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Harmonica Players Unite!

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JedMarum 08 Jan 00 - 11:02 AM
Terry Allan Hall 08 Jan 00 - 11:41 AM
Terry Allan Hall 08 Jan 00 - 05:56 PM
Lonesome EJ 03 Mar 01 - 07:15 PM
Barry T 03 Mar 01 - 07:52 PM
GUEST,Miles 02 Mar 09 - 11:30 PM
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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: JedMarum
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 11:02 AM

Canker sores? I never had that problem ... but I have picked up an occasional upper resperatory infection after playing harmonica - on a few occasions. I play hard and draw a lot of air, and probably contaminents against my throat and larynx ... I believe the minor irriations caused by that 'spray' can sometimes create a welcome home for bacteria. I have found that if I feel that 'tickle' in my throat after playing that if I gargle with an anti-bacterial mouth wash - an infection never takes root.

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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: Terry Allan Hall
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 11:41 AM

Kevin's Harps ( ) carries that extremely nice harp holder...about $65, as I recall, and worth every penny if you play "rack" harp a lot, as I do.

As for my own harps, I use the Hohner Big River Harp (about $13 from Kevin's Harps), as they really sound fine, last just as long as Marine Band and Blues Harps, and I go through 3-4 sets each year (A, C, D, E, G).

If you can't afford the $65, the Lee Oskar holder (very similar to the no-longer available Elton holders most of us started with years ago) is about $15, and is pretty good for the money.

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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: Terry Allan Hall
Date: 08 Jan 00 - 05:56 PM

While looking for something else, I found the ad for the aforementioned harp rack:

Blues Tools
P O Box 4045-A
Oak Park, Il. 60303-4045
(312) 409-7771

In the July,'96 edition of Acoustic Guitar, it is listed as $60 + $5 (S/H), so it's probably a few $ more, now. (I bought mine about 5 years ago at a NAMM show, and I think they'd just been I recall, I gave $40-45 for it, and still love it.)

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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 03 Mar 01 - 07:15 PM

I recently bought a Shure Green Bullet mic, and I like it. I play it through a Crate Acoustic 60 W amp, and it sounds great. Now I realize the reason for using an amp miked to the PA - if your band is amplified you can only hear the harp if you stand in front of your amp, in which case it feeds back. Duh.

I've run into some interesting quirks in the Lee Oskars. When played hard, the reeds seem to have a tendency to stick or clog. When I'm getting ready to do a tune that requires hard harp playing, I now choose the Hohners because they seem to play cleaner and clearer under stress.

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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: Barry T
Date: 03 Mar 01 - 07:52 PM

I play the Hohner 12 hole chromatic. I was taught by my Dad, so I grew up listening to and trying to emulate the sounds of the Jerry Murad and the Harmonicats, Borra Minevitch and the Harmonica Rascals, The Mulcays, et. al.

But now I'm happy playing Celtic slow airs while I fingerpick a quiet background on guitar.

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Subject: RE: Harmonica Players Unite!
From: GUEST,Miles
Date: 02 Mar 09 - 11:30 PM

Visit for the Greatest Blues Harp lessons and info.

Made by Adam Gussow of "Satan and Adam". One of the greatest Blues Harmonica players to live. If you like Raw, heavy swinging must check out "Satan and Adam"...

....or go on youtube for over 170 FREE lessons on blues harp by the master himself "Adam Gussow".

See you there.

    As this is your first posting of the exact same message you've posted to a myriad of other harmonica threads, tonight, we will allow this one. It is not necessary to post the same thing to so many threads. In future, it would be better if you would start a thread of your own about this teacher or website and we really encourage membership. It's free. Thank you,
    a moderator

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