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ADD: Sands (Eileen McGann)

GUEST 10 Jun 10 - 08:14 AM
GUEST,Gerry 10 Jun 10 - 08:36 AM
GUEST 10 Jun 10 - 05:47 PM
Joe Offer 28 Dec 20 - 05:10 PM
GerryM 28 Dec 20 - 08:39 PM
Joe Offer 30 Sep 24 - 05:30 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: '...the waves keep rolling on the beach'
Date: 10 Jun 10 - 08:14 AM

Does anyone recognise these snippets of lyrics?
All I remember is that they were recorded by a female singer..

"And the waves keep rolling on the beach....
.... Each one makes a small change, that will shape our destiny."

Thanks so much,
Esme W

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: '...the waves keep rolling on the bea
From: GUEST,Gerry
Date: 10 Jun 10 - 08:36 AM

It's Eileen McGann, the song is called Sands, it's on her CD Elements, one of many outstanding tracks on that album.

And the waves keep rolling on the beach like the years keep rolling over/And each one makes a small change that will shape our destiny/For what the new one brings, that the old one's made the way for/God help me make the changes that will let my soul be free.

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Subject: RE: Req: Sands '..the waves keep rolling on the beach'
Date: 10 Jun 10 - 05:47 PM

Ah, this is fantastic. Thanks so much!! This is a very sentimental track to me (a very good friend of mine died this week, and I keep on having a random, recurring memory of her playing this track and singing slong to it at her home :) )
Off to buy the album methinks...!

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Subject: RE: ADD: Sands (Eileen McGann)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 28 Dec 20 - 05:10 PM

I've asked Gerry to post the lyrics.

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Subject: RE: ADD: Sands (Eileen McGann)
From: GerryM
Date: 28 Dec 20 - 08:39 PM

The liner notes say, "Written on the beach, near midnight on New Year's Eve." The first stanza serves as a chorus, which I've indicated by just putting the first three words where the chorus goes.

Eileen McGann

The waves keep rolling on the beach like the years keep rolling over,
And each one makes a small change that will shape our destiny.
For what the new one brings, that the old one's made the way for,
God help me make the changes that will let my soul be free.

The Moon is rising red, and the stars shine overhead,
And both are now reflected in the wind-impassioned sea,
And they crash down on the shore –
And go on shining like before,
Their beauty and their peace untouched by turmoil that they see.

But I'm here on the ground, and to the Earth I'm bound,
To walk and be reflected in the eyes of all I know,
And they smash me at their will –
I survive but feel it still,
But maybe with the turning year I'll find the strength to grow.

And the waves ....

The red Moon chills to white with the deepening of the night.
The ocean reaches out to where I sit upon the sand,
And it tries to take me in –
To the peace that lies within
The silent depth of water; but I turn towards the land.

For the peace beneath the sea, well it has no charm for me,
Though well I know how easily the current drags you down,
And the cold Moon has no heart –
The lonely stars are far apart.
I know the freedom that I seek is not there to be found.

And the waves ....

The tide is rising fast and the moonlight will not last,
And yet I build defiance in a castle on the shore,
Though I know it will not stand –
Through tide and wind and thoughtless man,
But freedom lies in building, loving, reaching out for more.

And the waves ....

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Subject: RE: ADD: Sands (Eileen McGann)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Sep 24 - 05:30 PM

joe - do crosslinks

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