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EFDSS May Fete Saturday 17 May!

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Gwenzilla 15 May 08 - 07:18 AM
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Subject: EFDSS May Fete Saturday 17 May!
From: Gwenzilla
Date: 15 May 08 - 07:18 AM

Just to remind folks that the annual May Fete, sponsored by Friends of Cecil Sharp House, is this Saturday, May 17. Admission is FREE.

In honour of the May Fete, Doc Rowe's 1pm lecture on English customs will also be FREE. Also, folks attending the May Fete during the day will be eligible for reduced ticket prices to the Friends of Cecil Sharp House Spring Ceilidh in the evening.

On Saturday May 17th at 12.30pm, the Maypole - the traditional symbol of spring – will be going up at Cecil Sharp House on Regent's Park Road, NW1 and everyone is invited to come along to celebrate the return of the sunshine after the winter gloom.

There will be dancing round the Maypole, along with lots of other dance displays including Irish set dancing, Salsa, Morris, Caribbean quadrilles and clog – not to forget the children and their May garland dance. We hope that everyone, young and old alike, will join in the general dancing. Downstairs in the children's room, there will be special sessions of traditional games, music and dances for youngsters.

There will be a range of excellent craft items for sale, along with home-made cakes and refreshments and plenty of fun for the children with traditional stalls, games and amusements such as tombola, hook-a-duck and bran-tub.

• Maypole dancing
• Dance displays & workshops
• Traditional stalls & games
• Family Barn Dance
• Children's activities
• Music sessions

Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Closest Tube: Camden Town (Northern Line)
Buses: 174 and C2

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