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Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks

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Joe Offer 05 Dec 08 - 02:24 AM
Joe Offer 05 Dec 08 - 02:38 AM
Joe Offer 05 Dec 08 - 02:54 AM
cetmst 05 Dec 08 - 09:44 AM
Steve Gardham 05 Dec 08 - 01:25 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 05 Dec 08 - 01:46 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 05 Dec 08 - 08:34 PM
cetmst 05 Dec 08 - 09:23 PM
cetmst 06 Dec 08 - 10:33 AM
Joybell 07 Dec 08 - 03:26 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 07 Dec 08 - 03:38 PM
cetmst 08 Dec 08 - 08:00 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 08 Dec 08 - 05:11 PM
Joybell 08 Dec 08 - 10:17 PM
Jim Dixon 09 Dec 08 - 01:21 AM
Jim Dixon 09 Dec 08 - 09:17 AM
Jim Dixon 09 Dec 08 - 01:58 PM
cetmst 10 Dec 08 - 07:14 AM
cetmst 10 Dec 08 - 07:37 AM
Jim Dixon 11 Dec 08 - 12:36 AM
cetmst 11 Dec 08 - 05:17 PM
cetmst 11 Dec 08 - 06:00 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 11 Dec 08 - 10:42 PM
cetmst 12 Dec 08 - 07:02 AM
Jim Dixon 12 Dec 08 - 09:22 AM
Jim Dixon 12 Dec 08 - 07:43 PM
cetmst 12 Dec 08 - 09:36 PM
Jim Dixon 13 Dec 08 - 12:08 AM
Jim Dixon 13 Dec 08 - 01:07 AM
cetmst 13 Dec 08 - 05:31 PM
Jim Dixon 15 Dec 08 - 11:59 AM
Jim Dixon 16 Dec 08 - 04:00 PM
Jim Dixon 16 Dec 08 - 06:24 PM
Jim Dixon 16 Dec 08 - 08:47 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 16 Dec 08 - 09:05 PM
Jim Dixon 17 Dec 08 - 12:24 PM
Jim Dixon 18 Dec 08 - 09:53 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 18 Dec 08 - 11:49 PM
Jim Dixon 19 Dec 08 - 10:26 AM
Jim Dixon 19 Dec 08 - 12:22 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 19 Dec 08 - 01:37 PM
Jim Dixon 21 Dec 08 - 12:47 PM
Jim Dixon 22 Dec 08 - 01:05 AM
Jim Dixon 22 Dec 08 - 08:00 AM
cetmst 22 Dec 08 - 09:49 AM
Jim Dixon 22 Dec 08 - 04:40 PM
Jim Dixon 25 Dec 08 - 06:35 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 25 Dec 08 - 03:49 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 25 Dec 08 - 08:17 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 26 Dec 08 - 01:42 PM
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Subject: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbook
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 02:24 AM

      This is an edited PermaThread®, intended to provide index information for songbooks published in the 19th and early 20th century. This thread will be edited by Q and Joe Offer. Feel free to post to this thread, but remember that all messages posted here are subject to editing or deletion.
      In most cases, the person who posted the index owns a copy of the book in question, or at least has access to it. If there's a song listed here that you'd like to have lyrics or melody for, post a request below. We'll move your request to a new thread and give you an answer.
      -Joe Offer-

If you're not sure whether an index belongs here, go ahead and post it. If this index gets too big, I'll split it and move some indexes to another thread. That's what I did with the school songbooks threads when they got too big.

You'll see above that this thread is linked with all our other indexing projects. We hope people will use [CTRL-F] to search this thread for the song they're seeking. Then they can ask the owner of the book to post the lyrics.

Search for Index: (include the colon) in our Old Forum Search and you'll see how it's supposed to work.

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Subject: Index: Beadle's Dime Song Book, No. 2
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 02:38 AM


The Dime Song Book, No. 2

A Collection of New and Popular
Comic and Sentimental Songs
Originally published in 1860 by Irwin P. Beadle U Co., New York
reprinted by Applewood Books

Alice Gray
Banks of the Old Mohawk
Be Kind to Each Other
Billy Grimes the Rover
Bryan O'Lynn
Come Sit Thee Down
Cora Lee
Crazy Jane
Darling Nelly Moore
Darling Old Stick
Fireman's Victory
Good News from Home
Grave of Lilly Dale
Graves of a Household
Home, Sweet Home
I have no Mother Now
I'm leaving Thee in Sorrow, Annie
I miss Thee so
I Shouldn't Like to Tell
I Wandered by the Brook-Side
Katy Darling
Kathleen Mavourneen
Little Katy; or, Hot Corn
Mary of the Wild Moor
Mable Clare
Mary Alleen
Mill May
Minnie Moore
Minnie Dear
Mrs. Lofty and I
Mr. Finagan
My Eye and Betty Martin
My Love is a Sailleur Boy
My Mother Bear
My Grandmother's Advice
Mv Mother's Bible
Nancy Bell; or, Old Pine Tree
New England
Oh! I'm Going Home
Oh! Scorn not Thy Brother
Oh! the Sea, the Sea
Old Sideling Hill
Our Boyhood Days
Our Father Land
Peter Gray
Rory O'More
Somebody's waiting for Somebody,
The Farmer Sat in his Easy Chair
The Farmer's Boy
The Irishman's Shanty
The Old Folks are Gone
The Post-Boy's Song
The Quilting Party
Three Bells
'Tis Home where the Heart is
Waiting for the May
We Stand Here United
What other Name than Thine, Mother?
Where the Bright Waves are Dashing
What is Home without a Mother
Widow Machree
Willie's on the Dark Blue Sea
Winter—Sleigh-Bell Song

Beadle's Dime Song Book No. 10 available online.

See Index of the Songs In Beadle's Song Books, 1858 to 1870 for a complete index, and follow the provided links for historical information on the series.
Review (1864) of Beadle Dime Books here (click). Excerpt:
    These works are issued by Messrs. Beadle & Co., of New York, in virtue of an enterprise started in the year 1859. They already amount to several hundred separate publications, and circulate to the extent of many hundred thousands. This need hardly be stated to any one who is in the way of casting his eye on the counter of any railway book-stall or newsdealer's shop. But the statistical statement, from authority, may excite some interest,--that, up to April 1st (1864), an aggregate of five millions of Beadle's Dime Books had been put in circulation, of which half at least were novels, nearly a third songs, and the remainder hand-books, biographies, &c. After this we are prepared for colossal statements as to the millions of reams of paper employed, &c. The sales of single novels by popular authors often amount to nearly forty thousand in two or three months.*

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Subject: Index: Beadle's Dime Union Song Book
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 02:54 AM


Dime Union Song Book

Comprising New and Popular
Patriotic Songs for the Times
Originally published in 1861 by Irwin P. Beadle U Co., New York
reprinted by Applewood Books

A Doleful Ballad
A National Hymn
All Hail to the Stars and Stripes
An Ode to Washington
An Old Story with a New Moral
Army Hymn
Banner Song
Columbia Forever!
Columbia Rules the Sea
Dixie's Farms
Eighty-Five Years Ago!
Enfield Gun
Freedom's Light
God Save Our Native Land
God Save the Union
God Save the Volunteers!
Hail Columbia,
Heaven for the Right
Her own Brave Volunteer
Hunting Song of the Chivalry
Hurra for the Union
Let Cowards Shrink
Long Live the Great and Free
March Away, Volunteers
March of the Loyal States
My Own Native Land
Oh, tell me what Spirit
On! Brothers,On!
One I Left There
Our Banner Chorus
Our Country
Our Country, Right or Wrong
Our Flag
Our Good Ship Sails To-Night
Our Union—Right or Wrong
Our Whole Country
Red, White and Blue
Soldier's Tent Song
Song for Battle
Stand by the Union
Star-Spangled Banner
Step to the Front
The Banner of the Nation
The Bold Zouaves
The Dead of the Battle-field
The Flag of Our Union
The Irish Brigade
The Michigan "Dixie"
The Northern Boys
The Northmen's Marseilles
The Old Union Wagon
The Original Yankee Doodle
The Patriot Flag
The Rock of Liberty
The Stripes and the Stars
The Sword of Bunker Hill
The Union—It Must be Preserved
The Union Ship
The Union Young and Strong
The Yankee Boy
The Zouave Boys
The Zouave's Song
To the 79th Highlanders
Traitor! Beware Our Flag
Unfurl the Glorious Banner
Viva L'America
Yankees are Coming

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Subject: Index: 100 Comic Songs
From: cetmst
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 09:44 AM

100 Comic Songs,
Music and Words, to which have been added Many Valuable Copyright Pieces by J. W. Turner, E. T. Bates, and others.

Boston, Oliver Ditson and Company, 1858

Abraham Newland
As Soon As I Got Married
Away Down East
Barney Brallaghan's Courtship
Beef and Cabbage
Bessie's Nose
Betsy Baker
Beware All Ye Maidens
Bill Blarney
Billy Boy
Bobbin' Around
Bonny Lad, The
Boston Gals
Bowld Sojer Boy, The
Capt. Bell
Cash vs. Heart
Comet, The
Cork Leg, The
Creditor and Debtor
Dearest Mae
Dost Thou Love Me, Sister Ruth?
Eight Dollars a Day
Epitaph on a Guise
Fal Lal La (A Shepherd, Wandering in a Grove)
Farmer's Girl, The
Female Auctioneer, The
Fine Old English Gentleman
Fine Old Irish Gentleman, The
For Ignorance Is Bliss
Frog He Would a-Wooing Go, A
Gee Up, Gee O!
Giles Scroggins
Go to Jane Glover (Round)
Green Bushes, The
He Comes Not Yet
He's Always Just the Same
Heart For Sale, A
Hoop! Hoop! Hurrah!
Humbugged Husband, The
Hungry Fox, A
I Won't Be a Nun
I Would Not Be in Love or Debt
I'll Be No Submissive Wife
I've Nothing Else to Do
In Possum Valley
Is It Anybody's Business?
Jack's Discoveries
Jemmy Glynn and Katy Daly
Joe Hardy
John Nott
Johnny Sands
Jordan Is a Hard Road to Trabel
Kitty Clover
Kitty of Coleraine
Larry O' Gaff
Lesson in Grammar, A
Little Merry Fat Grey Man, The
Live-Legged Tables
Looney Mactwolter
Lord Lovell
Lords of Creation, The
Love in a Hayband
Maggy Adair
Maidens Young and Tender
Mary Blane
Matrimonial Sweets
Miss Lucy Long
Miss Patty Dolly Stowe
Monkey's Wedding, The
Monsieur Nong Tong Paw
Musical Wife, The
My Grandmother
My Horse
My Old Horse, John
My Unkle Ned
Ned and I
Nice Young Man, The
Not Married Yet!
Nothing At All
Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be
Oh! I Should Like to Marry
Oh! Susanna
Old Bachelor, The
Old Colony Times
Old Maid, The
Old Pauper's Burial, The
Old Rosin the Beau
Old Yankee Lady, The
Origin of Yankee Doodle, The
Out John!
Over Hill, Over Dale (Round)
Over There (Potatoes They Grow Small)
Paddy Haggarty
Paddy O'Blarney
Patrick's Serenade
Please to Ring the Belle
Poor Johnny's Dead
Poor Thomas Day
Poor Tom
Pop Goes the Question
Pop Goes the Weasel
Pretty Polly Hopkins
Razor Strop Man, The
Root, Hog or Die
Rory O'Moore
Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
Schoolmaster, The
Sing, Sing! Darkies Sing
Sleeping In the Cars
Song of Satan, The
Song of the Vermonters. 1779
Sparking Sunday Night
Spider and the Fly, The
Sprig of Shillela, The
Squire Jones's Daughter
Successful Suitor, The
Ten O'Clock
Three Blind Mice
Tho' Fifty, I Am Still a Beau
Today I'm Sixty-Teo
Tom King
Traveler Stopt at a Widow's Gate, A
Uncle Sam's Farm
Used Up Man, The
Villikins and His Dinah
Wait for the Wagon
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid?
Why Are You Wandering Here, I Pray?
Why, Bless Her, Let Her Go
Why Don't the Men Propose?
Why, What's the Matter Now?
Widow Machree
Wouldn't You Like to Know?
Yankee Baby-Show, The
Yankee Gal's Song (My Mary Ann)

Google Books Listing (click) (No preview available, Dec 2008)

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 01:25 PM

Okay, keep refreshing and I'll come in when I can get the time.

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Subject: Index: The Nightingale
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 01:46 PM

GoogleBooks - full copy available.

A Choice Collection of Songs, Chants and Hymns,

by W. O. & H. S. Perkins
1860, 216 pp., Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston

A Good Name
A Hundred Years to Come
All Around and All Above Them
Annie Lawrie
Annie Lisle
As Gaily O'er the Sea
A Social Song
Blanche Alpen
Brave Old Oak
Boat Song
Beautiful Moonlight
Bury Me Not in the Deep, Deep Sea
Brightly Gleams the Morn
Buy My Strawberries
Call the Children Early
Care Not for the Morrow
Chime again, Beautiful Bells
Coasting Song
Come Again
Come, Fairies, Trip It
Come Forth, Ye Hunters
Come, O, Come with Me
Come O'er the Moonlit Sea
Come to the Public School
Come with Thy Lute to the Fountain
Dearest Mother
Dearest Spot on Earth
Dear Mother, I'll Come Home Again
Deeds of Kindness
Dip, Boys, Dip the Oar
Draw the Sword, Scotland
Dixie's Land
Erin Is My Home
Evening Song
Ever of Thee
Excursion Song
Exhibition Song
Flowers of May
Fox and Grapes
Friends of Freedom
Gentle Harp
Gently Sighs the Breese
Good Night
Guardian Genius of the Swiss
Hail Columbia
Happy are We
Happy Childhood
Happy New Year
Happy Hearts and Homes
Higher Will We Climb
Hoe Out Your Row
Hunter's Song
Hurrah for Old New England
Hurrah! the Merry Harvest
I'll Away to School
Independence Day
I Would I Were a Fairy Queen
Joy, Joy, Freedom To-day
Last Rose of Summer
Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother
List, 'tis Music Stealing
Little Things
Like a Dream
Marion Day
Marseilles Hymn
Maying Party
Merrily Rolls the Mill-stream On
Mountain Bugle
Mountaineer's Farewell
Murmur Gentle Lyre
My Home on the Hill
My Native Hills
My Native Land
Neva Boatman's Song
Never Late at School
Never Say Fail
New England
O'er Prairies Green
On the Village Green
Orphans' Greeting
Orphans' Prayer
O, the Old House at Home
Our Country's Flag
Parting Song
Pleasures of Song
Polish Maiden's Song
Recess Song
Red, White and Blue
Remember Me
Rest, Troubled Heart
Room Enough for All
Sabbath School Song
Say what Shall My Song Be To-night
Scenes that Are Brightest
School-boys Song
See Our Oars with Feathered Spray
Sleep On, Dearest Mother
Sleighing Song
Sliding Song
Song for Freedom
Song of Night
Speak Kindly
Speed Away
Spider and Fly
Spring and the Birds
Star of the Twilight
Strawberry Girl
That Place Is Home
The Fire-fly
The Lark
The Meeting
The Melodies of Many Lands
The Merry Sunshine
The Nightingale Was Singing
The Ocean Is My Home
The Parting
The Queen of May
The Rain
The Rainbow
The School-house Under the Hill
The Seasons
The Setting Sun
The Sun that Warms
The Welcome
Those Evening Bells
Thoughts of Home
'Tis Winter Far and Wide
To the Cuckoo
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Vacation Is Over
We All Love One Another
We Delight in Our Shool
Weep Not for Me
Welcome, Fair Morning
We're Going Home
We Live in Hope
Welcome May
We Love to Sing Together
What's the News?
When there's Love at Home
Where Are Those Dreamers Now?
Winter is Coming
Winter Sports
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
With Songs of Joy
Would You Be a Sunbeam

A Kind Good Night
Away, Now, Joyful Riding
Childhood's Pleasures
Clap, Clay, Hurrah
Come to the Greenwood
Crier's Song
Haste to School (Round)
Hunter's Chorus (Round)
Let Us Endeavor (Round)
Marching Song
Merrily Greet the Morn (Round)
Orphans' Song
Saturday Night
Scholars' Pledge
The Bell Doth Toll (Round)
The Exercise
The Quiet Vale
The School-bell (Round)
Try Again

God Is Good
Happy Meet We Here
Hear Our Prayer (Chant)
I Want to Be an Angel
Old Hundred
Our Father
Seaman's Prayer
The Day Is Past
The Hour of Prayer
The Lord Our God (Chant)
The Lord's Prayer (Chant)
The Reaper and the Flowers (Chant)

GoogleBooks - full copy available.

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Subject: Index: Pacific Glee Book
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 08:34 PM

A Collection of Secular Music;

Edited by F. W. Root and J. R. Murray
1869, The John Church Co., Cincinnati,
Chicago, New York

A Day of Sunshine
A' I' the Hame Thegither
A Last Farewell
A Light Over the Waves
A Long Time Ago
A Song for May
A Tear for the Comrade That's Gone
Always Friends
At the Threshold
Be Happy
Beautiful Things
Better Late than Never
Beyond the Stars
Bird of the Wilderness
Blessed Dreams
Bright Dreams
Bright Is the Land
Come Again
Come Follow Me (Round)
Come, Let Us Be Merry and Gay
Come to the Woodland
Cousin Tim
Daily Guide
Dear Ones, Angel Crowned
Dreams of My Youthful Days
Early Days and Early Pleasures
Evening Parting Song
Fairer than Thee
Falling Leaves
Farewell to the Swallows
First Violet of Spring
Fisher Maiden
Foes and Friends
Gathering Home
Gentle Words
Gliding Away
God Bless Our Loved Fireside
Good Night
Grannie's Trust
Grove Song
Happiness Is Everywhere
Happy Are We
Happy Songster
Have Faith
Have Patience
He Careth for Thee
Hear Ye Not the Wood Birds Song
Ho! for the Spring Time
Home a Shelter from the Storm
Home Again
Home of Rest
Hurrah for Our Camp in the Glade
I Lay Me Down to Sleep
I See Them on Their Winding Way
I Would Not Die Early
I'd Find Me a Grave
I'm Happy and I'm Gay
In Heaven They Are Waiting for Me
In Joyful Song
In the Cold
In Wonderland
Is a Man a Whit the Better
It Is Not Death to Die
Joy Comes with Song
Kick Him When He's Down
Let the Angels In
Light and Shade
Light in Darkness
Little Brooklet
Little Feet
Little Flow'ret
Looking Backward
Loud the Storm Is Roaring
Love Me Dearest
Mama Is Calling
May Martin
May Song
Me Too
Minnie and I
Morning Walk
Music Makes a Merry Heart
My Good for Nothing
My Love, She
My Mother
Nellie Brundage
Nellie Is My Neighbor
Never Again
Never Put Off
New Morning Star
New Year's Come and Past
Night Has Spread
Night Hymn at Sea
Northern Michigan
Not a Bit of It, Harry
Now We Say Farewell (Round)
O Charming May
O Do Not Scorn the Lowly
O Haste to the Woodland
O If I Had to Be a Bird
O If It Be
O Ye Rain
O'er the Mountain
Old Folks (love song)
Only One Crossing
Open the Window for Me
Open Your Eyes
Our Battlefield
Our Best Friend
Our Boat, Down the Dim River
Our Cause Speeds On
Our Little One
Our Song Birds
Pining for the Old Fireside
Poor Jilted Jonathan
Rest, But Not Here
Rest Yonder
Schiller's "Longing"
Silver Blossom
Slumber On
Skating Glee
Smile, and Be Contented
Soft Music Is Falling
Softly Sighs the Gentle Breeze
Somebody's Waiting for Me
Song in Sunshine
Song of Spring
Song of the Angels
Songs Here and Yonder
Sparkling Water
Spring and Summer
Spring Has Come
Streamlet's Flow
Sweet Home of My Childhood
The Angel of Patience
The Beckoning Hand
The Brook's Lullaby
The Clock
The Eternal Goodness
The Foaming Sea
The Grave by the Lake
The Household Angel
The Knight's Farewell
The Little Girl that Meets Me
The Little Leaf
The Minor Key
The Mountain Miner's Song
The New Year's Song
The Old Canoe
The Old Log Hut
The Old Year
The Onset
The Pacific Railroad
The Peaceful Rest
The President's Hymn
The Shore of Time
The Song of the Beacon
The Things We Love
The Water, the Water
The West
The Whispering Air
The Willow by the River
There Are Gains for All
There's Beauty in the Skies
They Are Singing with the Angels
They Love Us at Home
Things We Can Never Forget
Those Sweet Blue Eyes
Thou Art Far Away
Thro' the Clouds of Sorrow
Through the Grave
To the Message Bird
Toll On
True Friendship
Twilight Song
Up Among the Mountains
Vesper Song
Voice of the Night Wind
Voices of the Past
Voyage Song
Waiting at the Gate
Waiting for You
Wake Up, Sweet Melody
Walk Ahead
Watch Her Kindly Stars
We Are Coming
We Are Waiting
We See the Roses Bloom
We'll Try
What Shall be My Angel Name
When Beauty Triumphs
When Sue and I Went Skating
White Lillies
Who'll Buy?
Why Are Ye Weeping?
Winter Song
Winter's Approach
Work With a Will
Would You Know My Celia's Charms
You and I

Other Books by the same Publisher;
Convention and Glee Books-
C. C. Case, Pyramid of Song
Root and Case, Our Song World
Root, The Realm of Song
Case & Williams, The Prince of Song
Root, The Palace of Song
McGranahan & Case, The Choice
Case and McGranahan, The Harvest of Song
Palmer, The Song Herald
Root, The Chorus Castle
Case, Case's Chorus Collection
The Glee Singer, for male voices
International Glee Book for Mixed Voices
AND others, inc. School, Piano, Melodeon and Organ,Sunday School, Cantatas.

Google Books listing - no preview available

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Subject: Index: Songs for the Millions: Flag of the Free
From: cetmst
Date: 05 Dec 08 - 09:23 PM

Must have hit a wrong key, shouldn't have had that wine with dinner.

Songs for the Millions, "Flag of the Free", No 3.
Part of paperback front page missing but copyright 1907 by J.P.McClaskey, Lancaster PA

An Excellent Friend is a Dollar or Two
A Little Farm Well Tilled (Catch)
Ah, for Wings to Soar
Alice, Where Art Thou?
All Glory, Laud and Honor
Am I Not Fondly Thine Own?
American National Songs
    Star Spangled Banner
    National Hymn
    Red, White and Blue
    God Preserve Thhe Free
    God Bless Our Native Land
As Flows the Rapid River
At the Ferry
Ave Maria (Gounod)
Awake From Sleep and Dreaming
Away With Needless Sorrow
Be Kind to the Loved Ones At Home
Blue Bells of Scotland
Bonnie Charlie
Breathings of Spring
Carol, Brothere, Carol
Children's Hosanna
Childhood Songs
    Lo, the Heavens Are Breaking
    The Flower Girl
    My Heart's Home
Christ Is Born of Maiden Fair
Christmas Is Here
Clear the Way
Come Unto Him
Come where Flowers Are Flinging
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Country Guy
Cousin Jedediah
Danube River, The
Days of Summer Glory
Daylight Is Done
Down in a Coal Mine
Dream On, Dream On
Dress a Bad Boy
Evening Hymn (John Hatton)
Eyes So Blue and Dreaming
Faded Flowers
Flag of the Free
Flee As a Bird
Flow, Rio Verde
Guadeamus Igitur
Good Cheer
Good Night
Good Thime Coming, The
Grave of Washington
Hail and Farewell
Hail the Blest Morn
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Heart Bowed Down, The
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
Her Bright Eyes Were Radiant Gleaming
Here's the Bower
Ho, Ho, Vacation Days Are Here
Hoe Out Your Row
Home, Can I Forget Thee?
Hours There Were
In Excelsis Gloria
In shadowland
In the West the Sun Declining
Integer Vitæ
Into the Woods My Master Went
Jesus Is Mine
Joy! Joy! Freedom Today
Joy Wait On Thy Morrow
Katy Darling
Lone Starry Hours
Longing For Spring
Love At Home
Mahogany Tree, The
Mary of Argyle
May Queen, The
Morning Red
Morning's Ruddy Beam
Never Alone
Micodemus the Slave
Mursery Songs
    Cheeks of Rose
    How Many Miles to Babyland?
    Evening's Golden Sunlight
Why Do you Weep, My Baby?
O Du Froeliche
O Thou Joyful Day
O Native Land
O Where and O Where
Oh, How Cold the Winter Weather
Ode for Decoration Day
Oft in the Stilly Night
Old House At Home
Our Flag Is There
Over the Mountain
Palms, The
Rise from Thy Mourning
Roaming o'er the Meadows
Robin Song, The
Rule, Britannia
Seasons, The
See the Glorious Orb of Day
See where the Rising Sun
Shall We Gather At the River?
She Sits Alone All Thro' the Day
She Wore a Wreath of Roses
Silence! Silence!
Sing, Gaily Sing
Slumber Songs
    Be Hushed My Dear
    Sleep, O Sleep
Song of Seven
Sound Your A
Tea in the Arbor
Tempest of the Heart
There's a Good Time Coming, Boys
Thine Eyes So Blue and Dreaming
Time Doth Pass Away
To the Praise of Truth
Touch Not the Cup
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
Trees and the Master, The
Twilight Is Falling
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Under the Willow
Waking or Sleeping
Wake, Nicodemus
Wait For the Wagon
Watch on the Rhine
Wear a Bright Smile
We Are Happy and Free
What Pleasure Folks Feel
What of Christmas Day?
When the Leaves Are Turning Brown
Whistle and Hoe
Wonderful Weaver, The
Yankee Doodle

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Subject: Index: Songs that Never Die
From: cetmst
Date: 06 Dec 08 - 10:33 AM

I have a copy of "Songs That Never Die", referenced by Kendall and Joe Offer in an old thread but can't find that it's ever been indexed on the Mudcat. It is a little more elaborate than other books noted here apparently designed for a more arty audience. In ffact there is a gift presentation page in the front, not filled out in my copy. Incidentally I paid $9.25 for it in some forgotton second hand book store.

Songs That Never Die
- Being a Collection of the Most Famous Words and Melodies, enriched with Valuable Historical and Biographical Sketches of Renowned Authors and Composers, compiled by Henry Frederic Reddall,
the musical scores edited by Dudley Buck, entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1894 by J.R.Jones, In the Office of the Library of Congress, at Washington DC

Biographies (B) and Portraits (P):
Max Alvary P
Adelina Patti B,P
Christine Nilsson B,P
Signor Del Puente B,P
Emma Eames B,P
Agnes Huntington B,P
Zelie de Lussan B,P
Sibyl Sanderson B,P
Marion Manola B,P
Nellie Melba B,P
Emma Calve B,P
Pauline Hall B,P
Lillian Russell B,P
Della Fox B,P
Marie Tempest P
Camille D'Arville P
Sofia Scalchi P
Robert Burns B
John Howard Payne B

Abide With Me
Annie Lawrie
Araby's Daughter - E.Kiallmark/Thomas Moore
Auld Lang Syne
Auld Robin Gray
Barney Buntline
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Bay of Biscay, The - Andrew Cherry/John Davy
Beautiful Nell
Believe Me If All Those Enduring Young Charms
Ben Bolt
Black-Eyed Susan - John Gay
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
Bliss Forever Past
Blissful Dreams Come Stealing Over Me - Franz Abt
Bloom Is On the Rye, The
Blue Bells of Scotland
Bonnie Blue Flag
Bonnie Dundee
Bright Waves Are Dancing - Franz Abt
Broken Ring, The (Germany)
By the Sad Sea Waves
Call Her Back and Kiss Her
Campbells Are Coming, The
Canadian Boat Song, The - Thomas Moore
Champagne Charley
Cheer, Boys, Cheer
Christians Awake
Christmas Prayer
Columbia, God Preserve Thee Free
Columbia the Gem of the Ocean
Come Back to Erin
Come gracious Spirit (Federal Street)
Come In and Shut the Door
Come, Thou Almighty King
Come With the Gipsy Bride - from The Bohemian Girl
Comin' Thro'the Rye
Danube River, The - Hamilton Aide
Days of Absence - Rousseau
Dear Little Shamrock, TheFlag of the Free
Dearest Spot, The
Do They Think of Me At Home?
Dolly Varden
Don't Forget to Say Your Prayers
Dost Thou Love Me, Sister Ruth?
Douglas, Tender and True
Down the Quiet Vally - Septimus Winner
Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
Dublin Bay
Ein' feste Berg
Evening Song
Ever of Thee
Exile of Erin, The
Fairly Caught
Far Away
Farmer and the Pigeons, The
Fine Old English Gentleman
Fly Forth, O Gentle Dove
From Greenland's Icy Mountain
Girl I Left Behind Me, The
God Save Our President - Septimus Winner
God Save the Queen
Golden Shore, The
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth
Good-by Dear Mother - Alice Hawthorne
Good-bye At the Door, The
Good-Bye, Sweetheart, Good-Bye
Good Night
Good-Night - Robert G. Johnson/A.Rottenbach
Good-night, Ladies
Grandmother's Chair
Grey Cathedral Towers Against a Quiet Sky, The (Poem)
Groves of Blarney, The
Hail Columbia
Hail to the Chief
Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls
Heart Bowed Down - from The Bohemian Girl
Hearts and Homes
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
Highland Mary - Burns
Home Again
Home So Blest
Home Sweet Home - John Howard Payne
Homeward Bound
Hour of Parting, The
How Can I Leave Thee?
Humming Like the Bee
Hymne de Riego (Spain)
I Built a Bridge of Fancies
I Cannot Sing the Old Songs
I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls
I Love My Love
I Love to Tell the Story
I Wandered By the Brookside
I'd Be a Star
I'll Hang My Harp on the Weeping Willow Tree
I'll Plant a Rose Beside Thy Grave
I'm Called Little Buttercup
I've Been Roaming
I've Brought Thee An Ivy Leaf
I've No Mother, Now I'm Weeping
If My Wishes Would Come True
In Happy Moments - W.W.Wallace
In the Gloaming
Irish Emigrant's Lament
Isle of Beauty - T.H.Bayly
It Is the Season (Poem)
Jamie's On the Stormy Sea
Jeannette and Jeannot
Jerusalem the Golden
Jessie, the Flower of Dumblane
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
John Anderson, My Jo
John Brown's Body
Katy's Letter
King Christian Stood Beside the Mast (Denmark)
Larboard Watch
Last Greeting, The - Franz Schubert
Last Rose of Summer, The
Let Me Dream Again
Letter in the Candle, The
Life on the Ocean Wave, A - Epes Sargent/Henry Russell
Light of Other Days, The
Lights Far Out At Sea
Lilly Dale
Litany Hymn
Little Fishermaiden, The - Ludolph Waldmann
Little Gipsy Jane
Little Maggie May
Long, Long Ago
Looking Back
Love Not
Love's Old Sweet Song
Love's Rubicon (Poem)
Love's Young Dream
Low-Backed Car, The
Lullaby (Peep of Day)
Maggie's Welcome
Maid of Athens
Maiden Fair to See, A
Maple Leaf Forever, The
Marseilles Hymn
Mary of Argyle
Mary of the Wild Moor
May Breeze, The
Meet Me in the Twilight
Men of Harlech
Merry Heart, The
Minute Gun At Sea, The
Moet Chardon or The New Champagne Charlie
Moon Is Beaming O'er the Lake, The
My Blue Eyed Nellie
My Little Child
My Maryland
My Old Kentucky Home
Nancy Lee - F.E.Weatherly/Stephen Adams
National Hymn (My Country 'Tis of Thee)
Never a Care I Know - Septimus Winner
No, Sir!
Nothing Else to Do
Oft in the Stilly Night
Oh Mother! Take the Wheel Away
Oh, No! We Never Mention Her! - T.H.Bayly/Sir Henry R. Bishop
Oh Ye Tears
Oh You Little Darling
Old Hundred
Old Oaken Bucket, The
Old Sexton, The - Henry Russell
On the Rocks By Aberdeen
Only a Face
Only a Lock of Her Hair
Only Friends and Nothing More
Open the Pearly Gate
Open Window, The
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Stars Is Rest
Paddle Your Own Canoe
Party At the Zoo, The
Pilot, The
Primrose Farm
Pull Down the Blind
Pulling Hard Against the Stream
Quaker Cousins
Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Rest for the Weary, Rest
Roast Beef of Old England, The
Robin Adair
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
Rule, Britannia - Arne
Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
Sally In Our Alley
Scenes That Are Brightest
Scots Wha' Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
Serenade to IdA
She Wore a Wreath of Roses
Shells of Ocean
Slumber Song (Poem)
Softly the Night Is Sleeping
Soldiers' Chorus - from Gounod's Faust
Some Day
Speak to Me (Only Be Kind)
Spring! Gentle Spring!
Star-Spangled Banner, The
Starry Night For a Ramble, A
Strangers Yet
Stray Dove, The
Sun of My Soul
Sunday Morning
Sweet and Low
Sweet Birdie, Sing
Sweet Love of Mine
Switzer's Farewell, The
Take Back the Heart
Tallis' Evening Hymn
Tapping At the Garden Gate
Then You'll Remember Me - frm The Bohemian Girl
There Are Friends That We Shall Never Forget - A.Hawthorne/S.Winner
Thousand Leagues Away, A - W.C.Bennett/J.Barney
Three Fishers - Charles Kingsley
Thy Face
Time of Apple Blossom
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
Tom Bowling
Too Late to Marry
Torpedo and the Whale, The
Touch the Harp Gently
Turnham Toll
Twenty Years Ago
Twickenham Ferry
Under the Sod
Visit From the Sea, A (Poem)
Wait For the Turn of the Tide
Wait For the Wagon
Wait Till the Moonlight Falls on the Water
Warrior Bold, A
Waste Not, Want Not (You Never Miss the Water Til the Well Runs Dry)
Watch on the Rhine, The
Water Mill, The
We Sat By the River
We'd Better Bide a Wee
We're Nearing the River
Wearing of the Green
Wee Bird, The
Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, A
What Are the Wild Waves Saying? - S.Glover
What Will You Do Love?
When the Autumn Leaves Are Falling
When the Corn Is Waving, Annie Dear
When the Mists Have Cleared Away
When the Swallows Homeward Fly - F.H.Gordon/Franz Abt
Where Are the Friends of My Youth?
Wherefore? - Septimus Winner
Wife, The (Poem)
Within a Mile of Edinboro Town
Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin?
Yankee Doodle
Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon
Yesterday - M.A.Browne/J.Blockley
You'll Soon Forget Kathleen

In addition there are 96 pages of instrumental music probably of not much interest to singers.

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Subject: Index: Read 'Em and Weep (Sigmund Spaeth)
From: Joybell
Date: 07 Dec 08 - 03:26 PM

Read 'em and Weep -- The Songs You Forgot to Remember.
Sigmund Spaeth. Doubleday, Page and Company 1926.

Abdul Abulbul Amir
Adams and Liberty
After the Ball
Allie, Darling
Always Take Mother's Advice
Anacreon in Heaven, To
Animal Fair
Are You the O'Reilly?
Babies on Our Block, The
Baggage Coach Ahead, In the
Balloon, Up in a
Band Played On, The
Barber, Spare Those Hairs
Barnum's Show, P. T.
Big Sunflower, The
Bird in a Gilded Cage, A
Blow Almost Killed Father, The
Blue and the Gray, The
Boston Burglar, The
Bowery, The
Break the News to Mother, Just
Brooklyn Bridge, Strolling on the
Brown Jug, The Little
Bully, The New
Call Me Pet Names
Camptown Races
Captain Kidd
Captivating Dude, The
Case, Charlie, (Parodies)
Casey Jones
Cat Came Back, The
Champagne Charlie
Child, The Little Lost
Come Home, Father
Convict and the Bird, The
Cubanola Glide, The
Curse of an Aching Heart, The
Dark Girl Dressed in Blue, The
Didn't He Ramble?, Oh
Do, Do, My Huckleberry, Do
Don't Say I Did It, Jack
Don't Swat Yer Mother
Don't Tell Me What You Dreamed Last Night
Down Went McGinty
Down Where the Wurzburger Flows
Eastern Train, The
Elopement, The
Elsie From Chelsea
Erie Canal, The
Everybody Works But Father
Fatal Wedding, The
Father, Dear Father
Fish-Ball, The Lone
Flew-y, Flew-y
Flirting on the Ice
Flying Trapeze, The Man on the
For Her Good Name
Frankie and Johnnie
"Fred, Tell Them to Stop, Oh"
Free America
Free-Lunch Cadets, The
Gambolier, The Son of a
Gypsy's Warning, The
Girl I Left Behind Me, The
Goat, The
Goat, The Widow Nolan's
Gold Will Buy 'Most Anything But a True Girl's Heart
Goodbye, Eliza Jane
Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back, Her
Hal, Old, o' the West
Hamlet Prince of Denmark
Has Anybody Seen Kelly?
"Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl"
Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back
Hot Time in the Old Town, A
I'd Leave Ma Happy Home for You
If Jack Were Only Here
I'll Be Home Tomorrow Night
"I Love You Like a Copper Loves to Sleep"
"I'm a Jolly Old Farmer, Ben Hastings is My Name"
In the Baggage Coach Ahead
I Won't Let You Insult Her
Just Break the News to Mother
Just For the Sake of Our Daughter
Just Tell Them That You Saw Me
Lady in Crepe, The
Lardy Dah
"Like Roses Need Their Fragrance"
Lincoln and Liberty
"Lincoln Hoss" and Stephen A.
Listen to the Mocking Bird
Little Brown Jug, The
Little Lost Child, The
Lone Fish-Ball, The
Love's Ritornella
Maiden With the Dreamy Eyes, The
Major Gilfeather
Man on the Flying Trapeze, The
Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The
Mansion of Aching Hearts, The
Marriage, The Sorrow of
Married Woman's Lament, A
Mermaid, The
Mill-Boy of the Slashes, The
Mona ("You Shall be Free")
More to Be Pitied Than Censured, She Is
"Monkey Married the Baboon's Sister"
Moth and the Flame, The
Mother Was a Lady, My
Mulligan Guard, The
My Gal is a High Born Lady
My Mother Was a Lady
My Last Cigar
New Bully, The
Not For Joe
Oh, Didn't He Ramble?
"Oh, Fred, Tell Them to Stop"
Old Hal o' the West
Old Rosin, The Beau
On a Sunday Afternoon
"Only a 'ittle Dirly Dirl"
Only Me
O'Reilly?, Are You the
Orphan Boys, The
Over There
Oysterman, The Young
P. T. Barnum's Show
Paddy Duffy's Cart
Picture Eighty-four
Picture That is Turned Toward the Wall, The
Please Go 'way and Let Me Sleep
Rosin the Beau, Old
Samuel Hall
She is More to be Pitied Than Censured
She May Have Seen Better Days
Shoo, Fly, Don't Bother Me
Skidmore Fancy Ball, The
Somebody's Grandpa
Son of a Gambolier, The
Song of All Songs, The
Sorrow of Marriage, The
Straight-out Democrat
Strolling on the Brooklyn Bridge
Strolling Through the Park, While
Sunday Afternoon, On a
Sunflower, The Big
Take Back the Heart
Take Back Your Gold
Tattooed Lady, The
That's How I Need You
"There is a Tavern in the Town"
There'll Come a time
"There Once Was a Poor Young Girl"
"There Once Was a Poor Young Man"*
Throw Him Down, McCloskey
To Anacreon in Heaven
Trapeze, The Man on the Flying
'Twas Off the Blue Canaries
Twilight in the Park
Two Little Girls in Blue
Up in a Balloon
Vilikins and His Dinah
Volunteer Organist, The
Wait 'till the Sun Shines, Nellie
Wal, I Swan
Walking Down Broadway
"Waste Not Want Not"
Wedding, The Fatal
We Never Speak as We Pass By
What You Goin' to do When the Rent Comes 'Round
Where Did You Get That Hat?
While Strolling Through the Park
Why Did They Dig Ma's Grave so Deep?
Widow Nolan's Goat
Wife, Children, and Friends
Willie, the Weeper
With all Her Faults I Love Her Still
Woodman, Spare That Tree
Wreck on the Southern Old 97, The
Yankee Doodle
"You Never Miss the Water 'Till the Well Runs Dry"
"You Shall be Free"
Young Oysterman, The
Zip Coon

*Fatal Glass of Beer -- JH

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Subject: Index: Golden Wreath
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 07 Dec 08 - 03:38 PM

A Choice Selection of Favorite Melodies.

1857, Coll. L. O. Emerson, new edition.
Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston.

All Hail the Joyful Morning
Always Happy
Annie Lawrie
April Shower
A Rosy Crown
Away, Now Joyful Riding
Bell Doth Toll (Round)
Billy Boy
Blind Girl
Blue Juniata
Bright May Morning
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home
Cheer, Boys, Cheer
Child's Wish
Coasting Song
Children Go (Here We Stand)
Children of the Union
Clap, Clap, Hurrah
Come and See Me, Mary Ann
Come, Boys, Be Merry
Come, Cheerful Companions
Come, Let Us Ramble
Come, Take a Sail
Come this Way, My Father
Come to Our Trysting Place
Come to the Sunset Tree
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Darling Nelly Gray
Dearest Spot on Earth to Me
Don't Kill the Birds
Do Good
Do They Miss Me at Home
Dream On, Young Hearts
Faintly Flow, Thou Falling River
Far Away
Farewell (Vacation song)
Farmer's Boy
Far, Far Upon the Sea
Few Days
Full and Harmonious
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
Gentle Annie
Gentle Nettie Moore
Graves of a Household
Grave of Washington
Gay and Happy
Happy Land
Hail Columbia
Harvest Moon
Haste Thee, Winter
Hazel Dell
Heather Bells
Home Again
Holiday Song
Home, Sweet Home
Honest Boy
How Green Are the Meadows
I Lately Watched a Budding Flower
I Love the Merry Sunshine
I Love the Summer Time
I'm a Merry Laughing Girl
Indian's Prayer
I Remember, I Remember
I Wandered on the Sea-beat Shore
Jamie's on the Stormy Sea
Johnny Sands
Kind Words Can Never Die
Lake of he Dismal Swamp
Last Rose of Summer
Let the Smiles of Youth
Let Us Cherish truth and Love
Let Us Sing Merrily
Listen to the Mocking Bird
Lilly Dale
Little Bennie
Little Gipsey Jane
Little Star
Lottie's Glimpse of Heaven
Love of School
Lulu Is Our Darling Pride
Marching Along
Make Your Mark
Maiden and the Rose, Trio
Merrily, Merrily
Merry May
Moon Is Beaming O'er the Lake
Morning Song
Mother's Vow
Mountain Maid's Invitation
Multiplication Table
Musical Alphabet
My Boat Adown the Stream
My Mother Dear
My Own, My Gentle Mother
Nelly Gray
New Year's Come
Oaken Tree
O Boatman Row Me O'er
O, the Day Is Bright and Cold
Old House
Origin of Yankee Doodle
Ossian's Serenade
Our Daily Task
Our Country Now Is Great and Free
Our Flag Is There
Our Own Sweet Thoughts
Over the Summer Sea
Parting Song
Pearly Fountain
Quiet Valley
Revolutionary Tea
Rowan Tree
School Days
School Song
See Our Bark
See, the Stars Are Coming
Shed Not a Tear
Shells of Ocean
Shining Shore
Smiling May
Song for Exhibition
Song in Motion
Song of the Fisher Boy
Song of the Pony
Song of the Robin
Song of the Vale
Sparkling Fountain
Speak Gently
Spring's Delights
Star of the Evening
Star of the Twilight
Star Spangled Banner
Summer Days Are Coming
Summer Evening
Sun's Gay Beam
Tell Me, O, Tell Me
Tell Me, Where Do Fairies Dwell
The Street Organ
The Sky Is Bright
There Is No Home Like My Own
To the West, to the West
Try Again
Up Goes the Banner
Vacant Chair
Vacation Days
Vavation Song
Vive l'America
We Miss Thee at Home
What's a' the Steer, Kimmer
Where Yonder mansion Rises
What Is Home Without a Mother
When This Cruel War Is Over
When the Golden Morn
When the Swallows Homeward Fly
Where the Warbling Waters Flow
Who Will Care for Mother Now
Where's My Mother?
Why Chime the Bells So Merrily
Willie Gray
Willie's On the Dark Blue Sea
Yankee Doodle
Zephyr of Nightfall

America, 'My Country'
Angels Told Me So
Ballerma. 'How Happy Is the Child'
Brother, Thou Art Gone to Rest
Charity (Meek and Lowly)
Come Unto Me
Edes, 'Lord Before Thy Presence'
Family Bible
God Is There
Greenville. 'Far from Mortal'
Happy Day
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
Kingsley. 'Thy Will Be Done'
Mark the Soft Falling Snow
Missionary Chant
My Opening Eyes with Rapture See
O Had I Wings Like a Dove
Old Hundred. 'From All That'
Olmutz. 'Sing to the Lord'
Our Father Who Art in Heaven
Peterboro'. 'Once More My'
Portuguest Hymn. 'The Lord Is'
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
Shed Not One Tear for Me, Mother
Shirland. 'Behold the Morning'
Siloam. 'By Cool Siloam's'
Softly Now the Light of Day
The Bible
The Lord My Shephers Is
The Lord's Prayer
There Is a Happy Home
There Is a Happy Land
This Book Is All that's Left Me
We're Kneeling by Thy Grave.
Will You Go

"Elementary Instructions, upon the Pestalozzian System,
with numerous exercises for practice. For the use of schools, seminaries, select classes, &c."
Adv. include "The Golden Robin," W. O. Perkins, for Juveniles.
"The Golden Wreath," W. O. Emerson [Will be posted]
"Merry Chimes," L. O. Emerson, for juveniles.
"The Nightingale," Perkins, for juveniles [posted]

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Subject: Index: The Song Folio (Thomas Hunter, 1883)
From: cetmst
Date: 08 Dec 08 - 08:00 AM

Google Books - full text available

The Song Folio
Copyright 1883 by Thomas Hunter

Arrow and the Song, The
As You Like It
At the Ferry
Auld Lang Syne
Ave Maria (Gounod)
A Warrior Bold
Baby and the Fly, The
Banbury Cross
Bend in the River, The
Bird In Hand, A
Birds in the Night
Blue Alsatian Mountains, The
Bride Bells
Bridge, The (Carew)
Bridge, The (Lindsay)
Broken Flower, The
Brook, The
By the Sad Sea Waves
Clang of the Wooden Shoon, The
Cleansing Fires
Cottage on the Moorland, The
Danube River, The
Darby and Joan
Day Is Done, The
Dustman, The
Fairly Caught
Fairy Jane, The
Far Away
Farmer and the Pigeons, The
First Letter, The
Five O'Clock in the Morning
Forever and Forever
Forget Me Not
Gobble Song
Golden Days
Golden Shore, The
Good-Bye, Sweetheart, Good-Bye
He Giveth His Beloved Sleep
Home, Sweet Home
Hour of Rest, The
I Cannot Sing the Old Songs
I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls
I Fear No Foe
In the Golden Eventide
In the Gloaming
It Was a Dream
Katey's Letter
Kerry Dance, The
King's Champion, The
King's Highway, The
Last Rose of Summer, The
Let Me Dream Again
Lights Far Out At Sea
Little Maid of Arcady
London Bridge
Longest Way Round, The
Looking Back
Lost Chord, The
Lover and the Bird, The
Maid of Athens, The
Midshipmite, The
Mistress Prue
My Queen
Nancy Lee
No, Sir!
O Fair Dove! O Fond Dove!
Oh, How Delightful
Oh, Mother! Take the Wheel Away
Old Timber Toes
Only Come
On the Rocks By Aberdeen
Our Crew
Palms, The
Primrose Farm
Prince Charming
Robin Adair
Sing, Sweet Bird
Some Day, Sometimes
Strangers Yet
Summer Shower, A
Sweet Love of Mine
Take Back the Heart
Tar's Farewell, The
That Traitor Love
Then You'll Remember Me
Three Sailor Boys, The
'Tis But a Little Faded Flower
Torpedo and the Whale, The
Turnham Toll
Trysting-Tree, The
Twickenham Ferry
Twilight Time
Two Little Lives
Two's Company, Three's None
Unforgotten Days
Unforgotten Song, The
Water Mill, The
Way Thro' the Wood, The
We'd Better Bide a Wee
Welcome Pretty Primrose
What a Little Bird Said
When the Swallow Comes
Will He Come?
Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin?
Yes, Sir!

Also portraits and brief biographies of singers and composers

Google Books - full text available

Can find no further information of publisher of 'Song Folio'. I did find the book online, the Google Book project. Look for full title 'Song Folio: Standard Vocal Music'. My copy has apparently been rebound having a plain black cover rather than that pictured by Google.

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Subject: Index: The Sunny South Quartet Book
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 08 Dec 08 - 05:11 PM


A new, large and varied collection of sacred and secular selections for men's voices.
A. J. Showalter and others, 1912, The A. J. Showalter Co., Dalton, GA & Dallas, TX.

Annie Laurie
Are You Drifting Away
Art Thou Weary
A Song of Hope
A Twilight Dream
Awake the Song
A Welcome to Spring
Beyond the Darkly Flowing Stream
Blest Be the Home
Bloom Brightly Sweet Roses
Bonnie [lies over the ocean]
Bonny Eloise
Christ Died for Me
Christ Has Satisfied
Come with Sweet Flowers
Crossing O'er the River
Dearest May
Enough for All Over There
Even Me, Even Me
Farewell, But Not Forever
Flitting Away
Get You Ready
Glory Over Yonder
God Speed the Right
Happy Morning
Happy Welcome
Hear What Happened to Bill
His Grace Will Win
How I Love Old Alabama
How They Crucified My Lord
I Shall Be Satisfied
I Shall Then Be Satisfied
Is There One for Me
Just As I Am
Learn a Lesson from the Blossoms
Love's Old, Sweet Song
Massa's in the Cold Ground
My Happy Childhood Home
My Old Cottage Home
My Old Kentucky Home
Nearer My Home
Old Folks at Home
Our Childhood Home
Our School-Boy Days
Remember Me
Rest in Jesus
Some Day We'll Gather Home
Stars of the Summer Night
Sweet Rest
The Air-Ship Man
The Church in the Wildwood
The Dying Savior
The Dying Woodman
The Friend of Siners
The Friends of My Childhood
The Pretty Widow Brown
There Comes a Time
The Sailor's Home Song
The Serenade
The Showalter-Patton Quartet
The Soldier's Farewell
The Song of the Surf
The Willow Tree
The Word Divine I Love
Thinking of Mother
Thou Hast Gone to Yonder City
We Are Going Down the Valley
We, Like the Flowers, Will Fade Away
When the Heart is Young
When the Moon Shall Turn to Blood
Why Should I Fear

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Subject: Index: Weep Some More, My Lady (Sigmund Spaeth)
From: Joybell
Date: 08 Dec 08 - 10:17 PM

Spaeth's method of indexing is idiosyncratic to say the least. I'm submitting his index, as I did the other one, as he wrote it.

Weep Some More My Lady.
Sigmund Spaeth. Doubleday, Page and Company. 1927. New York.

Advertisment for a Wife
Ah There! Stay There!
All Around the World, I've Been
All That Glitters is Not Gold
Alsatian Mountains, By the Blue
Always in the Way
Always Keep a Smile for Mother
Amber Lee
Anacreon in Heaven, To
Arabella, Oh
Arm Chair, The
As Through the Park I Go
Awfully Clever
Baby, For Sale - A
Baby Mine
Bacon and Greens
Ball, Lanigan's
Baltimore, Belle of
Barefoot, Little
Bashful Young Lady, The
Be Home Early Tonight, My Dear Boy
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home
Beach at Brighton, On the
Beach at Cape May, On the
Beautiful Blue Bells
Beer, Bitter
Behind the Times, Just
Bell Goes A-ringing for Sai-rah, The
Belle at the Bar, Jessie, the
Belle of Baltimore
Benwell, The Murder of F. C.
Best Thing in Life, The
Bibo Went Down to the Regions Below, When
Billy Vite and Molly Green
Bitter Beer
Black Sheep, The
Blake, Jim
Blot Out the Past, If I Could Only
Blue Bells, Beautiful
Blue-Eyed Ellen, or The Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley
Blue Juniata
Bold Militiaman
Bow-Wow, Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a
Bridge of Sighs
Bright-Eyed, Little Nell of Narragansett Bay
Bright Eyes, Little, Will You Miss me
Broadway, Opera and Bowery Crawl, The
Broadway Swell and Brooklyn Belle, The
Broadway Swell, De Dandy
Broken Home, The
Brown, Julius Cornelius Augustus Pompelius Fredericus Plantaganet
Buffalo Gals
Buy My Roses
By the Blue Alsatian Mountains
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
Cards, A Pack of
Charlotte, Young
Charming Young Widow, The
Chickaleary Cove, The
Child of the Railroad Engineer, The
City Where Nobody Cares, In the
Clever Woman, The
Coal Black Rose
Come, Emily
Come, Let Us Ramble
Cork Leg, The
Cuckoo Clock that Hangs upon the Wall, The Old
Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow
Daddy's on the Engine
Dale, Lily
Dancing Mad, I'm
De Bon Bon, Pierre
De Dandy Broadway Swell
Dine, Lubly
Do They Miss Me at Home?
Do They Think of Me at Home?
Dodd, Tommy
Dollar, My Last Old
Don't Let It Happen Again
Don't Tease the Old Man
Don't You Go, Tommy
Don't Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve
Down in a Coal Mine
Dream of the Miner's Child, The
Driven from Home
Drunkard's Dream, The
Drunkard's Lone Child, The
Dugan, Little Johnny
Dying Hobo, The
Emeleen, Roguish Little Beauty
Emily, Come
Emma!, Whoa
Engine, Daddy's on the
Engineer, The Child of the Railroad
Esau, I Saw
Fallen by the Wayside
Fatal Rose of Red, The
Father Was Killed by the Pinkerton Men
Footsteps, Little
For Old Time's Sake
For Sale -- a Baby
Gallant 69th, The
Genteel, Shabby
Girl in the Blue Velvet Band, The
Good-bye at the Door, The
Grandmother, My
Grimes, Old
Heart on Your Sleeve, Don't Wear Your
Heidsieck, Sparkling Piper
Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
Hobo Blues, The
Hobo, The Dying
Hobo's Lament, The
Home, The Broken
House of Too Much Trouble, The
I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard
I Love You
I Saw Esau
If I Could Only Blot Out the Past
I'm Dancing Mad
In a Jersey City
In the City Where Nobody Cares
Inez Rovina
Irish Jubilee, The
Is Life Worth Living?
I've Been All Around the World
Jersey City, In
Jessie, the Belle at the Bar
Jest Talkin'!
Jim Along Josey
Jim Blake
Jockey Hat and Feather
Johnny Get Your Gun
Johnson, Nicodemus
Jones, Wild Bill
Josey, Jim Along
Jubilee, The Irish
Juliana and Her Grand Piana
Julius Cornelius Augustus Pompelius Fredericus Plantaganet Brown
Juniata, The Blue
Just as the Sun Went Down
Just Behind the Times
Just One Girl
Kingdom Coming
Kiss Me Quick and Go
Kissing on the Sly
Lanigan's Ball
Leave Me if You Wish, Now Go and
Let Me Say My Little Prayer
Letter Edged in Black, The
Letter in the Candle, The
Letter that Never Came, The
Life, The Best Thing in
Life Worth Living?, Is
Lily Dale
Little Barefoot
Little Bright Eyes, Will You Miss Me?
Little Bunch of Whiskers on His Chin, The
Little Footsteps
Little Johnny Dugan
Little Rosewood Casket, The
Lord Mayor's Show, The
Lou'siana Belle
Love Among the Roses
Love Is the Theme
Love Letters
Loved Ones at Home, Be Kind to the
Lubly Dine
Lulu Is Our Darling Pride
Maria, My
Merry Swiss Girl, The
Militiaman, The Bold
Miner's Child, The Dream of the
Moet and Shandon for Me
Molly Green, Billy Vite and
Morning, Oh, in the
Motto for All, A
Murder of F. C. Benwell, The
My Grandmother
My Last Old Dollar
My Maria
Nell and I
Nell of Narragansett Bay, Bright-Eyed Little
Nicodemus Johnson
Nobody's Child
Nobody's Darling
Nobody's Darling, They Say I Am
Now Go and Leave Me if You Wish
Oh, Arabella
Oh, in the Morning
Oh! Why Do You Tease us?
Old Cuckoo Clock that Hangs upon the Wall, The
Old Grimes
Old Time's Sake, For
On the Beach at Brighton
On the Beach at Cape May
Oysters and Wine at 2 A. M.
Pack of Cards, A
Par Excellence
Pardon Came too Late, The
Park I Go, As Through the
Pebble on the Beach, You're Not the Only
Pharisee and Sadducee
Picture that Was Drawn upon the Floor, The
Pierre De Bon Bon
Pinkerton Men, Father Was Killed by the
Play in Your Yard, I Don't Want to
Play with Me?, Why Don't They
Polka, See Me Dance the
Prayer, Let Me Say My Little
Pulling Hard Against the Stream
Put My Little Shoes Away
Railroad Chorus
Ramble, Come Let Us
Rich Country Girl and the Wicked City Chap, The
Riding in a Street Car
Roguish Little Beauty, Emeleen
Rose, Coal Black
Rose of Red, The Fatal
Roses, Buy Me
Roses, Love Among the
Rosewood Casket, The Little
Rover, The Wild
Rovina, Inez
Sadducee, Pharisee and
Sai-rah, The Bell Goes A-Ringing for
See Me Dance the Polka
Shabby Genteel
Ship, The Black
Ship that Never Returned, The
Shoes Away, Put My Little
Show, The Lord Mayor's
Sixty-ninth, The Gallant
Slavery Days
Smile for Mother, Always Keep a
Soda and B_____
Somebody's Child
Sparking on a Sunday Night
Sparkling Piper Heidsieck
Starry Night for a Ramble, A
Street Car, Riding in a
Swiss Girl, The Merry
Tassels on the Boots
Taxation of America
Texan Rangers, War Song of the
They Say I Am Nobody's Darling
This Wedding Ring of Mine
Those Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out
To Anacreon in Heaven
Tommy Dodd
Tommy, Don't You Go
Too Late
Train that Never Returned, The
Trouble, The House of Too Much
War Song of the Texan Rangers
Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out, Those
Wedding Ring of Mine, This
When Bibo Went Down to the Regions Below
Where Was Moses When the Light Went Out?
Whiskers, Five a Bag
Whoa, Emma!
Why Don't The Play With Me?
Wicked City Chap, The Rich Country Girl and the
Widow, The Charming Young
Wife, Advertisement for a
Wild Bill Jones
Wild Rover, The
Willie the Weeper
Willie, We Have Missed You
Wine at 2 A. M., Oysters and
Won't You Come Along?
Young Charlotte
You're Not the Only Pebble on the Beach.

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Subject: Index: Ancient Scotish Melodies...(Dauney, 1838)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 09 Dec 08 - 01:21 AM

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Ancient Scotish Melodies from a Manuscript of the Reign of King James VI
With an introductory enquiry illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland
by William Dauney (Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club, 1838)

Adew, Dundee
Allan Water
Auld Robin Gray
Aye Waukin, O
Banks of Helicon, The
Battle of Harlaw, The
Birks of Aberfeldie
Birks of Invermay, The
Blathrie O't, The
Blithe, Blithe, and Merry Was She
Blue Ribbon, Scotish Measure
Bonnie May
Bonny Broom, The
Bonny Dundee
Bonny Jean
Bothwell Bank, Thou Bloomest Fair
Braes Aboon Monaw, The
Braes of Ballendine, The
Broom of the Cowdenknowes, The
Brose and Butter
Bush aboon Traquair, The
Ca the Ewes to the Knowes
Carle, Now the King's Come
Charmante Gabrielle
Clout the Caldron
Cold and Raw
Cushion Dance
Dainty Davie
Day Dawes, The
Deil Tak the Wars
Dumbarton Drums
Flowers of the Forest, The
Frog Came to the Mill Door, The
Gala Water
Good Night, and God Be with You
Gray Steel
Green Grows the Rashes
Green Sleeves
Haud Awa frae Me, Donald
Haud Her Gaun
Hey, Jenny, Come Doun to Jock
Highland Laddie
Highland Mary
Honest Luckie
Hunt Is Up, The
I Love My Love in Secret
If the Kirk Would Let Me Be
If Thou Wert My Ain Thing
I'll Never Leave Thee
Janet Drinks Nae Water
Jenny Nettles
Jock, the Laird's Brother
Jockie Drunken Bable
Jockie Went to the Wood
John Anderson, My Jo
John, Come Kiss Me Now
Johny Faa
Katherine Bairdie
Katherine Ogie
Kind Robin Lo'es Me
Lass of Patie's Mill, The
Last Time I Came o'er the Moor, The
Lea Rig, The
Lizzy Lindsay
Logan Water
Lord Ronald
Maggie Lauder
Maltman Comes on Monday, The
Meeting of the Waters, The
Mill, O, The
Mucking of Geordie's Byre, The
My Dearie, If Thou Die
My Jo, Janet
My Luve's in Germany
My Mother's Aye Glowrin o'er Me
My Nanie, O
My Wife Has Taen the Gee
Nancy's to the Greenwood Gane
Now Is the Month of Maying
O'er the Muir to Maggie
Of A' the Airts the Wind Can Blaw
Omnia Vincit Amor
Over the Hills and Far Aw«Y
Peggy, I Must Love Thee
Poortith Cauld
Rattlin Roarin Willie
Rich and Rare
Robin, Quoth She
Roger de Coverly
Roslin Castle
Roy's Wife
Sa Merry as We Ha'e Been
Saw Ye Johnny Coming
Saw Ye Nae My Peggy
Scots Wha Ha'e
Souters of Selkirk, The
Spanish Lady, The
Swedish Air
Sweet Willie
There's Auld Rob Morris
This Is No My Ain House
Three Sheep Skins
To Danton Me
Up in the Morning Early
Vive Henri Quatre
Wae's My Heart, That We Should Sunder
Waly, Waly
Wandering Willie
We Be Three Poor Mariners
When She Came Ben She Bobbit
When the King Enjoys His Own Again
Where Helen Lies
Whistle O'er the Lave o't
Willie Winkie's Testament
Woo'd and Married and A'
Yellow-Haired Laddie, The

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Subject: Index: Scottish Song: Its Wealth...(Blackie, 1889)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 09 Dec 08 - 09:17 AM

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Scottish Song:
Its Wealth, Wisdom, and Social Significance
by John Stuart Blackie (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1889)

[Note: I compiled this song list myself, since the book doesn't have one. I included only those that have both lyrics and musical notation. --JD]


When the Kye Comes Hame
Jessie, the Flower o' Dunblane
Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa'
Annie Laurie
Owre the Muir amang the Heather
O' A' the Airts the Wind Can Blaw
Kind Robin Lo'es Me
The Kiss ahint the Door
Tam Glen
Saw Ye Johnnie Comin'? Quo' She
Muirland Willie
The Cauldrife Wooer
Willie's Gane to Melville Castle
Logie o' Buchan
Jenny's Bawbee
Come under My Plaidie
Auld Robin Gray
Jock o' Hazeldean
The Laird o' Cockpen
Lass, Gin Ye Lo'e Me, Tell Me Noo
Woo'd and Married and A'
There's Nae Luck aboot the Hoose
The Married Man's Lament
John Grumlie
Get Up and Bar the Door
Tak' Your Auld Cloak about Ye
John Anderson, My Jo
Wandering Willie
My Nannie's Awa'
Ae Fond Kiss
Let Us Haste to Kelvin Grove
Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon
O Waly! Waly!
O Wha's at the Window, Wha, Wha?
Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch
I'm Glad My Heart's My Ain
The Quaker's Wife

Away, Ye Gay Landscapes
Scotland Yet
Oh! Why Left I My Hame?
The Kail Brose of Auld Scotland
In the Garb of Old Gaul
My Dear Highland Laddie, O
Lochaber No More
Blue Bonnets over the Border
We'll Hae Nane but Highland Bonnets Here
Scots, Wha Hae wi' Wallace Bled
The Flowers of the Forest
I've Heard the Liltin'
The Battle of Sheriffmuir
O Kenmure's On an' Awa', Willie
The Bonnie House o' Airlie
When the King Comes owre the Water
The Women Are A' Gane Wud
The Wee, Wee German Lairdie
Owre the Water to Charlie
Come o'er the Stream, Charlie
Welcome, Royal Charlie
Charlie Is My Darling
Wha Wadna Fight for Charlie?
Wha'll Be King but Charlie?
Gabhaidh Sinn An Rathad Mor
Cam' Ye by Athol?
O Send Lewie Gordon Hame
Johnnie Cope
The Hundred Pipers
Skye Boat-Song
Flora Macdonald's Lament
The Chevalier's Lament
Will You No' Come Back Again?
A Wee Bird Cam' to Our Ha' Door

My Ain Fireside
Up in the Morning Early
The Rowan Tree
The Auld House
The Stipendless Parson
The Ewie wi' the Crookit Horn
Caller Herrin'
Soumin an' Roumin
Captain Paton No Mo'e!

Willie Wi' His Wig A-Jee
There's Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
Sae Will We Yet
A Wee Drappie o'T
Willie Brewed a Peck o' Maut
Auld Langsyne
My Wife Has Ta'en the Gee

Ho Ro, Clansmen!
Ho, My Bonnie Boatie!
The Tooin' o' Wir Boat
The Boatie Rows
The Rover of Lochryan He's Gane

Ilka Blade o' Grass Keps Its Ain Drap o' Dew
Castles in the Air
There's Nae Cov'nant Now, Lassie
Auntie's Sangs
The Land o' the Leal
A Man's a Man for A' That

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Subject: Index: Popular Songs of Scotland... (Graham, 1887)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 09 Dec 08 - 01:58 PM

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The Popular Songs of Scotland
With Their Appropriate Melodies
by George Farquhar Graham (Glasgow: J. Muir Wood & Co., 1887)

A Highland lad my love was born
A wee bird cam' to our ha' door
Adieu, Dundee! from Mary parted
Afton Water
Alas, that I cam' o'er the muir
Alastair Macalastair
An thou wert mine ain thing
And are ye sure the news is true?
And ye shall walk in silk attire
Andro and his cutty gun
Annie Laurie
Argyle is my name, and you may think it strange
At gloamin', if my lane I be
At Willie's wedding on the green
Auld Joe Nicolson's bonnie Nannie
Auld lang syne
Auld Rob Morris
Auld Robin Gray (English Air)
Auld Robin Gray (Scotch Air)
Ay wakin' O!
Bannocks o' barley-meal
Barbara Allan
Behind yon hills, where Lugar flows
Behold, my love, how green the groves
Bide ye yet
Blue bonnets over the border
Blythe, blythe, and merry are we
Bonnie Bessie Lee
Bonnie Dundee
Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie
Bonnie lassie, will ye go?
Bonnie Mary Hay
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Bonnie wee thing
Braw, braw lads
Busk ye, busk ye
Buy my caller herring
By Logan's streams that rin sae deep
Ca' the yowes to the knowes
Caller herring
Cam' ye by Athol
Captain Paton no mo'e!
Castles in the air
Cauld blaws the wind frae north to south
Cauld kail in Aberdeen
Charlie is my darling
Cockle shells
Cold and raw
Come all ye jolly shepherds
Come all ye sailors bold
Come o'er the stream, Charlie
Come under my plaidie
Come, gi'e's a sang, Montgomery cried
Comin' thro' the craigs o' Kyle
Comin' thro' the rye
Cope sent a challenge frae Dunbar
Corn rigs
Cro Challin
Doun the burn, Davie
Duncan Gray cam' here to woo
Ettrick banks
Far over yon hills o' the heather so green
Farewell to Lochaber, farewell to my Jean
Farewell, thou fair day
First when Maggie was my care
Flora Macdonald
Flow gently, sweet Afton
For a' that, and a' that
For the sake o' somebody
Gala Water
Geordie's byre
Get up and bar the door
Gin a body meet a body
Gin I had a wee house
Gloomy winter's now awa'
Go de sin den te sin
Good-night, and joy be wi' ye a'
Green grow the rashes, O!
Hame, hame, hame, O hame fain would I be
Haud awa' frae me, Donald
Hear me, ye nymphs
Hearken, and I will tell you
Here awa', there awa', wandering Willie
Here's a health to ane I lo'e dear
Here's to the year that's awa'
He's o'er the hills that I lo'e weel
Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye wauken
Hey, tuttie, tattie
Highland Mary
How lang and dreary is the nicht
Hughie Graham
I fee'd a lad at Michaelmas
I had a horse, I had ïàå mair
I heard a wee bird singing
I lo'e na a laddie but ane
I love thee still, although my path
I may sit in my wee croo house
I met four chaps yon birks amang
I will not go to my bed till I suld die
I wish I kenn'd my Maggie's mind
I wish I were where Gadie rins
If those who live in shepherds' bowers
I'll never leave thee
I'm o'er young to marry yet
I'm wearin' awa, John
In the garb of Old Gaul
In winter, when the rain rain'd cauld
Is there, for honest poverty
It fell about the Mart'mas time
It fell on a day
It was in and about the Mart'mas time
It was upon a Lammas night
It's up wi' the souters o' Selkirk
I've been courtin' at a lass
I've heard them lilting
I've seen the smiling
Jeanie Morrison
Jenny dang the weaver
Jenny's bawbee
Jessie, the flower o' Dunblane
Jock o' Hazeldean
Jock, the laird's brither
John Anderson, my jo, John
Johnie Macgill
Johnnie Cope
Johnnie Faa
Johnnie's grey breeks
Katherine Ogie
Keen blaws the wind o'er the braes o' Gleniffer
Kelvin grove
Kenmure's on and awa'
Kind Robin lo'es me
King James' March to Irland
Lady Cassilis' lilt
Lassie wi' the lint-white locks
Last May a braw wooer cam' down the lang glen
Leezie Lindsay
Lesley's march
Let us haste to Kelvin grove, bonnie lassie, O
Lochaber no more
Loch-Eroch side
Lochiel's march
Logan Water
Logie o' Buchan
Lord Balgonie's favourite
Lord Gregory
Lord Nithsdale
Lord Reoch's daughter
Lord Ronald
Lost is my quiet
Loudon's bonnie woods and braes
Low down in the broom
Lucy's flittin'
Maggie Lauder
Major Graham
March, march, Ettrick and Teviotdale
Marquis of Hastings' Strathspey
Mary Morison
Mary of Castlecary
Maxwellton braes are bonnie
Muirland Willie
My ain countrie
My ain fireside
My ain kind dearie
My boy Tammy
My Colin, loved Colin
My collier laddie
My dearie, an' thou dee
My heart is a-breaking, dear tittie
My heart is sair, I daurna tell
My heart's in the Highlands
My jo Janet
My lodging is on the cold ground
My love has forsaken me
My love she's but a lassie yet
My love's in Germany
My name is old Hewson the cobbler
My Nannie, O
My Nannie's awa'
My only jo and dearie, O
My tocher's the jewel
My wife has ta'en the gee
Nid noddin'
Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays
O Charlie is my darling
O dear dear Jeanie Morrison
O for ane and twenty, Tam
O gin ye were dead, gudeman
O hearken, and I will tell you how
O how could ye gang, lassie?
O I ha'e seen great anes, and sat in great ha's
O Kenmure's on, and awa', Willie
O lay thy loof in mine, lass
O Logie o' Buchan, O Logie the laird
O love will venture in
O meikle thinks my love
O mirk, mirk, is this midnight hour
O my love is like a red red rose
O Nancy, wilt thou go with me?
O open the door, Lord Gregory
O puirtith cauld
O rowan tree
O speed, Lord Nithsdale
O sweet are thy banks, bonnie Tweed
O the ewe-bughting's bonnie
O this is no my ain lassie
O thou broom, thou bonnie bush o' broom
O true love is a bonnie flower
O waly, waly, up the bank
O weel may the boatie row
O were I able to rehearse
O wha is she that lo'es me
O wha's at the window, wha, wha?
O where ha'e ye been, Lord Ronald, my son?
O whistle, an' I'll come to you
O Willie brewed a peck o' maut
O, dinna think, bonnie lassie
O, Mary, at thy window be
O'er the muir amang the heather
Of a' the airts the wind can blaw
Oh! Alastair Macalastair
Oh! dinna ask me gin I lo'e thee
Oh! thou art all so tender
Oh! why left I my hame?
Oh, hey! Johnnie, lad
Oh, I ha'e been on the flow'ry banks o' Clyde
On Ettrick banks, ae simmer nicht
Oran an aoig
Paul's steeple
Pibroch of Donuil Dhu
Playing amang the rashes
Prince Charlie's welcome to Skye
Put up thy dagger, Jamie
Robin is my only joe
Roslin Castle
Rothiemurchus' rant
Row weel, my boatie, row weel
Roy's wife of Aldivalloch
Saw ye Johnnie comin'?
Saw ye my father?
Saw ye my wee thing? saw ye mine ain thing?
Scots wha ha'e wi' Wallace bled
Send him hame
She's fair and fause that causes my smart
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Sweet fa's the eve on Craigie burn
Sweet Sir, for your courtesie
Tak' your auld cloak about ye
Tam Glen
The birks of Aberfeldie
The birks of Abergeldie
The blue bells of Scotland
The boatie rows
The bonnets o' bonnie Dundee
The bonnie bonnie bairn
The bonnie house o' Airly
The braes aboon Bonaw
The braes o' Balquhidder
The braes o' Yarrow
The braes of Gleniffer
The breast-knots
The bridegroom grat
The brier bush
The brisk young lad
The broom o' the Cowdenknowes
The bush aboon Traquair
The Caledonian Hunt's delight
The Campbells are comin'
The cauld cauld winter's gane, luve
The Cordwainer's march
The daisy is fair
The Drummer
The Duke of Buccleugh's tune
The Duke of Norfolk
The ewe-bughts
The ewie wi' the crookit horn
The flowers of the forest (modern air)
The flowers of the forest (old air)
The gloomy night is gath'ring fast
The gypsie laddie
The house of Glammis
The lads of Leith
The laird o' Cockpen, he's proud and he's great
The lament of Flora Macdonald
The land o' the leal
The lass o' Ballochmyle
The lass o' Gowrie
The lass of Livingstone
The lass of Patie's mill
The lassie lost her silken snood
The last time I cam' o'er the muir
The lea rig
The Lord of Gordon's three daughters
The Lothian lassie
The love that I had chosen
The lowlands o' Holland
The maid that tends the goats
The mill, mill, O
The Miller
The Miller's wedding
The moudiewart
The muckin' o' Geordie's byre
The murmur of the merry brook
The nameless lassie
The news frae Moidart cam' yestreen
The pibroch of Donuil Dhu
The piper cam' to îur toun
The piper o' Dundee
The posie
The queen of the Lothians
The rashes
The rowan tree
The ruffian's rant
The soldier's return
The song of death
The souter's daughter
The souters o' Selkirk
The sun has gaen down o'er the lofty Ben-lomond
The sun rises bright in France
The weary pund o' tow
The wee wee German lairdie
The white cockade
The winter it is past
The year that's awa'
The yellow-hair'd laddie
There are twa bonnie maidens
There cam' a young man to my daddy's door
There grows a bonnie brier bush
There was a lad was born in Kyle
There was a lass, and she was fair
There was a pretty May
There's auld Rob Morris
There's cauld kail in Aberdeen
There's nae luck about the house
There's nought but care on ilka han'
There's nane may ever guess
This is no my ain house
Tho' Boreas bauld, that carle auld
Thou art gaen awa'
Thou bonnie wood of Cralgie-lea
Thou hast left me ever, Jamie
Thy cheek is o' the rose's hue
To ha'e a wife and rule a wife
To the Lords of Convention
Touch once more a sober measure
'Twas even, the dewy fields were green
'Twas in that season
'Twas on a simmer's afternoon
'Twas when the wan leaf
'Twas within a mile of Edinburgh town
Twine weel the plaiden
Up amang yon cliffy rocks
Up in the morning early
Waes me for Prince Charlie
Wandering Willie
Welcome home, old Rowley
We'll meet beside the dusky glen
We're a' noddin'
Were I able to rehearse
Wha the deil ha'e we gotten for a King?
Wha'll be king but Charlie?
Wha'll buy caller herring
Whar' ha'e ye been a' day
Wha's at the window, wha, wha?
What ails this heart î' mine?
What's a' the steer, kimmer?
When first you courted me, I own
When o'er the hill the eastern star
When she cam' ben she bobbit
When the king comes owre the water
When the kye comes hame
When the sheep are in the fauld
When wild war's deadly blast
When ye gang awa', Jamie
Where are the joys I have met in the morning?
Where Gowdie rins
Where ha'e ye been a' the day?
Whistle o'er the lave o't
Why should I, a brisk young lassie
Why should thy cheek be pale?
Why weep ye by the tide, ladye?
Will ye gang to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay?
Will ye go to the ewe-bughts, Marion?
Will ye go, lassie, go, to the braes o' Balquhidder?
Willie brew'd a peck o' maut
Willie was a wanton wag
Wilt thou be my dearie?
Wilt thou go, my bonnie lassie?
Within a mile of Edinburgh
Wo betyd thy wearie bodie
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon
Young Jamie lo'ed me weel

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Subject: Index: Folk-Songs and Other Songs for Children
From: cetmst
Date: 10 Dec 08 - 07:14 AM

Folk-Songs and Other Songs for Children
ed. Jane Byrd Radcliffe-Whitehead
Boston, Oliver Ditson Company 1903

Ach, wie ist's möglich dann
America (God Save the King)
And We're a' Noddin'
Annie Laurie
Arthur of Bradley
At Summer Morn
Au clair de la lune
Auld Lang Syne
Austrian National Anthem (Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser)
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Begone, Dull Care
Birds' Duet
Blue Bells of Scotland, The
Bonnie Laddie, Highland Laddie
Brave of Heart
Caller Herrin'
Campbells Are Coming, The
Chairs to Mend
Charmante Gabrielle
City Rat and the Country Rat, The
Cockles and Mussels
Come, Lasses and Lads
Cradle Song (Brahms Lullaby)
Der gute Kamerad
Der rothe Sarafan
Des Müllers Blumen
Die Lorelei
Die Wacht am Rhein
Dixie's Land
Do do, l'enfant, do
Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
Ein' feste Burg
Farmyard Song
Father O'Flynn
First Nowell, The
Flowers of the Forest
Foxhunt, The
Friar John
Frieden der Nacht
Funiculi, Funicula
Garden, The
Gaudeamus Igitur
Gin a Body Meet a Body
Good King Wenceslas
Good Night
Have You Heard the News?
Highland Lad My Love Was Born, A
Home, Sweet Home
Hunt Is Up, The
Il était une bergère
In einem kühlen Grunde
J'ai un long voyage à faire
Je m'en allay à Bagnolet
Jolly Miller, The
John Peel
Krakoviak (No. 1)
Krakoviak (No. 2)
La Cachucha
La Luisella
La Marseillaise
La notte è bella
La Paloma
Lass of Richmond Hill, The
Last Rose of Summer, The
Lavender's Blue
Le Retour
Les trois princesses
Liebchen, Ade!
Little Cock-Sparrow, The
Little Cossack
Little Man and Maid
Little Red Lark, The
Loch Lomond
Lord Lovell
Lorsque j'étais petit
Lost Chicken, The
Low-Backed Car, The
Lucy Locket
Ma Normandie
Maiden's Wish, The
Manger Throne, The
March of the Men of Harlech
Marlbrough s'en vat-en guerre
Mein Schatz ist ein Reiter
Merry May the Keel Row
Minstrel Boy, The
Mit einer Primula veris
Mulberry Bush, The
My Dame Has a Lame Tame Crane
My Love's an Arbutus
My Old Friend John
Nightingale, The
O Can Ye Sew Cushions?
O Hush Ye My Baby
O sanctissima
O Tannenbaum
O yi caroli
Oh, Charlie Is My Darling
Oh! Dear, What Can the Matter Be?
Oh, Who Will O'er the Downs So Free?
Old King Cole
Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été
Regimental March
Riego's Hymn
Roy's Horse Enjoys a Gallop
Santa Lucia
Schlaf' in gut Ruh'
Schlaf', Kindlein, Schlaf'
Schlafe, schlafe, holder süsser Knabe
Schöne Minka
Scotland's Burning
Silent Night
Skye Boat Song
Sounds of Spring
Star Spangled Banner, The
Steh' nur auf, du Schweizerbu'
Summer Is a-Coming In
Sur le pont d'Avignon
Swallow, The
Sweet and Low
Three Blind Mice
Three Kings of Orient, The
Three Litttle Kittens, The
Three Ravens
Twilight Musing
Two Stars
Viens, Aurore
We Praise Thee, Lord
When All the World Is Young
When Christ Was Born
White Sand and Gray Sand

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Subject: Index: McDougall's English Songster (Mason, 1907)
From: cetmst
Date: 10 Dec 08 - 07:37 AM

McDougall's English Songster
English Songs, Carols, and Rounds
Recommended by the Board of Education
Pianoforte Edition With Historical Notes

By Edward Mason Mus. Bac.
McDougall's Educational Company, Limited
London, Edinburgh 1907

Part I
A. English Songs

Begone Dull Care
Hunt Is Up, The
Jolly Miller, The
Keel Row, The
Since First I Saw Your Face
Bailiff's Daughter, The
Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
Early One Morning
Roast Beef of Old England, The
Good Morrow, Pretty Maid
A-Hunting We Will Go
Come, Lasses and Lads
Happy Clown, The
Mermaid, The
Spring's A-Coming, The
Useful Plough, The
Tom Bowling
Ye Mariners of England
With Jockey to the Fair
Golden Vanity, The
Farewell, Manchester
Girl I Left Behind Me, The
Polly Oliver
Barley Mow, The
Ye Gentlemen of England

B. Carols

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Wassail Song, The

C. Rounds

White Sand and Gray Sand
Turn Again, Whittington
Chairs to Mend
'Tis Hum-Drum
Wilt Thou Lend Me Thy Mare?
Wind, Gentle Evergreen
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis
Let's Have a Peal
Come, Follow Me
Slaves to the World
A Boat! a Boat!
Look! Neighbors Look!

D. General Songs

Lord of My Fathers
God Save the King

Part II
A. English Songs

John Peel
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
Barbara Allen
British Grenadiers, The
Lass of Richmond Hill, The
We Be Three Poor Mariners
Oak and the Ash, The
Song of the Western Men, The
May-Pole, The
Under the Greenwood Tree
Bay of Biscay, The
Here's a Health Unto His Majesty
Robin Hood
Sigh No More, Ladies
Dulce Domum
Heart of Oak
Joan to the Maypole
Golden Slumbers
Now Is the Month of Maying
Where the Bee Sucks
Fairest Isle
It Was a Lover and His Lass
Cherry Ripe
Now, Robin, Lend Me Thy Bow

B. Carols

First Noel, The
Good King Wenceslas
We Three Kings of Orient Are

C. Rounds

To Portsmouth
Sing We Merrily
O My Love
Go to Joan Glover
My Dame Hath a Lame Tame Crane
Great Tom Is Cast
Fie, Nay, Prithee John
Under This Stone
Hark! the Bonny Christchurch Bells
Would You Know My Celia's Charms?
She Weepeth Sore
O Absalom!

D. General Songs

Auld Lang Syne
Rule Britannia

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Subject: Index: Jacobite Relics of Scotland (James Hogg)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 11 Dec 08 - 12:36 AM

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The Jacobite Relics of Scotland
Being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the House of Stuart
Collected and illustrated by James Hogg
(Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1819)

Act of Succession, The - 42
At Auchindown - 80
Auld Stuarts Back Again, The - 122
Awa, Whigs, Awa - 76
Awkward Squad, The - 60
Battle of Killicrankie, The - 28
Bishop Burnet's Descent into Hell - 72
Bonny Moorhen, The - 129
Both Sides the Tweed - 126
Broad Swords of Scotland, The - 78
Cakes o' Crowdy - 20
Came Ye o'er Frae France - 87
Cameronian Cat, The - 37
Carle, an the King Come - 39
Chevalier's Muster-Roll, The - 151
Come, Fill Your Bowls - 48
Come, Let Us Drink a Health, Boys - 98
Cuckoo, The - 111
Curses, The - 104
Devil o'er Stirling, The - 34
Donald Macgillavry - 100
Down among the Dead Men - 123
Drowning of Care, The - 13
Fifth of November, The - 127
Frae the Friends and Land I Love - 109
Freedom's Farewell - 47
Geordie Whelps' Testament - 116
Hame, Hame, Hame - 134
Haughs of Cromdale, The - 3
Here's a Health to Them That's Away - 50
Here's to the King, Sir - 110
Hey, Then, Up Go We - 15
I Hae Nae Kith, I Hae Nae Kin - 52
It Was A' for Our Rightfu' King - 26
James, Come Kiss Me Now - 144
Jamie the Rover - 102
Killicrankie - 32
King Shall Enjoy His Own Again, The - 1
King Shall Enjoy His Own, The - 49
King William's March - 24
Kirn-Milk Geordie - 96
Lesley's March to Longmaston Moor - 7
Lesley's March to Scotland - 5
Let Our Great James Come Over - 88
Lochmaben Gate - 132
Marilla - 137
My Laddie - 115
My Love He Was a Highland Lad - 54
Ne'er to Return - 22
Nobody Can Deny - 143
O, Beautiful Britannia - 141
O, Royal James - 120
Our Ain Country - 136
Over the Seas and Far Awa - 51
Perfidious Britain - 105
Pilfering Brood, The - 94
Plain Truth - 93
Praelium Gilliecrankianum - 30
Queen Anne; or, The Auld Gray Mare - 68
Rebellious Crew, The - 112
Restoration, The - 8
Riding Mare, The - 82
Ringing o't, The - 85
Robin John Clark - 124
Royal Oak Tree, The - 10
Sarum's Dirge - 75
South-Sea Ballad, A - 138
Sow's Tail to Geordie, The - 91
Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation - 56
There Cam' a Fiddler Out o' Fife - 21
There Was a Man Came from the Moon - 79
There'll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame - 59
This Is No My Ain House - 57
Thistle and Rose, The - 67
Thistle of Scotland, The - 107
Three Good Fellows ayont Yon Glen - 27
Tree of Friendship - 11
True Blue - 148
Union, The - 65
Waes o' Scotland, The - 130
Wee, Wee German Lairdie, The - 83
What Murrain Now Has Ta'en the Whigs - 146
When the King Comes o'er the Water - 45
Wicked Old Peer, A - 73
Will Ye Go to Sheriffmuir - 149
Willie the Wag - 36
Willie Winkle's Testament - 40
Would You Know What a Whig Is - 44
Ye Jacobites by Name - 53
You're Welcome, Whigs, from Bothwell Brigs - 18



Albany - 306
Cannons Now Are at a Stand, The - 307
Constitution Restored in 1711, The - 359
Dagon's Fall - 334
Donald Cowper - 309
Eustace Comines, the Irish Evidence, His Farewell to England - 332
Excellent New Song, &c., An - 341
Hail to the Prince of the Plot - 350
Happy Return of the Old Dutch Miller, The - 344
Honest Redcoat - 351
Ignoramus - 315
Information - 310
Jack Presbyter's Wish - 322
John Hielandman's Visit to the Quarter Session - 303
Lament for the Apprehending of Sir Thomas Armstrong - 336
Loyal Conquest, The - 328
Loyal Health, The - 319
Loyal Irishman, The - 355
Man of Fashion, The - 318
Narrative of the Old Plot; Being a New Song, A - 320
New Litany, A - 358
Patience Ward - 348
Plot Is Rent and Torn, The - 356
Pluto, the Prince of Darkness, &C. - 338
Pot-Companions, The - 323
Present State of England, The - 312
Protestant Flail, The - 324
Removal of the Parliament from London to Oxford, The - 308
Royal Admiral, The - 343
Royal Litany, The - 326
There's None so Happy as We - 346
Titus Telltroth - 314
Tory in a Whig's Coat, A - 301
Western Rebel, The - 353
Whig upon Whig - 330
Whigs Exposed, The - 339


Advice to Britons - 397
Advice to the Tories - 410
Age of Wonders, The - 375
Brunswick Mum - 414
Fifth of November - 363
First of August - 404
First of August - 405
First of August - 406
First of August - 407
First Psalm, The - 396
French King's Thanks and Advice, &c., The - 373
George at Last Shall Wear the Crown - 389
God Prosper Long This Freeborn Isle - 382
Haste Over, Hanover, Fast as You Can Over - 370
Health, A - 366
Here's a Health to the King - 418
Hey, Boys, Up Go We - 395
High-Church Alarm, The - 398
High-Church Shall Never Make Perkin a King, The - 421
If Now at Last We Must Give Up Spain - 387
King George's Birth-Day - 412
King William's Birth-Day - 367
Litany, A - 393
Loyalty Displayed, &C. - 371
Merchant a-la-Mode, The - 391
No More the Danger of the Church - 419
No Popery Here Shall Thrive - 408
Nothing but Truth - 380
Now, Now Is Come the Glorious Year - 413
On His Majesty's Coronation - 417
On the Breaking Out of the Rebellion - 421
Pretender's Army, The - 423
Raree Show - 401
Raree Show, The - 399
Rue and Tyme - 420
Song on the Thirtieth of January 1696 - 364
Tantivy Tory - 378
That Protestants with Protestants - 416
Tories' Lamentation - 403
Truth at Last, The - 384
Vile Tricksters and Greggsters - 408

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Subject: Index: Fireside Harmony (Mason, 1848)
From: cetmst
Date: 11 Dec 08 - 05:17 PM

Fireside Harmony; A New Collection of Glees and Part Songs, Arranged for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Base (sic) Voices by William Mason
Boston, Tappan, Whittemore, and Mason, 1848

An Old Man Would Be a-Wooing
Awake, Sweet Flowery-Footed May
Beauteous Clouds
Canon for the Month of June
Does Madness Press Thy Sinking Heart?
Erin Is My Home
For Our Country
Freedom's Land
He That Is Thy Friend
Heart's Desires
Hope and Faith
How Sweet Are the Flowers
Joyful Be, Gay and Free
Land of Youth
Love and Mirth
Maiden! Listen
Maidens Young and Tender
Mourir pour la Patrie
Neapolitan Song
Night Songs
Sing a Song
Song of the Sleighers
Spring's Eyes
Spring Greeting to the Father-Land
Spring Time
Swiss Evening Song
The Alpine Wooer
The Exquisite
The Farewell
The Fisherman
The Forsaken
The Greatest Treasure
The Greenwood Tree
The Harper
The Hunter
The Painter's Wandering Song
The Richest Land
The Rover
The Sail
The Song of the Hunter
The Swallows
The Syrens
The Temple of Love
The Tyrolese
The Voyage
The Voyage of Life
The Wanderer
The Wanderer's Farewell
To the Genius of Poesy
To Sleep
Two Roses
Under Every Tree-Top
Up, Brothers Up!

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Subject: Index: The Songs of Ireland (Hatton & Molloy)
From: cetmst
Date: 11 Dec 08 - 06:00 PM

The Songs of Ireland
by J.L.Hatton and J.L.Molloy, 4th edition (The Royal Edition)
Boosey and Company, London, not dated but ca 1890

Moore's Irish Melodies

As a Beam Over the Face of the Waters
As Slow One Ship
At the Mid Hour of Night
Avenging and Bright
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
By That Lake, Whose Gloomy Shore
Come O'er the Sea
Come, Rest in This Bosom
Come, Send Round the Wine
Come, Take Thy Harp
Dear Harp of My Country
Drink to Her
Erin! Oh Erin
Erin! the Tear and the Smile
Eveleen's Bower
Farewell! But Whenever You Welcome the Hour
Fill the Bumper Fair
Fly Not Yet
Forget Not the Field
Go Where Glory Waits Thee
Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls, The
Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded?
Here We Dwell in Holiest Bowers
How Oft Has the Banshee Cried!
I'd Mourn the Hopes That Leave Me
If Thoul't Be Mine
In the Morning of Life
I Saw Thy Form in Youthful Prime
I Saw From the Beach
It Is Not the Tear At This Moment Shed
Last Rose of Summer, The
Lesbia Hath a Beaming Eye
Let Erin Remember the Days of Old
Meeting of the Waters, The
Minstrel Boy, The
My Gentle Harp
Nay, Tell Me Not
Night Closed Around the Conqueror's Way
No, Not More Welcome
Oft in the Stilly Night
Oh! Blame Not the Bard
Oh! Breathe Not his Name
Oh! Doubt Me Not
Oh, for the Swords of Former Times
Oh! Had We Some Bright Little Isle
Oh! the Days Are Gone When Beauty Bright
Oh! the Shamrock
Oh! Think Not My Spirits Are Always So Light
One Bumper At Parting
Remember Thee!
Rich and Rare Were the Gems She Wore
She Is Far From the Land
Silent, Oh Moyle
St. Senanus and the Lady
Sublime Was the Warning
Take Back the Virgin Page
They May Rail at This Life
This Life Is All Chequer'd
Tho' the Last Glimpse of Erin
Tho' Dark Are Our Sorrows
Thro' Grief and Thro' Danger
Time I've Lost in Wooing, The
'Tis Believed That This Harp
'Tis Sweet to Thimk
To Ladies' Eyes
Valley Lay Smiling Before Me, The
We May Roam Thro' This World
When He, Who Adores Thee
When in Death I Shall Calm Recline
When Thro' Life Unblest We Rove
When Cold in the Earth
When First I Met Thee
Whene'er I See Those Smiling Eyes
While Gazing On the Moon's Light
While History's Muse
Wreath the Bowl
You Remember Ellen
Young May Moon, The

Popular Irish Melodies

Around Me, Blessed Image, Ever Soar
At Eve I Wandered By the Shore
Bells of Shandon, The
Cruiskeen Lawn, The
Emigrants, The
Exile of Erin, The
First Swallow, The
Forget Not the Angels
Gap in the Hedge, The
Girl I Left Behind Me, The
Irish Exile, The
It Was On a Fine Summer's Morning
I'm a Poor Irish Girl
I'm a Poor Stranger
Kate Kearney
Kathleen O'More
Lake of Coolfin, The
Let Others Breathe in Glowing Words
Mother's Lamentation, The
Mourn Not For Me
My Bonny Cuckoo
Oh Leave Me to My Sorrow
Peggy Bawn
Rakes of Mallow, The
Savourneen Deelish
Shule, agra
Smile, My Kathleen, Pray
Through All Bright Flowers
'Tis No Time to Take a Wife

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Subject: Index: The Odeon (Webb & Mason, 1837)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 11 Dec 08 - 10:42 PM

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A Collection of Secular Melodies arranged and harmonized for four voices, designed for adult singing schools and for social music parties.

G. J. Webb and Lowell Mason, 1837; Pub. J. H. Wilkins & R. B. Carter, New York (others publishers listed).

Note! Odd order in part.

Are there Tidings
Araby's Daughter
A rosy crown we twine for thee
Bounding Billows
Bonnie Doon
Blue Eyed Mary
Bring Flowers
Canadian Song (sleighing)
Canadian Boat Song
County Guy
Early Days
Erin! the Tear and the Smile in thine eyes
Far, far o'er Hill and Dell
Forget not Me
Go where the Water glideth
How Cheering the thought
Homeward Bound
Hunter of Tyrol
Home! sweet Home
Hail! thee merry Month of May
Harvest Song
Hail! Columbia
Hark, the Lark
Invitation to the Singing School
Isle of Beauty, Fare Thee Well
I love the free ridge of the mountains
In the day-spring of youth
I see them on their winding way
Lovely Rose
May Morning
Morning, noon and night
My gentle harp
My baby sleep,
Marseilles Hymn
My bonnie dearie
O'er the waters gliding
O! tis the melody
Oh! how brightly
O swiftly glides the bonnie boat
Peaceful Slumbering
See our oars with feathered spray
See the conquering hero comes
Sweet summer is coming
Ship a hoy!
Sing, sister, sing
Stream gently flowing
Summer is breathing
Sweet spring is returning
Softly the moonlight
The bird at sea
The Pilot
'Tis dawn! the lark is singing
The Sun
To the fringed gentian
The wild bird seeks the mountain rill
The Maltese Boatman's Song
The mountaineer's return
Tyrolese evening hymn
The merry flageolet
The captive knight
Truth and falsehood
'Tis the last rose of summer
The sweet birds are singing
The bucket
The vintager's evening hymn
The rose in June
The joys of harvest home
The bridal wreath
The angel's whisper
The spring time is come
The Pilgrim Fathers
The chimes of Zurich
Through forests drear
The adieu
The muleteer
The smile of contentment
The light of home
The sea-shore
The minute gun at sea
The evening bell
The shepherd's farewell
The Switzer's Song of home
The mellow horn
The echo
They are gone from the mountain home
The Swiss hunter
The German Watchman's song
The crystal hunters
The rose that all are praising
The Harp that once through Tara's Halls
Upon the mountain's distant head
Village bells
What makes the morn's fair beam
When the sweet night,
Would'st gain a friend?
When the day with rosy light
When the rosy morn appearing
When the moonlight streaming,

Appendix- singing instruction

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Subject: Index: Minstrel Songs Old and New (1882)
From: cetmst
Date: 12 Dec 08 - 07:02 AM

Minstrel Songs Old and New
no editor or compiler noted
Boston: Oliver Ditson Company 1882

Angel Gabriel (Oh! my soul, my soul am a gwine for to rest)
Angels Meet Me At the Crossroads
Adolphus Morning Glory
Angelina Baker
Alabama Blossoms
Balm of Gilead
Buffalo Gals
Boatman Dance
Carry Me Back to Tennessee
Camptown Races
Carry Me Back to Old Virginia
Clare de Kitchen
Darling Nelly Gray
Dixie's Land
Dearest Mae
Dandy Jim of Caroline
Don't Be Foolish, Joe
Early in de Morning
Ella Ree
Ellie Rhee
Folks That Put On Airs
Farewell, My Lilly Darling
Floating Scow of Old Virginny
Gum-Tree Canoe
Gwine to Run All Night
Gentle Annie
Good Sweet Ham
Good-bye Liza Jane
Gideon's Band
Gospel Raft
Gospel Wedding
Golden Slippers
History of de World
Hard Times, Come Again No More
I Seen Her At the Window
I Want to See the Old Home
In the Louisiana Lowlands
In the Morning, By the Bright Light
I'se Going Back to Dixie
I'll Be Dar
Jordan Is a Hard Road to Trabbel
Jim Along Josie
Jingle Bells
Jim Crow
Jim Crack Corn
Jolly Raftsman
Kingdom Coming
Keep in de Middle of de Road
Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
Little Brown Jug
Listen to the Mocking-bird
Lilly Dale
Little More Cider
Lucy Neal
Lubly Dine
Lucy Long
Massa's in the Cold Ground
Melinda May
Mary Blane
My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night
Nelly Bly
Nelly Till
Nicodemus Johnson
Nelly Was a Lady
Old Folks At Home
Ole Shady
Oh, Sam!
Oh, I'se So Wicked!
Oh, Susannah
Old Bob Ridley
Old Dan Tucker
Oh, dat Watermelon
Oh! dem Golden Slippers
Old Home Ain't What It Used to Be
Old Dog Tray
Oh, Boys, Carry Me 'Long
Old Black Joe
Old Cabin Home
One-Horse Open Sleigh
Piccayune Butler
Poor Old Uncle Rufe
Poor Old Slave
Rosa Lee
Root, Hog, Or Die
Roll Out, Heave dat Cotton
Susan Jane
Settin' On a Rail
Sally, Come Up
Sing, Darkies, Sing
Stop That Knocking at the Door
Shine On
Twinkling Stars Are Lauging, Love
Trabbling Back to Georgia
Tombigbee River
Uncle Ned
Virginia Rosebud
Wake Nicodemus
Walk, Jawbone
Way Down Upon the Swanee River
Yaller Gal That Winked At Me
Zip Coon

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Subject: Index: Jacobite Relics of Scotland, 2nd Series
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 12 Dec 08 - 09:22 AM

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The Jacobite Relics of Scotland, Second Series
by James Hogg (Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1821)

A Balland, &c.
A lamentable Ditty on the Death of Geordie
An excellent new Song on the Rebellion
An yon be he
Arms and the Man
Be valiant still
Bessy's Haggies
Bonny Charlie
Britons who dare to claim
By the side of a country Kirk Wall
Callum-a-Glen. From the Gaelic
Carlisle Yetts
Charlie is my Darling (Modern)
Charlie is my Darling (Original)
Charlie Stuart
Cock up your Beaver
Come let us be jovial
Culloden Day. From the Gaelic
Cumberland and Murray's Descent into Hell
Dialogue, &c. &c.
Dialogue, &c. &c. Modern Set
Farewell to Glen-Shalloch. From the Gaelic
For an Apple of Gold
From Bogie Side; or, The Marquis's Raide
Geordie sits in Charlie's Chair
He comes, he comes, the hero comes
He winna be guided by me
Here's a Health to the valiant Swede
Here's his Health in Water
Highland Harry
Highland Laddie (Modern)
Johnnie Cope
Johnnie Cope Second Set
Kane to the King. From the Gaelic
Kenmure's on an' awa, Willie
Lament for the Lord Maxwell
Lassie, lie near me
Lawland Lassie
Lenachan's Farewell. From the Gaelic
Lewie Gordon
Lord Derwentwater's Goodnight
Macdonald's Gathering. From the Gaelic
Maclean's Welcome. From the Gaelic
Merry may the Keel row
Now Charles asserts his Father's right
O how shall I venture
O my bonny Highland Laddie
O my King
O'er the Water to Charlie
On the restoration of the Forfeited Estates, 1784
Our ain bonny Laddie
Prince Charles and Flora Macdonald's Welcome to Sky
Song of Expostulations
The Athol Gathering
The Battle of Falkirk Moor
The Battle of Prestonpans
The Battle of Sheriffmuir
The Battle of Val
The Blackbird
The Clans are all away
The Clans are coming
The Frasers in the Correi. From the Gaelic
The Gathering Rant
The Highland Laddie
The Highland Widow's Lament
The Highlander's Farewell. From the Gaelic
The Highlander's Lament
The Highlandmen came down the Hill
The Hill of Lochiel. From the Gaelic
The King's Anthem
The Lament of Flora Macdonald. From the Gaelic
The Lovely Lass of Inverness
The Lovely Lass of Inverness. Modern Set
The Lusty Carlin
The Man o' the Moon
The Mayor of Carlisle
The Old Man's Lament
The Piper of Dundee
The Sun rises bright in France
The Tears of Scotland
The Tenth of June
The Whigs o' Fife
The White Cockade
The Young Maxwell
There was a Cooper
Tho' Geordie reigns in Jamie's Stead
Three Healths
To daunton me
To daunton me. Second Set
To daunton me. Third Set
To your arms, my bonny Highland Lads
Towly's Ghost
Turn the Blue Bonnet wha can, wha can
Up an' rin awa, Willie
Up an' waur them a, Willie
Waes me for Prince Charlie (Modern)
Welcome, Royal Charlie
Welcome, Royal Charlie. Second Set
Wha wadna fight for Charlie
What ails thee, poor Shepherd
Whurry Whigs awa
Will he no come back again
Young Airly
Young Airly. Another Set
You're welcome, Charlie Stuart



Bannocks o' Barley
Bauldy Fraser
Britons now retrieve your glory
Culloden; or Lochiel's Farewell
Lament of old Duncan Skene, of Clan Donochie. From the Gaelic
Let Misers tremble o'er their wealth
Over the Seas an' far awa
Over the Seas an' far away
Owre the Muir amang the Heather (Modern)
Prince Charles's Lament
Scotland's Call
Strathallan's Lament
The appearance of Cromwell's Ghost on the eve of the battle of Culloden
The Bee-Hive
The Chevalier's Lament
The Emigrant
The Exile's Return
The Fate of Charlie
The Gathering of the Clans
The Lady looked frae her Ha'
The Song of M'Rimmon Glash. From the Gaelic
The Whigs' Glory (Modern)
The Wind has blawn my Plaid away
Though rugged and rough be the Land of my Birth


A Health to the Constitution
A Trip to the Mountains
Anniversary of Culloden
Bonny bonny Beef
Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie
Come let the Toast go round
Fame, let thy Trumpet sound
Few good Fellows when Willie's awa
Haud awa frae me, Donald
High Church Loyalty
How happy are we
In Edina's fair City
In troth, Friend Harry
In vain are the Hopes of a Popish Pretender
Nobody can deny
Nobody can deny
O Brother Sandie, hear ye the News
Over the Hills an' far away
Perkin's Lament
Perkin's Last adventure; or a Trip through the Back-Door
Stand round, my brave Boys
The Ablution
The Ape entrapped must not complain
The Battle o' Dumblane
The Battle of Falkirk
The Jacobites' Downfall
The Latter end of the Tories
The Raree Show
The Raree Show
The right and true History of Perkin
'Twas at the Hour of dark Midnight
Up an' waur them a', Willie
Willie is a warlike Prince
Ye Britons, ye Freemen
Ye freeborn Hearts, that hold most dear
Your glasses charge high, 'tis in brave William's praise

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Subject: Index: Twelve Romantic Scottish Ballads (Chambers)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 12 Dec 08 - 07:43 PM

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Twelve Romantic Scottish Ballads
With the original airs, arranged for the pianoforte
by Robert Chambers (Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, 1844).

Earl Richard
Hughie Graham
Jock o' the Syde
Johnie o' Breadislee
Lady Mary Anne
Lord Randal
The Clerk's Twa Sons o' Owsenford
The Douglas Tragedy
The Twa Corbies
William and Margaret
Young Johnston

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Subject: Index: One Hundred Folksongs of All Nations
From: cetmst
Date: 12 Dec 08 - 09:36 PM

One Hundred Folksongs of All Nations
Edited by Granville Bantock
Boston, Oliver Ditson Company, 1911

Piano accompaniment, titles and lyrics in English and the original language, notes on the songs, bibliography

Sally In Our Alley
O Willow, Willow
Vicar of Bray, The
Come, Lasses and Lads

Annie Laurie
My Ain Kind Dearie, O
Laird of Cockpen, The
O Logie o' Buchan

Last Rose of Summer, The
Minstrel Boy, The
Daughters of Erin, The
Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow, The

All Through the Night (Ar hyd y nos)
Hunting the Hare (Hela'r 'sgyvarnog)
Ash Grove, The (Llwyn On)

Hunt the Wren

Dans notre village (In Our Happy Village)
Il était un' bergère There Was a Little Maiden)
O ma tendre Musette (Sing to Me, Sweet Musetta)
Sur la pont d'Avignon (On the Bridge of Avignon)

Quant li Rosignol jolis (When the Nightingale Shall Sing)
L'autrier par la matinée (Early Strolling At My Leisure)

Sommerlied (Summertime)
Minnelied (Minstrel Song)

Aenchen von Tharau
O du lieber Augustin
Treue Liebe
Die Lorelei
Muss i denn
Das zerbrochene Ringlein (The Broken Ring)
'S is mir Alles Eins (All's the Same to Me)
Lebewohl (Farewell)
In Kühlen Keller (In Cellar Cool
O Tannenbaum
Der Wirthin Töchterlein (The Hostess' Daughter)

Von meinem Bergle (From These Dear Mountains)
Im Argäu sind zweu Lieli (In Argau Dwelt Two Sweethearts)

Werbung (Wooing)

Tyroler sind lustig (Tyrolese Are Blithesome)

Hoch vom Dachstein (From the Mountain's Height)

Magasan repül a daru (Hungaria's Treasure)
Seprik a Váradi utczát (Varadi's Highways)

Wsak nám tak nebude (The Treasure)

Waer dat men sich (Where'er Man Ranges)

La Vera Sorrentina (The Fair Maid of Sorrento)
La Ricciolella (Oh,Come to Me)
Santa Lucia

Forsi pirchinun m' ami (So This Is Sad Love's Ending)

A un niño ciegocito (Unto a Poor Blind Lover)
Yo m'alegro de habèr sido (It 'tis Sorrow So to Love Thee)
Cancion de Maja

Cançao do Figueiral (Song of the Fig-Tree Orchard)
Modinha (Wherefore Have Thy Lips Denied Me?)

Gaaer jeg udi skoven (I Wander Throught Woodlands)
Marsk Stigs Døttre

Tölf Synir (Bravely Sails My Bark)

Jeg lagde mig saa silde (I Laid Me Down to Rest)
Hjemreise fra Saeteren (Homeward From the Mountains)
Kau fra Hallingdalen (Dearest Maiden)

Liten Karin
Necken's Polska (On a Crystal Throne)

Vo polé tuman zatumanelsya (Over Fields and Over Meadows)
Dalekaya i blezkaya (O'er the Distant Lonely Mountain)
Kak po sadeku In the shade of the Garden Strolling)
Chanson des Rues
Zéléna grusha
(Ah! See the Old Pear Tree)
Zaplaitesya plaiten (Come and Twine the Slim Boughs)

Krakowiak (Dearest Maiden, Hark, I Pray Thee)
Mazurek (Little Cottage Lowly)

Runo-laulu (Home My Sweetheart Comes From Roving)

LAPLAND: Laulu Lapista (There's ne'er a Blowwom


Paul i kolo (Why So Silent, Tell Me, Birdie)

Pjesma (Come, My Dearest)

Tri godini (The Outlaw)

Charki Hidjaz (The Sun Hangs High)

The Musician

Ainta (Sleep My Child)
Charo ( (Upon Thy Lips)


Ma Gazelle (My Beloved)

Chanson Mauresque (Soleima)


Doos yá lelle (Love-Song)
Lá ilahá illalláh (There's No Deity But God)

Thine Eyes Are Bright With Fire

Guschi ki behakk
Durwan's Song

O re bho lá ma-n re (Snake-Charmer's Song

Jasmin Flower

Haru-no-uta (New Year song)
Sakura (Cherry-Bloom)

Pawnee War Song
Shicé Shicé

Old Folks At Home
Tenting On the Old Camp Ground

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Subject: Index: The Song Lore of Ireland (Mason, 1911)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 13 Dec 08 - 12:08 AM

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The Song Lore of Ireland
Erin's Story in Music and Verse
by Redfern Mason (New York: The Baker & Taylor Co., 1911)


I. The Beginnings
II. The Bards and Minstrels
III. How the Songs Came Down to Us
IV. The Nature of Irish Music
V. Songs of Joy and Sorrow
VI. Songs of Work and Play
VII. Songs of Faerie and the Spirit World
VIII. Songs of Pagan Chivalry
IX. Gael and Gall
X. The Curse of Cromwell
XI. The Jacobite Illusion
XII. The Dawning of the Day

Musical Illustrations

Ex. 1. The Coulin
Ex. 2. The Coulin as Sung in Clare
Ex. 3. The Coulin Embroidered by Harpers
Ex. 4. Major Scale of C
Ex. 5. Celtic Scale
Ex. 6. Limerick, Air Based on Five-note Scale
Ex. 7. The Last Rose
Ex. 8. My Love's an Arbutus
Ex. 9. Mixolydian Scale
Ex. 10. Scale of G Major
Ex. 11. Hypodorian Scale
Ex. 12. Scale of A Minor
Ex. 13. O Arranmore
Ex. 14. Uileacan dubh O
Ex. 15. Ben Erinn i
Ex. 16. Eileen Aroon
Ex. 17. Ballinderry
Ex. 18. Paisteen Fionn
Ex. 19. Nora of the Amber Hair
Exs. 20, 21 and 22. Lullabies
Ex. 23. Keen
Ex. 24. Plow Tune
Ex. 25. Smith's Song
Ex. 26. Spinning Song
Ex. 27. Theme of Scherzo of "Eroica" Symphony
Ex. 28. Jig. Three Little Drummers
Ex. 29. Kerry Jig. Wink and She Will Follow You
Ex. 30. Clare Reel. Toss the Feathers
Ex. 31. Song of Oonagh
Ex. 32. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Ex. 33. The Cry of the Banshee
Ex. 34. Lamentation of Deirdre
Ex. 35. Dirge of Ossian
Ex. 36. Gathering Sound
Ex. 37. Roisin Dubh
Ex. 38. Grania Waile
Ex. 39. Lament

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Subject: Index: Poets and Poetry of Munster (Mangan, O'Daly
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 13 Dec 08 - 01:07 AM

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The Poets and Poetry of Munster
A selection of Irish songs by the poets of the last century
With poetical translations by the late James Clarence Mangan
Now for the first time published with the original music and biographical sketches of the authors.
By John O'Daly. Second edition.
(Dublin: John O'Daly, 1850).


Andrew Magrath's Reply to John O'Tuomy - 67
As I Was Walking One Evening Fair, &c. - 5
Black-Haired Fair Rose - 211
Braes of Carrick Bann, The - 281
Brightest of Bright, The - 24
Brown Thorn, The - 239
Caitilin Ni Uallachain - 133
Conor O'Riordan's Vision - 119
Conor O'Sullivan's Vision - 255
Cuilfhion, The - 125
Dame of the Slender Wattle - 13
Dark Fairy Rath - 181
Dark Maiden of the Valley - 185
Donall na Greine - 161
Donogh O'Sullivan's Reply to Conor O'Sullivan - 259
Edmund of the Hill - 219
Edward Nagle's Vision - 245
Fair Hills of Eire, O!, The - 45
Fair-Haired Child, The - 177
Fairy Rath of Bruff, The - 203
Farewell to Patrick Sarsfield, A - 271
Flower of All Maidens, The - 83
Georgey the Dotard - 97
Geraldine's Daughter - 93, 189
Have You Been at Carrick? - 287
Health to King Charles, A - 147
Isabel Ni Brian - 173
John O'Tuomy's Drinking Song - 65
Kate Ni Neill - 207
Lament for Kilcash, A - 197
Lament for the Fenians, A - 51
Leather Away with the Wattle, O! - 193
Little Bench of Rushes, The - 129
Little Black-Haired Rose - 215
Maid of the Raven Locks - 41
Maiden, The - 73
Mangaire Sugach's Pastime, The - 87
Moirin Ni Chuillionnain - 57, 117, 127
My Darling Mary - 225
Patrick Condon's Vision - 251
Peter O'Dornin's Courtship - 107
Reply to the Maiden, A - 75
Return of Wild Geese, The - 169
Rev Patrick O'Brian's Vision, The - 261
River Lee, The - 269
Seaghan Buidhe - 171
Sighile Ni Gara - 101
Spirit of Song - 61
Star of Kilkenny, The - 91
Virgin, Wife, and Widow, The - 143
Wandering Exile, The - 231
Welcome for King Charles, A - 139
Whack at the Whigs, A - 77
Whiskey on the Way - 235
White's Daughter of the Dell - 157


Black-Haired Fair Rose - 210, 211
Braes of Carrick Bann, The - 280
Brown Little Mallet, The - 228
Brown Thorn, The - 238
Caitilin Ni Uallachain - 132
Cuilfhion, The - 124
Dark Maiden of the Valley - 184
Donall of the Sun - 160
Edmund of the Hill - 218
Fair-Haired Child, The - 176
Fairy Rath of Bruff, The - 202
For Ireland I'd Not Tell Her Name - 266
Growling Old Woman, The - 64
Have You Been at Carrick? - 286, 290
High Cauled Cap, The - 40
Hill of Feilim, The - 106
Humours of Glynn, The - 138
John O'Dwyer of the Glen - 146
John the Yellow - 168
Leather Away with the Wattle, O! - 192
Leather the Wig - 76
Little Bench of Rushes, The - 128
Little Heathy Hill, The - 70
Little Mary Cullenan - 56
Little Stack of Barley, The - 250
Maid Eire Is She, The - 72
Mower, The - 118
My Darling Mary - 224
Old Man, The - 96, 97
Open the Door, O! - 244
Pretty Girl Milking the Cows - 82
Red-Haired Man's Wife, The - 166
Sighile Ni Ghadharadh - 100
Soft Deal Board, The - 230
Turlogh the Brave - 248
Uileacan Dubh O! - 44
Wallet of Silk, The - 222
White Cockade, The - 50

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Subject: Index: The New Treasury of Song (1892)
From: cetmst
Date: 13 Dec 08 - 05:31 PM

The New Treasury of Song
D.H.Morrison and Myron W. Whitney, Musical Editors
Union Publishing House, New Yor
Copyright, 1892, by Hubbard Publishing Company

All's Well
Annie Lawrie
Annie Rooney
Are Ye Sleeping, Maggie?
Arrow and the Song, The
At Jesus' Feet
At the Wicket Gate
Auld Days
Awake! Awake! For the Spring Has Come
Baby Mine
Battle Prayer, The
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Best of All
Beautiful City, The
Beautiful City of God, The
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Best of all
Birdie Looking Out for Me
Birdie's Evening Prayer, The
Blue Bells of Scotland, The
Bonnie Doon
Bring Him Back Again
Bugler, The
Canadian Boat Song
Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters
Come Unto Me (Geibel)
Come Unto Me (Marshall)
Cork Leg, The
Cuckoo in the Orchard, The
De Cabin on the Mississippi Shore
Dear Refuge
Dearest Mae
Down the Green Lane
Drifting Clouds
Erin! The Tear and the Smile
Every Day Blessings
Ev'ry Bullet Has Its Billet
Fair Katie
Fairly Caught
Flower of Love, The
Forever and Forever
Garden Gate, The
Gipsy Countess, The
Glorious News
Going to Market
Golden Age Is Coming, The
Graces (4)
Gracious Spirit, Love Divine
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Hark! the Angels' Song Is Singing
Haul, Taut and Belay
Have You Sir John Hawkins' History? (Round)
He Kissed Me and I Knew 'Twas Wrong
He's a Man Among a Hundred
Helen's Babies
Highland Mary
Hold My Hand
Holy Night! Peaceful Night!
Home I Long to See, The
Home to the Mountains
I Dream'd a Dream
I Prithee, Give Me Back My Heart
I Was Glad
I Will Arise
I'd Mourn the Hopes That Leave Me
I'se Comin' Close to Eighty Year
I've Something Sweet to Tell You
In Old Madrid
In the Chimney Corner
In the Gloaming
Irish Exile, The
It Was a Song My Mother Sang
Jerusalem the Golden
Jolly Jack Tars
Kate Kearney
Kerry Dance, The
Kitty of Coleraine
Land Without a Storm, A
Last Cigar
Last Rose of Summer, The
Lead, Kindly Light
Lesson Books
Let Erin Remember the Days of Old
Let Thy Merciful Kindness, O Lord
Little Dof Under the Wagon, The
Little Fishermaiden, The
Little Tin Soldier, The
Little Volunteers, The
Little Wife Nelly
Lost Chord, The
Love Me Little, Love Me Long
Love's Replies
Lovely, Silent Night
Maid of the Mill
Mary and John, or, The Lovers' Quarrels
Meeting of the Waters, The
Message From the King, The
Minstrel Boy, The
Mister Speaker, Tho' 'Tis Late (Round)
Mother's Gentle Love, A
Mountaineer, The
Murmuring Sea, The
My Boy, Remember Me
My Old Cottage Home
My Gentle Harp
My Little Sweetheart
My Old Cottage Home
Names Upon the Sand
Never to Know
New Kingdom, The
Norah, the Pride of Kildare
O! Hush Thee, My Baby
O Loving Heart, Trust On
O Thou, Who Makest the Sun to Rise
Oh, Are Ye Sleeping, Maggie?
Oh, That We Two Were Maying
Oh, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast?
Ohé! mamma
Old Oaken Bucket, The
Old Stone Mill, The
On the Rocks By Aberdeen
Once More We Meet
Only a Little Beggar Maiden
Only Once More
Open Door, The
Outpost, The
Panel, Plaque and Tile
Prayer From Die Freischütz
Remember Now Thy Creator
Ring Dem Heavenly Bells
Ring On, My Bells
Robin Adair
Romany Lass, The
Rose-Bush, The
Rosy Goblet, The
Sabbath Song, The
Sand-Man, The
Scout, The
Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
Shells of Ocean
Sigh No More, Ladies
Silver Bells of Memory
Silver Moonlight
Sister's Love, A
Sleep! Baby, Sleep!
Song of Thankfulness, A
Song and the Singer, The
Songs My Darling Sang, The
Spare the Bonnets
Swift Hunter, The
That Is Love
There's a Green Hill
There's a Land 'Mid the Stars
There's a Little Leaf, Dear Jamie
Thou Art With Me, O My Father
Thy Sentinal Am I
'Tis Home I Long to See
Tit for Tat
True Till Death
True to the Last
Trumpet Will Sound in the Morning, The
Twickenham Ferry
Two Grenadiers, The
Two Merry Girls
Vagabond, The
Vive L'Amour
Watch on the Rhine
Watcher at the Gate, The
Welcome Meeting, The
When the Corn Is Gathered In
When the Tide Comes In
Wi' a Hundred Pipers
Within a Mile of Edinboro'
Word of God Incarnate
Words Beyond Recall
Wouldn't You Like to Know?
Ye'll Soon Be Gang Awa'

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Subject: Index: The Spirit of the Nation [Ireland], 1845
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 15 Dec 08 - 11:59 AM

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The Spirit of the Nation
Ballads and Songs by the Writers of "The Nation" [Irish periodical]
With Original and Ancient Music, Arranged for the Voice and Piano-Forte
(Dublin: James Duffy, 1845)


Adieu to Innisfail; An Chruisgin Lan; R. D. Williams; 81
Aid yourselves, and God will aid you; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 281
Annie Dear; Maids in May; Thomas Davis; 186
Anti-Irish Irishman; Feadam ma's ail liom; Hugh Harkan; 54
Ant-Sean bhean bhochd; An t-Sean bhean bhochd; Michael Doheny; 133
Arms of Eighty-two; —; M. J. Barry; 6
Awake, and lie dreaming no more; Eire go bragh; Author of "The Deserted College"; 19
Ballad of Freedom; —; Thomas Davis; 161
Banks of the Lee; A Trip to the Cottage; Thomas Davis; 247
Battle Eve of the Brigade; Contented I am; Thomas Davis; 158
Battle of Beal-an-atha-Buidhe; Paddy Whack; William Drennan; 47
Battle of Gleann-da-Locha; —; M. J. M'Cann; 153
Battle of Limerick; Garryowen; Thomas Davis; 303
Bide your Time; Original; M. J. Barry; 102
Bishop of Ross; —; Dr. Madden; 305
Blind Mary; Blind Mary; Thomas Davis; 235
Boyhood's Years; —; Rev. C. Meehan; 83
Bride of Mallow; —; Thomas Davis; 136
Brothers, arise; —; G. S. Phillips; 76
Burial, The; —; Thomas Davis; 179
Cate of Araglen; An Cailin Ruadh; Denny Lane; 277
Cate of Ceann-mare; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 298
Cease to do evil, learn to do well; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 163
Celts and Saxons; —; Thomas Davis; 191
Clare's Dragoons; Viva la; Thomas Davis; 290
Come, fill every glass to o'erflowing; One Bumper at Parting; M. J. Barry; 42
Dalcais War Song; Fag an Bealach; M. J. M'Cann; 178
Day Dreamer; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 151
Dear Land; Original; Sliabh Cuilinn; 22
Devil may care; —; J. Keegan; 74
Dream of the future; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 174
Eibhlin a Ruin; —; Thomas Davis; 15
Eire a Ruin; Eibhlin a ruin; Sliabh Cuilinn; 127
Emmet's Death; —; —; 242
England's Ultimatum; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 199
Erin, our own little Isle; The Carabhat Jig; Fermoy; 14
Exterminator's Song; —; J. C. O'Callaghan; 183
Fag an Bealach; Original; Charles Gavan Duffy; 3
Fall of the leaves; —; Rev. C. Meehan; 295
Fate of King Dathi; —; Thomas Davis; 104
Father Mathew; —; —; 87
Fill high to-night; —; William Mulchinoeck; 165
Fireside; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 73
Fontenoy; —; Thomas Davis; 213
Gathering of the Nation; —; J. D. Frazer; 138
Geraldines; —; Thomas Davis; 141
Girl of Dunbuidhe; —; Thomas Davis; 60
Green above the Red; Irish Molly, O; Thomas Davis; 264
Green Flag; O'Connell's March; M. J. Barry; 250
Health, A; —; J. D. Frazer; 315
Highway for Freedom; Boyne Water; Clarence Mangan; 321
Hope deferred; Oh ! art thou gone, my Mary dear; Thomas Davis; 187
Hymn of Freedom; Original; M. J. Barry; 146
Innis Eoghain; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 110
Irish Arms' Bill; —; William Drennan; 24
Irish Catholic to his Protestant Brother; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 8
Irish War Song; The World's turned upside down; Edward Walsh; 30
Israelite Leader; —; A——; 253
Lament for Eibhlin O'Brin; —; —; 171
Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill; —; Thomas Davis; 5
Lament for the Milesians; Bruach na Carraige baine; Thomas Davis; 238
Lay Sermon; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 300
Lion and Serpent; —; R. D. Williams; 68
Lost Path; Gradh mo Chroidhe; Thomas Davis; 99
Love Song; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 61
Love's Longings; —; Thomas Davis; 255
Memory of the Dead; Original; —; 46
Men of the North; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 97
Mo Chraoibhin Aoibhinn aluin og; Chraoibhin Aoibhinn; Edward Walsh; 94
Mullaghmaist; —; R. D. Williams; 65
Munster; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 241
Munster War Song; And doth not a Meeting; R. D. Williams; 194
Muster of the North; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 26
My Grave; —; Thomas Davis; 38
My Land; —; Thomas Davis; 219
Nation once again; Original; Thomas Davis; 274
Nationality; —; Thomas Davis; 166
Nation's First Number; Rory O'More; Clarence Mangan; 39
Native Swords; Boyne Water; Thomas Davis; 34
New Year's Song; Original; D. F. M'Carthy; 190
O'Connell; —; Astrea; 10
O'Domhnall abu; —; M. J. M'Cann; 118
Oh! for a Steed!; Original; Thomas Davis; 210
Oh! the Marriage; The Swaggering Jig; Thomas Davis; 222
Oh, had I the wings of a Bird; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 116
O'Neill's Vow; —; Michael Doheny; 57
Orange and Green will carry the day; Protestant Boys; Thomas Davis; 318
Orphan Child; —; —; 130
O'Sullivan's Return; —; Thomas Davis; 78
Our Course; Original; J. D. Frazer; 286
Our Hopes; Original; Sliabh Cuilinn; 234
Our Own Again; —; Thomas Davis; 310
Ourselves Alone; Original; Sliabh Cuilinn; 64
Paddies Evermore; Paddies Evermore; Sliabh Cuilinn; 114
Past and Present; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 320
Patience; —; Spartacus; 263
Patriot Brave; —; R. D. Williams; 293
Patriot's Haunts; —; William Mulchinoeck; 313
Peasant Girls; —; —; 149
Penal Days; Wheelwright; Thomas Davis; 198
Pillar Towers of Ireland; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 279
Place where Man should die; —; M. J. Barry; 223
Pretty Girl milking her Cow; Cailin dhas cruiteadhna m-bo; M. J. Barry; 292
Price of Freedom; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 108
Rally for Ireland; Original; Thomas Davis; 125
Recruiting Song of the Irish Brigade; White Cockade; Maurice O'Connell, M.P.; 258
Resistance; —; M. J. Barry; 239
Right Road; —; Thomas Davis; 120
Saint Lawrence's Address to the Irish Chieftains; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 225
Saxon Shilling; —; K. T. Buggy; 58
Slaves' Bill; —; William Drennan; 135
Song for July the 12th, 1843; Boyne Water; J. D. Frazer; 35
Song of '44; Alley Croker; M. J. Barry; 89
Song of the Poor; —; —; 275
Song of the Volunteers of 1782; Boyne Water; Thomas Davis; 36
Songs of the Nation; —; Edward Walsh; 159
Sonnet; —; E. N. Shannon; 11
Sonnets; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 103
St. Patrick's Day; St. Patrick's Day; M. J. Barry; 259
Stand together; —; Beta; 18
Steady; —; R. D. Williams; 55
Step together; Original; M. J. Barry; 262
Sweet and Sad; —; Thomas Davis; 265
Sword, The; Original; M. J. Barry; 170
Thirtieth of May; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 201
Tipperary; Original; Thomas Davis; 86
Tone's Grave; —; Thomas Davis; 129
Traveller's Testimony; Nora Creina; Theta; 91
True Irish King; —; Thomas Davis; 244
Tyrol and Ireland; The Dawning of the Day; Theta; 16
Union, The; —; Sliabh Cuilinn; 147
Up for the Green; The Wearing of the Green; Fermoy; 218
Victor's Burial; —; Thomas Davis; 283
Voice and Pen; —; D. F. M'Carthy; 211
Voice of Labour; —; Charles Gavan Duffy; 50
Vow of Tipperary; Tipperary; Thomas Davis; 159
War Song, A.D. 1597; Original; —; 313
Was it a Dream; Then in came the Miller; John O'Connell, M. P.; 95
Watch and Wait; Paddy will you now?; Charles Gavan Duffy; 285
Welcome; Buaicailin Buidhe; Thomas Davis; 270
West's asleep; Brink of the White Rocks; Thomas Davis; 72
Wexford Massacre; —; M. J. Barry; 23
What are Repealers; Gallant Tipperary O!; Edward Walsh; 140
What's my Thought like; —; John O'Connell, M. P.; 41
Who speaks or strikes; Fag an Bealach; D. F. M'Carthy; 251
Why, Gentles, why; Way, Soldiers, why; L. N. F.; 271
Wild Geese; Kitty O'Hara; M. J. Barry; 230

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Subject: Index: The School Song Book (McConathy, 1910)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 16 Dec 08 - 04:00 PM

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The School Song Book
Unison Songs and Part-Songs for General Singing
Students' Edition – Vocal Parts Only
by Osbourne McConathy
(Boston: C. C. Birchard & Company, 1910)


Abide with Me - Monk - 149
Ah! I Have Sighed to Rest Me - Verdi - 21
Alice, Where Art Thou? - Ascher - 77
All through the Night - Owen - 60
America - Carey - 120
American Hymn, The - Keller - 128
And We're All Nodding - Old Song - 88
Angel, The - Rubinstein - 102
Angels Ever Bright and Fair - Handel - 84
Annie Laurie - Scott - 112
Annie of Tharau - Silcher - 60
Anvil Chorus - Verdi - 32
Army, The - Jakobowski - 118
As Pants the Wearied Hart - Dykes - 151
At Pierrot's Door - French - 11
Auld Lang Syne - Scotch - 120
Austrian Hymn - Haydn - 137
Awake, My Soul - Handel - 140
Banks of Allan Water, The - Scotch - 79
Battle Cry of Freedom, The - Root - 119
Battle Hymn of the Republic, The - - 125
Bedouin Love Song - Pinsuti - 74
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms - Old Irish - 32
Bell Doth Toll, The (Round) - - 22
Ben Bolt - Kneass - 28
Blacksmith, The - Mozart - 8
Blow, Ye Winds, Heigh-Ho! - Old English - 20
Bonnie Doon - Millar - 79
Broken Ring, The - Gluck - 89
But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own - Mendelssohn - 80
Butterfly Boat, A - Millocker - 17
Call to Battle - Verdi - 62
Campbells Are Coming, The - Scotch - 116
Cast Thy Burden - Mendelssohn - 25
Chorale - Wagner - 2
Christmas Hymn - Mendelssohn - 145
Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean - Shaw - 124
Come, Holy Spirit - Dykes - 150
Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking - Haydn - 134
Come, Thou Almighty King - De Giardini - 135
Comin' thro' the Rye - Scotch - 94
Cradle Song - Schubert - 94
Dearest Spot, The - Wrighton - 126
Dedication - Franz - 2
Dennis - Nageli - 135
Dixie's Land - Emmett - 117
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes - Old English - 63
Duke Street - Hatton - 141
Early to Bed (Round) - - 85
Easter - Faure - 85
Ecce Quam Bonum - - 38
Even Bravest Heart May Swell - Gounod - 40
Evening Prayer - Weber - 144
Fairy Waltz - Millocker - 101
Farewell, Summer - Flotow - 58
Farewell, The - Beethoven - 82
Father, Again to Thy Dear Name - Dykes - 150
Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer - Mozart - 144
Father, Whate'er of Earthly Bliss - Mason - 142
Flee as a Bird - Spanish - 28
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton - Spilman - 34
Football Game, The - Koschat - 42
From Ill Do Thou Defend Me - Bach - 14
Gipsies, The - Beethoven - 31
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken - Haydn - 137
God Be with Us - Hatton - 141
Good-Night, Farewell - Kucken - 99
Graduation Farewell - Sullivan - 15
Guardian Angels - Schumann - 53
Hail to the Heroes - Verdi - 104
Hail, Columbia - Phyla - 123
Harp That Once through Tara's Halls, The - Irish - 7
Heart Bowed Down, The - Balfe - 89
Highland Cradle Song - Schumann - 92
Hiring Fair, The - Planquette - 38
Holy Night - Gruber - 148
Holy Spirit, Light Divine - Gottschalk - 146
Holy! Holy! Holy - Dykes - 152
Home to Our Mountains - Verdi - 24
Home, Sweet Home - Bishop - 94
How Can I Leave Thee - Folk Song - 121
How Gentle God's Commands - Nageli - 135
Huntsmen, The (Round) - - 13
Hymn of Peace - Beethoven - 103
I Hear the Soft Note - Sullivan - 68
I Would That My Love - Mendelssohn - 65
If with All Your Hearts - Mendelssohn - 9
In Old Madrid - Trotere - 6
In the Gloaming - Harrison - 99
Integer Vitae - Flemming - 151
Italia - Suppe - 26
Italian Hymn - De Giardini - 135
Jerusalem Above - Ward - 138
Jerusalem the Golden - Ewing - 139
Jingle Bells - - 112
Juanita - Spanish - 39
Kathleen Mavourneen - Crouch - 35
Killarney - Balfe - 95
King of Love My Shepherd Is, The - Dykes - 147
Largo - Handel - 95
Lass with the Delicate Air, The - Arne - 11
Last Night the Nightingale Woke Me - Kjerulf - 84
Last Rose of Summer, The - Irish - 69
Lead Us, Heavenly Father - Haydn - 148
Lead, Kindly Light - Dykes - 148
Let Me like a Soldier Fall - Wallace - 83
Life on the Ocean Wave, A - Russell - 33
Linden Tree, The - Schubert - 110
Long, Long Ago - Bayley - 73
Look Down from Heaven - Mendelssohn - 3
Lord Is My Shepherd, The - Smart - 86
Lord, Thy Glory - Beethoven - 136
Lord's Prayer, The - Tallis - 130
Loreley, The - Silcher - 100
Love's Old Sweet Song - Molloy - 10
Lullaby - Brahms - 7
Magnet and the Churn, The - Sullivan - 30
Marching through Georgia - Work - 130
Marseillaise Hymn - De Lisle - 132
Maryland, My Maryland - German - 126
Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground - Foster - 113
Memorial Day March - Chopin - 90
Men of Harlech - Welsh - 108
Merrily, Merrily (Round) - - 88
Minstrel Boy, The - Irish - 19
Minuet, The - Mozart - 52
Morning Song - Saint-Saens - 14
My Country, 'Tis of Thee - Carey - 120
My Mother's Eyes - Franz - 67
My Old Kentucky Home - Foster - 93
Nancy Lee - Adams - 74
National Game, The - Suppe - 70
Navy, The - Suppe - 80
Now the Day Is Over - Barnby - 147
Now to the Banquet We Press - Sullivan - 12
O Fair Dove! O Fond Dove - Gatty - 64
O Fly with Me - Mendelssohn - 84
O Hush Thee, My Babie - Sullivan - 4
O Paradise, O Paradise - Barnby - 152
O Who Will o'er the Downs So Free - De Pearsall - 78
O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast - Mendelssohn - 10
Oh, Charlie Is My Darling - Scotch - 22
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful - Reading - 141
Oh, Italia, Beloved - Donizetti - 54
Oh, Worship the King - Haydn - 136
Old Folks at Home - Foster - 114
Old Hundred - - 134
On Billow Rocking - Planquette - 51
Onward, Christian Soldiers - Sullivan - 138
Our Patriot Fathers - Sullivan - 107
Out on the Deep - Lohr - 8
Over the Summer Sea - Verdi - 75
Pirate King, The - Sullivan - 18
Portuguese Hymn - Reading - 141
Praise the Lord - Saint-Saens - 18
Praise to God, Immortal Praise - Kocher - 143
Quilting Party, The - College Song - 114
Rise, Crowned with Light - Von Lwoff - 133
Robin Adair - Scotch - 7
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep - Knight - 35
Roman War Hymn - Wagner - 72
Rosebud of the Wildwood - Schubert - 102
Round the Lord in Glory Seated - Cobb - 142
Russian Hymn - von Lwoff - 133
Santa Lucia - Italian - 61
Scenes That Are Brightest - Wallace - 82
Scotland's Burning (Round) - - 45
Send Out Thy Light - Gounod - 66
Shadows of the Evening Hours, The - Hiles - 153
Silent Heroes - Planquette - 100
Sir, Pray Be So Good (Round) - Purcell - 23
Sleep and Rest - Mozart - 87
Softly Now the Light of Day - Weber - 111
Soldiers' Chorus - Gounod - 96
Soldier's Farewell - Kinkel - 9
Song of Joy, A - Bononcini - 1
Speed Our Republic - Keller - 128
Star-Spangled Banner, The - Smith - 122
Swanee River - Foster - 114
Sweet and Low - Barnby - 110
Sweet Days, Farewell - Nessler - 59
Then You'll Remember Me - Balfe - 60
There's Music in the Air - College Song - 115
Three Blind Mice (Round) - - 107
Thy Way, Not Mine - Weber - 140
Torpedo and the Whale, The - Audran - 76
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! - Root - 129
Warrior Bold, A - Adams - 39
Watch on the Rhine, The - Wilhelm - 127
Welcome, Sweet Spring - Rubinstein - 29
Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, A - Old Song - 81
When the Foeman Bares His Steel - Sullivan - 46
When the Swallows Homeward Fly - Abt - 34
Who Is Sylvia? - Schubert - 61
Who Treads the Path of Duty - Mozart - 83
Yankee Doodle - Old Air - 131
Young Hopeful - Sullivan - 23

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Subject: Index: Old Plantation Hymns (Barton, 1899)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 16 Dec 08 - 06:24 PM

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Old Plantation Hymns
A collection of hitherto unpublished melodies of the slave and the freedman, with historical and descriptive notes.
By William Eleazar Barton
(Boston: Lamson, Wolffe and Company, 1899)

Anybody Here? - 21
Been Down into the Sea - 44
Before I'd Be a Slave - 25
Big Camp Meeting in the Promised Land - 29
Cold, Icy Hand - 8
Come Along - 13
Comfort in Heaven - 12
Crownd Him Lord of All - 29
Dem Charming Bells - 15
Dese Dry Bones of Mine - 11
Done Been Sanctified - 31
Don't You Want to Go - 31
Down by the River - 13
Down in the Valley to Pray - 4
Git on the Evening Train - 33
Goin' Over on de Uddah Side of Jordan - 5
Gone Along - 8
Gwine ter Jine de Band - 28
Hard to Rise Again - 11
Heaven Bells Ringin' in My Soul - 10
Heaven Bells Ringin', And I'm A-Goin' Home - 20
How Long, Watchman? - 36
Howdy, Howdy! - 4
I Don't Want You Go On and Leave Me - 23
I Want to Die A-Shouting - 12
I Want to Go Where Jesus Is - 13
I'll Be There - 19
I'm Goin' to Sing - 27
I'm Goin' to Walk with Jesus By Myself - 30
In That Great Day - 43
Jes' Gwine Ober in de Heabenlye Lan' - 42
Little David, Play on Your Harp - 26
Mighty Day - 20
Mighty Rocky Road - 6
Motherless Child - 18
New Born Again - 7
New Burying Ground - 35
Peter on the Sea - 40
Po' Me - 24
Pray On - 14
Rule Death in His Arms - 22
Sabbath Has No End - 37
Sinner, You Better Get Ready - 26
Soldier for Jesus - 27
Soldier of the Cross - 9
Soon in de Morning - 6
Stand on a Sea of Glass - 28
Stay in the Field - 27
Sweet Heaven - 10
Tell Bruddah Lijah - 5
The Christians' Hymn of the Crucifixion - 39
The Coffin to Bind Me Down - 22
The Old Ship of Zion - 23
The Winter Soon Be Over - 14
These Bones Gwineter Rise Again - 32
This World Is Not My Home - 9
Troubled in Mind - 24
Wake Up, Children - 13
Walk Jerusalem Jes' like John - 35
Walk through the Valley in Peace - 7
Wear a Starry Crown - 16
We're Some of the Praying People - 16
Were You There? - 40
When That General Roll Is Called - 29
When the Chariot Comes - 44
Who Dat Yandah? - 45
You Can't Cross Here - 32

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Subject: Index: Slave Songs of the United States (Allen)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 16 Dec 08 - 08:47 PM

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Slave Songs of the United States
by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, Lucy McKim Garrison
(New York: A. Simpson & Co., 1867)

Almost Over - 74
Archangel, Open the Door - 32
Aurore Bradaire - 110
Away Down in Sunbury - 99
Bell Da Ring - 34
Belle Layotte - 109
Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel - 3
Bound to Go - 23
Brother Moses Gone - 49
Brother, Guide Me Home - 86
Build a House In Paradise - 29
Calinda - 111
Caroline - 111
Charleston Gals - 88
Children Do Linger - 51
Come Along, Moses - 104
Come Go with Me - 57
Don't Be Weary, Traveller - 75
Early in the Morning - 44
Every Hour in the Day - 58
Fare Ye Well - 47
Give Up the World - 27
Go in the Wilderness - 14
God Got Plenty o' Room - 106
Good News - 97
Good-Bye, Brother - 47
Good-Bye - 52
Gwine Follow - 18
Hail, Mary - 45
Hallelu, Hallelu - 50
Happy Morning - 10
Heave Away - 61
Heaven Bell A-Ring - 20
Hold Out to the End - 57
Hold Your Light - 10
Hun, Nigger, Run - 89
Hunting for a City - 18
Hunting for the Lord - 13
I and Satan Had a Race - 40
I Can't Stand the Fire - 42
I Can't Stay Behind - 6
I Don't Feel Weary - 70
I Hear from Heaven To-Day - 2
I Know When I'm Going Home - 30
I Saw the Beam in My Sister's Eye - 17
I Want to Die like-a Lazarus Die - 98
I Want to Go Home - 46
I Want to Join the Band - 95
I Wish I Been Dere - 29
I'm a Trouble in de Mind - 30
I'm Going Home - 84
I'm Gwine to Alabamy - 89
I'm in Trouble - 94
In the Mansions Above - 59
Jacob's Ladder - 96
Jehovah, Hallelujah - 2
Jesus on the Waterside - 28
Jesus, Won't You Come By-And-By? - 60
Jine 'Em - 21
John, John, of the Holy Order - 16
Join the Angel Band - 39
Jordan's Mills - 68
Just Now - 67
King Emanuel - 26
Lay This Body Down - 19
Lean on the Lord's Side - 100
Let God's Saints Come In - 76
Little Children, Then Won't You Be Glad? - 87
Lolotte - 112
Lord, Make Me More Patient - 52
Lord, Remember Me - 12
Many Thousand Go - 48
Meet, O Lord - 43
Michael Row the Boat Ashore - 23
Musieu Bainjo - 113
My Army Cross Over - 38
My Body Rock 'Long Fever - 33
My Father, How Long? - 93
No Man Can Hinder Me - 10
No More Rain Fall for Wet You - 46
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Had - 55
Not Weary Yet - 12
O Brother, Don't Get Weary - 95
O Daniel - 94
O Shout Away - 71
O'er the Crossing - 73
On to Glory - 66
Poor Rosy - 7
Praise, Member - 4
Pray All de Member - 35
Pray On - 97
Rain Fall and Wet Becca Lawton - 21
Religion So Sweet - 13
Remon - 110
Rock o' Jubilee - 25
Rock o' My Soul - 73
Roll, Jordan, Roll - 1
Round the Corn, Sally - 68
Sabbath Has No End - 69
Sail, O Believer - 24
Satan's Camp A-Fire - 27
Shall I Die? - 41
Shock Along, John - 67
Shout On, Children - 60
Sinner Won't Die No More - 85
Some Valiant Soldier - 50
Stars Begin to Fall - 25
Tell My Jesus "Morning." - 15
Day of Judgment, The - 53
Gold Band, The - 83
Golden Altar, The - 77
Good Old Way, The - 84
Graveyard, The - 15
Heaven Bells, The - 79
Hypocrite and the Concubine, The - 70
Lonesome Valley, The - 5
Old Ship of Zion, The - 102
Resurrection Morn, The - 54
Sin-Sick Soul, The - 49
Social Band, The - 105
Trouble of the World, The - 8
White Marble Stone, The - 42
Winter, The - 78
There's a Meeting Here To-Night - 9
These Are All My Father's Children - 101
This Is the Trouble of the World - 99
Travel On - 31
Turn Sinner, Turn O - 36
Wai', Mr. Mackright - 43
Wake Up, Jacob - 65
We Will March thro' the Valley - 73
What a Trying Time - 74
When We Do Meet Again - 41
Who Is on the Lord's Side? - 56
Wrestle On, Jacob - 4
You Must Be Pure and Holy - 107

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Subject: Index: Allan's Lone Star Ballads
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 16 Dec 08 - 09:05 PM

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A Collection of Southern Patriotic Songs
Made During Confederate Times.

Compiled and Revised by Francis D. Allan
Burt Franklin NY 1874, reprinted 1970.

A Confederate Officer to His Lady Love
A Life on the Vicksburg Hills
All Quiet along the Potomac Tonight
The Old Texian's Appeal
Arise! Ye Sons of Free-born Sires
At Galveston, Texas
Awake to Arms! in Texas
The Black Flag
Banks Skedaddle
Bayou City Guards' Dixie
Bayou City Guards Song in the Chickahominy Swamp
Baylor's Partisan Rangers
Bonnie Blue Flag, The
Boys, Keep Your Powder Dry
Brass-Mounted Army, The
Campaign Ballad
Captain with His Whiskers, The
Chivalrous C. S. A.
Confederate Oath, The
Countersign, The
Conquered Banner, The
Darlings at Home, The
Davis Guards, To the
De Cotton down in Dixie
Do They Miss Me in the Trenches
Duty and Defiance
Dying Soldier Boy, The
Few Days
Fifth Texas Regiment, Song of the
Flag of the Southland
Fold it Up Carefully
Fort Pillow, At
Fourth Texas Cavalry, the Capture of 17 of Co. H
Galveston, Battle of
Galveston, Bomb, and Battles of
Galveston, Burial of Tough Beef
Galveston, The Horse-Marines at
Galveston, Recapture of
Gay and Happy
God Bless Our Southern Land
Green, General Tom
Green, Major-General Tom, to the Beloved Memory of
Hard Times
Here's Your Mule
Hood's Old Brigade
Hood's Texas Brigade
Hour Before Execution, The
I'm Going Home to Dixie
I'm Thinking of the Soldier
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Gen.
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Death of
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Funeral of
Johnston, Albert Sydney, Grave of
Johnston's Name, To
Joseph Bowers
Ladies to the Hospital
Lee at the Wilderness
Lee at Battle of the Wilderness
Leave it, Ah, No- The Land is our Own
Lone Star Banner of the Free
Lone Star Flag
Lone Texas Star, The
Lubbock, Col. Thos. S. To the Memory of
Magruder, Johnny B.
Magruder, Maj. Gen., Acrostic on
Magruder, To the War-Chief
Mansfield Run
Maryland, My Maryland
Martyr of Alexandria, The
Martyrs of Texas, The
McCullough, Ben. He Fell at his Post
Missouri: A Voice from the South
Morgan's War Song
Mother, is the Battle Over?
My Noble Warrior, Come
My Southern Land
Navasota Volunteers, The
Niblett's Bluff, The Icy Road to
Officers of Dixie, The
Officer's Funeral, The
O He's Nothing but a Soldier
O Here's to the Soldier so Gay
Old Jim Ford
O No, He'll not need them again
On to the Battle
Ostermann, Mrs. Rosanna
Our Boys are Gone
Our Glorious Flag
Over the (Mississippi) River
Over the River
Pass Cavallo, Soldier's Song of
Price's (Gen.) Appeal
Private Maguire
Ranger's Farewell, The
Ranger's Lay
Rangers, Song of the Texas
Rangers, The Frontier
Ranger, The Texas
Rangers, The Texas
Rebel Prisoner, The
Rebel Toasts; or Drink it Down
Richmond on the James, or the Dying
   Texas Soldier Boy
Rum Raid at Velasco, The
Run, Yanks, or Die
Sabine Pass
Sabine Pass Fight, True Irish Valor
Santa Fé Volunteer, The
Second Texians, The Gallant
Sentinel's Dream of Home, The
Seventh Regt. Texas Cavalry, Comp. A
Sherman, Lt. Sidney A., In Memoriam
Shiloh, The Drummer Boy of
Shiloh Hill, The Battle of
Short Rations; or the Corn-fed Army
Soldier's Amen
Soldier's Death
Soldier's Dear Old Home, The
Soldier's Farewell, The
Soldier's Lament
Soldier's Suit of Gray
Soldier's Sweet Home, The
Song of the "Bloody Seven" at Camp Chase, Ohio
Southern Captive, The
Southern Flag, The
Southern Girl's Homespun Dress
Southern Marseillaise
Southern Sentiment
Southern Wagon, The
Southrons, Hear Your Country Call You
Southron's Chant of Defiance
Stonewall Jackson's Way
Sweethearts and the War
Take Me Home; or, The Sunny South
Terry, Col. B. F.
Terry, Col. B. F. In Memoriam
Terry, To Captain Dave
Terry's texas Rangers
Texas and Virginia
Texas Land
Texas Marseillaise
Texas Sentinel in Virginia
Texas Soldier Boy, The
Texians to Arms
Texian Appeal, The
Texians, To Your Banners Fly
That Bugler; or the Up-i-dee Song
The Expected Texas Invasion
The Girl I left Behind Me
The South; or I Love Thee More
The Yankee Joke in Texas
There's Life in the Old Land Yet
Thornton, Maj. W. L., Monody on
Three Cheers for Our Jack Morgan
'Tis Midnight in the Southern Sky
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
True to the Gray
Twentieth Regiment, Co. K
Vicksburg, Bombardment of
Volunteer; or it is My Country's Call
War-Shirkers, The
Wearing of the Gray
We Know that We Were Rebels
We Left Him on the Field
When this Cruel War is Over
When Will the War be Over?
Where Are You Going, Abe Lincoln?
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
Woman's Prayer
Yankee President, The
Young Dodger vs. Old Croaker

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Subject: Index: Harmonic Primer (Ripley & Tapper, 1903)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 17 Dec 08 - 12:24 PM

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Natural Music Course [series title?]
Harmonic Primer
by Frederic Herbert Ripley and Thomas Tapper
(New York: American Book Company, 1903)


125 - AMERICA - S. F. Smith - Henry Carey (?)
124 - AUTUMN - H. Kletke -
112 - BEE, THE - - Amalie Felthensal
68 - BESIDE THE SEA - Robert Louis Stevenson -
8 - BIRD SONG, A - -
101 - BIRD'S SONG, A - -
120 - BUNNY RABBIT - - Carl Reinecke
59 - BUSY BEE - -
6 - BY-LO - Nursery Rhyme -
71 - CHILD'S PRAYER, A - - Joseph Haydn
73 - CORN SONG, THE - J. G. Whittier -
85 - DAY IS BRIGHT AND SUNNY, THE - A. J. Foxwell - C. A. Kern
87 - DING DONG! - -
121 - DOWN BY A SHINING WATER WELL - Robert Louis Stevenson - Newton E. Swift
88 - EARLY COWSLIP, AN - Mrs. Alexander - Lady Arthur Hill
100 - EVENING - -
104 - FIRE STORIES - - Emma Mundella
65 - FLOWER GIRLS, THE - Emma Mundella -
7 - GO TO SLEEP, DOLLY - S. L. F - S. L. F.
30 - GOD'S CARE - -
97 - GYPSYING IN THE WOODS - - Amalie Felthensal
76 - HIDE AND SEEK - -
83 - HOLLY - -
74 - HUNTSMAN, THE - - J. Brahms
82 - IT CAME UPON THE MIDNIGHT CLEAR - - Traditional Air
78 - JOURNEYING - Emma Mundella -
89 - LADYBIRD - -
47 - LAMBKIN, THE - -
123 - LITTLE MAY - -
109 - LITTLE THINGS - - Rossetter G. Cole
66 - LITTLE WHITE LILY - George MacDonald -
51 - MARCHING - Emma Mundella - Emma Mundella
80 - MAY SONG - -
40 - MOON, THE - -
57 - MORNING HYMN - Thomas Parnell -
91 - MY FATHER, HEAR MY PRAYER - - C. Hutchinson Lewis
113 - NORTH WIND DOTH BLOW, THE - Nursery Rhyme -
58 - ON FOREIGN LANDS - Robert Louis Stevenson -
30 - ON THE WING - -
107 - OVER YONDER - -
84 - PAT-A-CAKE - -
126 - PRAISE THE LORD - Bishop Richard Mant - Joseph Haydn
1 - PUSSY WILLOWS - - F. J. St. John
44 - PUZZLE SONG - - A. Struth
62 - RIVER SONG, A - Emma Mundella -
31 - RULE TO LIVE BY, A - -
27 - SEA SONG, A - -
5 - SEPTEMBER - H. H. Jackson -
26 - SING A SONG - -
110 - SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE - Nursery Rhyme -
124 - SING, SING, LILY BELLS RING - - F. J. St. John
48 - SLEEP SONG - -
99 - SNOWFLAKES - - Frederic H. Cowen
87 - SONG OF AUTUMN, A - -
36 - SONG OF THANKS, A - -
27 - SONG OF WORK, A - -
62 - SPRING SONG - -
8 - SWING, THE - Robert Louis Stevenson -
79 - VIOLET, THE - Jane Taylor -
75 - WHEN THE CHILDREN FALL ASLEEP - - Amalie Felthensal
33 - WIND, THE - -
122 - WRENS AND ROBINS - Christina Rossetti - Mary Carmichael

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Subject: Index: Songs of Scotland (Pittman, Brown, Mackay)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 18 Dec 08 - 09:53 PM

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The Songs of Scotland
A collection of one hundred and ninety songs
The music edited by Josiah Pittman and Colin Brown
The poetry edited (with notes) by Dr. Charles Mackay
(London: Boosey & Co., 1877).

Ae fond kiss, and then we sever - Burns - 22
Afton Water - Burns - 139
Allister Macallister - James Hogg - 111
And oh! for ane-and-twenty, Tam! - Burns - 194
And ye shall walk in silk attire (English version) - Miss Blamire - 64
And ye shall walk in silk attire (Scotch version) - Miss Blamire - 66
Annie Laurie - Anonymous - 4
Auld Joe Nicholson's bonnie Nannie - James Hogg - 201
Auld lang syne - Burns - 108
Auld Rob Morris - Burns - 51
Auld Robin Gray - Lady Ann Lindsay - 36
Auld Robin Gray (old melody) - Lady Ann Lindsay - 38
Awa', Whigs, awa' - - 151
Aye wakin', O! - Anonymous - 203
Barbara Allan - Anonymous - 219
Bide ye yet - Anonymous - 102
Birks of Aberfeldy (the) - Burns - 63
Birks of Invermay (the) - D. Mallet - 145
Blude red rose at Yule may blaw (the) - Burns - 210
Blue bells of Scotland (the) - Anonymous - 29
Blue bonnets over the border - Sir Walter Scott - 17
Blythe, blythe and merry was she - - 179
Boatie rows (the) (Weel may the boatie row) - Ewen - 41
Bonnie brier-bush (the) - Anonymous - 169
Bonnie brier-bush (the) - Charles Mackay - 170
Bonnie Dundee - Sir Walter Scott - 1
Bonnie house o' Airlie (the) - Anonymous - 133
Bonnie Jean - Burns - 177
Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie - C. Walker - 202
Bonnie wee thing - Burns - 121
Braes aboon Bonaw (the) - W. Gilfillan - 218
Braes of Balquhidder (the) - Tannahill - 80
Braes of Yarrow (the) - Hamilton - 114
Braw, braw Lads - Burns - 48
Broom o' the Cowdenknowes (the) - - 137
Bush aboon Traquair (the) - W. Crawford - 115
Ca' the ewes to the Knowes - Burns - 150
Caller Herrin' - Lady Nairne - 18
Cam' ye by Athol - James Hogg - 176
Campbells are comin' (the) - - 16
Cauld Kail in Aberdeen - Duke of Gordon - 116
Charlie is my Darling - Anonymous - 54
Come o'er the stream, Charlie - James Hogg - 196
Come under my plaidie - Burns - 126
Corn rigs are bonnie - Burns - 212
Corn rigs are bonnie - Charles Mackay - 214
Craigie-burn Wood - Burns - 106
Dainty Davie - Burns - 192
Deil's awa wi' the exciseman (the) - - 58
Deuks dang ow're my daddie (the) - - 104
Duncan Gray - Burns - 45
Ewe-bughts (the) - Anonymous - 62
Ewie wi' the crooked horn (the) - Rev. J. Skinner - 124
Farewell thou fair day - Burns - 178
Farewell to Lochaber - Allan Ramsay - 52
Flowers o' the Forest (the) - Mrs. Cockburn - 96
For lack of gold - Austin - 200
Gae bring to me a pint o' wine - Burns - 182
Get up and bar the door - Anonymous - 15
Gilderoy - Anonymous (1650) - 148
Gin a body meet a body (Comin' thro' the rye) - Anonymous - 128
Gloomy winter's now awa' - Tannahill - 98
Good night, and joy be wi' ye a' - Boswell - 74
Green grow the rashes, O - Burns - 42
Here awa', there awa' (Wandering Willie) - Burns - 8
Here's a health to ane I lo'e dear - Burns - 197
He's owre the hills - Anonymous - 156
Hey, Johnnie Cope - Anonymous - 109
Highland lad my love was born (a) - Burns - 33
Highland Mary - Burns - 81
Highland Watch (the) - - 204
Huntingtower; or When ye gang awa', Jamie - - 5
I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen - Burns - 181
I hae laid a herrin' in saut - James Tytler - 86
I lo'e na a laddie but ane - Hector Macneil - 132
I'm owre young to marry yet - Anonymous - 117
In the garb of old Gaul - Erskine - 56
Jenny's bawbee - Sir Alexander Boswell - 191
Jessie, the Flower o' Dumblane - Tannahill - 2
Jock o' Hazeldean - Sir Walter Scott - 9
John Anderson, my Jo - Burns - 72
John Grumlie - Anonymous - 216
John of Badenyon - Rev. J. Skinner - 146
Kelvin Grove - Lyle - 161
Kind Robin lo'es me - - 136
Laird o' Cockpen (the) - Lady Nairne - 162
Lament of Flora Macdonald (the) - - 164
Land o' the Leal (the) - Lady Nairne - 10
Lass o' Gowrie (the) - Lady Nairne - 34
Lass o' Patie's Mill (the) - Allan Ramsay - 118
Lassie wi' the lint-white locks - Burns - 123
Last May a braw wooer - Burns - 93
Last time I came o'er the muir (the) - Allan Ramsay - 222
Lea-rig (the) - Burns - 154
Leezie Lindsay - Anonymous - 152
Lewie Gordon - Geddes - 138
Lily of the Vale is sweet (the) - - 171
Logan Water - Mayne - 89
Logie o' Buchan - G. Halket - 14
Lord Gregory - Anonymous - 60
Lord Ronald - - 172
Loudon's bonnie woods and braes - Tannahill - 185
Lowlands o' Holland (the) - Anonymous - 163
Maggie Lauder - Semple - 84
Maid of Glenconnel (the) - - 199
Maid of Islay (the) - - 107
Man's a man for a' that (a) - Burns - 44
Mary Morison - Burns - 55
Mary's dream - J. Lowe - 166
Merry may the keel row - James Hogg - 187
Muirland Willie - - 155
My ain fireside - Hamilton - 78
My ain kind dearie, O - Anonymous - 220
My ain kind dearie, O - Burns - 221
My boy Tammie - Hector Macneil - 143
My heart is sair for somebody - Burns - 70
My heart's in the Highlands - Burns - 75
My jo Janet - Burns - 223
My love is like a red red rose - Burns - 43
My love she's but a lassie yet - James Hogg - 23
My love's in Germanie - Anonymous - 173
My mither's aye glowerin' owre me - Allan Ramsay - 190
My Nannie, O - Burns - 99
My Nannie's awa' - Burns - 193
My only joe and dearie - - 167
My tocher's the jewel - Burns - 105
My wife has ta'en the gee - Anonymous - 188
My wife's a winsome wee thing - Burns - 92
O' a' the airts the win' can blaw - Burns - 82
O dinna think, bonnie lassie - Anonymous - 140
O Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me? - Percy - 24
O Puirtith cauld - Burns - 85
O, love will venture in - Burns - 73
O, saw ye bonnie Lesley? - Burns - 50
O, saw ye my wee thing? - Hector Macneil - 100
O, speed, Lord Nithsdale - - 195
O, this is no my ain lassie - Burns - 153
O, true love is a bonnie flower - - 122
O, wae's me for Prince Charlie! - W. Glen - 159
O, waly, waly up the bank - Anonymous - 49
O, wha is she that lo'es me? - Burns - 206
O, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad - Burns - 26
O, Willie brew'd a peck o' maut - Burns - 205
O'er the muir amang the heather - Jean Glover - 125
Oh wert thou in the cauld blast - Burns - 130
Oh! hush thee, my baby - Sir Walter Scott - 184
Oh, open the door - - 158
Pibroch of Donuil Dhu - Sir Walter Scott - 47
Piper of Dundee (the) - - 6
Polly Stewart - Burns - 149
Robin Adair (English version) - Burns - 90
Robin Adair (Scotch and Irish version) - Burns - 91
Rosebud by my early walk (a) - Burns - 211
Roslin Castle - Hewitt - 46
Roy's wife of Aldivalloch - Mrs. Grant - 30
Saw ye Johnnie comin'? - Anonymous - 68
Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled! - Burns - 28
She's fair and fause - Burns - 103
Smile again, my bonnie lassie - - 119
Soldier's return (the) - Burns - 120
Tak' your auld cloak aboot ye - Anonymous - 79
Tam Glen - Burns - 131
There was a lad was born in Kyle - Burns - 94
There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame - Burns - 76
There's nae luck about the house - Mickle - 12
Thou hast left me ever, Jamie - Burns - 69
Tullochgorum - Rev. J. Skinner - 208
Turn again, thou fair Eliza - Burns - 87
Twa bonnie maidens - James Hogg - 39
Up in the morning early - J. Hamilton - 157
Waefu' heart (the) - Miss Blamire - 32
Wae's me for Prince Charlie - W. Glen - 35
Weary pund o' tow (the) - Anonymous - 135
Wee, wee German lairdie (the) - - 129
Weel may the keel row - - 186
Welcome, Royal Charlie - - 174
We're a' noddin' - Anonymous - 180
Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? - - 168
Wha'll be King but Charlie? - Anonymous - 189
What ails this heart o' mine? - Miss Blamire - 207
What's a' the steer, kimmer? - Anonymous - 71
When the king comes owre the water - Lady Keith - 113
When the kye come hame - James Hogg - 198
Where are the joys? - Burns - 142
Whistle o'er the lave o't - Burns - 95
Wilt thou be my dearie? - Anonymous - 160
Winter it is past (the) - - 67
Within a mile of Edinburgh Town - T. D'Urfey - 11
Woo'd and married and a' - Joanna Baillie - 134
Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon - Burns - 144
Year that's awa' (the) - - 77
Yellow-hair'd laddie (the) - Allan Ramsay - 88

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Subject: Index: Beadle's Dime Song Book No. 6
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 18 Dec 08 - 11:49 PM


A Collection of New and Popular Comic and Sentimental Songs

1860, Irwin P. Beadle & Co., NY; Applewood Books reprint.

Annie Lisle
Beautiful World
Be Kind to the Loved Ones
Bobbin' Around
Bonnie Dundee
Courting in Connecticut
Dearest Mae
Dear Mother, I'll Come Again
Ella Ree [Rhee?]
Fairy Dell
Far, Far Upon the Sea
Gentle Hallie
Gentle Nettie Moore
Happy Are We Tonight
Hattie Lee
He Doeth All Things Well
I Can Not Call Her Mother
I'll Paddle My Own Canoe
I'm Standing by Thy Grave, Mother
Is It Anybody's Business?
Jane O'Malley
Jenny Lane
Joanna Snow
Johnny Sands
Lilly Dale
Little More Cider
Lulu My Darling Pride
Marion Lee
Meet Me by the Running Brook
Minnie Clyde
Not for Gold
Not Married Yet
Oh, Carry Me Home to Die
Oh! Silber Shining Moon
Oh! Spare the Old Homestead
Oh! Homestead
Ossian's Serenade
Over the River
Riding on a Rail
Sailor Boy's Last Dream
"Say Yes, Pussy"
Spirit Voice of Belle Brandon
Squire Jones's Daughter
The Bloom Is on the Rye
The Blue Juniata
The Carrier Dove
The Child's Wish
The Cottage of My Mother
The Female Auctioneer
The Irish Jaunting Car
The Lords of Creation Shall Women Obey
The Maniac
The May Queen
The Merry Sleigh-Ride
The Miller's Maid
The Modern Belle
The Mountaineer's Farewell
The Old Mountain Tree
The Strawberry Girl
The Snow Storm
The Song My Mother Used to Sing
Three Grains of Corn
Washington's Grave
What Is Home Without a Sister?
Where Are the Friends?
Why Chime the Bells so Merrily?
Why Don't the Men Propose?
Will Nobody Marry Me?
Young Recruit

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Subject: Index: Franklin Square Song Collection 3 (McCaskey
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 19 Dec 08 - 10:26 AM

Google Books - full text available.

Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 3.
Two Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside.
Selected by John Piersol McCaskey
(New York: Harper & Brothers, 1885)

Abide with Me - H. F. Lyte - 63
Adieu, My Native Land - Labitzky - 54
Adieu, 'Tis Love's Last Greeting - F. Schubert - 112
After Many Roving Years - Chas. E. Horn - 175
Ah! for Wings to Soar - Jullien - 13
Ah! I Have Sighed to Rest Me - G. Verdi - 72
Ah! So Pure, Ah! So Bright - Von Flotow - 128
Alice, Where Art Thou? - J. Ascher - 87
American Cradle Song - Lullaby - 67
Angry Words - Anonymous - 64
Ask Me Not Why - Chas. Jefferys - 81
Auld Robin Gray - Anne Lindsay - 69
Austrian National Hymn - Joseph Haydn - 142
Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun - Round - 45
Baby, Sleep! Shadows Creep - T. T. Barker - 53
Baloo, Baloo, My Wee, Wee Thing - Lullaby - 10
Be Kind to the Loved Ones - I. B. Woodbury - 14
Beautiful Faces - David Swing - 53
Beautiful Sea - E. Ransford - 37
Bees Are All Humming - Thos. Cooke - 130
Bells of Shandon - Francis Mahony - 22
Billy Boy - Anonymous - 135
Bird of the Forest - George Linley - 45
Birdie in the Cradle - Franz Abt - 25
Birds Sleeping Gently, The - W. Guernsey - 87
Blanche Alpen, Song of - Stephen Glover - 16
Blest Symbol of Blest Name - Geo. W. Cloak - 77
Blue Juniata, The - M. D. Sullivan - 56
Boatman's Return, The - M. J. Sporle - 159
Bonnie Hills of Heather - A. F. Harrison - 124
Bonnie Lad and Gentle Lassie - Scotch - 109
Braes o' Balquither - R. A. Smith - 94
Break, Break, Break - Alfred Tennyson - 74
Breeze from Home, The - German Air - 55
Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin - R. Wagner - 11
Bride Bells, The - J. L. Roeckel - 84
Bridge, The - M. Lindsay - 146
Brightest and Best - Reginald Heber - 21
Brightly Glows the Morning Star - Mercadante - 151
Caller Herrin' - Lady Nairne - 26
Carol, Brothers, Carol - W. A. Muhlenberg - 57
Cheerily the Bugle Sounds - J. H. Hewitt - 165
Cherish Kindly Feelings - Anonymous - 127
Child of the Regiment, The - G. Donizetti - 81
Chime Again, Beautiful Bells - H. R. Bishop - 44
Christ Is Born of Maiden Fair - Gauntlet - 51
Christmas Bells Are Sounding Clear - Carol - 33
Come Back, Sweet May - W. A. Mozart - 110
Come to the Home of Boyhood's Love - Bellini - 158
Come to the Sparkling Fountain - Anonymous - 117
Come Where Flowers Are Flinging - Von Flotow - 50
Come, My Gallant Soldier, Come - H. R. Bishop - 107
Come, Swell the Strain - Charles Jarvis - 27
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Robinson - 148
Cradle Song of Soldier's Wife - T. T. Barker - 53
Cradle Songs - - 10, 20, 53, 66, 67, 89, 115
Departed, The - James Hine - 63
Der Rose Sendung - F. H. Himmel - 17
Die Is Cast, The: "Pestel" - J. R. Ling - 105
Do They Miss Me at Home? - S. M. Grannis - 34
Dollar or Two, A - Anonymous - 173
Down the Stream So Cheerily - Bohemian Air - 137
Dream On - German Air - 13
Eiapopeia, My Baby, Sleep On - Lullaby - 115
Evening Hymn - F. Mendelssohn - 41
Fading, Still Fading - Portuguese - 62
Faintly Flow, Thou Falling River - J. G. Percival - 113
Faithfu' Johnnie - L. Beethoven - 82
Far, Far upon the Sea - Henry Russell - 98
Farewell to Lochaber - Allen Ramsay - 119
Flag of Our Union Forever, The - Geo. P. Morris - 12
Floating on the Wind - Stephen Glover - 166
Full and Harmonious - Anonymous - 174
German Cradle Song - Old Lullaby - 67
German Watchman's Song - I. Heffernan - 40
Give Me Jesus - Slave Hymn - 65
Go Where Glory Waits Thee - M. W. Balfe - 93
God Is Present Everywhere - G. F. Handel - 21
God Preserve Our Franz, the Kaiser - J. Haydn - 142
God Save Our Glorious Czar - Alexis Lvoff - 143
God Shall Charge His Angel Legions - - 33
Going Home: "Heimgang!" - Scotch Air - 118
Golden Sun, The - J. Strauss - 157
Good "Three Bells", The - Charles Jarvis - 27
Good Night and Good Morning - Anonymous - 113
Guided by Us, Thrice Happy Pair - R. Wagner - 11
Hail and Farewell - Mrs. C. Barnard - 171
Hail! Evening Bright - Marie Antoinette - 126
Hail! Thou Glorious Scion - Christmas Hymn - 61
Happy Bayadere - N. C. Bochsa - 160
Happy Greeting to All - Anonymous - 156
Hark! Ye Neighbors - I. Heffernan - 40
Hero's Serenade, The - Charles Jarvis - 154
Homeward Bound - J. W. Dadmun - 30
How Long a Day Appears - Jane Taylor - 75
Hundred Years to Come, A - W. C. Brown - 116
Hungarian Cradle Song - Lullaby - 89
Hymn Tunes—Webb, 21; Theodora, 21; Trust, 33; Creation, 38; Scotland, 39; Dundee, 41; Donne, 42; Weber, 43; Baxter, 43; Berlin, 63; Amsterdam, 75; Balerma, 75; Sicilian Mariners' Hymn, 76; Hamburg, 77; Mercy, 125; Nuremburg, 143; Nettleton, 148.
I Am Content - S. H. Sainton - 123
I Cannot Sing the Old Songs - Mrs. C. Barnard - 8
I Have Come from the Mountains - J. C. Baker - 134
I Have Roamed over Mountain - W. B. Bradbury - 100
I Heard the Wee Bird Singing - George Linley - 71
I Lo'ed Ne'er a Laddie But Ane - Scotch - 49
I Love It, I Love It - Eliza Cook - 162
I Love the Summer Time - Anonymous - 111
I Stood on the Bridge at Midnight - M. Lindsay - 146
I Wait, My Love, I Wait for Thee - H. Wert - 70
In Happy Moments - W. V. Wallace - 144
Isle of Beauty - Thos. H. Bailey - 170
It Is Better to Laugh Than Be Sighing - Donizetti - 103
Italian Cradle Song - G. DaSandtis - 20
I've Found a Joy in Sorrow - Jane Crewdson - 140
Jack and Jill - J. W. Elliott - 19
Jenny Lind's Good-Night - H. Wert - 70
Jock o' Hazeldean - Sir Walter Scott - 86
Jolly Jester, The - Old Ditty - 127
Joseph Baxter Is My Name - Arthur Lloyd - 132
Joy in Sorrow - I. D. Sankey - 140
Kathleen Aroon - Franz Abt - 24
Kitty Tyrrell - C. W. Glover - 108
Larboard Watch - T. Williams - 58
Lark Sings Loud, The - Egli - 47
Last Greeting - Franz Schubert - 112
Leaves around Me Falling, The - Greek Air - 149
Let Us Sing Merrily - Anonymous - 135
Life on the Ocean Wave, A - Epes Sargent - 35
List to the Convent Bells - John Blockley - 15
List, 'Tis Music Stealing - John Blockley - 15
Listen to the Water-Mill - Louis Diehl - 95
Little by Little the Day Goes By - C. Barnard - 36
Little Maggie May - C. Blamphin - 153
Lochaber No More - Allen Ramsay - 119
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing - W. Shirley - 76
Lord, Forever at Thy Side - J. Montgomery - 43
Loud Strike the Sounding Strings - Beethoven - 129
Love at Home - J. H. McNaughton - 5
Love Smiles No More - Ahistrom - 109
Love's Ritornella - J. R. Planche - 172
Maid Elsie Roams by Lane and Lea - Roeckel - 84
Maid of Llangollen - Welsh Air - 55
Maister, The - Joseph Teenan - 47
Maple, from Leafy Wildwood - R. M. Streeter - 102
Merrily, Merrily Sing - Anonymous - 111
Merry Swiss Boy, The - Swiss Air - 28
Miller's Daughter, The - Bohemian Air - 137
Moon Is Beaming o'er the Lake, The - John Blockley - 29
Mother, Are There Angels Dwelling? - Glover - 68
Mountain Bugle, The - J. H. Hewitt - 165
Mountaineer's Farewell - Jesse Hutchinson - 134
Musical Alphabet - Anonymous - 159
My Mother Dear - Samuel Lover - 167
My Own Native Land - W. B. Bradbury - 100
Nicodemus, the Slave, Was of African Birth - - 176
Noontide Ray, The - Auber - 85
North German Cradle Song - Lullaby - 89
Not for Joseph - Arthur Lloyd - 132
O Dear Sixpence, I've Got Sixpence - Ditty - 127
O Hush Thee, My Baby - Sir Walter Scott - 66
O Take Her, But Be Faithful Still - S. Nelson - 145
Ocean Has Its Silent Caves, The - E. L. White - 80
Oft in Danger, Oft in Woe - H. K. White - 149
Oh, Why Left I My Hame? - R. Gilfillan - 52
Old Arm Chair, The - Eliza Cook - 162
Old Granite State, The - J. Hutchinson - 134
Old House at Home - I. B. Woodbury - 83
On the Fount of Life Eternal - Damiani - 32
Over the Dark Blue Sea - Swiss Air - 106
Over the Stars There Is Rest - Franz Abt - 7
Over the Summer Sea - G. Verdi - 18
Paddle Your Own Canoe - H. Clifton - 91
Parting Song at Graduation - Mrs. Barnard - 171
Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, A - J. Montgomery - 42
Postilion, The - Franz Abt - 90
Prince Charming - J. L. Roeckel - 122
Rain upon the Roof - G. Clifford - 163
Rest for the Weary - W. McDonald - 101
River Lee, The - Francis Mahony - 22
Rock-a-Bye, Baby, in the Tree-Top - R. J. Burdette - 67
Rose That All Are Praising, The - E. J. Loder - 136
Row, Row, Homeward We Steer - M. J. Sporle - 159
Russian National Hymn - Alexis Lvoff - 143
Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name - J. Ellerton - 41
Saviour, Source of Every Blessing - R. Robinson - 61
Say, What Shall My Song Be To-Night? - Knight - 23
Scotch Cradle Song - Old Lullaby - 10
Serenade of Don Pasquale - G. Donizetti - 114
Since I've Known a Saviour's Name - C. Wesley - 75
Sky Lark, The - Round - 157
Sleep, Baby, Sleep - German - 89
Sleep, Gentle Mother - G. Verdi - 168
Sleep, My Baby, Sleep - G. DaSandtis - 20
Softly Now the Light of Day - L. M. Gottschalk - 125
Soldier's Tear, The - Alexander Lee - 6
Song of Arbor Day - S. J. Pettings - 139
Song of Blanche Alpen - Stephen Glover - 16
Song of the Daisy - C. W. Glover - 92
Song of the Maple - R. M. Streeter - 102
Songs of Praise - J. Montgomery - 143
Spacious Firmament on High, The - J. Haydn - 38
Spring-Time of the Year, The - J. R. Planche - 9
Starlight Is Streaming - "Siege of Rochelle" - 120
Strike the Cymbal - Pucitta - 141
Summer Is Coming - Thos. Cooke - 130
Sweet Evenings Come and Go - George Eliot - 125
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Slave Hymn - 65
Swiss Girl, The - Ignatz Moschelles - 138
Switzer Boy, The - Swiss Air - 19
Switzer's Farewell, The - G. Linley - 88
Tea in the Arbor - J. Beuler - 96
They Grew in Beauty Side by Side - F. Hemans - 60
Thou Art the Way - G. Franc - 41
Three Bells - Charles Jarvis - 27
Through the Wood - Chas. E. Horn - 104
Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord - H. Bonar - 43
To Alexis I Send Thee - F. H. Himmel - 17
Touch Not the Cup - Jas. H. Aikman - 78
Upon the Height I Stood - Folk-Song - 161
Vacant Chair, The - Geo. F. Root - 131
Vive Le Roi - M. W. Balfe - 99
Voice of Free Grace, The - J. Clark - 39
Wake, Happy Children, in the Dewy Morn - - 117
Wake, Nicodemus - Henry C. Work - 176
Waking or Sleeping - J. V. Blake - 117
Wanderer's Farewell - German Folk Song - 121
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night - John Bowring - 31
Water-Mill, The - Louis Diehl - 95
We Have Come with Joyful Greeting - Pettings - 139
We Roam Through Forest Shades - - 150
Wha'll Buy Caller Herrin'? - Neil Gow - 26
What's A' the Steer, Kimmer? - Alexander Lee - 133
When Other Friends Are Round Thee - Morris - 169
When the Humid Showers Gather - C. Kinney - 163
When the Leaves Are Turning Brown - Crampton - 97
When the Morn o'er the Mountain Glows - - 138
When up the Mountain Climbing - Swiss Air - 79
Where Are Those Dreamers Now? - N. Barker - 60
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid? - Nathan - 46
Where the Lilacs Threw Their Shade - Conway - 122
Whichever Way the Wind Doth Blow - C. A. Mason - 152
White Sand and Gray Sand - Round - 45
Who'll Buy My Posies? - Round - 157
Whose Sins Have Pardon Gained - Lowell Mason - 77
Why Left I My Hame? - Robt. Gilfillan - 52
Why Weep Ye by the Tide, Ladye? - Scott - 86
Wild Roved an Indian Girl - M. D. Sullivan - 56
Will You Go, Lassie, Go? - Robt. Tannahill - 94
Within a Mile of Edinboro - James Hook - 48
Woodman, Spare That Tree - Geo. P. Morris - 73
Yankee Doodle - National Air - 164
Yes, the Die Is Cast - J. W. Kalliwoda - 105

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Subject: Index: Songs of Britain (Kidson & Shaw, 1913)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 19 Dec 08 - 12:22 PM

Google Books - full text available.

Songs of Britain
A Collection of One Hundred English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish National Songs
selected and edited by Frank Kidson and Martin Shaw
the Tunes Newly Arranged with Accompaniments for Pianoforte by Martin Shaw.
(New York: Boosey & Co., 1913)


A Frog he would a-wooing go - 72
Adieu, my loved harp - 172
Admiral Benbow - 60
Agincourt Song - 6
Although his back be at the wa' - 118
All in a garden green - 42
Among our ancient mountains - 198
Arrah, darling, my heart you're alarming - 186
As beautiful Kitty - 182
As I was a-driving my waggon - 70
As I was a-walking one morning in May - 168
As Mars and Minerva - 88
Barbara Allan - 126
Blackbird, The - 154
Blind Harper, The - 100
Bonnie Brier Bush, The - 138
Braes o' Balquhidder, The - 136
Broom of Cowdenknowes, The - 40
By this fountain's flow'ry side - 174
Chapter of Kings, The - 164
Chirk Castle - 114
Come o'er the sea - 192
Come o'er the stream, Charlie - 160
Dear Harp of Erin - 191
Dimpled Cheek, The - 92
Elfin Fairies, The - 184
Emigrant, The - 166
Ere around the huge Oak - 80
Far, far from my country - 170
Farewell to Glen Shalloch - 140
Fine old English Gentleman, The - 66
Flowers of the heath, The - 116
Fortune, my foe - 14
From Valley and Wood - 74
Gee ho, Dobbin - 70
General Monk's March - 102
Girl I left behind me, The - 86
God bless the Prince of Wales - 198
God save the King - 200
Good morrow, Gossip Joan - 62
Gossip Joan - 62
Great Caesar - 76
Great Meat Pie, The - 46
Green Bushes, The - 168
Here's his health in water - 118
I'd be a butterfly - 90
I have house and land in Kent - 44
I live not where I love - 56
I'll sing you a good old song - 66
I'm lonesome since I cross'd the hill - 86
I'm wearin' awa', Jean - 130
In days of ancient story - 114
In Sherwood lived stout Robin Hood - 20
Inspired Bard, The - 108
In yon garden - 41
It was a blind beggar - 28
It was a' for our rightfu' King - 152
It was in and about the Mart'mas Time - 126
I've coasted round old England - 58
I've no sheep on the mountains - 106
Jenny Jones - 94
Jenny's Mantle - 98
John Anderson, my Jo - 57
Jolly Ploughboy, The - 82
Jolly Waggoner, The - 68
Kate, the Primrose-Girl - 74
Kitty of Coleraine - 182
Land o' the Leal, The - 130
Legend of Sir Guy of Warwick, The - 30
Let gay ones and great - 78
Lewie Gordon - 162
Logie o' Buchan - 146
Loosen your sword - 102
Lord Willoughby - 34
Loth to depart - 100
Love me little, love me long - 49
Lovesick Frog, The - 72
Maid of Llanwellyn, The - 106
Mary Ambree - 36
Megan's Daughter - 104
Molly, my dear - 176
My bonny cuckoo - 195
My dog and my gun - 78
My little pretty one - 9
My name's Edward Morgan - 94
Nature's holiday - 174
Near Woodstock Town - 26
Now bar the door - 108
Oft in the stilly night - 150
Oh! we sail'd to Virginia - 60
Oh, where's the slave - 180
Oh while I live I'll ne'er forget - 166
Old Farmer's Song, The - 188
O Logie o' Buchan - 146
O Mistress mine - 8
Once on a morning of sweet recreation - 154
O send Lewie Gordon hame - 162
O the Broom, the bonny, bonny Broom - 40
O there's mony a gate - 84
Our King went forth to Normandy - 6
O waly, waly - 124
O whistle, an' I'll come to you, my lad - 134
Oxfordshire Tragedy, The - 26
Peaceful flows the winding river - 56
Peaceful slumb'ring on the ocean - 79
Pibroch of Donuil Dhu - 142
Portsmouth - 58
Pretty Bessie - 28
Pretty girl milking her cow, The - 186
Rich and rare were the gems she wore - 178
Robin Hood - 20
Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne - 24
Row dow dow; or The Drum - 76
Sere form of frail beauty - 96
Shepherd's absence, The - 110
Sir Eglamore - 32
Sumer is icumen in - 2
Sweet Kate - 16
Sweetheart Gate, The - 84
The Daughter of Megan - 104
The fifteenth day of July - 34
The harvest is o'er - 176
The Laird o' Cockpen - 144
The news frae Moidart - 158
The Romans in England - 164
The Sun rises bright in France - 120
The sweet rosy morning - 64
The Violet and the Primrose too - 116
There grows a bonny brier bush - 138
There was a brisk young ploughboy - 82
Thou canst not hit it, my good man - 48
Though better minstrels far than I - 100
Tho' the last glimpse of Erin - 196
Though your strangeness frets my heart - 18
To all you ladies now at land - 54
To carry the milking-pail - 50
Under the rose - 88
Was ever knight for lady's sake - 30
We fairy elves in mossy dells - 184
Wha'll be King but Charlie - 158
What Booker doth prognosticate - 52
What have I done that my Mary should fly me - 92
When bidden to the wake or fair - 132
When captains courageous - 36
When Daphne did from Phoebus fly - 10
When first I went a-waggoning - 68
When shaws are sheen - 24
When the King shall enjoy his own again - 52
When Winter's fairly left the land - 188
Where is my Owen? - 110
While history's muse - 122
Will ye go, Lassie, go to the Braes o' Balquhidder - 136
Will ye go to Sheriffmuir - 156
Will you come out to gather the freshly blown roses - 98
Wilt thou be my dearie? - 148
Withered Leaf, The - 96
With my flock as walked I - 12
Ye nymphs and sylvan gods - 50
You've heard of the wondrous crocodile - 46

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 19 Dec 08 - 01:37 PM

The Franklin Square collection No. 1, (copyright 1881) for 1898 is quite different from No. 3 of 1885. I will post. Anyone have No. 2?

Did the contents of each 'number' change through the printings?

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Subject: Index: Wesleyan Song Book (Harrington, Price, 1901
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 21 Dec 08 - 12:47 PM

Google Books - full text available.

The Wesleyan Song Book
by Karl Pomeroy Harrington and Carl Fowler Price
(Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Medical Association, 1901)


A Cheer and a Song 71
Alma Mater's Praise 7
Amici 68
Baseball Song 13
Boating Song 57
Boyle's Law 10
Campus Rally 83
Campus Song 25
Cannon Song 86
Chapel Steps 81
Climbing College Hill 47
College Row 56
Come, Raise the Song 5
Come, Sons of Alma Mater 66
Dedication Hymn 94
Die Lorelei 91
Drink to me only with thine eyes 44
Evening Campus Song 30
Farewell Song 104
Forward, Every Man 73
Gas 48
Gather, Dear Brother 92
Greeting Glee 62
Hail, Wesleyana 45
Here's a Health to Wesleyan 102
Here's a Health to Wesleyana 85
Here's to our Prexie 60
Here's to Wesleyan 26
Here's to You 50
Hip! Hip! Hooray 67
Hymn 94
Hymn to Wesleyan 31
In Praise of Wesleyan 35
It was Moonlight 73
Johnny Schmöker 98
J. Wesley Song 23
Lady May 54
Lauriger Horatius 46
Let the Merry Chorus Sound 93
Levee Song 28
Long Live Alma Mater 12
Medley No. 1 14
Medley No. 2 74
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup 36
My Little Rooster 24
My Sweetheart Muscatelle 13
Old Eli's Sons 68
Old N. С 100
On the Road to Mandalay 20
Our Banner 61
Parting Song 95
Power of Song 6
Secrets 51
Song Memories 82
Stars of the Summer Night 32
Starvation 84
Susie 72
Tarpaulin Jacket 103
The Fairy 93
The Fence and the Faculty 33
The Much-colored Maid 52
The Old College 43
The Owl and the Pussy Cat 88
The Pretty Little Too-Ral-oo-Ral-a 63
The Red and Black 70
These Four Years Together 97
Tom-Big-Bee River 101
Two Hands 87
University Song 8
Walk-Around Song 31
Wesleyan Maiden 84
Wesleyan's Drinking Song 96
Where, О Where 54
Whoop 'er Up 67
Yodel Song 27


A catbird sat on a mulberry spray 63
Beside a noble river's tide 8
By the old Mulmein pagoda 20
College row its long vigil 56
Come, raise the song 5
Come, sons of Alma Mater 66
Drink to me only with thine eyes 44
Facing on the campus green 100
Gather, dear brother 92
Glad hour of song, we hail thee 6
Hail to thee ! Hail to thee ! 12
Hail, Wesleyana, a chorus of praise 26
Hail, Wesleyana, our loved college home 45
Here at the pleasant twilight hour 81
Here at the pleasant (Medley) 74
Here on the broad old campus green 71
Here's a health to Wesleyan, For our 102
Here's a health to Wesleyana, Alma 85
Here's to you 50
Horatius Flaccus, he boasted of Bacchus 96
Ich weiss nicht was soll es bedeuten 91
I have a rooster, my rooster loves me 24
I know a maid of ways sedate 34
In moonlight reposing 25
In songs of praises and good cheer 31
In Wesleyan's praise to-night 14
I once did know a girl named Grace 28
I saw her first one wintry day 93
It was evening in the parlor 48
It was moonlight 73
I went to see my Susie 72
Johnny Schmöker, Johnny Schmöker 98
Last night I held a little hand 87
Lauriger Horatius 46
Let purple pennants' royal hue 70
Like a dream that passeth fleetly 104
Like the slowly setting sun 95
Missis Winslow ! Missis Winslow ! 36
My Susie's a brilliant-hued 52
My sweetheart lives beneath the stairs 13
Now that the days are mellow 30
O, Alma Mater, hale and strong 35
Of old, in classic land 94
O, here's to our Prexie 60
O, it was beautiful 13
Old college, standing 'mid thy green 43
Old Eli's sons may proudly boast 68
On high our glorious banner 61
On Rigi's top at dawn of day 27
On Tom-Big-Bee River 101
On vine-clad walls the sunlight falls 82
О Rose, climb up to her window 51
Our strong band shall ne'er be broken 68
O Wesleyana, crown'd with praise 7
Shout, let the merry chorus sound 93
Since the good old days 86
Stars of the summer night 32
Starvation swore a feud. 84
The faculty sat on the campus fence 33
The law by which a gas 10
The Lord, our God, alone is strong 94
The moonlight falls on Wesleyan's walls 47
Then, it's hip, hip, hooray 67
Then, whoop 'er up 67
The owl and the pussy-cat 88
There is an ancient faculty 83
There lived a lad of low degree 54
There's a snug little college 23
These four years together 97
To-night, we cheer 65
We are the stuff 31
Welcome with song and magic glee 62
We praise the gallant Spartans 73
We sing the song of the boat and oar 57
Where, О where 54
Wrap me up in my tarpaulin jacket 103

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Subject: Index: Abridged Academy Song-book (Levermore, 1915
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 22 Dec 08 - 01:05 AM

Google Books - full text available.

The Abridged Academy Song-Book
For Use in Schools and Colleges
By Charles H. Levermore, Ph.D.
Revised Edition
(Boston: Ginn and Company, 1918)

Abide with Me - Monk - 260
Above the Mountains - - 85
Addison - - 270
Adelphi School Song - Reddall - 60
Adeste Fideles - Reading - 252
Aladdin - - 145
Alford - - 247
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - - 259
All Saints - - 276
Alleluia - Lowe - 233
Alma Mater - - 73
America - Henry Carey - 1
America the Beautiful - Ward - 36
Amherst Song - - 80
Amici - - 73
Angel of Peace - - 52
Angel Voices Ever Singing - Sullivan - 264
Annie Laurie - - 155
Arbor Day Song - Oliver - 297
Army Hymn - Oliver - 39
Art Thou Weary (Two Versions) - Bullinger. Hopkins. - 277
As Pants the Wearied Hart - Mendelssohn - 260
As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun - Cutler - 276
Aspiration - Dykes - 261
At Twilight - - 213
Auld Lang Syne - - 127
Aurelia - - 250
Avon - V. C. T. - 271
Battle Hymn of the Republic - - 50
Battle Prayer - Körner - 194
Baxter - Burnap - 248
Bear a Lily in Thy Hand - - 133
Behold the Sabre - Offenbach - 215
Beside the Mill - Gluck - 161
Bird Let Loose, The - - 259
Bird Song, The - Herron - 238
Blue Bells of Scotland - - 31
Blushing Maple Tree, The - McCaskey - 240
Boat Song - - 154
Bonnie Dundee - - 15
Bowdoin Song - - 75
Breathe on Me, Breath of God - - 273
Brief Life Is Here Our Portion - Herron - 262
British National Anthem - - 12
Byron Lay Dreaming - Harrow Song. J. F. - 120
Campbells Are Coming, The - - 14
Canadian Boat Song - - 157
Chapel, The - Kreutzer - 170
Chorus of Pilgrims - Wagner - 290
Christian Flag, The - Woodman - 292
Christian, Dost Thou See Them? - Dykes - 288
Christmas Fanfare and Carol - - 228
Christmas Time Is Come Again - - 258
Christmas Tree, The - - 234
Christus Victor - Sullivan - 272
Church's One Foundation, The - Wesley - 250
Clover So White - - 194
Come, Thou Almighty King - - 265
Come, Ye Disconsolate - - 238
Consolation - Mendelssohn, Arr - 260
Corn Song - - 187
Coronae - Monk - 267
Coronation - Miles Lane - 258
Cradle Song - Taubert - 140
Crown the Saviour - Monk - 267
Crusader's Hymn - Willis - 261
Cuckoo, The - Hullah - 206
Dannebrog, The - Bay - 38
Dear Lord, I Thank Thee - Maker - 242
Dearest Spot on Earth, The - - 126
Dennis - Nägeli - 265
Devotion - - 259
Divine Pilot, The - Redhead - 257
Down the Hill - Harrow Song. J. F. - 88
Draw the Sword, Scotland - - 13
Ducker - Harrow Song - 70
Dulce Domum - Reading - 98
Dundee - - 278
Eli Yale - - 62
Ellacombe - - 252
Eton Boating Song - - 108
Evening Bells - - 81
Evening Song - - 197
Evening Song (Gaelic) - - 69
Eventide - Monk - 28
Faintly Flow, Thou Falling River - - 156
Fair Harvard - - 57
Fairest Lord Jesus - - 251
Faith - Rossini - 33
Farewell - - 111
Farewell Song - - 91
Farewell to the Forest - Mendelssohn - 164
Farewell, O Joyous, Sunny Grove - Esser - 149
Father, I Scarcely Dare to Pray - - 263
Fire of Home - Worster - 191
First Violets, The - Bellini - 145
Fishermen's Chorus - Auber - 199
Five Hundred Faces - Harrow Song - 121
Flag of the Free - - 9
Flemming - - 253
Flower Song - Oliver - 220
Football Song - Harrow - 96
For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country - Herron - 249, 286
Forsaken - Koschat - 86
Freedom's Flag - Geibel - 28
Gaudeamus - - 72
Glad Light Illumes This Day - Brown - 255
Gladly Now We Hail Ye - Bellini - 185
Gloria Patri - Greatorex - 279
Glorious Fourth, The - - 46
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken - Rossini - 236
God Bless Our Native Land - - 1
God of the Nations - Verdi - 182
God Save America - Lvoff - 27
God Speed the Right - - 10
God the All Powerful! Thou Who Ordainest - - 27
God the Lord a King Remaineth - - 247
God, My King, Thy Might Confessing - Dykes - 262
God's Will and Love - Troyte - 279
Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes - - 134
Good Night, Farewell - - 168
Good-Night - - 138
Good-Night - Perkins - 200
Graduation Song - - 114
Graduation Song - Davenant - 56
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - - 156
Hail Columbia - - 4
Hail to Our Flag - - 52
Hail! Thou Long-Expected Jesus - Conkey - 243
Hark, Hark, My Soul - Roe - 254
Hark, Hark, the Lark - Schubert - 174
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing - Mendelssohn - 257
Harrow Marches Onward - - 102
He Giveth His Beloved Sleep - - 224
Help It On - - 116
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - - 273
Holy, Holy, Holy - Dykes - 253
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord - Spohr - 273
Home Land, The - - 35
Home They Brought Her Warrior - Macfarren - 139
Home, Sweet Home - Bishop - 125
How Can I Leave Thee - - 193
How Gentle God's Commands - Nägeli - 265
Hunter's Farewell - Mendelssohn - 160
Huntsman, The - - 82
Huntsman, The - - 82
Huntsman's Chorus - Von Weber - 203
Hursley - Monk - 266
Hymn for Airmen - Oliver - 39
Hymn of the Fishermen's Children - Herald - 132
Hymn of the Marseillaise - - 20—21
Hymn of the Toilers - - 193
Hymn to Music - - 146
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Two Versions) - Dykes. Wild. - 284-285
I Know a Bank - Horn - 166
I Worship Thee, Sweet Will of Cod - - 275
I Would That My Love - Mendelssohn - 128
In Heavenly Love Abiding - - 274
In Heavenly Love Abiding - Bensel - 270
In Meadow and in Garden - Oliver - 286
In the Days of Old - - 123
In the Hour of Trial - - 288
In the Secret of His Presence - Oliver - 287
Innisfail - - 18
Integer Vitae - Flemming - 74
Integer Vitae (Latin Words) - - 75
Into the Woods My Master Went - - 235
Isle of Beauty - Bayly - 148
It Came upon the Midnight Clear - Willis - 242
Italian Hymn - Giardini - 265
Jerusalem the Golden - Ewing - 246
Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me - Redhead - 257
Jewett - - 251
John Anderson, My Jo - Watson - 198
Joy! Joy! Freedom To-Day - - 189
Keller's American Hymn - - 52
Killarney - Balfe - 172
King's Highway, The - Molloy - 142
Krambambuli - - 63
Land of Memory - - 75
Last Prayer, A - - 263
Lauriger Horatius (Latin and English Words) - - 68
Lead Us, Heavenly Father - Gounod - 264
Lead, Kindly Light - Dykes, 266. Peace - 285
Leaving the Nest - Reddall - 83
Let Erin Remember the Days of Old - Balfe - 34
Let Glory Be to God on High - Dykes - 268
Litany Hymn - - 274
Litoria - - 64
Little Tin Soldier - Molloy - 162
Little While, A - Herron - 241
London Bridge - Molloy - 176
Lone Fishball, The (Two Versions) - - 112-113
Lord God of Hosts, Whose Mighty Hand - - 45
Lord of Every Land and Nation - - 233
Lord, in This Thy Mercy's Day - Monk - 223
Lord, with Glowing Heart - Flotow - 245
Loreley, The - - 67
Love Divine, All Love Excelling - Roe - 244
Low-Backed Car, The - - 150
Lullaby - Sullivan - 152
Lullaby, A - - 152
Lutzow's Wild Hunt - Von Weber - 212
Lux Benigna - Dykes - 266
Magali - - 158
Maid of Athens - Allen - 84
Man's a Man for A' That, A - Burns - 171
Maple Leaf Forever, The - Muir - 37
March o' the Cameron Men - - 19
Marlborough - Sullivan - 269
Marseillaise, Hymn of The - - 20
Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground - - 190
May Song - - 154
Melita - Dykes - 268
Mellow Horn, The - Jones - 216
Men of Harlech - - 16
Mendelssohn - - 257
Mermaid, The - - 90
Merry, Merry Christmas Bells - Oliver - 224
Miller of the Dee - - 150
Mountains, The - - 55
My Faith Looks Up to Thee - Mason - 269
My God, My Father, While I Stray - - 279
My Heart's in the Highlands - - 25
My Jesus, as Thou Wilt - Von Weber - 251
My Native Land - - 48
Nassau, Old - - 124
National Song of Holland - - 47
Native Land - - 211
Nazareth - Gounod - 226
Nearer, My God, to Thee - Sullivan - 278
Nearer, My God, to Thee, - Herron - 256
'Neath the Elms - - 53
New "Hail Columbia" - - 5
Nicaea - - 253
Night, The - Schubert - 179
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen - - 135
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies - - 36
O Come, All Ye Faithful - Reading - 252
O Come, Emmanuel - - 244
O God of Earth and Altar - Smart - 49
O God, Our Help - - 278
O Jesu, Thou Art Standing - Knecht - 248
O Lord of Hosts! Almighty King - - 39
O Paradise - Barnby - 267
O Sacred Head, Once Wounded - - 276
O Sometimes Gleams upon Our Sight - - 33
O, for the Peace That Floweth as a River - - 241
October - Harrow Song. J. F. - 76
Oh, Could Our Thoughts and Wishes Fly - - 259
Old Familiar Place, The - Glover - 130
Old Glory - - 42
Old Rosin the Bow - - 175
Olivet - L. Mason - 269
On to the Field - Bellini - 165
One Grand Sweet Song - King - 217
Onward, Christian Soldiers - Sullivan - 272
Onward, Ever Onward - Farmer - 144
Orange and the Black, The - - 54
Our Native Land - - 30
Our Native Song - - 7
Our Own Dear Land - - 44
Over the Mountain Wave - White - 196
Palms, The - Faure - 230
Partant pour la Syrie - - 22-23
Parting Hymn - Hopkins - 245
Passion Chorale - Bach - 276
Peace on Earth - Donizetti - 237
People's Prayer, The - - 45
Pilgrim Chorus - Wagner - 290
Praise of Song - Maurer - 204
Praise to God, Immortal Praise - Elvey - 249
Praise Ye the Father - Flemming - 253
Prayer for Peace - - 27
Processional March Song - - 41
Questions and Answers - - 112
Ranz Des Vaches - - 40
Rathbun - - 243
Red, White, and Blue - - 6
Regent Square - - 247
Rejoice To-Day - Southwick - 225
Rise, Crowned with Light - Oliver - 289
Robin Adair - - 130
Rock of Ages - Dykes - 223
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep - - 214
Round the Lord in Glory Seated - Oliver - 294
Rounds (Six Selections) - Oliver - 298
Rousseau's Hymn - Rousseau - 271
Sailing - Marts - 186
Saint Joles - Harrow Song - 115
Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise - - 245
Saviour, Blessed Saviour - Dykes - 261
Saviour, Source of Every Blessing - - 148
Saviour, When in Dust to Thee - - 274
School of Jolly Boys - - 106
Schoolhouse and the Flag - Southwick - 105
Scots Wha Hae wi' Wallace Bled - - 24
Send Down Thy Truth, O God - - 273
Seymour - - 246
Shadows of the Evening Hours - Bensel - 268
Ship of State - - 29
Silent Night - Barnby - 222
Silent Night - Haydn - 254
Sing Tangent, Co-Tangent - - 80
Sing, O Children, Sing with Gladness - F. R. - 231
Sion - Rodney - 227
Skaters' Song - Schumann - 209
Sleep, Baby, Sleep - - 137
Slumber Song - - 192
Soft, Soft Music Is Stealing - - 143
Softly Now the Light of Day - Weber - 246
Soldiers' Chorus - Gounod - 180
Soldiers' Farewell - Kinkel - 200
Song of Parting - Mendelssohn - 169
Song of the Free - - 3
Songs Revealing - - 197
Source of Song - Harrow Song. J. F. - 93
Sow Not in Sorrow - Nägeli - 110
Spacious Firmament on High, The - - 270
Speed Away - Woodbury - 202
Spinning Song - Reinecke - 210
St. George's Chapel - - 249
St. Oswald - Dykes - 262
Stars and Stripes, The - - 51
Stars Are Fading - Marzials - 173
Stars of the Summer Night - - 71
Star-Spangled Banner - - 2
Still, Still with Thee - Sullivan - 269
Storm, The - Hullah - 140
Students' Way - - 116
Sun Is Bright, The - Von Weber - 134
Sun of My Soul - Monk - 266
Sun Smiles in Beauty, The - - 163
Swedish National Air - - 17
Sweet and Low - Barnby - 219
Sweet Roses That Wither - - 178
Sweet Will of God - - 275
Swing, Cradle, Swing - Cooper - 204
Sword Song - - 26
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand - Dykes - 247
Tenting To-Night - - 8
There's Music in the Air - - 69
There's Nothing Bright Above, Below - V.C.T. - 271
Those Endearing Young Charms - - 57
Thou Grace Divine, Encircling All - - 278
Thou, Whose Almighty Word - Giardini - 265
Thou'rt Like Unto a Flower - Rubinstein - 136
Three Cheers for the Olden Time - - 188
Three Kings of Orient - - 126
Thy Land - F. Reichardt - 32
Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord - Burnap - 248
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too - Ross - 10
To Thee, My God, My Saviour - - 252
To-Day and To-Morrow - Beethoven - 131
Trees and the Master, The - McCaskey - 235
Truth - - 208
Two Empires - - 12
Ubi Bene, Ibi Patria - - 61
Underneath the Briny Sea - Harrow Song - 78
Up the Hills - Rossini - 137
Upidee - - 58-59
Vale - Barnby - 117
Valedictory - King - 67
Vesper Hymn - - 195
Vive Le Capitaine John - - 122
Voice of the Bell - Harrow Song - 103
Wait for the Wagon - Buckley - 184
Wake! and Tune Your Youthful Voices - Southwick - 232
Wake, Freshmen, Wake - - 92
Wander Song - - 100
Wanderer, The - - 87
Warren's Address - - 24
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night - Mason - 243
We March, We March (Two Versions) - Oliver. Barnby - 280-282
We Plough the Fields - - 250
Weary of Earth - Langran - 293
Wentworth - Maker - 242
Weston - - 244
What Means This Glory Round Our Feet - - 237
What Need Have I - - 207
When All the World Is Young - Barnard - 152
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - - 271
When on the World's First Harvest Day - - 240
When the Mists Have Rolled in Splendor - - 271
When the Weary Seeking Rest - Stainer - 283
Where Is the True Man's Fatherland - - 32
Where Would I Be - Zöllner - 210
Whichever Way the Wind Doth Blow - Mason - 188
While Shepherds Watched - Methfessel - 275
Wild Rose, The - Werner - 138
Wild Rosebud, The - Schubert - 129
Willis - - 242
Willow the King - Harrow Song - 119
Winchester School Song - Reading - 98
Winter Is Over and Gone at Last, The - - 238
World Is Very Evil, The - Herron - 263
Zephyr of Nightfall - - 147

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Subject: Index: 140 Folk-songs (Davidson & Surette, 1922)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 22 Dec 08 - 08:00 AM

Google Books - full text available.

The Concord Series, No. 7
140 Folk-Songs
With piano accompaniment
"Rote Songs" for Grades I, II and III
Compiled and Edited for Use in School and Home
By Dr. Archibald T. Davison & Thomas Whitney Surette
New and Revised Edition
(Boston: E. C. Schirmer Music Co., 1922)

Adeste fideles
Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
All through the night
Alphabet, The
Apple-tree House, The
April Vacation
Au clair de la lune
Auld Lang Syne
Autumn Song
Bells, The
Bobbie Shaftoe
Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella
Caterpillar! Caterpillar!
Chickadee, The
Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Columbus Day
Come, Thou Almighty King
Country Farmer's Son, The
Cradle Song
Cuckoo, The
Dame Tartine
Dancing in the Orchard
Early One Morning
Echo Song
Elves' Dance, The
En passant par la Lorraine
Evacuation Day
Evening on the River
Evening Song, An
Farmer, The
First Noel, The
Flag going by, The
For Patriot's Day
Fourth of July, The
Frog he would a-wooing go, A
Giroflé, girofla
God, our Loving Father
Golden Boat, The
Good King Wenceslas
Good Pierrot
Happy New Year!
Hark! the Summons
Harp that once, The
Holiday, The
Home, Sweet Home
How should I your true love know?
How wondrous and great
I had a little sail-boat
I saw three ships
If I were a bird
If I were an Elfin
In Heavenly Love Abiding
In May
In Memoriam
In the Firelight
It Snows in the Night
Journey of the Leaves, The
La Bergère
La Bonne Aventure
La Petit Chasseur
Lamps of Night, The
Le Furet du Bois Joli
Le Pont d'Avignon
Le Roi d'Yvetot
Light-house, The
Lincoln's Birthday
Little Boy and the Sheep, The
Little Dustman, The
Little Ship, The
Loch Lomond
Lords and Ladies
Lorelei, The
Mail-box, The
Meeting of the Waters, The
Memorial Day
Merry Sportsman, The
Merry-go-round, The
Moon Song
Morning Song
My Garden of Flowers
My Old Kentucky Home
My Playmate
My Pony
New Year's Day
Night in the Woods, A
Nightingale, The
Nut-tree, The
Oh, come, all ye faithful
Old Folks at Home, The
Old King Cole
Old Man, The
Old Woman and the Peddler, The
On a Frosty Morning
On a Summer Day
On Easter Day
Once, long ago
Our Country
Picnic on the Grass, A
Pine Tree Swing, The
Pine Tree, The
Planting a Garden
Playing Ball on the Stairs
Pony Ride, The
Ramène tes moutons
Riding on the Elevated
Robin, The
Sailing Song, A
Santa Claus
Semons la salade
Shadow, The
Shepherdess, The
Shining Wires
Shower, The
Silent Night
Sleep, baby, sleep
Sleigh-Ride, The
Slumber Song
Song for Sailors and Soldiers, A
Song of Bread, A
Song of Praise
Song of Ships, A
Song of the Sea-gull
Sparrow's Nest, The
St. Valentine's Day
Strawberry Girl, The
Sunset in the City
Swallows, The
Swing Song
Tall Clock, The
Thanksgiving Day
Tremp'ton pain, Marie
Trolley Ride, The
Washington's Birthday
What Child is this?
When Fields are White
Where are you going to?
Who are you?
Wild Rose, The
Wind, The
Winds and the Shadows, The
Winter, Good-bye!
Winter's Past

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Subject: Index: Father Kemp's Old Folks' Concert Tunes
From: cetmst
Date: 22 Dec 08 - 09:49 AM

Newly Revised and Greatly Enlarged
Boston, Oliver Ditson Company, 1889

Old Folks' Concerts were popular inthe United Stares in the last half of the 19th century when goups of musicians would travel mainly in rural areas and give performances of popular religious and secular music. In New England "Father" Robert Kemp of Boston was the chief organizer and his group of both instrumental and vocal performers dressed in early American costume would come to a community where they were lodged mainly with local families and give concerts. Kemp published a book of 64 tunes about 1860 and enlarged it in 1889. The most available edition seems to be the 1899 printing. My copy is in very bad shape with torn paperback cover, loose pages and extensive doodling on the front and back pages and the preface heavily covered with green crayon.

Titles in caps, first lines in Roman:
AMERICA                                        75
ANTHEM FOR EASTER                              54
ANVIL CHORUS                                  62
AULD LANG SYNE                                 86
BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC                   43
BATTLE OF STONINGTON                           70
BETHANY                                        75
Be Thou , O God, Exalted High                   3
BLESSING                                       48
BLUE HILL                                       6
BOSTON                                        14
BRIDGEWATER                                     5
BUCKFIELD                                     31
CALVARY                                       100
CAMBRIDGE                                     26
CELESTIAL WATERING                            15
CHESTER                                        29
CHILD OF MORTALITY                            50
CHINA                                          27
Come, Holy Spirit                              25
Come, My Beloved, Haste Away                   19
Come, Sound His Praise Abroad                  67
COMPLAINT                                     30
CONFIDENCE                                     4
CORONATION                                     27
COUSIN JEDEDIAH                               82
DAVID'S LAMENTATION                            12
DEAREST SPOT OF EARTH                         27
DENMARK                                        77
DEVOTION                                       18
DOST THOU LOVE ME, SISTER RUTH?                80
DYING CHRISTIAN                               44
Early, My God, Without Delay                   7
Eternal Power, Whose High Abode                6
False Are the Men of High Degree               16
From the Third Heaven, Where God Resides       24
Gallant Ship From England Came                70
GERMAN HYMN (Pleyel)                            5
GLORY HALLELUJAH                               42
God of the Nations                            62
GREENWICH                                     18
HAIL, COLUMBIA                                 64
Here I Find No Rest                            67
Hill of Zion Yields                            21
HOME AGAIN                                     87
HOME, SWEET HOME                               86
How Beauteous Are Their Feet                   28
How Long, Dear Savior, oh, How Long?          18
How Vain Are All Thongs Here Below             11
I AM THE ROSE OF SHARON                      100
I AM WEARY                                     67
I Angels Sung a Savior's Birth                40
INVITATION                                     19
JEHOVAH'S PRAISE                               92
JERUSALEM, MY GLORIOUS HOME                   57
JOHN BROW                                     42
KIDD'S LAMENT                                  68
LENOX                                           8
Let Him to Whom We Now Belong                  17
Let the High Heavens Your Song Invite          29
LISBON                                        16
Lord Descended From Above                      22
Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing             48
LORD IS RISEN INDEED                           54
Lord On High Proclaims                         29
Lord, What a Thoughtless Wretch Was I          13
MAJESTY                                        22
MARSEILLES HYMN                               66
MEAR                                           8
Methinks I See a Heavenly Host                14
'Mis Pleasures and Palaces                     86
MILFORD                                        40
Miriam's Song                                  38
MONTAGUE                                       32
MONTGOMERY                                     7
Morning Sun Shines From the East               88
MOUNT SION                                     21
MY GRANDMA'S ADVICE                            76
My Soul, Thy Great Creator Praise               5
My Thoughts, That Often Mount the Skies       109
NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE                        75
NEW DURHAM                                     11
NEW JERUSALEM                                  24
NORTHFIRLD                                     18
Now Can My Soul in God Rejoice                  4
Now Shall My Head Be Lifted High                9
OCEAN                                          23
ODE ON SCIENCE                                 88
OLD FOLKS AT HOME                              81
OLD HUNDRED                                     3
O Thou to Whom All Creatures Bow               26
O 'Twas a Joyful Sound                         8
OUR FLAG IS THERE                              72
PLAINFIELD                                     17
PORTLAND                                       33
RAINBOW                                        10
RED, WHITE AND BLUE                            60
REVOLUTIONARY TEA                              71
RUSSIA                                        16
Salvation!, oh, the Joyful Sound               26
Savior, Visit Thy Plantation                   15
See What a Living Stone                      108
SHERBURNE                                     20
SILVER STREET                                  67
So Fades the Lovely, Blooming Flower            5
SONG OF THE OLD FOLKS                         86
SONS OF ZION, COME BEFORE HIM                105
SOUND THE LOUD TIMBREL                         38
Spare Us, O Lord, Aloud We Cry                30
STAFFORD                                     108
STAR SPANGLED BANNER                           41
ST. THOMAS                                     29
ST. MARTIN'S                                  26
STRIKE THE CYNBAL                              34
Sweet Is the Day of Sacred Rest                18
Sweet Is the Day of Sacred Rest                33
That Awful Day Will Surely Come                26
THERE IS A STREAM                            110
There Was an Old Lady Lived Over the Sea       71
Thy Works of Glory, Mighty Lord                23
Times, Indeed, Do Greatly Change               84
'Tis By Thy Strength the Mountains Stand       10
'TIS THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER                   74
TURNER                                        25
VICTORY                                        9
Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame                  44
Welcome Sweet Day of Rest                      16
When Strangers Stand and Hear Me Tell          31
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night 20
Why Do We Mourn Departing Friends?             27
WINDSOR                                        26
WORCESTER                                     28
YANKEE DOODLE                                  69
YANKEE SLEIGH RIDE                            90
Ye Sons of Freedom, Wake to Glory             66
Ye Sons of Men, With Joy Record                32
Ye Tribes of Adam, Join                         8
You Captains Bold and Brave                   68

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Subject: Index: Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 4
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 22 Dec 08 - 04:40 PM

Google Books - full text available.

Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 4
"Two Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside."
by John Piersol McCaskey (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887)

Amid the Greenwood Smiling - Thalberg - 105
Angel of Peace - O. W. Holmes - 77
Are There Tidings? - H. R. Bishop - 138
Arms Are Strong and Hearts Are True - Phillips - 80
At Evening Time - Sporle - 91
Autumn Dreaming - F. Weiland - 7
Awake, My Soul - G. F. Handel - 171
Away Now, Joyful Riding - F. Küchen - 134
Backward, Turn Backward - Ernest Leslie - 57
Battle Eve, The - Anonymous - 145
Beats There a Heart on Earth Sincere - - 141
Bold Be Your Stroke - Fabio Campana - 12
Brahmin Love Song - C. Blamphin - 58
Bread of the World - Reginald Heber - 71
Bright Morning, Hail! - German - 65
Bring Flowers, Fresh Flowers - Felicia Hemans - 127
Brookside, The - James Hine - 8
Buy My Strawberries - C. Howard - 132
By the Quiet Water Gleaming - F. M. Himmel - 93
Canadian Boat Song - Thomas Moore - 142
Cheerily, Cheerily - Favorite Glee - 74
Children of the Heavenly King - J. Cennick - 169
Christ Is Born in Bethlehem - Christmas - 18
Christmas Is Coming - Henry Philips - 61
Christmas Is Here - F. Campana - 160
Church's One Foundation, The - S. S. Wesley - 79
Clang of the Wooden Shoon, The - J. L. Molloy - 37
Cold Water Song - Alexander Lee - 163
Come to the Sea - G. Roberti - 52
Come Unto Him - Henry Leslie - 46
Come, Come Quickly Away - Anonymous - 98
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove - Isaac Watts - 170
Come, Said Jesus' Gentle Voice - A. L. Barbauld - 131
Come, Thou Almighty King - Chas. Wesley - 99
Come, Trembling Sinner - Wm. Jones - 73
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy - J. Ingalls - 97
Darby and Joan - J. L. Molloy - 156
Daylight Fades, Evening Shades - S. Nelson - 103
Dear Father, Drink No More - Temperance - 162
Dear Little Shamrock, The - J. W. Cherry - 100
Deep Are the Wounds - Anne Steele - 79
Dermot Astore - F. W. N. Crouch - 122
Dip, Boys, Dip the Oar - Sarona - 105
Distant Drum, The - Anonymous - 21
Draw the Sword, Scotland - Anonymous - 104
Dublin Bay - George Barker - 118
Ehren on the Rhine - Wm. M. Hutchinson - 148
Evening Bell, The - Anonymous - 89
Evening Gun, The - Thomas Moore - 123
Ever Be Happy - M. W. Balfe - 14
Exile of Erin, The - Thomas Campbell - 117
Faintly as Tolls the Evening Chime - Thos. Moore - 142
Fairest Lord Jesus - Crusaders' Hymn - 169
Fallen Is Thy Throne, O Israel - Thomas Moore - 168
Farewell, A - F. H. Cowen - 50
Fire of Home, The - George Worster - 116
Flowers for the Brave - F. W. Chapman - 6
Fondest Affections Still Cling to Home - - 54
Forever and Forever - F. Paolo Tosti - 151
Forget-me-Not, The - Karl Muchler - 93
Forgive Me, Lord, thro' Thy Dear Son - Evening - 99
Forsaken Am I - Thos. Koschat - 28
French Cradle Song - Lullaby - 9
Fritz's Lullaby - J. K. Emmet - 49
Funeral Dirge - G. F. Handel - 173
Future Smiles Still Brightly, The - G. Donizetti - 144
Gaily thro' Life Wander - G. Verdi - 153
Gentle Mary - D. M. Muloch - 146
Gently Rest: Slumber Song - F. Kücken - 70
Gently Sighs the Breeze - Stephen Glover - 75
Glory and Love to the Men of Old - C. F. Gounod - 62
Go to Sleep, Lena Darling - J. K. Emmet - 49
God Moves in a Mysterious Way - Wm. Cowper - 97
Golden Days - A. S. Sullivan - 96
Good-Night - J. Offenbach - 147
Green Grow the Rashes O - Robert Burns - 42
Greenness Light and Tender, A - Folksong - 72
Greenwood Tree, The - Sidney Nelson - 175
Groves of Blarney, The - R. A. Millikin - 176
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - T. Hastings - 107
Hail, Beauteous Stranger of the Grove - Sullivan - 51
Happy Are We To-Night - M. S. Pike - 55
Hark to the Sound of the Distant Drum - Anon. - 21
Hark! o'er the Stilly Lake - D. F. E. Auber - 140
He Never Said He Loved - G. A. Hodson - 27
He Was a Punchinello - F. E. Weatherly - 31
Hear the Birds of Summer Sing - Little Folks - 27
Heart that Knows No Sorrow, The - Gung'l - 130
Hearts of Oak - Fabio Campana - 12
Heaven Is My Home - T. B. Taylor - 41
Heavily Wears the Day - German - 120
Here under the Leafy Greenwood Tree - S. Nelson - 175
Holly Wreath, The - T. Crampton - 112
How Firm a Foundation - J. Reading - 19
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds - L. Mason - 171
Hush, My Baby, Sleep - Lullaby - 9
Hymn Tunes.—America 99, Amsterdam 73, Aurelia 79, Avon 97, Balerma 73, Christmas 171, Crusaders' Hymn 169, Downs 171, Greenville 41, Hendon 169, Horton 131, Jewett 159, Laban 19, Lenox 17, Louvan 79, Portuguese 19, Ward 99, Webb 131, Woodworth 159, Zion 107 - -
I Come, I Come - V. Bellini - 164
I Dream of My Fatherland - Folksong - 82
I Hear Them Tell in Far-off Climes - G. Worster - 116
I Love to Gaze on Smiling Faces - E. M. Spencer - 119
I Remember How My Childhood - Fitzgerald - 48
I Think of All Thou Art to Me - F. Paolo Tosti - 151
I Wandered by the Brookside - R. M. Milnes - 8
I Would I Were a Boy Again - F. Romer - 36
I'd Weep with Thee - C. M. Von Weber - 137
If Ever I See on Bush or Tree - Little Folks - 143
If Thou Hast Crushed a Flower - Felicia Hemans - 135
If You Be My May Margaret - Theo. Marzials - 102
I'm a Pilgrim - Mary S. Spindler - 128
I'm Very Fond of a Social Song - Anonymous - 83
In the Gloaming - A. F. Harrison - 136
Innisfail - E. C. Phelps - 32
Jesus, Tender Shepherd - J. B. Dykes - 17
Johnny, Johnny - Round - 39
Just as I Am, Without One Plea - C. Elliott - 159
Keller's American Hymn - M. Keller - 76
Kerry Dance, The - J. L. Molloy - 38
Let Me Dream Again - A. S. Sullivan - 67
Lightly Row - Spanish Air - 143
Lights Fade out of Calmed Sea, The - Steadman - 91
Little Children's Day - Chas. W. Glover - 110
Lo, Descending, the Heavens Rending - Christmas - 18
Look in My Face, Dear - D. M. Muloch - 50
Look Not upon the Wine - R. S. Willis - 162
Lord, We Come Before Thee Now - Morning - 169
Love, I Will Love You Ever - P. Bucalossi - 92
Lovely May - Little Folks - 143
Loving Voices - Chas. W. Glover - 40
Low-Backed Car, The - Samuel Lover - 33
Lucy's Flittin' - William Laidlaw - 124
Lurlaline - Irish Air - 25
Mahogany Tree, The - W. M. Thackeray - 160
Make Me No Gaudy Chaplet - G. Donizetti - 15
Mary and Martha's Just Gone 'Long - Slave Hymn - 111
May Margaret - Theodore Marzials - 102
Morning Light Is Breaking, The - S. F. Smith - 131
Murmur, Gentle Lyre - Anonymous - 55
My Heart and Lute - Anonymous - 155
My Jesus, As Thou Wilt - C. M. Von Weber - 159
My Mother's Song - Franz Schubert - 47
My Nannie's Awa' - Robert Burns - 174
My Soul, Be on Thy Guard - George Heath - 19
Nearer, My God, to Thee - Franz Abt - 71
Neva Boatman's Song - Sidney Nelson - 103
Never Is My Heart So Gay - T. Crampton - 112
Nigh to a Grave - Park Benjamin - 59
Night Is Fine Above Me, The - Guglielmo - 152
Nursery Songs: Ding, Dong, Bell - Little Folks - 167
Nursery Songs: Little Bo-Peep, etc. - Little Folks - 166
O Come with Me in My Little Canoe - O. E. Dodge - 113
O Come, Maidens, Come - F. H. Brown - 30
O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove - Jean Ingelow - 84
O Land of Saints, of Streams and Song - T. C. Latto - 32
O Sing Again That Plaintive Song - F. Schubert - 47
Oh, Gaily through Life Wander - G. Verdi - 153
Oh, Pilot, 'Tis a Fearful Night - Sidney Nelson - 16
Oh, That I Never More Might See - G. Donizetti - 139
Oh, Touch the Harp - Anonymous - 39
Oh, Touch Those Chords Again - Anonymous - 5
Oh, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast - Robert Burns - 139
Oh, What Is the Matter with Robin? - Little Folks - 121
Old Oaken Bucket, The - S. Woodworth - 22
Old Sexton, The - Henry Russell - 59
Old Tubal Cain - Henry Russell - 157
Once Again the Flowers We Gather - V. Bellini - 6
Once in Days of Golden Weather - L. H. Lewin - 96
One by One the Sands are Flowing - V. Bellini - 90
Only a Gentle Word - George Kingsley - 158
Origin of the Harp - Thomas Moore - 44
Ossian's Serenade - Ossian E. Dodge - 113
Our Wonderful House - W. F. Crafts - 173
Over the Waves We Float - S. Glover - 23
Pagoda Bells, The - T. Comer - 45
Peaceful Slumbering on the Ocean - Storace - 24
Pilot, The - T. H. Bayly - 16
Play-Time Songs - Little Folks - 101
Play-Time Songs - Little Folks - 133
Pleasure Climbs to Every Mountain - Gollmick - 125
Poor Tho' My Cot May Be - G. Donizetti - 13
Portuguese Hymn - J. Reading - 19
Press On, Press On - Scotch Air - 9
Punchinello - J. L. Molloy - 31
Rataplan - G. Donizetti - 154
Ring On, Ye Bells - Franz Abt - 43
Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings - Nares - 73
Rock Me to Sleep, Mother - E. A. Allen - 57
Roll, Jordan, Roll - Slave Hymn - 111
Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch - Neil Gow - 114
Sadly Bend the Flowers - F. R. Havergal - 172
Search thro' the Wide World - G. Donizetti - 115
See the Sun's First Gleam - German - 60
She Bloomed with the Roses - J. A. Smith - 34
Sing Glad Songs for Him - C. F. Gounod - 81
Smiling Faces - Stephen Glover - 119
Soldier Stood in the Village Street, A - Hutchinson - 148
Soldiers' Chorus ("Faust") - C. F. Gounod - 62
Some Day - Milton Wellings - 29
Song of Night - German - 85
Sound of Harps Angelical, The - I Martiri - 129
Speed Our Republic - M. Keller - 76
Spring Time Once Again - John Logan - 51
Strangers Yet - Mrs. C. Barnard - 150
Sun Is Setting and the Hour, The - A. S. Sullivan - 67
Sweet Memories of Thee - Italian Air - 106
Sweeter than the Breath of Morning - Meyerbeer - 11
Sweetly on the Evening Air - George Linley - 109
Sweetly Sleep - L. Beethoven - 53
There Came to the Beach - Thos. Campbell - 117
There Is Beauty in the Forest - G. Donizetti - 26
There Was a Little Water-Sprite - Irish Air - 25
There's a Dear Little Plant - J. W. Cherry - 100
There's Naught but Care - Robert Burns - 42
There's Room Enough for All - T. Wood - 78
They Sailed Away in a Gallant Bark - G. Barker - 118
Thou Wilt Never Grow Old - E. C. Howarth - 95
Thoughts of Wonder - J. J. Rousseau - 41
Thou'rt Like Unto a Flower - A. Rubenstein - 108
Three Cheers for the Olden Time - Fanny Crosby - 10
Three Fishers - Charles Kingsley - 126
Through the Rustling Woods - Bayard Taylor - 7
'Tis Believed that This Harp - Thomas Moore - 44
'Tis Moonlight on the Sea - Sarona - 105
'Tis Not the Valley, Mountain, and Grove - - 54
Trancadillo - Caroline Gilman - 30
'Twas When the Wan Leaf - Wm. Laidlaw - 124
Twilight Dews - Thomas Moore - 66
Unveil thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb - Isaac Watts - 173
Vesper Chime, The - George Linley - 109
Watcher, The - Spanish Melody - 89
We Are All Noddin' - Favorite Glee - 83
We Love Cold Water - Round - 163
We'll Laugh and Sing All Cares Away - G. Verdi - 86
Well-a-day, Ah, Well-a-day - G. Linley - 88
What a Charm Has the Drum - Charles Jeffreys - 154
What a Friend We Have in Jesus - C. C. Converse - 107
What Are the Wild Waves Saying? - S. Glover - 68
When All the World Is Young - Chas. Kingsley - 20
When First I Saw Sweet Peggy - Samuel Lover - 33
When I Remember - Jean Ingelow - 94
When Little Samuel Woke - Lewis Edson - 17
When Soft Stars are Peeping - Anonymous - 106
When the Bloom Is on the Rye - H. R. Bishop - 87
When the Golden Morn - T. Comer - 45
When the Summer Rain Is Over - G. Donizetti - 64
When Twilight Dews - Thomas Moore - 66
Where Are Now the Hopes I Cherished? - Bellini - 56
Who Is He Plants for the Days to Come? - Gounod - 81
Who Shall Be Fairest? - Frank Moir - 35
Wonderful House Have I, A - W. F. Crafts - 173
World Is Full of Beauty, The - G. Donizetti - 26

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Subject: Index: Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 7
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 25 Dec 08 - 06:35 AM

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Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 7
"Two Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside."
by John Piersol McCaskey (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1891)

Afar We Live from Toil and Care - J. Beeker - 111
After Showers, the Tranquil Sun - Louis Diehl - 102
Am I Not Fondly Thine Own - German - 155
Aria of Rudolph - V. Bellini - 93
As the Morn Shone Bright and Fair - Anonymous - 75
As When the Weary Traveller - John Newton - 133
As with Gladness Men of Old - Wm. C. Dix - 129
At Eve Alone among the Trees - J. L. Roeckel - 82
Ave Maria - Charles Gounod - 23
Ave Maria - Franz Schubert - 22
Away to the Mountain - Alexander Lee - 106
Be Mine, Dear Maid - H. R. Bishop - 105
Bear a Lily in Thy Hand - H. W. Longfellow - 136
Beautiful Rhine, The - German - 91
Because He Loved You So - W. R. Dempster - 49
Bells of Aberdovey, The - Welsh Air - 118
Bird of the Greenwood - G. Verdi - 85
Bird of the Wilderness - James Hogg - 159
Birdie Sweet - Childhood Songs - 43
Bird's Nest, The - Helen Thomas - 75
Boatswain's Story, The - J. L. Molloy - 144
Bohemian Gipsy Song - J. Beeker - 111
Bowld Sojer Boy, The - Samuel Lover - 94
Braes o' Gleniffer - R. Tannahill - 153
Buttercup Test - Childhood Songs - 53
Buy My Roses - J. T. Norton - 73
Bye-lo, Baby, Bye - Nursery - 99
Call Me Pet Names - Charles Jarvis - 169
Carol, Carol, Christians - A. C. Coxe - 13
Chorister, The - F. E. Weatherly - 68
Christ is Born of Maiden Fair - Thibaut - 31
Christmas Hymn - E. A. Hunter - 127
Clochette - J. L. Malloy - 116
Come Sing This Round with Me - Martini - 63
Come When Thou Wilt - W. Lansdon - 83
Come Where the Aspens Quiver - Alex. Lee - 74
Come, and Watch the Daylight - S. Reay - 57
Come, Haste Away - Neapolitan - 161
Come, Hunters, Come - Swiss - 27
Commit Thy Ways - Sebastian Bach - 130
Corn Song, The - Godfrey Marks - 119
County Guy - W. Mozart - 21
Cousin Jedediah - H. S. Thompson - 154
Cup of Joy, The - Mary R. Bartlett - 88
Daddy - Mary Mark-Lemon - 60
Dawn of Day, The - Samuel Reay - 57
Dear Santa Claus - Nursery - 99
Dream Is Past, The - Stephen Glover - 65
Dreaming Golden Dreams - S. Scuderi - 36
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes - Ben Jonson - 171
Dry the Tear for Holy Eva - J. G. Whittier - 14
Faint a Lonely Rose Tree Stood - Anonymous - 105
Fairies' Dance, The - C. W. Glover - 72
Far o'er the Sea - G. Kingsley - 19
Fisher by the Stream, The - Anonymous - 18
Fisher, If Beside that Stream - Anonymous - 18
Five O'clock in the Morning - C. Barnard - 95
Flowers of May - Arbor Day - 139
For Full Five Hundred Years - O. Barri - 90
For Tenderness Formed - Paesiello - 158
Foresters Bold - Alpine Melody - 27
Fourth of July Hymn - T. Hastings - 127
Fresh and Strong - Thomas Ante - 38
Friends of Freedom, Swell the Song - Naumann - 86
From All That Dwell - Isaac Watts - 81
From Every Spire on Christmas Eve - E. A. Hunter - 127
Gentle Annie - Stephen C. Foster - 6
Gentle Maiden, Those Eyes - V. Bellini - 93
Gently Sighs the Breeze - S. Glover - 55
Give to the Winds Thy Fears - Paul Gerhardt - 125
Give Us Our Daily Bread - A. A. Proctor - 86
Golden Rule, The - School Songs - 87
Gondolier, The - Alexander Lee - 143
Good Ship Rode at Anchor, The - J. L. Roeckel - 42
Good-night, Farewell - F. Kucken - 123
Guardian Mother - Franz Abt - 162
Had I Wings Like a Dove - C. Jeffreys - 45
Hail! Thou Long-Expected Jesus - C. Wesley - 129
Happy and Merry - W. Reeve - 39
Hare and Hunter - Little Folks - 75
Hark! I Hear an Angel Sing - H. G. Shrival - 7
Hark! Ten Thousand Harps - Thos. Kelly - 131
Hark! the Glad Sound - N. Hermann - 67
Hark! the Glad Sound - P. Doddridge - 139
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing - Chas. Wesley - 115
He Sailed Away o'er Ocean Spray - J. Thompson - 109
Heilige Nacht - Michael Haydn - 31
Hour of Rest, The - F. E. Weatherly - 82
How Gaily Rows the Gondolier - Alex Lee - 143
How Gaily the Linnet Sings - Chas. Dibdin - 39
How Happy We Have Been - Anonymous - 37
Hurdy-Gurdy, Hurdy-Gurdy - Scotch - 51
I Am Dreaming of Thee - Alexander Lee - 164
I Am the Glad New Year - Nursery - 99
I Come from Alabama - S. C. Foster - 172
I Had Gold, I Had Gems - C. Sedgwick - 117
I Hear To-night the Old Bells Chime - Lennox - 5
I Heard a Red Robin - S. G. King - 149
I Walked and I Walked - Little Folks - 52
I Worship Thee, Sweet Will of God - Faber - 131
I Would I Were a Boy Again - F. Romer - 156
I Would Not Die in Spring Time - M. Moore - 128
I Would That My Love - F. Mendelssohn - 29
I'm Leaving Thee in Sorrow - George Barker - 97
I'm Little Robin Redbreast - T. Marzials - 134
I'm Sitting on the Stile, Mary - Lady Dufferin - 32
In Days of Old when Knights Were Bold - - 174
In Excelsis Gloria - Thibaut - 31
In the Peaceful Evening Time - W. Maynard - 118
In This Sheltered Mossy Dell - C. W. Glover - 72
Indian Hunter, The - Henry Russell - 50
Irish Emigrant's Lament - W. R. Dempster - 32
It Was the Very Noon of Night - J. Barnby - 103
I've Left Ballymornach - Eliza Cook - 152
Jack at Sea - G. C. Bingham - 42
Jesus, o'er the Grave Victorious - E. E. Higbee - 46
Joyfully, Joyfully - Wm. Hunter - 66
Just Touch the Harp Gently - C. Blamphin - 146
Kathleen - W. Williams - 168
Keen Blaws the Wind - R. Tannahill - 153
King's Highway, The - J. L. Molloy - 44
Laddie - Ciro Pinsuti - 70
Laughing Glee - Martini - 63
Let the Palms Wave on this Happy Day - Faure - 12
Little Cherry Blossom - Little Ones - 53
Little Children, Can You Tell? - Christmas - 151
Little Eva - Manuel Emilio - 14
Little Farm Well Tilled, A - Anonymous - 155
Little Tin Soldier - J. L. Molloy - 112
Little Word in Kindness Said, A - Anonymous - 127
Lock! Lock! Ahoy! - Milton Wellings - 16
Lorena - J. P. Webster - 24
Lovely Mary Donnelly - Wm. Allingham - 170
Love's Golden Dream - Lindsay Lennox - 5
Maggie's Secret - Claribel - 59
Maiden and Rose - Anonymous - 105
March of the Cameron Men - M. M. Campbell - 122
Mary at the Saviour's Tomb - J. Blumenthal - 69
Mary of the Wild Moor - Anonymous - 98
Mary's Tears - Oliver Shaw - 124
Mellow Notes of Hunter's Horn - Anonymous - 26
Merry May, The - Swiss Air - 149
'Mid Winter Storms We're Sleeping - Reissman - 91
Monkey's Wedding, The - Traditional - 120
My Laddie Far Away - M. Lindsay - 10
My Life Is Like - R. Schumann - 142
Night and Day, Love - Franz Abt - 107
Norah McShane - Charles E. Horn - 152
Nothing True but Heaven - Oliver Shaw - 137
Now the Sun Has Gone to Rest - V. Bellini - 166
Now to All a Kind Good-night - Round - 167
Nursery Songs - Little Folks - 99
Nymphs of Air and Sea - Henry Smart - 96
O County Guy, the Hour is Nigh - Walter Scott - 21
O Had I Wings Like a Dove - Chas. Jeffreys - 45
O Mary, Go and Call the Cattle Home - Kingsley - 8
O Robin, Red Robin - Samuel G. King - 149
O Say, Do You Remember - Ricci Waltz - 175
O'er the Grave Victorious - C. Goudimel - 46
Oh, for a Heart to Praise my God - Chas. Wesley - 69
Oh, Give Me but My Arab Steed - G. A. Hodson - 56
Oh, Is It Thus We Part - George Linley - 9
Oh, Jacob, Get the Cows Home - H. S. Thompson - 154
Oh, Many a Time I'm Sad at Heart - Claribel - 59
Oh, My Bravest and Best - V. Bellini - 138
Oh, Susanna - S. C. Foster - 172
Oh, Sweet and Dim the Light and Shade - Sullivan - 68
Oh, Whisper What Thou Feelest - B. Richards - 78
Oh, Why Does the White Man Follow My Path? - - 50
Old and Young Marie - F. H. Cowen - 140
Old King Cole - Traditional - 121
Old Lock, The - F. E. Weatherly - 16
Old Santa Claus in Christmas Dress - Nursery - 99
Once More, My Soul - Isaac Watts - 66
One Night when the Wind It Blew Cold - Anon. - 98
One Sweetly Solemn Thought - Phebe Cary - 133
Only with Thine Eyes - W. Mozart - 171
Our Daily Bread - W. M. Hutchinson - 86
Over the Hills and Far Away - J. L. Molloy - 176
Over the Sea - Groom - 41
Palms, The - J. Faure - 12
Pat Malloy - Dion Boucicault - 35
Raise Your Hands - School Songs - 87
Revive Us Again - J. J. Husband - 81
Robert! Robert! - Giacomo Meyerbeer - 84
Robin Redbreast - W. C. Levey - 109
Robin Song, The - Anonymous - 21
Rose Marie - F. E. Weatherly - 176
Rounds, Do, Mi, Sol, etc. - - 111, 153, 163, 167
Row, Row, My Boatie - W. Mozart - 51
Rule, Britannia - Thomas Arne - 148
Sad Was the Hour - Henry Smart - 135
Salute the Happy Morn - John Byrom - 67
Salvation, Oh, the Joyful Sound - Isaac Watts - 125
Sands o' Dee - Francis Boott - 8
Savourneen Dheelish - George Colman - 157
Scots, Wha Hae wi' Wallace Bled - R. Burns - 92
Serenade - V. Bellini - 166
Shadow, A - A. Sullivan - 77
She Stands on the Pier - F. E. Weatherly - 140
Sing a Song of Sixpence - Little Folks - 62
Skylark, The - James Hogg - 159
Sleigh Ride, The - J. C. Johnson - 151
So Runs My Dream - Alfred Tennyson - 135
So Sweet Her Voice - G. Verdi - 54
Soldier's Return, The - Robert Burns - 108
Song of Sunshine - Anonymous - 126
Song of Temperance - Naumann - 86
Song of the Old Bell - Odoardo Barri - 90
Spinning Was Young Clochette - J. L. Molloy - 116
Sprig of Shillelah - Anonymous - 173
Spring Returning - Round - 153
Star of Glengary, The - Eliza Cook - 11
Story of the Shepherd - Joseph Barnby - 103
Summer Song - Little Folks - 19
Summer Suns Glowing - Anonymous - 169
Sun Is Low, The - Walter Scott - 100
Sun o'er the Mountain, The - H. R. Bishop - 20
Sweet Birds Are Winging, The - Swiss Air - 149
Sweet Will of God - F. W. Faber - 131
Swiftly, Swiftly o'er the Snow - J. C. Johnson - 151
Take My Head on Your Shoulder - A. H. Behrend - 60
There Is a Bonny Isle - Irish Air - 163
There Is Many a Man of the Cameron Clan - - 122
There's Not a Word - Anonymous - 58
Third Day Was the Marriage Feast, The - - 89
This Happy Day - Paul Henrion - 160
This World Is All a Fleeting Show - T. Moore - 137
Tho' You Leave Me Now in Sorrow - Neil Gow - 167
Thou Art Gone from My Gaze - G. Linley - 79
Thou, Thou, Reign'st in This Bosom - German - 155
Three Kings of Orient - Old Carol - 30
Three Poor Mariners - Anonymous - 40
Thy Glory Thou Didst Manifest - E. E. Higbee - 47
Thy Kindness to Our Fathers Shown - Roscoe - 81
Tired, So Tired - M. Lindsay - 101
'Tis Evening Brings My Heart to Thee - Tucker - 110
To Thee, Our Father and Our Friend - Hastings - 127
'Twas in the Sunny Rhineland - Henry Smart - 150
Tyrolese Mountain Song - Tyrolien - 64
Under the Willow She's Sleeping - S. C. Foster - 9
Underneath the May Tree - W. C. Levey - 15
Waefu' Heart, The - Susanna Blamire - 76
Waking Flowers - A. Reissman - 91
Warrior Bold, A - Stephen Adams - 174
Water into Wine, The - E. E. Higbee - 47
We Praise Thee, O God - Wm. P. Mackay - 81
We Three Kings of Orient are - Old Carol - 30
Weary of Living, So Weary - Virginia Gabriel - 28
Wee Bird, The - German - 48
When Gentle Winds Blow - R. Schumann - 132
When I Can Read My Title Clear - Isaac Watts - 125
When the Mists Have Rolled Away - A. Herbert - 80
When Wild War's Deadly Blast - Robert Burns - 108
Where Are the Vintage Songs - F. Hemans - 19
Where My Home Lies - Anonymous - 114
Where the Aspens Quiver - T. H. Bayly - 74
Where the Faded Flower - Horatius Bonar - 25
While Shepherds Watched - Nahum Tate - 115
Whisper What Thou Feelest - B. Richards - 78
White Blossoms - W. C. Levey - 15
Who Rides Yonder, Proud and Gay - Weatherly - 44
Why Do I Weep for Thee - G. Linley - 104
Wife's Welcome, The - I. B. Woodbury - 34
Yankee Boy, The - Alexander Lee - 113
Years Creep Slowly By, The - J. P. Webster - 24
Ye'll Know Him by His Golden Hair - Lindsay - 10
Young Indian Maid, The - Thomas Moore - 145

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Subject: Index: Franklin Square Song Collection No. 1
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 25 Dec 08 - 03:49 PM

Complete text at Google Books.

Two-Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside.
Selected by J. P. McCaskey
1881 (1898) Harper & Brothers

Abide with Me
Alas! and did My Saviour Bleed
All Together
Alpine Horn, The
Angelic Songs are Swelling
Annie Laurie
As a Little Child
As Pants the Wearied Hart
Auld Lang Syne
Away! Away! ("Massaniello")
Away! Away! Away!
A Wild Rose in the Forest
Baby Bye, Here's a Fly
Behold the Sabre of My Father
Beside the Mill
Bird Song, The
Bird Let Loose, The
Blossom Time
Blue Bird, The
Blue Bells of Scotland
Boat Song, The Bonnie Doon
Bonnie Charlie
By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill
Calm on the Listening Ear of Night
Cherries Ripe
Chide Mildly the Erring
Child's Hymn
Christ Was Born on Christmas Day
Christmas Time is Come Again
Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
Come, All Ye Faithful
Come, Come, Come O'er the Hills
Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
Come to the Old Oak Tree
Come with the Gipsy Bride
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Cradle Hymn: Hush My Babe
Cradle Song: Sleep, Beloved, Sleep
Cookoo, Welcome Thy Song
Days of Summer Glory
Deadly Cup, The
Dearest Spot, The
Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly
Evening Hymn
Even Me
Fair as the Morning
Faithful Little Bird, The
Far Away
Farewell, O Joyous Sunny Grove
Farewell to Lochaber
Farewell to the Woods
Father, Whate'er of Earthly Bliss
First Christmas Gifts
Flag of the Free
Follow Me, Full of Glee
Forever and Forever
Freedom's Flag
Full Far Away a City Stands
Gaily the Troubadour
Geography Song
Gentle Words and kindly Deeds
Glad Christmas Bells
God Bless Our Native Land
Go, Forget Me
Golden Rule, The
Good-bye, Good-bye to Summer
Good Cheer
Good Night
Guide Me, O Great Jehovah (Herold)
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Von Flotow)
Hail Columbia
Hail, Thou Most Sacred One
Happy Land
Hark! Hark! My Soul
Heirs of Unending Life
He Giveth His Beloved Sleep
Ho, Ho, Vacation Days Are Here
Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea)
Home, Home, Can I Forget Thee?
Home of the Soul
Home, Sweet Home
How Can I Leave Thee
How Gentle God's Commands
How Happy Is the Child Who Hears
Hunting Song
Hush, My Babe
Hymn Tunes
   Seymour 7
   Manoah 13
   Kingsley 16
   Fideles 27
   America 30, 33
   Naomi 35
   St. Hilda 47
   Eventide 60
   Frederick 16
   Dawning, 61
   Placida 63
   Evan 73
   Nicaea 92
   Hursley 93
   St. Agnes 115, 133
   Ave Sanctissima 123
   Innocents 129
   Portuguese Hymn 130
   Old Hundred 131
   Martyn 133
   St. Philip 137
   Berlin 161
   Dundee 161.
I Had a Bird, a Little Bird
I Had Four Brothers Over the Sea
I Love the Song of Birds
I'm a Shepherd of the Valley
In Flakes of a Feathery White
In the Wild Chamois Track
In the West the Sun Declining
It's Fair to See the Morning Breeze
I've Been Thinking of Home
Jerusalem the Golden
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
John Anderson, My Jo
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Joys that We've Tasted
Katy's Letter
Kind Words Can Never Die
King of Love, The
Land Ahead! its Fruits are Waving
Land of Memory, The
Land of the Leal, The
Last Rose of Summer
Lead, Kindly Light
Let Erin Remember the Days of Old
Life Let Us Cherish
Lightly Row
Little Birdie in the Tree
Little Brother, Darling Boy
Little Drops of Water
Longing for Spring
Long, Long Ago
Lord, in this Thy Mercy's Day
Love Thy Mother, Little One
Love, Hope, Happiness
Lovely Rose
Marseilles Hymn
Maxwelton's Braes Are Bonnie
May Is Here, the World Rejoices
Melodies of Many Lands
Meek and Lowly
Merrily Greet the Morn
Mill May
Mill-Wheel, The
Minstrel Boy, The
Month of the Apple Blossom
Morning Red
Mother's Wish, The
Mower's Song, The
Mountain Maids Invitation
Music on the Waves
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
My Heart's in the Highlands
My Mother Loves Me Not
National Hymn
Nearer, My God to Thee
Near the Lake (Where Drooped the Willow, Long Time Ago!)
O Come, Come Away
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Oft in the Stilly Night
Oh, Gladly Now We Hail Thee
Oh, How Cold the Winter Weather
Oh, the Sports of Childhood
Oh, Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
Oh, Tell Me What it Meaneth
O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
Old Oaken Bucket, The
Old Cottage Clock, The
Old Familiar Place, The
Old Hundred with Doxology
On We Are Floating
Once I Saw a Sweetbriar Rose
Our Country's Flag, O Emblem Dear
Our Father in Heaven
Our Fatherland
Our Flag Is There
Origin of Yankee Doodle
Over the Water to Charlie
Perri Merri Dictum, Domine
Polish Maiden Song
Polish May Song
Prayer from Freischutz
Remember Thy Creator Now
Robin Adair
Robin Redbreast
Robinson Crusoe
Rose of Allandale
Row Your Boat (round)
Sabre Song, The
Safe Within the Vail
Saw Ye Never in the Twilight
Scenes that Are Brightest
Should Auld Acquaintance
Silently Falling Snow
Silent Night! Holy Night!
Sing Always
Sing, Gaily Sing
Singing in the Rain
Sing, Thou Merry Bird
Sleep, Beloved, Sleep
Snow Bird, The
Softly Now the Light of Day (Doane)
Softly Now the Light of Day (Donizetti)
Soft, Soft Music Is Stealing
Softly Blow the Vernal Breezes
Songs Revealing Sacred feeling
Sons of Men, Behold from Far
Sparkling and Bright
Speed Away
Spider and the Fly, The
Star Spangled Banner
Still, Still with Thee
Strong Lads of Labor
Sweet Bird, Thine Early Note
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Sweet Saviour, Bless Us ere We Go
Swinging 'neath the Old Apple Tree
The Bell Doth Toll
The Dearest Spot
The Fairy Boy
The Farmer
The Harp that Once thro' Tara's Halls
The Heart Bowed Down
The Hobby Horse
The Ingleside
The Long Years
The Lord's Prayer
The Loreley
The Melodies of Many Lands
The Minstrel Boy
The Mother's Wish
The Mourner
The Old Familiar Place
The Sun Is Rising o'er the Ocean
The Teetotalers Are Coming
There Is a Happy Land
There's a Wedding in the Orchard
There's Music in the Air
They Say I May Marry the Laird
Thoughts of Home (chant)
Those Evening Bells
Those Endearing Young Charms
Twilight Is Falling
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Try, Try Again
Upidee: "Excelsior"
Up the Hills on a Bright Sunny Morn
Verdant Grove, Farewell to Thee
Visions of Morning, The
Wake, Wake the Morning
Wander Staff, The
Watch on the Rhine, The
Weep for the Fallen
We Have Been Friends Together
We Lay Us Down to Sleep
We May Rove the Wide World
Welcome to Morning
What Can the Matter Be?
What Fairy-like Music
What I Love and Hate, John Brown
What Will We Do, Love?
When I Was a Lad
When Shall We Meet Again?
When the Day with Rosy Light
When the Swallows Homeward Fly
Where Is Now the Merry Party?
Where the Elm-Tree Branches
Will You Come Into My Parlor?
With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee
Work and Play
Work, for the Night Is Coming
Ye Banks an' Braes o' Bonnie Doon
Ye Sons of France, Awake!
Your Mission

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Subject: Index: Academy Songbook for Use in Schools and,,,
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 25 Dec 08 - 08:17 PM

Charles H. Levermore
Ginn & Co., Boston, 1895

This volume has songs additional to those in "The Abridged Academy Song-Book", posted above, an well as a "Course of Study in Vocal Music and Sight-Singing."
The 'Abridged' version in turn has songs not in this earlier unabridged Song-Book.
The additional songs are as follows:

Adelphi Marches Onward (adapted from Harrow song)
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Andreas Hofer
Ark of Freedom
Auf Wiedersehen
Austrian National Hymn
Bonnie Blue Flag
Bonum Est
Deus Misereatur
Ein' Feste Burg
German Student Song
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
God and Fatherland
Going Home [Scotch air]
Good-Night, Farewell
Harvard Song
John Brown's Body
Jubilate Deo
Know'st Thou the Land
Kuehlreihen [alternate name for Ranz des Vaches)
Laudate Dominum
Lied der Deutschen
Lord's Prayer, Steiner
Lord's Prayer, Tallis
Mit dem Herrn fang Alles an
Nearer to Thee, Abe
Nunc Dimitis
Slave Song [Nobody Knows the Trouble...]
The Sword
Walk in Line
Wearing of the Green
Where is the German Fatherland? (English and German)
Wir Pfluegen

Songs in Study Group, Grades I-IX (for teaching Children). Not in alphabetical index.
Some of these are in the Franklin Square Collection No. I (posted above)

The First Six Sounds of the Scale of G
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Lightly Row
Try, Try Again
Little Things
The Farmer
The Cuckoo
Cherries Ripe
The Mill-Wheel
Movement Song (Singing Merrily)
Longing for Spring
Sing, Thou Merry Bird
Good Cheer
What Can the Matter Be?
Days of Summer Glory
Work and Play
Perri Merri Dictum Domine
Lovely Rose
Hunting Song (Von Weber)
The Mower's Song
Little Brother
O Come, Come Away
Sing, Gaily Sing
What Fairy-Like Music
The Bell Doth Toll
Merrily, Merrily
Holiday Song
Work and Play
Round: The City of Fire
Swift We Go
The Violet
Laughing Song
Rosy Morning
Let Us Make Our Voices Ring
Mists of Morning
Vacation Days Are Here
Sweet Birds Are Singing
Slumber Song
'Neath the Shady Branches
Sing with Glee
Come Lovely Evening
When Home Returning
Join We in Chorus

Dictionary of Musical Terms

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Subject: Index: Most Popular Plantation Songs (Noble, 1911)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 26 Dec 08 - 01:42 PM


Selected and Arranged by Gilbert Clifford Noble, 1911
Hinds, Noble & Eldridge, Publishers, NY.

A Little More Cider, Too
A Little More Faith in Jesus
Angelina Baker
Away down Souf
Babylon Is Fallen
Belle ob Baltimore
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny
Carve dat Possum
Children, You'll Be Called On
Coal-Black Rose
Dandy Jim ob Caroline
Darling Nellie Gray
Dearest Mae
De Camptown Races
Dixie's Land
Dolcy Jones
Dolly May
Don't Bet Your Money on de Shanghai
Down in the Valley
Ellie Rhee
Farewell, My Lilly Dear
General Roll, The
Gentle Nettie Moore
Gideon's Band
Give Me Jesus
Glendy Burke, The
Go Chain the Lion Down
Going to Ride Up in the Chariot
Good-bye, Brother
Gospel Train, The
Hard Times Come Again No More
Hard Trials
Hoop de Dooden Do
I Ain't Going to Die No More
I'll Hear the Trumpet Sound
I'm a Trav'ling to the Grave
I'm So Glad
Inching Along
In de Lou'siana Lowlands
I Seen Her at de Window
I've Just Come from the Fountain
Jim Crack Corn
John Brown's Body
Jordan Am a Hard Road to Trabbel
Keep Me from Sinking Down
Kingdom Coming
Levee Song
Little More Cider, Too, A
Little More Faith in Jesus, A
Lou'siana Belle
Lubly Dine
Lucy Long
Lucy Neal
Many Thousand Gone
Mary and Martha
Mary Blane
March On
Massa's in the Cold Ground
Melinda May
Mourned in the Valley
My Brudder Gum
My Old Kentucky Home
Nancy Till
Nelly Bly
Nellie Was a Lady
Nicodemus Johnson
Noah's Ark
Nobody Knows the Trubble
O redeemed
Oh, Boys, Carry Me 'Long
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers
Oh, Give Me the Wings
Oh, Lemuel
Oh, Sinner Man
Oh, Susanna
Oh, the Rocks and the Mountains
Oh, Wasn't That a Wide River
Old Black Joe
Old Cabin Home
Ole Dan Tucker
Old Dog Tray
Old Folks at Home
Ole Shady
Polly-Wolly Doodle
Poor Old Slave, The
Ring, Ring, de Banjo
Rise Mourners
Roll, Jordan, Roll
Rosa Lee
Rose ob Alabama, The
Run to Jesus
Sally Come Up
Shine On
Steal Away
Stop that Knocking
Susan Jane
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
The General Roll
The Glendy Burke
The Gospel Train
The Poor Old Slave
The Rose ob Alabama
Ten Virgins, The
This Old Time Religion
Tom-Big-Bee River
Turn Back Pharaoh's Army
Uncle Ned
Wake Up, Jacob
Way Down in Ca-i-ro
We'll Die in the Field

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