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Chord Req: My Old Man (Steve Goodman)


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GUEST,Breeze 12 May 09 - 10:37 AM
DonMeixner 12 May 09 - 12:05 PM
Joe Offer 12 May 09 - 12:26 PM
Roger in Baltimore 12 May 09 - 03:30 PM
Beer 12 May 09 - 09:42 PM
frogprince 12 May 09 - 10:21 PM
Sandy Mc Lean 13 May 09 - 02:34 AM
Mr Happy 13 May 09 - 08:15 AM
Beer 13 May 09 - 08:30 AM
Mr Happy 13 May 09 - 08:33 AM
GUEST,Fang's Fury 27 May 11 - 05:00 PM
GUEST,Dan (A Fan) 27 Feb 14 - 11:57 PM
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Subject: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: GUEST,Breeze
Date: 12 May 09 - 10:37 AM

As a tribute to my old man who passed in NOvember 06 and to all those who miss their Dads. I'd like to get the chords to this song so it can be played properly and not butchered like so many other of Steve's songs have been in the past.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: DonMeixner
Date: 12 May 09 - 12:05 PM

My Old Man? The onliest one I know was written by Jerry Jeff Walker.
This is from memory at my desk with nothing but an old air guitar to play.

My Old Man

M(C)y old man had a roun(Dm)ders soul,

He(G)ar an old freight train and th(C)en he had to go,

Sa(C)id he'd been blessed with a gy(Dm)psy bone,

I Guess thats the rea(G7)son he was cur(C)sed to roam,


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Subject: Lyr Add: MY OLD MAN (Steve Goodman)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12 May 09 - 12:26 PM

Hi, Breeze-
If you use the filter and put in my old man and set the date back all the way, you'll see that we've had many threads on songs named "My Old Man" - so ya gotta be specific.
The only "Old Man" by a man named Steve is this one:

(Steve Goodman, 1977 Big Ear Music & Red Pajamas Music)

I miss my old man tonight
and I wish he was here with me
With his corny jokes and his cheap cigars
He could look you in the eye and sell you a car.
That's not an easy thing to do,
but no one ever knew a more charming creature
on this earth than my old man.

He was a pilot in the big war in the U.S. Army Air Corps
in a C-47 with a heavy load
full of combat cargo for the Burma Road.
And after they dropped the bomb
he came home and married Mom and
not long after that
he was my old man.

And oh the fights we had
when my brother and I got him mad;
He'd get all boiled up and he'd start to shout
and I knew what was coming so I tuned him out.
And now the old man's gone, and I'd give all I own
to hear what he said when I wasn't listening
to my old man.

I miss my old man tonite
and I can almost see his face
He was always trying to watch his weight
and his heart only made to fifty-eight.
For the first time since he died
late last night I cried.
I wondered when I was gonna do that
for my old man.

Is this the song you're seeking? Sorry that I don't have chords, but I thought this song ought to be here.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 12 May 09 - 03:30 PM


This should be the song that Breeze is looking for. I did a quick web search and came up empty on chords for the song. Maybe someone here at Mudcat will know the chords.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Beer
Date: 12 May 09 - 09:42 PM

Or could it be this one?

Beer (adrien)

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: frogprince
Date: 12 May 09 - 10:21 PM

Has to be the Steve Goodman song Joe posted.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Sandy Mc Lean
Date: 13 May 09 - 02:34 AM

The John McDermott song was written by Phil Coulter for the Furey Brothers after their father Ted (One of Irelands greatest fiddlers) passed away. The Fureys recorded it with Finbar doing the vocals. At a concert at the Cohn in Halifax I heard them singing it and I bought the tape from them at intermission so that I could learn it. John McDermott recorded it a few years later and does a splendid version. I always liked Finbars song best though because of the emotion that he packs in .

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Mr Happy
Date: 13 May 09 - 08:15 AM

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Beer
Date: 13 May 09 - 08:30 AM

Yes of course.   When I went looking last evening I thought it was Foster and Allen that did it. Now that you have mentioned the Fureys I do believe I also have that cassette.
Speaking of great fiddle players (quick diversion.), Richard Wood and Gordon Belsher from P.E.I. stayed over night last Thursday and will be doing a concert for me on the 28th of this month.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man
From: Mr Happy
Date: 13 May 09 - 08:33 AM


Sorry, some confusion here, the song you want's called 'My Old Man' - the Coulter one is 'The Old Man'

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Subject: Chords Add: My Old Man (Goodman)
From: GUEST,Fang's Fury
Date: 27 May 11 - 05:00 PM

This works! The capo is critical.

My Old Man chords
Capo 2nd fret

I D miss my old G man to D night
And I D wish he was G here with D me
G With his corny jokes and his cheap cigars
He could look you in the eye and sell you a D car
Well, that's A not an easy thing to D do
But no one ever G knew a more charming creature
D Upon this earth than A my old D man

He was a pilot in the G big D war
in the D U.S. G Army Air D Corps
G In a C-47 with a heavy load
Full of combat cargo for the D Burma Road
And A after they dropped the D bomb
He came home G and married Mom and
D Not long after that he became A my old D man

And oh the fights G we D had
When my D brother and G I got him D mad
G He'd get all boiled up and he'd start to shout
And I knew what was coming so I D tuned him out
And A now the old man's D gone
And G I'd give all I own
D To hear what he said when I wasn't listening to A my old D man

I D miss my old G man to D night
And I can D almost G see his D face
G He was always trying to watch his weight
And his heart only made to fifty D eight
For the A first time since he D died
G Late last night I cried
D I wondered when I was gonna do that for A my old D man

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: My Old Man (Goodman)
From: GUEST,Dan (A Fan)
Date: 27 Feb 14 - 11:57 PM

Goodman's "My Old Man" is just about the saddest song ever written, but incredibly beautiful. Thanks Steve.

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