credit: Princes of the Clouds (Tony Kaduck 1989 SOCAN) I am a flyer, one of those wind-in-the-wires boys At the country fairs, you may have heard my name And I have flown where only wind and wild men go In the skies of France, or west across the plains When war was done, I couldn't go back to the farm There were Curtis Fours and Avros for a song It seemed like single and free was the only way to be I bought a good old craft and I named her Southern Star We drew crowds; they called us "Princes of the Clouds" In the railway towns across the Great Divide We'd come in low, then stage a dogfight for a show Then take the brave ones up for fifty cents a ride Just Bob and me; we didn't need no company And those farm girls made us welcome when we came It seemed like single and free was the only way to be And we swore those glory days would never end We had it planned; we were gonna fly the Rio Grande When I met her at a show near Calgary Becky Ann, she could have had her any man But I bought a ring; she said she'd marry me Bob went on; he headed south toward the sun I couldn't look him in the eye when the time had come He just said, "Single and free, man, it's the only way to be Southern Star got parked behind the old man's barn Six years ago, Bob was flying mail in Mexico When his plane went down; the wreck was never found The thirties came, we went two years without the rain Now I've a factory job, and room and board in town Becky knew that the glory days were through I got a letter from New Orleans the other day And she said, "Single and free is the only way to be Now, Southern Star, take me back and let me dream Oh, Southern Star, I got lost along the way. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: pdq Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:39 PM Airmail Special is also the name of a Benny Goodman song. An especially good vehicle for guitar pioneer Charlie Christian. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:32 PM Deportee |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: The Walrus Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:18 PM The Young Aviator (lay dying) - Okay that's more about a crashed aeroplane The Dive Bomber Song Flying Flying Fortresses The only, only way ("...he's the only Hun, you're the only Pup...") W |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Herga Kitty Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:15 PM I was going to say Coming in on a wing and a prayer, but Severn got there first. I don't think anyone's mentioned, "Ebony Eyes" yet though? Kitty |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Gerry Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:06 PM Levine and His Flying Machine, recorded by Kapelye. There's a Kristina Olsen song, don't remember the name, about a housewife who secretly takes flying lessons. One of her best, imho. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Lonesome EJ Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:04 PM The Ballad of You, Me, and Pooneil Cushingura Saturday Afternoon 3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: number 6 Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:02 PM Steam-Powered Aeroplane - John Hartford Flight 505 - the Rolling Stones biLL |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,Rich Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:01 PM Eight Miles High - The Byrds This Flight Tonight - Joni Mitchell |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 07:00 PM The Wild Blue Yonder - words have rather an ironic ring these days |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: The Sandman Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:58 PM Munich air disaster.The well known folksong Trains and Boats andPlanes |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:56 PM Come Fly With Me Up Up & Away (originally about a balloon but forever associated with TWA, courtesy of Madison Avenue) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: bobad Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:54 PM Coming Into Los Angeles - Arlo Guthrie |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Severn Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:46 PM "Coming In On A Wing And A Prayer", even covered by Joseph Spence and Ry Cooder "Ship In The Sky"- Woody Guthrie, Cisco Houston "Up In The Air, The Junior Birdmen" (Which Robin Williamson & His Merry Band would cover in live shows for fun) "Heaveanly Aeroplane"-covered by The Watersons on "Sound, Sound, Your Instruments of Joy" Oscar Brand's Electra US service songs, with one for each branch, has been reissued bu Collector's Choice as "Four Albums Of Military Song". He also put out a second Air Force LP in 1960, called "Out Of the Blue-More Air Force Songs", as well as a comedy album called "Up In The Air-Songs For Madcap Airmen" and a 2001 CD update of Air Force songs called "The Wild Blue Over Vietnam". All available through "In Country-Folksongs Of Americans In The Vietnam War" (Flying Fish 70552) has more from that era. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: SINSULL Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:10 PM Come Josephine In My Flying Machine Plane Wreck At Los Gatos ( Deportess) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bill D Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:04 PM The Two Lost French Fliers Come Take a Trip in My Airship |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: van lingle Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:01 PM You Can't Catch Me- Chuck Berry Ameila- Joni Mitchell Free Mexican Air Force-Peter Rowan |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: fretless Date: 04 Feb 08 - 06:00 PM Airmail Special -- a bluegrass tune, not in digitrad, begins "When you wake this morning honey, keep your head up to the sky" |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Long Firm Freddie Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:57 PM Snoopy vs The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen Bomber's Moon by Mike Harding LFF |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:30 PM A song about flying, sung from the perspective of an Irishman who wants to go to Amerikay, but once there, longs for the emerald shores of home. He can never make his mind up where he wants to be, and bounces back & forth across the Atlantic like a ping-pong ball, so he's never off a plane. Song is called "Hard To Say Goodbye", a.k.a. "Home Away From Home". Anyone not familiar with this scenario? I had one bag too many just as I was set to leave I was loaded down with bacon and with sausages and tea And I couldn't find my ticket as I'm walking out the door Till I emptied all my bags out on the floor. On board the plane I sip a drink while waiting for the meal Just trying to keep my head from knowing how my stomach feels There's a baby right behind me making sure that I won't sleep And the flight's too full to find another seat And I'm trying to fill out customs forms but I can't find a pen I'm swearing softly to myself I'll never fly again There's a woman right in front of me keeps playing with the seat And someone nearby never washed their feet But I fall asleep at last just as the plane is touching down And I age ten years just waiting for the bags to come around But finally I make it home and I'm barely settled when I'm already making plans to go again |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: BTMP Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:28 PM 'Lucky Lindy', about Lindbergh, probably written in the late Twenties. 'Air Mail Special', a bluegrass tune recorded by Jim & Jesse. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: GUEST,bernie Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:20 PM On a lighter note: Nashville's Pickard & Bowden,at the time of Ghaddafi's introduction of airliner hijacking [apologies to John Denver].... I'm Lybian on a jet plane,dont know if I'll git home again ...Mummar,I hate to go.....etc..... |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Rog Peek Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:17 PM Yukon Air Crash - Phil Ochs Talking Plane Disaster - Phil Ochs Is This Any Way to Run an Airline - Tom Paxton Rog |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Charley Noble Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:01 PM Amelia Earhart's Last Fright by Red River Dave McEnery Deportees by Woody Guthrie Princes of the Clouds by James Keelaghan Cowardly Act by Charlie Ipcar Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: topical tom Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:00 PM The song about Amelia Earhart.I think that is the title: Chorus There's a beautiful, beautiful spot On an island that's shining and fair. Happy landings to you, Amelia Earhart. Farewell, first lady of the air. |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: John MacKenzie Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:59 PM Deportees |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: bobad Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:58 PM Lindberg (Robert Charlebois) |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: cptsnapper Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:57 PM Early Morning Rain: Airport Song by Magna Carta |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:56 PM More here: |
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:49 PM Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines |
Subject: Songs involving Airplanes From: LeTenebreux Date: 04 Feb 08 - 04:43 PM Back in the USSR (Beatles) This Time Tomorrow (The Kinks) Leaving on a Jet Plane (Peter, Paul and Mary) ....your turn.... |
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