Subject: In appreciation of Dolly From: Dave the Gnome Date: 14 Nov 08 - 05:06 PM Something on the TV set me looking up 'Butterflies'. Those in the UK will remember the TV series with Wendy Craig and Geofrey Palmer. I never relaised at the the time that the theme was written by the estemed Ms Parton and, apart from the obvious, Dolly certainly has a look to look at:-) Here is Love is like a butterfly or a start. Then I found I will always love you whih is far better than the Whitney Houston version, IMHO. So, come on lads (and lassies) Lets hear it for Dolly! Lets not forget Islands in the Stream, even if it was written by the Bee Gees! And who could ever forget the TOTP presentation of Coat of may colours Yet all people seem to be interested in is Dollies prominent bits. What a shame. Love DeG |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Dave the Gnome Date: 14 Nov 08 - 05:38 PM And just to show it ain't just love of Dolly - How about this version of Jolene? D. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Dave the Gnome Date: 15 Nov 08 - 06:51 AM Ah well. Must just be me then:-) |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: bubblyrat Date: 15 Nov 08 - 07:00 AM Always thought of Dolly as an outstanding figure (no pun intended). |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: maeve Date: 15 Nov 08 - 07:28 AM I have a high regard for Dolly too. Have you read about her Booklady program for children in rural areas? |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: VirginiaTam Date: 15 Nov 08 - 07:31 AM The few times I've seen her in interview, she seemed to be down to earth, genuine and funny and unfraid to make fun of her own celebrity. Loved her as Truvy in Steel Magnolias. Can't say that remember much about other films I have seen her in. Music not to my taste, regardless who is performing it. Although I do remember liking her Coat of Many Colors when I was much much much younger. I liked the message in Coat.... Just had another listen. Tiny bit of nostalgia is all I feel now. Doesn't really appeal to my current tastes. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Janie Date: 15 Nov 08 - 07:56 AM Count me a big fan. I think she is a terrific song writer and I love her voice. I addition, she is one smart woman. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: topical tom Date: 15 Nov 08 - 09:46 AM I like Dolly and her music because she is down-to-earth and is not afraid to tell it like it is.I like the vast majority of her music, and "Coat of Many Colors" still can make me tear up a little.I especially like her songs rooted in Smoky Mountains life and culture."Dem Bones"(not sure of the title) and "Mountain Angel" I find most moving.In all, a good person and a delightful singer. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Peter the Squeezer Date: 15 Nov 08 - 11:07 AM Dolly always was talanted. Long may she reign! Peter |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: olddude Date: 15 Nov 08 - 11:13 AM Love her, like you said people seem to only talk about her attributes but she is one heck of a musician |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Acorn4 Date: 15 Nov 08 - 11:19 AM Favourites:- In the Sweet Bye and Bye. Eagle When She Flies. Great singer - has written her fair share of dross which us inevitable when you've written 3,000 songs, but there are also some real masterpieces. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Nov 08 - 11:42 AM Always felt as though I shouldn't like her, as she is on the surface something I dislike in women, bleached, blond, and an exhibitionist. Then you hear her talk about her upbringing, and her charity, and you realise, she's a wonderful lady. Still not a fan of whiny country music though! ;) JM |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Nancy King Date: 15 Nov 08 - 12:31 PM I've thought for a long time that Dolly Parton is one of the best songwriters around. My favorites are "To Daddy" and "Old Flames," though there are many other great ones as well. She really has a flair for getting to the heart of an idea and using words to express it brilliantly. And I love the way she uses her voice, as in "There's More Where That Came From." She's smart and funny and self-deprecating. When Jay Leno or one of those guys asked her how long it took her to do her hair like that, she answered brightly, "I don't know. I'm never there!" Long live Dolly! Nancy |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: GUEST,Jim Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:02 PM Tennesee Mountain Home is a great song. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: gnu Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:11 PM G! "whiny country music"??? Nay, Nay. That woman has a talent and a heart that few can equal. "Whiny" is the last thing I would call her music. I am hoping you just haven't heard enough of this truly great artist.... and, fine person. Of course, I can only judge her by her music and her appearences on talk shows, but, sign me up as a trulay appreciative fan of the music and the person. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:20 PM No g, I mean whiny country music as a whole, not as the output of the lovely Ms Parton. JM |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Brakn Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:22 PM My favourite - Wold Flowers. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: GUEST,Russ Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:40 PM I've been a Dolly fan since I first saw her with Porter Wagoner. I've always liked her music and respected her as a person. She's always seemed to me to be one of the few performers I would like to meet. I was fairly young when I first saw Dolly on TV. I remember that she tended to wear dresses with long sleeves and buttons to the throat. I didn't really notice her physical attributes until a lecherous friend pointed them out. Russ (Permanent GUEST) |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: fat B****rd Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:51 PM I enjoyed the film "9 to 5" as well, Her 'Work Song' (not to be confused with the Adderleys) is great, and I'm with Jim on 'My Tennessee Mountain Home' And she does take the mickey out of herself. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Acorn4 Date: 15 Nov 08 - 02:53 PM I'm also amazed at how she manages the fingerpicking with those long nails on the hand that does the fretting! |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: CarolC Date: 15 Nov 08 - 03:25 PM I never particularly like her music until she teemed up with Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt. Together, I think they're amazing. Here they are singing one of Jean Ritchie's songs (and some others)... I once heard Parton tell a story about a heckler at one of her concerts. She said that guy yelled up from the audience saying, "Hey Dolly! Are they real?", to which Dolly answered... "No! They're wigs!" |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Dave the Gnome Date: 15 Nov 08 - 03:34 PM Phew - Glad it isn't just me then:-) I was starting to worry! DeG |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: RiGGy Date: 15 Nov 08 - 08:03 PM A fond memory from my youth, ca1970: The Wisconsin State Fair presenting headliners Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner. Dolly gets up to start second half, solo with nylon string guitar. 1/2 hour set of purely traditional material, sung by a true tradition-bearer. Thank you, Dolly. Riggy |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: paula t Date: 16 Nov 08 - 02:53 PM I think Dolly has one of the most beautiful and pure voices around. She manages this purity without sounding "ickle girlie". She combines this with character and deceptive power. Fantastic. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Banjiman Date: 16 Nov 08 - 03:16 PM She's just great....... had a bit of a down turn in her "cabaret years" (Islands In The Stream, 9 to 5 etc) but her early stuff and her more recent return to a bluegrass type of sound are truly insprational. One smart, down to earth, genuine (most of her anyway!) lady as well. As I say, one of the true greats. Paul |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: M.Ted Date: 16 Nov 08 - 03:20 PM I've been a fan since the "Porter and Dolly" days--in those days, she did more of the things that I like, but she's always been a triple threat--singer, guitarist, and songwriter--and there's not many of them-- |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Folkiedave Date: 16 Nov 08 - 03:28 PM Silver Dagger. Brilliant song. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Rasener Date: 16 Nov 08 - 03:54 PM I am a big fan Dolly and love this one I am sure Paul would like this one. :-) >>I never particularly like her music until she teemed up with Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt. Together, I think they're amazing<< Couldn't agree more CarolC Love this one as well And this And this And this And this So so talented. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Rasener Date: 16 Nov 08 - 04:03 PM Whoops >>Couldn't agree more CarolC << I mean't that I love that lot singing together, but I still love Dolly Parton on her own. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: GUEST,Sheila Date: 16 Nov 08 - 06:35 PM I have loved her from the first time I heard her voice in a store and tracked down the manager to find out who was singing. Joke all you wish about her hair and figure - she'll be the first to say "Heaven helps those who help themselves!" She's a beautiful singer and songwriter, and when she gets on the stage, as she has on several July 4th from Washington broadcasts, the program becomes electric! She's a top-notch performer! I love her! Sheila |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: CarolC Date: 16 Nov 08 - 07:06 PM I think she might also be the one who said, "If you've got it, decorate it". |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Janie Date: 16 Nov 08 - 09:09 PM Talking somewhere about her numerous cosmetic surgeries, she was quoted as saying, "It's expensive to look this cheap." Years ago I read an interview in which she said keeping the big wigs and eyelashes out almost as far as her bustline as her public appearance disquised her well enough that she could take all that off and go to grocery store unrecognized and unmobbed by fans. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: catspaw49 Date: 16 Nov 08 - 10:09 PM Dolly at her worst is better than almost all others at their best. Forget the wigs, boobs, make-up, and all the other glitter. When Dolly sings, the mountains are near. I remember when Whitney Houston had the smash with "I Will Always Love You" which Parton had written for Porter. Houston screamed and cried and played all around several octaves showing me once again why I hate the type. Listening to Dolly sing it is almost a religious experience. And when she teamed with Emmylou and Linda.........For me and I suspect a few others, it just doesn't get better than that. The clip Carol linked of Jean's "Dear Companion" is fantastically beautiful but my favorite performance on YouTube was a bit earlier doing The Sweetest Gift. Here are three women who all love trad music and all love to sing harmony. Does it get better? No. Next case please.......... Spaw |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: VirginiaTam Date: 17 Nov 08 - 02:38 AM I have to agree, that Dolly does "I Will Always Love You" miles better than Whitney. And yes I do rather prefer the stuff that makes the mountains draw near. I do rather like her voice and the melodies are very good. Is it just that some of the lyrics seem a bit too Hallmark cardesque? Can't lay my finger on it. Must listen some more. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly From: Jack Blandiver Date: 17 Nov 08 - 06:45 AM Just landed here in smiling anticipation, but ultimately dismayed despite my general fondness of the Little Sparrow and her recent spate of Sugar Hill albums especially - Halos and Horns in particular, though I got a bit lost during her overly ambitious take on Stairway to Heaven, any cover of which just has to be ironic - be it Rolf Harris or Frank Zappa... hmmm - maybe it was come to think of it. Anyway, it wasn't that Dolly I was expecting, rather the other Dolly, to the appreciation of whom I've opened up another thread. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,Jim Date: 18 Nov 08 - 03:05 PM Dolly said, in an interview in a guitar magazine (Acoustic Guitar or Frets I think) that she clipped her nails when she wanted to play the guitar or banjo seriously. She said that she tuned open and did barre chords most of the time. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: Cluin Date: 18 Nov 08 - 03:13 PM Dolly's flamboyant looks and personality often overshadow the fact that she is a great talent, both at songwriting and perfoming. And a great business head, as well. Sell her short at your peril. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: glueman Date: 18 Nov 08 - 03:26 PM Jolene is one of the best songs in any genre, anywhere, ever. Dolly's a marvel with a great voice. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,maple_leaf_boy Date: 19 Nov 08 - 10:30 AM That's a good tune. I saw an Indie-Bakersfield style of band that did a cover of Jolene. Before that, I mainly liked Dolly singing Mule Skinner Blues, and a couple of other ones. I didn't really care too much for Jolene, but when I saw a band do a cover of it, and put a lot of feeling in it, I took a new appreciation for Dolly's version. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: Jack Blandiver Date: 19 Nov 08 - 11:16 AM Has anyone mention These Old Bones yet? I love that & have even been known to sing it myself, albeit in private... |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: Cluin Date: 19 Nov 08 - 10:23 PM Rhonda Vincent & The Rage do a good bluegrass cover of "Jolene". |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: topical tom Date: 19 Nov 08 - 11:30 PM Insane Beard: "these Old Bones" is the title that I should have posted rather than "Them Bones". I really goofed on that one. I agree that it is a great, beautifully crafted song.Dolly surely has the gift and the fire melded in a beautiful voice. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,highlandman at work Date: 20 Nov 08 - 11:08 AM I agree, her musical talent is amazing. I especially enjoy her more recent efforts to get back to her roots (that sounds corny but on her it works). I have spent time in Sevier County, Tennessee (the Parton home territory) and I was impressed with how well respected she is in the community. Of course no one of her stature can be unanimously liked, but on the whole she is well-loved by her hometown people, and thought of as a wholly authentic human being. There is a life-sized Dolly statue (younger, guitar in lap) in the town square in Sevierville. Local legend holds that there is healing virtue in the statue's more, um, prominent parts. Enough people apparently believe this that said parts are rather smoother than the surrounding bronze. No kidding. -Glenn |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego Date: 20 Nov 08 - 06:47 PM Dolly is a trouper. Some years ago, a friend presented me with a couple of tickets to see Kenny Rogers and Dolly in a concert at the local sports arena. During Dolly's part of the show, which was presented in the round (no pun) on a center stage, the famous prefrontal superstructure flopped out of the top of her peasant blouse and confronted the audience with something only previously seen by her husband, so far as we're told. She did not bat an eye, but quickly repaired the fallout damage and called out, "Sorry folks; I didn't mean to moon y'all." Unfortunately, I had an oblique view. And not once did the emcee introduce her thus: "Her they are, ladies and gentlemen, Dolly Parton!" |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: fumblefingers Date: 20 Nov 08 - 08:59 PM I remember her from the Porter Wagoner days when she and I were both 18. I like her version Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)as well as anything she's done. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,Greycap Date: 21 Nov 08 - 07:59 PM This lady's superb talent, musical knowledge, recording career, song-writing ability and sheer show-business acumen and personality are incredible!! No more can be said by me. Dolly, you are an inspiration. Love ya!! I met you once at Webley, England, never washed the hand that shook yours since. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: banjoman Date: 22 Nov 08 - 07:30 AM Best lady singer by miles - love her songs especially coat of many colours which I play over and over in the car. Folkie friends think I'm a bit of a idiot for liking Dolly Parton but I always point out the huge contribution she has made not just to C&W music but across the musical spectrum A genius and a great lady - thanks for all the enjoyment over many years Pete |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: bankley Date: 22 Nov 08 - 10:14 AM I saw Laurie Anderson doing a brilliant impersonation of Dolly a few years ago..... and no discussion would be complete without a joke concerning her other natural endowments... "Why does Dolly Parton have such a small waist ?" "cuz things don't grow well in the shade" |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,Black Hawk on Works PC Date: 25 Nov 08 - 04:40 AM Re. her modesty & her statue. In a TV interview she said her family were always there to bring her back to earth if she started to act 'above herself'. When the statue was erected her father told her, 'It may be a statue to you but to the pigeons its an outhouse.' Fantastic singer, guitar player & songwriter. |
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton From: GUEST,Neil Copeland Date: 10 May 10 - 11:09 AM "Your smile is like the breath of spring, Your voice is like the summer rain." Anyone else would make these lines the words of the lover to his beloved. Dolly's genius in making them a woman's description of her rival is unmatched anywhere. |
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