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Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
The Railway Belle (full version) [Harry Clifton]
The Railway Belle (melody only) [Harry Clifton]

GUEST, Sminky 28 May 10 - 01:04 PM
Joe Offer 17 May 10 - 01:25 AM
Artful Codger 16 May 10 - 12:27 PM
Artful Codger 16 May 10 - 12:10 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)
From: GUEST, Sminky
Date: 28 May 10 - 01:04 PM

The Railway Belle at The British Library.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 May 10 - 01:25 AM

See links above for MIDI files.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Railway Belle (Harry Clifton)
From: Artful Codger
Date: 16 May 10 - 12:27 PM

ABC transcription of the melody (from the same source):

T:The Railway Belle
C:Words and music by Harry Clifton, 1866
S:Period sheet music, provided by Steve Gardham
Z:Artful Codger
Q:1/4=104 " Allegretto"
%    Verse
F | F/ F/ e d/ d/ c | B D F B/B/ | A A G/ G/ F | d2-d> F |
w: I tra-vell'd for Gal-li-pot, Cork, and Co. In the "pick"-ling vin-e-gar trade_ And
F/ F/ e d c/ c/ | B D F> B | A/ A/ c G F | B2-B> B |
w: ne-ver had cause for a mo-ment's woe Till meet-ing a fair young maid_ Who
A c d> c | c B G A/ A/ | B/ B/ c =e> d | c2-c> A |
w: serv'd be-hind a first class bar On the Chat-ham and Do-ver line_ Re-
A c d> c | c B =e> d | c> =B _B G | F2-HF ||
w: fresh-ment room I ought to say, But that mis-take is mine._
%    Chorus
% Tempo di Polka.
"^Chorus." F |: F B/ B/ B/ B/ c/ d/ | e G G (A/B/) | c A F f |
w: I try to be mer-ry but it is no use, My* case is ve-ry
d3 z/d/ | f e/ e/ =B/ B/ c/ c/ | e d A B/ B/ |
w: hard. She left me as sil-ly as a farm-yard goose When she
d/ d/ c G> A | B2-HB [1 F :|2 z ||
w: mar-ried that Rail-way Guard_ I

I worked up a polyphonic transcription, but although a nice score can be generated from it, it has some voice sync problems that I haven't been able to resolve. So I may have to re-transcribe into Finale to get a properly sync'd MIDI. In any case, MIDIs and a full ABC will be appearing here within the week.

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE RAILWAY BELLE (Harry Clifton)
From: Artful Codger
Date: 16 May 10 - 12:10 PM

A song from the famous music hall performer Harry Clifton:

   Written, composed and sung by Harry Clifton. [1866]
   Arranged by M. Hobson

I travell'd for Gallipot, Cork, and Co.
In the "pick'ling vinegar trade
And never had cause for a moment's woe
Till meeting a fair young maid
Who serv'd behind a first class bar
On the Chatham and Dover line,
"Refreshment room" I ought to say,
But that mistake is mine.

   I try to be merry but it is no use,
   My case is very hard.
   She left me as silly as a farmyard goose
   When she married that Railway Guard.

Her eyes were blue as the bounding sea,
Her hair was the colour of gold,
As blithe as a lark and busy as a bee
While the "twopenny buns" she sold
Or serv'd the soup so very hot
As the bell rang for the train.
To "scald your mouth" or "leave the lot",
But then you couldn't complain...
Lovers she had of every sort,
From the "dustman," to the "swell,"
You may suppose she'd lots of beaux,
This charming Railway Belle,
But she served them all with the same good will,
Favorites she had none,
'Twas, "Thank you sir," as she filled the till,
And a smile for every one.
With favor she looked down on me,
With joy my heart was cheered,
When a sudden stop came to my glee,
A rival "he appeared,
All clothed in green," with silver lace,
On the collar of his coat a yard;
And elegant foot, for a Wellington boot,
SPOKEN: (In fact) The model of a Railway Guard.
I saw that every hope had fled,
My every chance was marr'd,
"Appearance" was against me dead,
'Twas "ten to one on the Guard,"
For without a doubt I'm getting stout,
At least I'm far from slim,
I'm "five feet six," he's "six feet five,"
All polished neat and trim.
I mustered courage to propose,
And asked her to be mine;
But she turned up her little nose,
And said "She must decline;
She was engaged or perhaps she might
Look on me with regard,"
In less than three short months from that
She married the Railway Guard.
I never travel now by train,
Since I got in that line,
For memory will almost break,
This tender heart of mine;
The sight of a Railway makes me ill,
The sight of green coats, sad,
I'm never out at ball or rout,
For the "Guards' Waltz" drives me mad.

Source: Period sheet music, authorized by Clifton.
Notes by Steve Gardham (who transcribed the lyrics):

T W Lee litho of Clifton in character wearing top hat looking very shocked at seeing his girl boarding a railway carriage marked 'ENGAGED', with a tall heavily bearded guard carrying her hat box.
Written and sung with the greatest success by
LONDON, Hopwood & Crew, 42 New Bond Street, W

Written, composed and sung by Harry Clifton. Arranged by M. Hobson.
Stock Number H & C 936

Sminky's 'The Era' dating makes it 1866

Click to play (melody)

Click to play (full version)

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