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Viva Victor Jara !


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GUEST,ifor 06 Dec 09 - 01:15 PM
The Borchester Echo 06 Dec 09 - 02:20 PM
bobad 30 Dec 12 - 05:40 PM
GUEST,999 30 Dec 12 - 09:40 PM
Rog Peek 31 Dec 12 - 05:12 AM
GUEST,999 31 Dec 12 - 08:27 AM
GUEST,Fred McCormick 31 Dec 12 - 12:47 PM
Rog Peek 01 Jan 13 - 06:28 AM
alanabit 02 Jan 13 - 03:50 AM
Jim Carroll 02 Jan 13 - 02:26 PM
DebC 02 Jan 13 - 07:31 PM
keberoxu 06 Nov 15 - 05:38 PM
Joe Offer 07 Nov 15 - 12:26 AM
keberoxu 18 Nov 18 - 08:56 PM
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Subject: Viva Victor Jara !
From: GUEST,ifor
Date: 06 Dec 09 - 01:15 PM

The body of Victor Jara was finally laid to rest today 36 years after he was tortured and murdered in the military coup that brought General Pinochet to power.
Jara was a much loved folk singer and composer and also a member of the Chilean Communist Party.
Many thousands of people including the Chilean president and his British born wife Joan attended the funeral.
For a full account of the funeral see the BBCs news website.Pete Seegar said of him 'As long as we can sing his songs ,Victor Jara will never die'.
Victor wrote an unfinished song in the national soccer stadium in Saniago where he was brought with thousands of others to be tortured and shot.What a terrifying place it must have been...he wrote

'There are thousands of us here
In this small part of the city
We are five thousand,
I wonder how many we are in all
In the cities and in the whole country?
Here alone.......
Are ten thousand hands which plant seeds
And make the factories run.
How much humanity,
Exposed to hunger,cold,panic ,pain
Moral pressure ,terror and insanity?...
How hard it is to sing when I must sing of horror....'
Estadio Chile
September 1973
Thousands were tortured, brutalised and killed on that 11th September 1973.Some of the worst horrors were committed in the National Stadium before representatives of the Red Cross or foreign embassies could get in.His last unfinished song was smuggled out by a companero.
Viva Victor Jara!

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: The Borchester Echo
Date: 06 Dec 09 - 02:20 PM

I arrived in Moscow on an overnight train with a British Young Communist League delegation in the morning of 12 September 1973. On hearing the news of the Pinochet coup I made not the standard speech of "so glad to be here" but an exhortation that the Soviet air force jump in their planes and set off right then for Santiago. They didn't.

I met Joan Jara and her daughters when they arrived in London as refugees. How brave they were. Victor lives.

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: bobad
Date: 30 Dec 12 - 05:40 PM

After nearly four decades, justice may be a little closer for one of the great icons of Latin American music.

A judge in Chile has ordered the arrest of eight former military officers for their part in the torture and murder of Victor Jara.

Seven men have already been arrested and an international warrant has been issued for an eighth man, who currently lives in the United States.

Al Jazeera

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: GUEST,999
Date: 30 Dec 12 - 09:40 PM

It's about time. Thank you for this news, Bobad. I think Pinochet should have been hanged, at least twice. Once by his cajones and a second time by his damned neck, may he live in hell for eternity and wear a winter coat while doing so.

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: Rog Peek
Date: 31 Dec 12 - 05:12 AM

Yes, great news, burial took place on the 5 December, don't know how I missed it.

As an Englishman it is a matter of shame to me that my government refused to extradite Pinochet to Spain to stand trial when they had the chance.


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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: GUEST,999
Date: 31 Dec 12 - 08:27 AM

Rog, I know how you feel.

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: GUEST,Fred McCormick
Date: 31 Dec 12 - 12:47 PM

Rog. I voted Labour through thick and thin, for almost fifty years, and I was appalled by the fact that a government which I had helped to elect hadn't got the guts to do the decent thing and honour Spain's extradition request.

Of course Jack straw's actions in this matter were as nothing compared to those of Maggie Thatcher. She, you may recall, had Pinochet's plane stopped on the runway, so that she could give him a present of a Spanish cannonball. This for the help which the Chilean government had supposedly given "us" during the Argentinean war.

"There's blood on the hands of the Whitehall ranks, who sold the tyrants guns and tanks". Ewan MacColl.

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: Rog Peek
Date: 01 Jan 13 - 06:28 AM

Yes Fred, you are right, but Thatcher was always a friend and supporter of Pinochet,   whereas Straw had gone from being a left wing leader of the NUS and alleged supporter of Allende to the ultimate saviour of Pinochet. I really don't know how any one of the three of them could sleep at night.


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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: alanabit
Date: 02 Jan 13 - 03:50 AM

Ditto to all of the above.

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: Jim Carroll
Date: 02 Jan 13 - 02:26 PM
Jim Carroll

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: DebC
Date: 02 Jan 13 - 07:31 PM

At 8 PM EST, Graham and Barbara Dean will be paying tribute to Victor Jara on their radio show "Common Sense Songs" on WBCR Community Radio out of Great Barrington, MA.

Listen to a live stream via this link.
or go to's website


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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: keberoxu
Date: 06 Nov 15 - 05:38 PM

On a blog titled with much information about Chile's Inti-Illimani (albeit polarized to one side of the dispute), there is a lengthy interview with Max Berru, amounting to informal memoirs. It is haunting to read Berru's comments on the loss of Victor Jara with whom Inti-Illimani worked and performed before traveling to Europe. They were in Italy when they were told of Jara's death and how "Joan Turner" -- the maiden name of Joan Jara, Victor's widow -- had identified his remains in the Santiago morgue. Berru says:

"In my subconscious, I never accepted Victor's death. In my dreams, I would be at Jorge Coulon's home in Santiago, where we would all do our work on musical ideas or proposals; and I always dreamed that he [Victor] arrived, as ever, at that place. Then suddenly everything in the dream would start spinning, like a whirlpool, and Victor would vanish. All the years that Inti-Illimani spent in exile, I would have this recurring dream.

"The dream only went away when I arrived in Chile in person [the band was permitted to return in 1988]. Thousands of people met us at the airport.... at the plaza La Canada, on Calle San Pablo, the bus stopped, and thousands of people were there waiting to pay homage to us. We found ourselves face to face with Joan Turner, holding a red carnation in her hands, her own face full of sadness, and at the same time happy to be reunited with her companeros.   Haltingly I said something to her about Victor. She looked at me with astonishment and said: Victor -- they killed him. And from that day, I never dreamed that dream again."

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Nov 15 - 12:26 AM

It's a thrill to hear Victor Jara sing, and there are many recordings available. Here's Victor Jara singing Duerme negrito. He brings out all the tenderness and humor in this lullaby. How could someone like this be so brutally murdered?

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Subject: RE: Viva Victor Jara !
From: keberoxu
Date: 18 Nov 18 - 08:56 PM

Victor Jara's family -- particularly his widow Joan and his daughter Amanda -- have continued all these years to seek justice for his murder.

The sentencing, this year, of eight members of Chile's military is reported in The Guardian.

And the New York Times just presented a link to a "Retro Report" video on the civil suit which the Jara family have brought against one Chilean who married a USA citizen and settled in Florida,
evading justice for his part in Victor Jara's death.

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