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Lyr Add: Sweet Violets (Come buy my violets)

Q (Frank Staplin) 29 Sep 09 - 01:53 PM
semi-submersible 30 Sep 09 - 01:37 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 30 Sep 09 - 11:46 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Sweet Violets (Come buy my violets)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 29 Sep 09 - 01:53 PM

Tune- Blue Bells of Scotland

How fresh and blooming the violet appears,
Tho' nurtured in woe, and culled with tears,
Chill penury's winds piercing blows;
Still it no less fragranter grows,
Tho' watered by the feeble hand,
In poverty's defoliated land:
With afflicted I dejected cry,
Come buy my violets, who'll buy, who'll buy.
Forced to wade thro' wint'ry showers,
In wicker basket I bear my flowers;
Sometimes they serve to deck the fair,
Whose tranquil bosom ne'er knew care.
When black winter bids them cease to thrive,
The sun's warm rays make them revive:
Still with afflicted heart I dejected cry,
Come buy my violets, who'll buy, who'll buy.
Fatigued by the sun's warm ray;
By fate compelled to toil all day;
The thorns and brambles my feet tear,
Though not so sharp as those of care.
In vain the wealthy I implore,
With angry look they shut the door,
And leave with afflicted heart to cry,
Come buy my violets, who'll buy, who'll buy.
Hope, thou balm of distrest minds,
In thee the wretched comfort finds;
When you are fled, what remains
To bear us through this world of pain?
With a parent's delight my babes I press,
Trusting that the Lord will bless.
Blest with hope I calmly cry,
Come buy my violets, come buy, come buy.

An old "Sweet Violets," perhaps not related to the other, much parodied one.
J. Davenport, London, printer.
1800-1802, Harding B22(284), Bodleian Collection.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Sweet Violets (Come buy my violets)
From: semi-submersible
Date: 30 Sep 09 - 01:37 AM

Not written by any flower girl, I'll be bound! Like a tract, but much more entertaining. Is this an exact transcription? (I wonder about the "s" on "winds" in the third line, and the missing "heart" in the first chorus.)

Yes, it's easy to imagine a phrase like "sweet violets" floating around independently.

Any evidence of popularity for this song, or the title phrase?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Sweet Violets (Come buy my violets)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 30 Sep 09 - 11:46 AM

Transcribed exactly from the songsheet, but I agree 'heart' should be added. There were a couple of missing letters, which I added, but I changed nothing else.
Many of these old sheets have errors.

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