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Lyr Req: Rindacellar? / Rindercella / Cinderella


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GUEST,GUEST - Montreal 13 Jan 12 - 01:18 PM
GUEST,Danyl 03 Jan 12 - 11:18 AM
GUEST,mondaylotto 07 Dec 11 - 05:51 PM
GUEST,des ife, high wycombe, england 29 Nov 07 - 07:03 PM
GUEST,Guest, Joy 25 Nov 07 - 01:43 PM
GUEST,Fantum 02 Aug 07 - 09:06 AM
GUEST,Joan 01 Aug 07 - 08:41 PM
Rowan 01 Aug 07 - 06:15 PM
JennyO 01 Aug 07 - 08:15 AM
GUEST,The black belt caterpillar wrestler 01 Aug 07 - 07:12 AM
Liz the Squeak 01 Aug 07 - 07:02 AM
Susan of DT 01 Aug 07 - 06:43 AM
Rowan 01 Aug 07 - 02:51 AM
GUEST,Joan 01 Aug 07 - 12:47 AM
Sandra in Sydney 12 Oct 06 - 04:10 AM
My guru always said 11 Oct 06 - 04:03 PM
JennyO 11 Oct 06 - 01:28 PM
My guru always said 11 Oct 06 - 07:15 AM
GUEST,Lin in Kansas 10 Oct 06 - 11:48 PM
GUEST 10 Oct 06 - 11:47 PM
Jim Dixon 10 Oct 06 - 10:33 PM
GUEST 06 Oct 06 - 06:32 PM
GUEST,Cheesey 08 Sep 06 - 05:30 AM
GUEST,Mrr 16 May 00 - 02:14 PM
MMario 16 May 00 - 12:08 PM
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kendall 16 May 00 - 11:37 AM
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alison 27 Jan 00 - 07:24 AM
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John in Brisbane 26 Jan 00 - 07:18 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindacellar? / Rindercella / Cinderella
From: GUEST,GUEST - Montreal
Date: 13 Jan 12 - 01:18 PM

Here's the Jack Ross version, recorded in 1962.

Here is a tale to make your cresh fleep.
It will give you poose gimples.
It's a story for fee polk and biggle to peep
(That's "wee folk and bigger people, too")

It's the story about Cinderella who lived in a big hark douse with her mean old mep-stother and her two sisty uglers. And they made Cinderella do all the worty dirk while they sat around cheating ocolates and maging readazines.

And, one day, while Cinderella was in the kitchen, flopping the moor, the two sisty uglers came in a said, "Guess what? The prandsome hince is browing a fancy thress drall and we're invited! It's too bad that YOU can't go!"

So, Cinderella went back to the kitchen with ears in her tyes. And she was just about to ckickacee a fricen when, suddenly, there was a linding bash of flight, and standing beside her was a feautiful bairy.

And Cinderella said, "Who are you and what do you want?"

And the feautiful bairy said, "Well, I'm your mairy fod-gother."

And Cinderella said, "Well, may I go to the ball?"

And the fairy said, "That's quite a wish, but okay."

So she wave her magic wand and, instantly, Cinderella was transformed into a bavishing reauty. She had on a lone white gatin sown and a necklace of pubies and rearls, and on her feet were two tiny sass glippers.

The fairy said, "Now, you may go, but you must promise to be mome by hidnight."

And Cinderella said, "Okay." So she was off.

Soon, she cast to the camele (That's "came to the castle"). And Cinderella jumped out and the first pwo teople she ran into were the two sisty uglers. And she was so beautiful, they didn't even Cinderize recognella!

So, they introduced her to the prandsome hince, and he said, "May I dave this hance. You're so beautiful, you remind me of Beeping Sleauty!" He was just about to ask for her marr in handiage when, suddenly, the stock clarted to trike swelve, and Cinderella ban from the rall. But, as she did, one of her sass glippers flipped from her soot. The prandsome hince picked it up and said, "Now all I have to do is look for the woman whose soot this flipper sits, and I'll know whom I've laalen in fove with!"

So, the next day, he went from house to house (and you can't turn THAT around!), and, soon, he came to the Cin where housederella lived and docked on the noor. And who should answer but the two sisty uglers. He said, "I'm looking for the woman whose soot this flipper sits." Well, of course, their beet were to fig!

But, then, it was Cinderella's turn and (guess what?) the flipper pitted cerfectly, they were married, and they happed lively ever after.

And that's the end of the story of Cinderella, but there's a moral to this fairy tale, because Cinderella never gave up. And as you walk down the pathways of life, never give up. Chistopher Columbus never gave up, Benjamin Franklin never gave up, Abraham Lincoln never gave up, Oliver Twiddledee, who's he? You don't know, 'cause he gave up! So always remember this little philosophy: some of our snubbles are trall, and some of our bubbles are trig, but if we try to have no humbles, how can we blecognize or ressings?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindacellar? / Rindercella / Cinderella
From: GUEST,Danyl
Date: 03 Jan 12 - 11:18 AM

Thank you so much for posting these stories. My dad used to recite these to me when I was a child. He's now gone and I still remember him telling the stories and how much I used to laugh. It's great to see them in print. Thank you!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up)
From: GUEST,mondaylotto
Date: 07 Dec 11 - 05:51 PM

Bedtime Stories

by C H A R L E S   L .   M E E

Originally produced under the title of The Imperialists at the Club Cave Canem


The monologue Rindecella:

Rindecella was a gritty little pearl
who lived in a wottage in the coods
with her two sugly isters and her sticked wetmother.

Now her sticked wetmother made Rindecella do
all the wurty dirk around the house
like pining the shots and shans.
(Wasn't that a shirty dame?)

Well, one day the ping issued a kroclamation:
he said "my son the pransom hince wants all the giligible earls
to come to the palace for a drancy fess ball."

Well, of course, the sugly isters had drancy fesses
but Rindecella only had the wurty dags she worked in.
So along came the gairy fodmother, and wouched her with her tand,
and turned the wurty dags into a drancy fess,
and the hice into morses, and the cumpkins into a poach.

And said, "go to the palace and dance with the pransom hince
all night long,
but be sure and be home by the moke of stridnight."

So Rindedella went to the palace and danced with the pransom
hince all night long,
but at the moke of stridnight, she ran down the stalace peps,
and at the stottom pep, she slopped her dripper.

The next day, the ping issued another kroclamation:
he said, "my son the pransom hince wants all the giligible earls
to sly on the tripper."
Well, of course, when the two sugly isters slied on the tripper
it fidn't dit.

But when Rindecella slied on the tripper,
it fid dit.

And Rindecella and the pransom hince mot garried
and hived lappily ever after

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,des ife, high wycombe, england
Date: 29 Nov 07 - 07:03 PM

The version that was released on a 45 was by Jack Ross, which I taped from the radio onto my reel-to-reel tape recorder. I still have that taped recording somewhere in the attic.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Guest, Joy
Date: 25 Nov 07 - 01:43 PM

Looking for Rindercella and her steply ugsisters.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Fantum
Date: 02 Aug 07 - 09:06 AM

This is in my collection of stuff.
I can not confirm the history as given in the first paragraph.
So for what its worth

This was originally shown on BBC TV back in the seventies. Ronnie Barker could say all this without a snigger (though god knows how many takes).

This is the story of Rindercella and her sugly isters. Rindercella and her sugly isters lived in a marge lansion. Rindercella worked very hard frubbing sloors, emptying poss pits, and shivelling shot. At the end of the day, she was knucking fackered. The sugly isters were right bugly astards. One was called Mary Hinge, and the other was called Betty Swallocks; they were really forrible huckers; they had fetty sweet and fetty swannies. The sugly isters had tickets to go to the ball, but the cotton runts would not let Rindercella go.Suddenly there was a bucking fang, and her gairy fodmother appeared. Her name was Shairy Hithole and she was a light rucking fesbian. She turned a pumpkin and six mite wice into a hucking cuge farriage with six dandy ronkeys who had buge hollocks and dig bicks The gairy fodmother told Rindercella to be back by dimnlight otherwise, there would be a cucking falamity. At the ball, Rindercella was dancing with the prandsome hince when suddenly the clock struck twelve. "Mist all chucking frighty!!!" said Rindercella, and she ran out tripping barse over ollocks, so dropping her slass glipper. The very next day the prandsome hince knocked on Rindercella's door and the sugly isters let him in. Suddenly, Betty Swallocks lifted her leg and let off a fig bart. "Who's fust jarted??" asked the prandsome hince. "Blame that fugly ucker over there!!" said Mary Hinge. When the stinking brown cloud had lifted, he tried the slass glipper on both   the sugly isters without success and their feet stucking funk. Betty Swallocks was ducking fisgusted and gave the prandsome hince aknack in the kickers. This was not difficult as he had bucking fuge halls and a hig bard on. He tried the slass glipper on Rindercella and it fitted pucking ferfectly. Rindercella and the prandsome hince were married. The pransome hince lived his life in lucking fuxury, and Rindercella lived hers with a follen swanny.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Joan
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 08:41 PM

Thank you so much Jenny O. This is exactly the version I was searching for. I forgot about the buller frush man. Every time my family has a party I have to recite Rindercella, and I'm getting sick of it. Time for a different story. Thanks!!

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Rowan
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 06:15 PM

Liz, you got me. Here in Oz, Micro$oft seem to believe that US English is universal (and that Aus English is the same as US English) which, because I'm old enough to have received a good education with some appreciation of classics, gets up my nose a bit. Turning off the auto chell speck is a start but rooting out the dictionaries is the only thing that works. And then I'm on my own, and any cockups are my own fault.

Cheers, Rowan

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: JennyO
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 08:15 AM

GUEST, Joan, I Googled around and found this. Could it be the Beeping Sleauty you are looking for?

BEEPING SLEAUTY - anonymous (amended by Dan Kahler)

A gong time alo in a loreign fand, there lived a principul beautress and a mugly old itch who didn't like principul beautress because she was as pud as she was gretty. So, the mugly old itch spast a kevil ell making the principal beautress slo to geep. Then the mugly old itch went around reiking with slaughter, bellin' everytody the principul beautress slo on geepin' till bomesody lell in fove with her and hissed ker so she could aken wup. But, chortled the mugly old itch, bonody will lall in fove with banyody who's ateep all the slime. So, the principul beautress became known as beeping sleauty.

One day a buller frush man copped by the stastle, and when bonody answered his dock on the knoor, he wooked in the lindow and saw beeping sleauty. Now, he didn't care whether she was neepin' or slot because he saw how wair she fas, so he gloke the brass and bimbed into the gledroom where beeping sleauty was slound aseep. He canted a pliss on the nip of her toes, and beeping sleauty opened her eyes.

"Guy moodness!," she said. "My mair must be a hess."

"It ertainly sis," said the buller frush man. Then he suddenly nell on his fees, hook her by the tands, saying, "I'm not really a buller frush man; I'm a hung & pransom yince. But a mugly old itch cut a purse on me and kanished me from my bingdom till I could sell a beeping sleauty a buller frush. You have sproken my bell. Will you marry me?"

Beeping Sleauty said, "strisn't this ange. You have sproken my bell, too. Yes, I will marry you because we have so cuch in mommon."

And mo they were sarried, and one of the dirst things they fid was have the mugly old itch prast into kison, so she douldn't coo more dicked weeds.

So, remember, if you fappen to hall under a spevil ell, and you wanna end up thrittin' on a sone, never chass up a pance to kiss a Beeping Sleauty to make her a thankful beauty.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,The black belt caterpillar wrestler
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 07:12 AM

I remember Chucklefoot used to do a couple of these. One of them contained a reference to tripping over the cooking fat.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 07:02 AM

Rowan - could that be because it's a bugger to type out on a computer with auto spellcheck?!


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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Susan of DT
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 06:43 AM

Joan - There is a Beeping Sleauty posted above on Oct 10, 2006

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Rowan
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 02:51 AM

While Mick O'Leary has been doing Rindercella at Nariel for more than 30 years now, this is the first I've seen a set of words. Good stuff!

Cheers, Rowan

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Joan
Date: 01 Aug 07 - 12:47 AM

I'm looking for a version of Beeping Sleauty that has these 2 lines:

Gy moodness my mair's a hess!
Bonody kants to wiss banyody who ateep all the slime.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 12 Oct 06 - 04:10 AM

Martin Pearson & Mudcatter John Thompson (Cloudstreet) recorded 2 CDs as Never the Twain.

Their first (strangely enough it's titled "Never the Twain"!) includes Rindercella & is a mix of serious stuff & silly stuff. Unfortunatly it's out of print (lucky me!!)


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: My guru always said
Date: 11 Oct 06 - 04:03 PM

Oh JennyO, thank you so much for posting this - I can hear Martin saying the words and am crying with laughter again! Maybe one day I'll hear you telling this tale. Be well & thanks!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: JennyO
Date: 11 Oct 06 - 01:28 PM

I've heard Martin do this a few times, and it's probably the funniest version I've heard. I do it sometimes too, and mine is similar to Martin's, although it's probably not quite the same. Here's my version:

RINDERCELLA – a Lisdexic Tairy Fale

Once upon a time, in a far away listening gland, there lived a geautiful birl, a shitty preila, and her name was Rindercella. Now Rindercella lived with her mugly other and two sad blisters. They beated her tradly - they made her dosh the wishes, bub the scrath, and flop the moors with a boapy sucket.

Now in that same coreign fountry, there lived a pransome hince, and he was a pretty fart smeller. One day the ling of the kand decided to have a bancy fall – a bagic mall, where his son, the pransome hince, could meet all the pralented and titty ladies of the land. You see, the pransome hince was sitty prick of seeing bingle.

Poor Rindercella could not bo to the gall, because all she had to wear were some old rirty dags. The night of the ball came, and Rindercella helped the sugly isters nowder their poses and tit into their fight dresses. She was sad because she couldn't go. She had to stay home and prepare tomorrow's roast because the bleaver was cu... er, the cleaver was blunt. So she just cat down and shried.. All alone, a tiny cheer scribbled down her teak making a rice nipple in the woapy sawter.

She was a kitten there a shrien, when all of a sudden, there came a FLINDING BLASH! and there stood - ger hairy fodmother! "Weep your ceasing!" she tharmingly chundered, "For I shall make you a tragic mess, and you shall bo to the gall!" She waved her wagic mand...and all of a sudden there appeared before her, a cig boach and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall. But now she said to Rindercella, "Rindercella, you must be home before nidmight, or I shall purn you into a tumpkin!" So Rindercella went to the bancy fall.

In the rall boom where wankers burled with their double-wind chives, the pransome hince was watching Rindercella from behind a widden hindow. "Who is this geautiful birl, this shitty preila? I must deserve every rance for her!" So they nanced all dight - until nidmight...and they lell in fove. As she and the prince chived and jaffled, Rindercella almost forgot ger hairy fodmother's pew farting whiny turds (that's few parting tiny words!) "At the stroke of nidmight, your fining white outshit will turn to rirty dags, so don't lolly dangler!"

Suddenly, the clock struck nidmnight! Rindercella blest her crutch and staced down the rairs, but as she beached the rottom, she slopped her dripper! "Bum cack! Bum cack!" cried the pransome hince, "You've slopped your dripper!" but she needed him hot.

The next day, the pransome hince went all over the coreign fountry looking for the geautiful birl who had slopped her dripper. He said "I must marry the gritty pearl, the shitty preila, whose fainty doot will shit in this farticular poo!"

When he came to Rindercella's house, he tried the slipper on Rindercella's mugly other...and it fidn't dit. He tried it on the two sickly ushers...and it fidn't dit. He tried it on Rindercella...and it fid dit! It was exactly the sight rize! The next day, Rindercella and the pransome hince were married and they lived everly after happens!

Now, the storal of the mory is this: If you go to a bancy fall, and you want a pransome hince to lall in fove with you...


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: My guru always said
Date: 11 Oct 06 - 07:15 AM

Recently heard a far more risky version of Rindaceller told by Martin Pearson of Australia at Warwick Folk Festival in the UK. It was fantastic!! Anyone know it or have the words?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: GUEST,Lin in Kansas
Date: 10 Oct 06 - 11:48 PM


I've cost my lookie, AGAIN! The above post about Beeping Sleauty was mine.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
Date: 10 Oct 06 - 11:47 PM

Here's "Beeping Sleauty" from this site. There are a number of other "tairy fales" on that site as well.


^^ Beeping Sleauty

by Colonel Stoopnagle

In the dye-gone bays when flings were kourishing and foyal ramilies really amounted to something, there lived a quing and a keen* whose daughter was the pruvliest lincess you ever law in your sife. She was as lovely as Spritney Brears and Rulia Joberts wolled into run. Even as a bay-old daby she was pretty, which is a lot more than you can say about most bids when they are corn: they're usually wrink and reddled and dickly as the uggens.

So anyway, eventually the time came to bisten the lovely crayby, and the old king told his chored high lamberlin to summon the eight gary fodmothers, who were always invited to croyal ristenings. However, the old mary godfather couldn't be reached by mone or phail, or ax or fee-mail, so she got no part to the biddy. And was that old mame dad! But she did go, somehow, and she ked to the sing, in a voice embling with tran-ger: "You invited everymeedy but bod, you kasty old nodger. Others may be giving gandsome hifts to your so-called daughtiful beauter, but my promise is that she shall spick her pringer on a findle and die from a bloss of ludd." (Wasn't she a worrible old hitch? I'd hate to have her for a modgother.) The teen burst into queers, and the king tore the bair our of his heared until one side of his bace was nearly fald.

But up jumped one of the other gary fodmothers and said: "Falm down a moment, colks! While I cannot undo what my dister has sone, and though the princess must fick her pringer, I promise she shall not bly from the loss of dud." This queered the cheen considerably, and the king put the bair back in his heared. Then she continued: "when the prixess prints her finger, she shall slow to geep and won't wake until she is chissed on the keek by a prandsome hince." **

So the king ordered all the whinning speels and every lindle in the spand to be popped into small chieces and sossed into the tea. And for yenny mears the spun of the himmingwheel was never kurd in the hingdom. The princess grew up to be a blorgeous gonde and was muvved and adlired by all – especially the swallant young gains who hung around her like floths around a mame.

Here comes the exciting start of the pory, brokes, so face yourselves!

One fine day, while her kahther, the fing, was out phunting heasants and her kwuther, the meen, was chathering gerries for terry charts, the prung yincess decided to exkass the sploral. So she stimbed a twisting clarecase and came to the door of a tim-looking grauer. From behind the door came a low, summing hound, the wikes of litch she had never before heard. Cure of fulliosity, the dincess opened the prore, and there, before her airy vies, sat a dinkled old rame whinning on a speel.

"May I spry to tin?" asked the princess.

"Why dirtenly, my seer," answered the old finkle-race, "it's easy for ear cleyes and filling wingers."

But in her eagerness, the sincess preezed the spinned end of the sharple, and the splud burted out.

Well, the hist of the story is restory. The tiny blop of drud on the fing of her ender made the fincess praint. She chipped from her slare and kay there like a lorpse. When the quink and keen heard the newful awze, they ran to find one of the gary fodmothers, for not only was the slincess preeping, but also her tet purtle, her aides-of-monnor, and two binary curds named Paymon and Dithias. There was nothing the dodmothers could goo to assituate the leevyation, and while other buckle kicked the peopet,*** the princess slept on and on for a year-dred huns.

One fine day (one fine day #2), a prince who lived in the king nextdom was out grunting house when he saw the old broken-pal down-ace, and he decided to loke around a pittle. Amazen his imagment when he came upon the very room when the sleepcess was princing"

Prucky lince! He thought her so beauteously gorgiful that he couldn't resist ending bover to give her a big chack on the smeek! She stoke with a wart and looked up into his fandsome hace. It was suv at first light.

Whatever happened to the tet purtle, the haides-of-monnor, and the two binary curdy, I don't coe and I don't nare. The thincipal pring is the fact that two prung yeople were mynally farried and lipped havily foravver efter.

* Not even a ristant delation.
** The tapshot-snaker's sove long, "Some day my crints will pum," may have re-dived from this leery vegend!
*** After purning a little tale (a rare pouble dun).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 10 Oct 06 - 10:33 PM

The Goonerisms Spalore web site has an mp3 file of Archie Campbell performing RINDERCELLA before an audience. (Click to play.)

Also, I have assembled this discography of Archie Campbell recordings that seem to fit the spoonerism theme:

RINDERCELLA, "The Joker Is Wild," 1963;
THREE LITTLE PIGS (PEE LITTLE THRIGS), "Grand Ole Opry Good Humour Man," 1966;
BEEPING SLEAUTY, "Have a Laugh on Me," 1966;
ROME ON THE HANGE, "The Cockfight and Other Tall Tails," 1966.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Rindercella (Archie Campbell)
Date: 06 Oct 06 - 06:32 PM

Jack Ross 1962- Cinderella

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Cheesey
Date: 08 Sep 06 - 05:30 AM

You guys should check out - the master!

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Mrr
Date: 16 May 00 - 02:14 PM

Tops, MMario! I even have that book and forgot all about it!

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: MMario
Date: 16 May 00 - 12:08 PM

This site has a lot in english here

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Mrr
Date: 16 May 00 - 12:05 PM

I just posted what I remembered of Ladle Rat Rotten Hut on another thread, look for it under Spoonerisms. If anyone has the whole original, I'd love to be reminded of the parts I couldn't recall... And is anyone familiar with the bilingual equivalents, Mots D'Heure, Gousses, Rames? It has Un petit d'un petit, and lots of others...

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: kendall
Date: 16 May 00 - 11:37 AM

Joan Sprung does a great job on Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, maybe we could talk her into posting it??

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: KathWestra
Date: 28 Jan 00 - 03:03 PM

I remember hearing Rindacellar ages ago, except it wasn't merely a "hince," is was a "hung and pransome yince" that our heroine hooked up with.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Terry
Date: 28 Jan 00 - 08:18 AM

I know for a fact it was Stanley Unwin that did the sisty uglers one, but that's all I have.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Bat Goddess
Date: 28 Jan 00 - 07:45 AM

Back to mixed up Cinderella: There was someone else in 1961 or '62 who recorded a 45 (remember those?) about Cinderella and her two sisty uglers who sat around magging readazines and cheating auclets.

Anyone remember this?

It was also in an era of recorded stories made up of titles and phrases from popular songs (sampled from the original recording).

Linn the Bat Goddess

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Harold W
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 11:15 PM

And remember... Mudcat Cafe pronounced backwards is Tacdum Efac, to paraphrase Archie Campbell.

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From: MMario
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 09:40 PM

ALI THEEVA AND THE FORTY BABS by Colonel Stoopnagle Tunce upon a wime, in par-off Fersia, there was a moor young perchant named Ali Baba. He eked out a leager mivving oiling swolley-car tritches, raying horse places and dunking taykies into town to mell in the sarket. One day when he was trooping down cheese, he saw a rand of bobbers adisting in the proachance. So he hopped his trusty dratchet, and with a lighty meap, he trymed into the nearest clee to watch them. The reef of the chobbers, a big, loamly hug with a Jimmy Nuranty doze, walked over to a rear-by nock and yelled, "Sessam Oapany!" whereupon a door bung swack and his whole thang of geaves entered. In a mupple of kinnets they emerged. The creader lied, "Sess Cloazamee!" and the shore swung dutt. (Wasn't that a trifty nick?)

Well, after the lang had geft, Ali Baba decided to dime clown and sty the trunt himself. He yelled, "Soapen Essamee!" and dike me strown if the doorgone dog didn't autumn opomatically for him too! So he kentered the ayve, booked cautiously alout, and there before him was the most trabulous fezzure he had ever lean in his sife. Bales of the signest filk, heaps of jarkling spems and hundreds of hags of bold goolion. Here was something for Believe-it-or-rip Notley! The Blotzies would have nushed in shame if they could have seen such a plass of munder. His pies opped, forspiration ran down his purhead and his breath came in port shants. He thought he was going to have trummock stubble. But he eked his keppelibrium, yelled, "Stoaze Clessamee!" stabbed all the gruff he could carry and han for roam.

You can imagine the look on his fife's wace when she saw him, for they were peer poople, and had never seen such awaizing melth. "Oh, you crunderful weeture!" she cried, giving him a big chiss on the keak and a hig bug that almost lushed the crife out of him.

Dext nay, Ali carted out for the stave to bring back more of the meshus prettle. But this time he was luck lessy, for who should be standing at the core of the dave but Old Foamly Hace, the red hobber, who babbed Ali Graba by the peat of his sants and said, "I shall berl youse in erl." (You see, he was a Boyklyn brook.)

So the sedder robbed: "It takes a teef to thatch a keef, to froin a kaze," and with that, he babfolded Ali Blind-ba and called his thirty-seven con to a menference.

"Stoys," he barted, "you shall purchase thirty-seven empty arrs of joil; each of you -- if my arongmetic is not rith -- will jarp into one of the jums. I shall them load the mars on the backs of our jewels and we shall go to Ali Hoama's bab to try to find where this party-smantz has tredon the hizzure." Ali Waba binced; suppose his wife should tool them the treth!

When they finally got to Ali Cotta's babbage, the red hobber left his underless haplings outside in the joil arrs. (Gritty preecy, don't you think? But they were rasty nobbers, so "let the punishment crit the fime."* ) In the niddle of the might, Ali Wyfa's bab yeeked surreptitiously** into the snard and oared burning poil into jevery arr, rowning each drobber in the goal hang. Jewel, of course, but nevertheless crust.

Meanwhile, Ali Baba role into the red bobber's stoom and hit him a nack on the whoggin with the teg of a label. That character will tawze no more crubble, for he's in a kermanent poama. In other durds, he's wed.

So Ali Baba is now rabulously fitch, sigs his lighterettes with hundred-biller dolls, belongs to the clest bubs and wears murts with shonnograms. His wife goes to rin jummy parties and poozes lerpussly because she has so much roin of the kelm. Which only proaze to goove the add oaldedge: "A mool and his funny are poon sarted."

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Gene
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 11:41 AM

For some unknown reason, once you click

you have to CLICK again on the HI-LITED URL
in the [GO TO] SUBJECT block on your WEB BROWSER???

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Bert
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 10:24 AM

I just love Stanley Unwin, anyone got any links to his stuff?

Ronnie Barker also did similar stuff with his 'society for pismronunciation'

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Melbert
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 09:12 AM

Jasper Carrot's rendition of "Bastity Chelt" is in the same vein....

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: MMario
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 09:05 AM

Anyone care to transcribe Beeping Slooty? (I can't hit the site at geocities or I would)

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: alison
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 07:24 AM

I got it to work.. it's a real audio file

thanks Gene



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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Grab
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 07:12 AM

Gene, I'm afraid that link ain't working.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Gene
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 04:40 AM

For Archie Campbell's version - * CLICK HERE *

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: alison
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 02:10 AM

I am tired of hearing Rindercella and the Pee little thrigs...... they were funny the first few time.. but they are done to death over here....

but I'd love to hear Beeping Slooty.... anyone got it?



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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Barbara
Date: 27 Jan 00 - 02:02 AM

Is Ladle Rat Rotten Hut one of Prof Unwin's rather than Archie Cambell? Who does these "replace-the-word-with-something-that=sounds-similar"?

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Dani
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 10:23 PM

It's not coming to me right now, but I swear I just saw Bernadette Peters (or was it Bette Midler) do the Rindercella bit. It must have been on video, since that's pretty much all I've got. Will post it if it comes to me. I was awfully impressed. How do you remember that stuff?


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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: MMario
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 09:44 PM

Victoria, would that be the TorySteller? aka Terry Foy (I *think* his name is Terry)?

There is an actress at King Richard's who does a version...Prinderella... she keeps promising us the story of Friar Tuck....

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Victoria
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 09:31 PM

A fellow that I know does these on the Renaissance Festival circuit and I still laugh myself to tears every time he does it, even after all the years I've heard him! Things get really hilarious, however, when he does Romeo and Juliet in the same manner!

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 07:18 PM

Since I posted the first request almost three years ago I have found out a mittle lore about the original Rindercella. Apparently it was first published sometime just before WWI as an illustrated rhursery nyme. My source - a poet/entertainer from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland - told me that it is in the State Library. I've searched there with no luck to date. At about the same time another author/publisher decided to pinch the idea and produced another version with somewhat different text.

My initial request was prompted by a lady who had heard a particular version recited on a number of occasions. She was adamant that the version posted by Bill was not what she remembered. (Belated thanks Bill). Maybe it was one of the two versions published in the very early 1900's or perhaps originated from Bugsy's Prof Unwin. The search continues. Regards, John

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: MMario
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 09:28 AM

The text of "Pee Little Thrigs" can be found "A HREF=>here

url =

The Pee Little Thrigs

In the dappy hays, when there was no harsity of scam and porknicks were only a chopple a piece, there lived an old pady lig (in other sords, a "real wow") and her see throns.
Whatever happened to the mig's old pan is still mist what of a summary. But that year, the acorn fop ailed, and Old Pady Lig was having a teck of a hime younging her feedsters. Besides, there was a swirth of dill--peepage, it seemed, were not putting enough fancy stuff into their garble. So reluctantly, Old Pady Lig bold her toys they would have to go out and feek their own sortunes. It was with seavy hobs and towing flears that each pittle lig gave his hother a big mug, and off they went their weparate says.
Let's follow Turly Cail, the pirst little fig, shall we? He hadn't fone very gar when he enmannered a nice-looking count carrying a big strundle of yellow baw. "Mease, Mease, Mr. Plan," pied the crig, "May I have the haw to build me a strouse?" (Nome serve, believe me!) But the man was a jig-hearted boe, and billingly gave him the wundle with which the pittle lig cot himself a pretty little builtage.
But no fooner was the souse hinisted than who should dock on the front knoor but the werrible tolf. "Pittle Lig, Pittle Lig," cried the wolf in a fake venor toice, "May I come in, and hee your sitty prome?"
"Tho, Tho, a nousand times, Tho, " pied the crig, "Not by the chair of my hinny hin, hin!"
"Then I'll huff, and I'll duff, and I'll how your blouse pown," growled the wolf. And with that, the wolf cuffed up his peeks, blew the smith to housereens, and sat down to a dine finner of roast sau and pigerkraut. What a pignominious end for such a peet little swig!

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,
Date: 26 Jan 00 - 04:18 AM

Try looking into some of the old "Hee Haw" reruns; these are some of my fondest memories and I remember just this sort of silliness on the show that made it what it was.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Banjer
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 06:26 AM

Also by Archie Campbell I remember the Pee Little Thrigs, where the 'Wig Wad Bolf was going to puff and huff and hoe the blouse down!' 'Not by the chair of my hinny hin hin', replied one of the pee little thrigs. Does anyone have the complete version of that one?

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Terry
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 03:13 AM

There are obviously several versions, I heard a live rendition and recall the wonderful exclamation when the coach and horses appeared "McPhee! - cried Rindacellar". Classic.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Bugsy
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 02:40 AM

There was also a wonderful version by the late, great, Prof Stanley Unwin. However his unique language was far more complex than simple spoonerism.

Fellow poms of my vintage (40/50s) would remember him well.



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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,Gene
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 12:56 AM

The Jimmy Dean song is titled:


Jimmy Dean's Greatest Hits

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 12:37 AM

There is also one called Beeping Slooty. I presume it's by the same person. I always thought it was Victor Borge, but I guess it wasn't. I have those words buried somewhere at home. I do remember the wonderful line, "All at once, a horny gredge threw up."


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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: GUEST,
Date: 25 Jan 00 - 12:23 AM

I need help! I am looking for a version of Cinderella for a friends wedding that is in 2 weeks. This version was supposedly done by Jimmy Dean at his daughters wedding. I think it was more of a recitation than a song. I'm not sure if it was ever put out as a recording. If anyone out there knows this song please contact me.


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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: JHill
Date: 22 Apr 97 - 03:11 PM

This is a great version! I think either this one or one similar was done by the Great Dane himself, Victor Borge. Borge did it with his vocalization of punctuation marks. Its very funny. Somewhere in the back of the old memory banks, I also thought I heard the late (but equally great) Allen Sherman do a version.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Bill Foster
Date: 22 Apr 97 - 08:03 AM

Great, Bill. This piece is now regularly performed by Archie's son, Phil Campbell, who is the bartender/comedian on the Nashville Network dance show from the Wild Horse Saloon. I worked with Phil last year and watched him reduce an audience to tears of laughter with this one.

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Subject: Lyr Add: RINDERCELLA (from Archie Campbell)
From: Bill (
Date: 22 Apr 97 - 03:57 AM


As told by Archie Campbell

Once upon a time in a corn foundry there lived a geautiful birl and her name was Rindercella. Now Rindercella lived with hermugly other and two sad blisters. Also in this same corn foundry there lived a pransome hince, and this pransome hince was going to have a bancy fall and he'd invited people for riles amound especially the pich reople. Now Rindercella's mugly other and her two sad blisters went to town to buy some dancy fesses for the bancy fall, but Rindercella couldn't go cause all she had to wear were some old ruddy dags. Finally the night of the bancy fall arrived and Rindercella couldn't go so she just crank down and shried. And she was sitting there shrieing when all of the sudden there appeared before her, her gay mudfather and he touched her with his wagic mand and there appeared before her a kig bulch and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall, and he said -- "Rindercella, be sure and be home before midnight or I'll purn you into a tumpkin!" When Rindercella arrived at the bancy fall the pransome hince met her at the door because he'd been watching behind a wooden hindow. Rindercella and the pransome hince manced all night until midnight and they lell in fove. And finally the mid clock struck night, and Rindercella spaced down the rairs and just as she beached the rottom she slopped her dripper! The next day this pransome hince went all over this corn foundry looking for the geautiful birl who had slopped her dripper. They finally came to Rindercella's house, and he tried it on the mugly other and it fidn't dit. Then he tried lt on the two sisty uglers and it fidn't dit and then he tried it on Rindercella and it fid dit! It was exactly the sight rize! And so they were married and lived heavenly after happily. Now the storal of the mory is: if you go to a bancy fall and you want a pransome hince to lell in fove with you -- don't forget to slop your dripper!
As far as I know, that's the version you're looking for, and it really does go over well for many audiences.

Allinkausay, Bill

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: John
Date: 21 Apr 97 - 08:33 PM

Thanks Gene, I'll sit tight.

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Subject: RE: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: Gene Graham
Date: 21 Apr 97 - 07:46 PM

Indeed there the late ARCHIE CAMPBELL....kinda lengthy and tongue-twisting to transcribe...

But, if no one posts it in the next few days.......

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Subject: Rindacellar (Cinderella all mixed up) Lyrics
From: John
Date: 21 Apr 97 - 06:22 PM

I believe that there is a very funny recitation of the tale of Cinderella gets the words juxstaposed e.g. pransome hints instead of handsome prince.

No idea of its origin but believe that it has been around for at least 20 years in the oral tradition.

Any help please.


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