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wedding celidh help

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GUEST,FloraG 14 Mar 11 - 04:52 AM
GUEST,Marcus 14 Mar 11 - 04:54 AM
s&r 14 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM
Splott Man 14 Mar 11 - 05:11 AM
Banjo-Flower 14 Mar 11 - 05:17 AM
GUEST,doc.tom 14 Mar 11 - 05:27 AM
OlgaJ 14 Mar 11 - 05:54 AM
alex s 14 Mar 11 - 06:08 AM
Bounty Hound 14 Mar 11 - 06:14 AM
SteveMansfield 14 Mar 11 - 06:26 AM
alex s 14 Mar 11 - 06:32 AM
OlgaJ 14 Mar 11 - 06:37 AM
banjoman 14 Mar 11 - 06:43 AM
SteveMansfield 14 Mar 11 - 07:00 AM
GUEST,Dave Bridge 14 Mar 11 - 07:43 AM
Dave MacKenzie 14 Mar 11 - 08:08 AM
Will Fly 14 Mar 11 - 08:26 AM
Mo the caller 14 Mar 11 - 09:50 AM
GUEST,FloraG 14 Mar 11 - 09:52 AM
GUEST,book a caller 14 Mar 11 - 10:15 AM
banjoman 14 Mar 11 - 10:17 AM
GUEST,Kevin 14 Mar 11 - 10:31 AM
Mo the caller 17 Mar 11 - 04:51 AM
Mr Red 17 Mar 11 - 01:17 PM
GUEST,FloraG 18 Mar 11 - 06:01 AM
Mo the caller 18 Mar 11 - 07:25 AM
doc.tom 18 Mar 11 - 07:29 AM
Mo the caller 18 Mar 11 - 07:35 AM
GUEST,FloraG 18 Mar 11 - 10:09 AM
GUEST,Alexis (need to re-cookie) 18 Mar 11 - 10:24 AM
Marje 18 Mar 11 - 02:31 PM
Steve Gardham 18 Mar 11 - 05:52 PM
GUEST,FloraG 19 Mar 11 - 06:18 AM
GUEST,FloraG 19 Mar 11 - 06:21 AM
FloraG 20 Mar 11 - 05:33 AM
GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler 20 Mar 11 - 04:06 PM
ScottishVoice 20 Mar 11 - 04:18 PM
Mo the caller 20 Mar 11 - 06:37 PM
Bounty Hound 20 Mar 11 - 08:21 PM
Mo the caller 21 Mar 11 - 04:32 AM
FloraG 21 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM
ScottishVoice 21 Mar 11 - 07:00 AM
Mr Red 21 Mar 11 - 11:16 AM
FloraG 21 Mar 11 - 11:59 AM
Mo the caller 22 Mar 11 - 06:11 AM
Steve Gardham 22 Mar 11 - 02:53 PM
GUEST,Kevin 23 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM
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Subject: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 04:52 AM

We have been asked by two of our regular people to do their sons wedding in September. We are an experienced band in that we usually do local church or school groups for fund raising dances in North Kent and get bookings by word of mouth. I do the calling. The prospective daughter in law used to play in a dance band and has been to one of our do's so she knows what shes getting. We have accepted the booking as its ' one of our regulars' but I want to make the evening as special as I can.

Does anyone have tips for weddings
eg fist dance
special dances/ tunes
Dances local to Salisbury
Anything else?

All tips gratefully received.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Marcus
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 04:54 AM

For a fist dance, I'd normally start with something racist or football based - that normally gets people fighting.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: s&r
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM

Many of the people at the wedding may be unfamiliar with the form of the evening. Use a couple of experienced dancers to demonstrate the steps. Keep to simple dances. Don't be surprised if there are people who don't dance - they may have come to the wedding despite the ceilidh rather than because of it. Check that the venue has a reasonably sized floor, not a 'disco' dance floor.

Just top of my head thoughts. We do a lot of weddings. Join Mudcat and PM me if you like


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Splott Man
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 05:11 AM

Try Mr Red's website

It's full of useful tips and info.

Splott Man

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Banjo-Flower
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 05:17 AM

" eg fist dance "presuming you mean first dance we always start with Blaydon Races played to Blaydon Races/100 Pipers

special dances/ tunes you could do the Rosa Waltz started by the lucky couple and every one else joining in as and when Played to that lovely American tune "Midnight On the Water"


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,doc.tom
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 05:27 AM

Ask the couple what they want to do for a first dance! If they havn't a clue, suggest the band plays a waltz and they have a smooch - invite the guests to take photos "first dance together as man and wife (or 'as a formal couple' if gay)" - after two or three times through the tune, invite the rest of the gueasts to joine them on the floor "it gets very lonely up there on your own". DO NOT get experienced dancers to demonstrate steps - its a wedding ceilidh not a dance class: people are there ONLY to enjoy themselves and themselves. Make sure you call Haste to the Wedding - it's a good introduction and a good mixer.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: OlgaJ
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 05:54 AM

If most of the guests are 'Folkie' types you will be fine so long as you keep it simple. If half of them don't have a clue you need to be prepared for lots of talking over the calling as people are there to enjoy themselves and for a good chunk of the population that doesn't include ceilidh, and you can't tell the audience off at a wedding like you can at a dance club! If our caller is having trouble getting people on to the dance floor we sometimes sing a lively song (Tell me Ma or something similar) or play some lively tunes, usually Irish style, and up the volume just a little bit. This usually gets their attention. Weddings can be hard work as you are always trying to please the person who booked you and the majority of the guests and the two don't always tie up.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: alex s
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:08 AM

Try some good easy progressive dances to get folks mixing - Lucky 7 etc

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Bounty Hound
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:14 AM

When we do a wedding, we often find that the majority are not that keen to dance, although bride and groom love the idea of a ceilidh, what happens is that you have a group of people who don't normally get together, relatives from all over the county etc, and they want more to sit and catch up. The Bride and Groom often want to spend the evening mingling rather than dancing, so weddings can be very hard work for the caller. Make sure you have plenty of 'incedental' music you can play.

One of the ways we try to overcome this is with a first dance called 'Random Starter' which starts with just the Bride, Groom, best man and his partner, who do the dance once, then split and each couple go and find another couple to dance with, the fours then split again and find more people etc. This usually works and results in a full dance floor.

May be worth having some simple kids dances in the repertoire.

The best 'wedding' dances we have done have been ones for contacts from the morris fraternity, so lots of keen dancers.

Hope you get a good crowd and there are some keen to dance.


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: SteveMansfield
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:26 AM

Try some good easy progressive dances to get folks mixing

is good advice. You may find from the first couple of dances that the particular crowd there are more comfortable with staying-with-your-partner dances, so be prepared to be flexible and change programme accordingly - and similar advice with the actual level of dances you do.

At a wedding do people are there to have a good time, not to complete an exam in applied ceilidh dancing; so if you end up doing very simple dances all night to a floor full of people job done, much more than if one set of die-hards get through something complex. Yes, it's dull for the band & caller, but that's the unbridled joy of wedding bookings :)

Lucky 7 , though, is a disaster waiting to happen - asking inexperienced dancers to count up to the dizzy heights of seven, whilst simultaneously doing a grand chain? Always ends in tears (for the caller, anyway, it's great spectator sport for the band) IMNSHO.

On a more positive note, Haste To The Wedding is a good tune & a simple dance.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: alex s
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:32 AM

sfmans - have to disagree re Lucky 7. We use it a lot, with no ill effects.
Maybe it's to do with the quality of the caller or possibly the mathematical prowess of the guests....

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: OlgaJ
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:37 AM

Beauty of Lucky 7 is it never works - especially if the caller changes the number!

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: banjoman
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:43 AM

Hi Flora - good to see you are getting into this part of the world. When OTB have played for weddings, we usually started with a simple circle dance such as Luycky Seven - a great getting to know each other dance as it involves everyone meeting and shaking hands.

Haste to the wedding is another favourite

Circasian Circle
and a great one when the Bride & Groom are leaving is to get tham to lead of in Strip the Willow - should leave the exhausted!!

Lots of others from the OTB dance book so email me if you want more
Wiltshire six hand reel is fairly local


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: SteveMansfield
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 07:00 AM

sfmans - have to disagree re Lucky 7. We use it a lot, with no ill effects.
Maybe it's to do with the quality of the caller or possibly the mathematical prowess of the guests....

Fair enough - I've seen it with several different callers, whilst I've been both playing and dancing, and in my experience it always ends in confusion.

You must have discovered the essential secret of calling it so that it goes in ...

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Dave Bridge
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 07:43 AM

I always start with Circassian circle either progressive or not then into Sicilian while they are on the floor. Once was told that there had been fights all day between the two families leading to blood being spilt on more than one occasion. A progressive Circassian was interesting and everyone got on with each other getting us an extra 'bung' at the end of the night.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Dave MacKenzie
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 08:08 AM

If you're doing Lucky 7, remember to count the couples. There's nothing worse than a Lucky 7 with 14, 21 etc on the floor.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Will Fly
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 08:26 AM

Lots of good advice here - just one thing from me:

Watch and adapt. Every wedding is different. Our band does mainly weddings and similar functions where the dance expectation is - mainly - unpredictable. If you get a good crowd up and they're up for it, then you can be a bit adventurous. If it's really a non-dance crowd, then keep it straightforward and have lots of listening tunes to play. Good listening tunes can give people the urge to get up and dance when the opportunity next arises. Gauge the response - see how adept the people are to grasp a dance.

Play it by ear, stay laid back and good-humoured.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 09:50 AM

I second most of the above. Lucky 7 is one I avoid. People
a)start counting at their partner (right) / or at the first persone they meet (wrong)
b)stop with no. 7 (right) / pass no 7 (wrong) (it's actually multiples of 6 that don't work)
c)listen to other people counting aloud instead counting people.

Keep it simple (and the simplify that for the first few dances). Give them a 'cheats option' e.g."the 1st couple need to get to the bottom and a strip the willow is fun - but get there anyway".
Have some flexible dances up your sleeve. If you ask for square sets and 5 or 6 couples stand up and it's the end of a long evening (after a long day for them) you may have no success getting more, so adapt the dance or change to another. Many longways dances can be done with varied numbers (I often stand them up in 1 or 2 long lines, then divide them).
Particularly at weddings you may find people wandering onto the dance floor after the walkthrough, OK for Blaydon races, maybe not for some dances. Be prepared for people needing partners found for them. And be flexible about who dances with who.
Remember you are THE ENTERTAINMENT. So if they want more music than dancing, give them that with good grace. If they overfill the dance floor, keep the momentum going so that they need a rest and make room for others.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 09:52 AM

Lots of good advice so far. Thanks.

I know lucky 7 but had not thought of changing the number. I usually vary it by asking people to call it in French, German, Serbo croat and silently.
I don't know the dance haste to the wedding dance. ( Know the tune). Where can I find it please.?
I like the idea of the couples finding other couples. What dance do you use for this?
I've seen Rosa danced but not sure I could call it.   

Pete - is the wiltshire 6 hand dance where they walk forward and back as a line to start with?

Will - I appreciate you saying don't plan. The band always say they would like a programme in advance and I never give them one for the reasons you have outlined. I once went to a dance where the caller decided the dance after the people who wanted to dance stood up. This saves all the hanging about for the fourth couple to make up the set. I think he knew more dances than me. Clever.

I use in and out the dusty bluebells for kids with them starting the line off, after I have done a circle dance. Any other good ones?

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,book a caller
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 10:15 AM

No disrespect itended, but if they are going to be lots of complete learners there and you are the slightest bit daunted, book an experienced caller. You can still call a few dances yourself once things have warmed up.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: banjoman
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 10:17 AM

Flora - checking with she who must be obeyed as I'm not too sure. Other catters will probably answer anyway but Maggie will check to see if she still has the dance notes & get back to you

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Kevin
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 10:31 AM

Good work. It will help me lot in my future.
Weding Planner

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 17 Mar 11 - 04:51 AM

A lot of dances can be done with a flexible number of couples. Read your cards and put a note at the bottom.

At some wedding dances I call the Hokey Cokey, or Horses Brawl (my simplified version).

For the first dance, one option is for the band to play a waltz (or put the couples favourite CD on...
Call the Bride and Groom onto the floor,
after a little while call the bridesmaids, best man etc to bring partners onto the floor,
then the bride and grooms parents
then everyone.

If you join Mudcat we can send you a pm with other dance instructions, e.g. a wedding dance with a story.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mr Red
Date: 17 Mar 11 - 01:17 PM

Bayou Seco do the New Mexico Wedding Polka. (very traditional there) A really good mixer. (Google for them - they are over here soon).

Basically it is an interrupted tune, you play a slow dreamy pace, shout dance, then a fast pace

Two lines (men and women) facing one to one. The odd one out has a broom - actually besom stylie - and that person mooches in time to the music up and down the avenue (points for artistic expression) until the slow music stops - every one grabs a partner and any oddbod has to pick up the broom (to polka with). then the music speeds up and every one polkaing until the music stops (or reverts to slow with a shout "lines") and the lines re-form with the new oddbod mooching.
repeat until done! Couldn't be much simpler.

Horses Branle is another good mixer and gender unspecific and simple. Dashing White Sargent accommodates gender inequalities and is a bit more complex.

If the Bride & Groom are a bit experienced a waltz like Rosa might work. Otherwise you may have to play a ballroom type waltz for the hitched pair to start the dancing.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 06:01 AM

Hi again.

I know and have used Horses brawl, dashing white sargent and the broom dance. Bayou seco were at Broadstairs one year. I'm not convinced i could play New Mexico wedding polka as I have to be able to play the tune without thinking about it while I'm calling the dance - as I call and play at the same time - but I'll have a look. I use a basic melodeon for this. Learning the tune usually takes longer than establishing the dance in my memory banks. Thanks for reminding me about the broom dance.

Mo - I think the Hokey Cokey sounds a good idea. I'll get one of the singers in the band to mug up on the words. A good fall back. I sing/dance a gaelic strathspey and dusty bluebells but the rest of the band think they hear enough of my voice with the calling.

I think I would like your wedding dance with a story. I shall try to register. I'm not very good with standard dance terms. I gave up when the book said right and left hand star - how? I don't think I would go down well with a group of experienced dancers as I tend not to do complicated, and make my calls as simple as possible.

I shall certainly take a list of our pub tune sets as a back up if people want to chat.

I should still like some local dances if anyone knows any. I like to do rakes of rochester at my barn dances as its its the most local to me, I think. Anyone know any from the salisbury area? I've got a bit of time to try out a few dances at local dos before the wedding.

Again - thanks for all the ideas and still open to any/ all suggestions. We are not looking for any bookings from the do as we usually only do local - this is just a one off - but I want to make their day as special as I can.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 07:25 AM

" I gave up when the book said right and left hand star - how? "
I think they mean a right hand star followed by a left hand star. Some of the new callers at our club get confused when using older books which call this figure right (or left) hands across, because you join right hand with the person diagonally opposite to make the star. And I suspect Scottish dancers call it a wheel, because it looks like spokes of a wheel.
Plenty of scope for confusion.

Well done for calling and playing, I couldn't (but then I can hardly play anyway)

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: doc.tom
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 07:29 AM

Cicillian Circle. 32-bar jigs (preferably own tune at least to start).
A)In fours, circle L & R.
A)In fours, star R & L.
B) Do-si-do your opposite then 2-hand turn them.
B) Do-si-do your partner then side by side with your partner (hold near hands) move to your left, pass that couple by and a new couple comes to meet you.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 07:35 AM

The hardest part about that dance is getting them into Sicillian formation with one couple facing clockwise, the other facing anti clock, small circles making one big circle. You could do it in a scattered formation and ask them to find another couple after the do-si-do.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 10:09 AM

calling and playing has both pros and cons I've found. We can keep the costs down - no expense of extra caller. I can speed up once the dance is established and sometimes do an extra A part if the dancers are slow to start with. The band are used to this and just follow; we've all played together for a long time. Sometimes its an extra 2 bars.

The downside is it makes the evening very busy - little thinking time. We also keep the tunes simple as my meloden does not do clever. I have to know the tunes and the dances without having to think about them as I like to keep an eye on the group that think under and over might mean climb over each other. All good fun.

Thanks for haste to the wedding. It looks a very twirly dance but easy enough to call. I play the tune on one of my other instruments but not the melodoen yet. Should manage that by september.


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Alexis (need to re-cookie)
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 10:24 AM

"a first dance called 'Random Starter' which starts with just the Bride, Groom, best man and his partner, who do the dance once, then split and each couple go and find another couple to dance with, the fours then split again and find more people etc."

This sounds interesting - any more information gratefully received


Just to add to the Lucky 7 debate, "we" (band and caller) did this the other month. Yes it did cause some amusement for the band, and yes it was successfully called - they got it in the end! - which made a really good dance and ice breaker as previously said.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Marje
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 02:31 PM

We had a ceilidh for our daughter's wedding. There were quite a number of experienced dancers there (including bride and groom) but I think the band were right to play it safe and keep the dances simple.

At first we were going to get the couple to start with "Rosa" and get others to follow, but they decided against that and we just launched into an easy dance for everybody. I don't think it matters whether you have a special couple-dance to start, but it is good to get the bride and groom up for the first dance. I grabbed the groom's father and soon we had lots of people up to dance.

We interspersed the dances with a few informal song-spots by guests, which breaks up the dancing a bit. That's obviously only possible if there is the required pool of talent, but the band could perhaps offer a few listen-only songs or slower tunes.

When it was time for the bride and groom to leave, the band had a special routine that entailed the guests all making a long arch with raised arms, leading to the doorway through which the couple exited to the waiting taxi. I don't remember quite how it worked but I'm sure you could invent something. It worked very well.


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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 18 Mar 11 - 05:52 PM

Lucky Seven shouldn't be a problem to anyone. You assume that some of them will miscount and tell them so as you're walking through it. If they walk it through okay first time no problem. If they don't, all those who finish up without a partner have to do is look around quickly and run and find the other person(s) without a partner and swing them.

Here's a typical programme for weddings from our repertoire of 40 years playing/calling/dancing.

Blaydon Races
Bridge of Athlone
Waves of Tory
Lucky Seven
Cumberland Square
Nottingham Swing

Gay Gordons
Pat-a Cake Polka
Silly Threesome
Swedish Masquerade
Gypsy's Wedding
Flowers of May
Oxo Reel
Drops o' Brandy

As for local dances, they're all local if you want to change their names slightly, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

Kent Square 8
Rochester Swing
Dover Reel
All the way to Eastbourne
Maidenhead Masquerade.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 19 Mar 11 - 06:18 AM

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,FloraG
Date: 19 Mar 11 - 06:21 AM

Thanks for all the help.

Mo - Im sorting out an e mail address today. I'll log on when I have it.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: FloraG
Date: 20 Mar 11 - 05:33 AM

Ive got a new e mail into the membership system. ( I hope ). Will look forward to hearing from you.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler
Date: 20 Mar 11 - 04:06 PM

Personally, I wouldn't use Rosza unless there are a good few experienced dancers on hand. It looks good and it's romantic fun, but the "intimate" bit where the man ends up embracing the woman from behind, can be very difficult to pick up quickly. It has also been know to have the man end up embarrassing the woman rather than as intended.

Beware also the "Drunken Uncle" syndrome when a man (usually) decides he knows better than the caller and proceeds to mess up the set and generally prepare chaos. You need to be ready to handle this sort of thing with tact and authority. Probably it won't happen, but if you are looking for the possibility, you can usually spot the potential troublemayer and get him on your side as an ally!I know this sounds negative - weddings can be fun for the band too, especially if you are offered alcohol - but make sure it's not lager!

Be Prepared!

Best wishes,

Chris B.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: ScottishVoice
Date: 20 Mar 11 - 04:18 PM

Its pretty common here in Scotland (well especially in the North East) to start a wedding dance with the Grand March. It gives the guests a chance to see the bride and groom parade round the floor and then the immediate bridal party join in for a few turns and then everyone else gets to join in. Its also a good way of getting people into sets of 8 for a set dance. I've seen it many times as a first dance, and although its not strictly a dance - its a nice way for everyone to start things off in my opinion.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 20 Mar 11 - 06:37 PM

Welcome to Mudcat. If you are logged on there should be a thing at the top of the page saying You have 1 new message ('cos I've just sent it).
Click on it, or on the bit at the top that says Personal Page, and you can read it.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Bounty Hound
Date: 20 Mar 11 - 08:21 PM

Mentioned 'Random Starter' earlier in the thread. Sorry to be slow coming back with more info. Very simple dance, but eases people into the idea.

Tune we usually use, either Walter Bulwers Polka or Uncle Bernards Polka. (AABB)

Starting with the happy couple and best man/bridesmaid (or other invited couple)

A1: in 4s circle left, circle right
A2: Right hand star, Left hand star
B1: Swing opposite
B2: both couples find a new couple

One small tip, band need to watch and be ready to do an extra B if it takes a bit longer for the original couples to find new people and be ready to start again.

(Courtesy of Mrs Hound)

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 21 Mar 11 - 04:32 AM

Yes I use that. I find that people don't all take the same amount of tome to find another couple, but it doesn't matter if they get out of time with each other.
The dance I like for getting them dancing in time to the music is Galopede to the tune Winster Galop, which has a very definite 2 bar,2 nar 4 bar structure in the A music , matching the Forward, Back, Cross&face of the dance.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: FloraG
Date: 21 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM

Thanks Mrs Hound. This sounds a lot like a Haste to the wedding + collect people. As the rest of the band follow whatever I play, it should be OK to add extra B's or 1/2 Bs. I know Uncle B and Winstor gallop pretty well so can play those without thinking about them.

Mo - I'll be having a look.

Is the Scottish Grand march just what it says - prom round the room - or is it anything more. It sounds ideal if anyone wants Photos. I have a few scottish dances in my head - Gay Gordons, No luck around the House, DWS, spinning bobbins, and a very basic one I do to brochan lom. ( I expect any stathspey would do but singing it stops me playing it too fast). Do you have a current favourite?

No one has come up with any Wiltshire dances yet. I might have to write a Stone Henge Special.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: ScottishVoice
Date: 21 Mar 11 - 07:00 AM

The grand march is exactly what it says on the tin!! Bride and groom start and walk round the room (however many times until everyone has had a good look!) Then mother of the bride and father of the groom, mother of the groom and father of the bride join in with bridesmaids and groomsmen and parade a few more times round the room. Then everyone else can get up and join in. This carries on until everyone who wants to dance (usually the whole company) has done a few turns.

Once the bride and groom reach the opposite end of the circle from the band they start the walk up the middle and everyone follows. The caller then makes sure everyone goes in the right direction, the bride and groom go to the left and the next couple to the right, the couple after to the left etc etc and they walk down the room to meet another couple and join up as a foursome. The foursome then walk up the middle and it happens again - they go to the left, the next fourseom to the right etc etc. Then obviously they meet up with the foursome to make an eightsome. Up the middle again and march on the spot until everyone has made up and eightsome.

You're then ready to do a set dance. Its a good way of mixing up the families too.

Apologies if the above doesnt make much sense, I'm not a caller (although i am a daughter of a gym teacher who teaches dancing every christmas time for the kids at school, so I should know better!!)

maybe a youtube search or something might make more sense!!

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mr Red
Date: 21 Mar 11 - 11:16 AM

" I gave up when the book said right and left hand star - how? "

two hands - direction immaterial - as long as everyone concurs.

I do this when someone (it could be me) makes a mistake. A visual joke - it always gets a laugh from the mistook maker, and usually all the participants.

It may sound flippant but there is a deeper psychological reason. Making mistakes is embarrassing and beginners can feel it more than most. Laughter can assuage some of it.

Get that right and the beginner may come back for more.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: FloraG
Date: 21 Mar 11 - 11:59 AM

Mr Red
The problem is the books are designed for people who know what they are doing. I think they mean right then left hand star - not both at the same time. I always giggle when I read in a cookery book ' turn into a bowl' and feel sorry for the door that is alarmed.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Mo the caller
Date: 22 Mar 11 - 06:11 AM

I shall resist the temptation to turn this into a copy of the thread in the BS section and quote Heavy Plant Crossing (ah well, I can resist anything except temptation).
The Country Dance Manual has a Wiltshire 6 hand reel, but that involves 3 men doing a reel of 3, while the 3 ladies do the same. No harder than Dashing White Sargeant, so see how they dance before deciding. It's probably copyright EFDSS but callers share dances, does that make it OK to send it by PM? Or is it 'traditional as it was collected by various people?

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 22 Mar 11 - 02:53 PM

Silly threesome is a great mixer dance and almost any lively tune(s) will do.
Lines of 3 facing anti-clockwise in big circle. woman-man-woman.

Promenade, 8 bars
Man swings right hand girl then left hand girl, 8 bars
Promenade, 8
Basket of 3, 8
Promenade, 8
All stop, ladies make 2 hand arches, (tunnel) men go round the circle under the arches until the music stops when ladies grab the nearest man by dropping their still connected arch. (Caller signals for music to stop or blows a whistle or toots a car horn etc.)

Any ladies didn't succeed jump up and down waving. Any men unsuccessful come a running to the waving ladies. Recommence dance from start.

All the men sitting out can also join in the tunnel and any surplus men can wait in the middle of the circle until the tunnel comes round again. They love it.

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Subject: RE: wedding celidh help
From: GUEST,Kevin
Date: 23 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM

I was just searching for choosing the Wedding Rings. But you have provided a great information about all types of wedding planning.

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