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Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Where There's a Will There's a Way [Harry Clifton]

Artful Codger 21 May 10 - 05:47 AM
Joe Offer 21 May 10 - 05:28 PM
r.padgett 22 May 10 - 04:19 PM
Leadfingers 23 May 10 - 06:11 AM
Liberty Boy 23 May 10 - 08:05 AM
MoorleyMan 23 May 10 - 08:48 AM
Steve Gardham 23 May 10 - 01:01 PM
r.padgett 23 May 10 - 02:50 PM
MoorleyMan 23 May 10 - 02:58 PM
Steve Gardham 24 May 10 - 02:14 PM
GUEST,Betty M.J. 27 May 14 - 12:08 PM
GUEST,# 27 May 14 - 12:39 PM
GUEST, Sminky 27 May 14 - 12:41 PM
Steve Gardham 27 May 14 - 05:59 PM
Steve Gardham 27 May 14 - 06:00 PM
GUEST,Doug Saum1 28 May 14 - 02:18 PM
MartinRyan 28 May 14 - 03:16 PM
MoorleyMan 28 May 14 - 03:38 PM
GUEST,leeneia 29 May 14 - 10:57 AM
GUEST,Betty M.J. 29 May 14 - 12:04 PM
GUEST,# 29 May 14 - 01:31 PM
GUEST,# 29 May 14 - 01:32 PM
GUEST,leeneia 29 May 14 - 04:25 PM
Steve Gardham 29 May 14 - 05:12 PM
GUEST,Betty M.J. 31 May 14 - 03:27 PM
Steve Gardham 31 May 14 - 04:28 PM
GUEST,Beth Andress 23 Sep 15 - 10:59 AM
Steve Gardham 23 Sep 15 - 03:26 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S...(Clifton)
From: Artful Codger
Date: 21 May 10 - 05:47 AM

   Written by Harry Clifton. [by 1866]
   Arranged by M. Hobson.
   (Tempo di Valse.)

This life is a difficult riddle,
For how many people we see...........
With faces as long as a fiddle,
That ought to look shining with glee.....
I am sure in this world there are plenty,
Of good things enough for us all................
And yet there's not one out of twenty,
But thinks that his share is too small.........
   Then what is the use of repining,
   For where there's a will there's a way......
   And tomorrow the sun may be shining,
   Although it is cloudy to-day..........
Did you never hear tell of the spider,
That tried up the wall hard to climb......
If not just take that as a guider,
You'll find it will serve you in time.....
Nine times it tried hard to be mounting,
And every time it stuck fast........
But it tried hard again without counting,
And of course it succeeded at last.......
Some grumble because they're not married,
And cannot procure a good wife........
Whilst others they wish they had tarried,
And long for a bachelor's life..........
To me it is very bewild'rin',
Some grumble it must be in fun.......
Because they have too many children,
And others because they have none......
Do you think that by sitting and sighing,
You'll ever obtain all you want.......
It's cowards alone that are crying,
And foolishly saying "I can't,".......
It's only by plodding and striving,
And labouring up the steep hill.......
Of life, that you'' ever be thriving,
Which you'll do if you've only the will.....

Source: Period sheet music published by Hopwood & Crew.
Lyrics transcription prepared by Steve Gardham.
ABC transcription and MIDI prepared by Artful Codger.
Lots of information on other Clifton songs in this thread: "Help: Harry Clifton songwriter"

Steve Gardham's notes:
The copy was sent to me by Robert Pammant who is Clifton's great grandson.

Litho, bust of Clifton (can't make out the lithographer's name.)
Written and sung by Mr. HARRY CLIFTON
At his popular concerts
London, Hopwood & Crew

Written by Harry Clifton            Arranged by M. Hobson
Stock Number H & C 952

[Per Mudcatter] Sminky: The Era gives it as 1866.

It is still sung traditionally in the west Sheffield villages by singers who have learnt it from the singing of Arthur Howard.

ABC transcription of the melody (piano intro, verse and chorus):

T:Where There's a Will, There's a Way
C:Written by Harry Clifton.
C:Arranged by M. Hobson.
S:Period sheet music.
N:Music provided to Steve Gardham by Robert Pammant; HC was his maternal
%   Piano introduction
e | e^de | (ac'e') | (f3 | b)za | gBc |
(dgf) | e3- | ez (c/d/) | e^de | (ac'e') |
(f3 | b)za | (g^^f)g | (c'2b | a3- |a2) ||
%   Verse
E | E^DE | Ace | (F3 | B)zA | GB,C | DGF | E3- |
w: This life is a dif-fi-cult rid-dle, For how ma-ny peo-ple we see
EzE | E^DE | Ace | (F3- | B)zA | G^^FG | Gc>B |
w: * With fa-ces as long as a fid-dle, That ought to look shi-ning with
A3- | AzG/A/ | Gc^d | feB | (^d3 | c)z(^d/c/) |
w: glee.* I am sure in this world there are plen-ty Of*
cFG | A^d>c | B3- | Bz(G/A/) | Bc^d | feB |
w: good things e-nough for us all* And yet there's not one out of
(^d3 | c)z (B/A/) | GF^E | FAG | E3- | [E2e2] ||
w: twen-ty But* thinks that his share is too small*
%   Chorus
"^Chorus" E | E^DE | Ace | (F3 | B)zA | GB,C | DG>F |
w: Then what is the use of re-pi-ning, For where there's a will there's a
E3- | Ez(C/ D/) | E^DE | Ace | (F3 | B)zA |
w: way* And to-mor-row the sun may be shi-ning, Al-
G^^FG | GcB | A3- | A2 z/ || (c/d/) | e^de |
w: though it is clou-dy to-day.*
(ac'e') | f3 |bza | (g^^f)g | (c'c'>b | a3- | a2 z ||

Click to play

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 21 May 10 - 05:28 PM

MIDI added - see links above. Thanks, Artful Codger.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: r.padgett
Date: 22 May 10 - 04:19 PM

Right looks like there is a slight error here, from SG well I never!!

Sung by the likes of Gordon Hoyland from Oughtibridge I think but not from Arthur Howard of Hazelhead/Holme but has to be from Frank Hinchliffe, of course!

I was in fact told that Gordon was given the song by Ian Russell (from Frank)


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Leadfingers
Date: 23 May 10 - 06:11 AM

Where there's a will there's usually a family argument !

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Liberty Boy
Date: 23 May 10 - 08:05 AM

Where there's a will there's usually plenty of relatives!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 23 May 10 - 08:48 AM

This is interesting.
The version I sing, which I got from the singing of Gordon Hall from Sussex (it's on his CD Good Things Enough), is not all that different from the one you have here. But it was I understand authored by Edward Marshall & Carlo Minasi, circa 1881. I'd never previously come across a Harry Clifton rendition, although I can see the stylistic resemblance to his slightly moralistic stance! I wonder, which is the authentic - or original - version?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 23 May 10 - 01:01 PM

I think the 1866 date might help with that last query. Clifton's songs were often pirated and his songs went through a revival in the 1880s. I don't think there's much contention here.

You may be correct when you say Gordon got his version from Frank via Ian, BUT Arthur did have the song in his repertoire under the title 'This Life is a difficult Riddle'. It all goes to back up my statement that the song was being sung by several singers in the west Sheffield area at least during the first half of the twentieth century, and now even more sing it, yourself included I presume.

What needs adding to my original statement is '...and Frank Hinchliffe of west Sheffield'. Of couse both of them were much recorded and written about by Ian Russell.

FWIW Arthur also sang at least 2 other Clifton songs 'Paddle Your Own canoe' and 'Pulling Hard Against the Stream'.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: r.padgett
Date: 23 May 10 - 02:50 PM

Told you can't tell that Gardham bloke anything!!

I don't have a list of Arthur's full repertoire, but I do reckon Gordon heard this from Frank and we did record Gordon singing this at Holmfirth ff one year

Do we have access to Arthur's recordings?

I still dunt know who has 'em!

Cheers Steve


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 23 May 10 - 02:58 PM

Thanks for the extra input Steve.
Although I do sing it, it's the "Gordon Hall variant", and I'm not quite within the Sheffield area myself however. I've heard Gordon sing it - at various places around Sheffield - but I don't believe it's in Ray's repertoire!
Interestingly, I also sing Harry's "Pulling Hard Against The Stream", which I seem to remember I learnt from Alison McMorland...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 24 May 10 - 02:14 PM

Or Alison Potts as she was then in York.

The only person I know who has recordings of most of Arthur's repertoire is Ian. He listed all of Arthur's repertoires in 'Singer, Song and Scholar' which is where I got the info. You don't want to go there, Ray!

Don't forget, Alison has all those York recordings she said she was going to let us have.

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Subject: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,Betty M.J.
Date: 27 May 14 - 12:08 PM

on the 'Help: songwriter Harry Clifton' thread I know that I did already ask this question but I'm now starting a thread for my question:

   Does anybody have or know where I can find sheet music (or even a video with the tune of the song or the title of a CD/record/cassette which has the song on it)for "Where There's A Will" by Harry Clifton?

Please, Please, do not hesitate to respond, even if a few people have already answered the question. Any information is helpful information!

Thank you all!

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,#
Date: 27 May 14 - 12:39 PM

The Ingalls Wilder Family Songbook (click)

I think that's what you're looking for, Betty.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST, Sminky
Date: 27 May 14 - 12:41 PM

Tune here.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 27 May 14 - 05:59 PM

Hi Betty,
If you haven't got a copy yet let me know and I'll scan it for you.

The song is still alive and well in the West Sheffield tradition around Oughtibridge.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 27 May 14 - 06:00 PM

Took me half a dozen goes to get that to post. Problems????

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,Doug Saum1
Date: 28 May 14 - 02:18 PM

Forgive my ignorance, but is this the same Harry Clifton that W B Yeats mentions in his dedication to his poem "Lapis Lazuli"?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: MartinRyan
Date: 28 May 14 - 03:16 PM

No - a minor (Irish?) poet, I think, who had given him a gift of that stone.


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 28 May 14 - 03:38 PM

The Sheffield connection is correct, and there's also a variant of the song on the Gordon Hall CD "Good Things Enough", on the Country Branch label, CBCD095 (2001). That's still available from Veteran Tapes - Labels

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 29 May 14 - 10:57 AM

HEllo, Betty. I have made a MIDI file of the tune linked above by Guest, #. That way anybody who's interested can hear how it goes. I believe I'll lower the key.

I'll send it in, and it should appear here soon.

Click to play (joeweb)

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,Betty M.J.
Date: 29 May 14 - 12:04 PM

Thank you so much everyone! I am so grateful, this is so helpful to me!

Steve,thank you! Could you scan it in? And if you scan it in would I be able to print it if I needed to?

Thank you, Guest # for sending me that link- it won't print though but I figure if I cannot find how to print the song I'll just purchase the Ingalls Wilder Family Songbook from Ebay or Amazon!

Sminky, thank you for the tune, and Leeneia, I would be interested in hearing yours as well!

MoorleyMan, thank you, I may purchase that CD!

Again, thank you everyone, this has been such a huge help to me! If anyone else has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them as well! This is so exciting!

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,#
Date: 29 May 14 - 01:31 PM

Where There's a Will There's a Way
Music from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books

Lyrics by Harry Clifton

This life is a difficult riddle
For how many people we wee
With faces as long as a fiddle
That ought to be shining with glee
I am sure in this world there are plenty
Of good things enought for us all
And yet there's not one out of the twenty
But thinks that his share is too small

Then what is the use of repining
For where there's a will there's a way
And tomorrow the sun may be shining
Although it is cloudy today

Do you ever hear tell of the spider
That tried up the wall hard to climb?
If not, just take that as a guider
You'll find it will serve you in time
Nine times it tried hard to be mounting
And every time it stuck fast
But it tried hard again without counting
And of course it succeeded at last


Do you think that by sitting and sighing
You'll ever obtain all you want?
It's cowards alone that are crying
And foolishly saying "I can't"
It's only by plodding and striving
And laboring up the steep hill
Of life that you'll ever be thriving
Which you'll do if you've only the will.


From The Long Winter

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,#
Date: 29 May 14 - 01:32 PM

leeneia: I think there is already a midi on Mudcat.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 29 May 14 - 04:25 PM

'Tis true. I forgot to check.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Where There's A Will by Harry Clifton
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 29 May 14 - 05:12 PM

I can scan it but I thought the copy Sminky sent you is the one I sent him. If this is not the case I will do it and yes you will be able to print from it but the pages are usually bigger than A4 and I can't always get a good copy of each page. PM me your email address if you want me to go ahead.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: GUEST,Betty M.J.
Date: 31 May 14 - 03:27 PM

That may be the case, but I am a little confused.
If it wouldn't be any trouble I would prefer if you could scan it to

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 31 May 14 - 04:28 PM

No problem.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: GUEST,Beth Andress
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 10:59 AM

I am producing a play that has this song in it. I need to find sheet music for the fiddle for it and a recording. I live in the US-- so would need to get both somewhere. Anyone know where I can find this?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Where There's a Will (Harry Clifton)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 03:26 PM

Beth, if you search back through this thread you will find a link you can click on that will give you the tune straight away. If this is not suitable pm me with your email and I'll scan it for you.

If you're still about I have recently acquired some more Clifton sheets I don't think we've worked on yet.

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