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Buddy Tabor- Songwriter

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Obit: Buddy Tabor, Singer/Songwriter/Poet-Feb 2012 (23)
Buddy Tabor Scholarships- Setting Up (6)

Ebbie 07 Oct 04 - 11:31 PM
Ebbie 18 Apr 11 - 01:25 PM
Little Hawk 18 Jan 12 - 10:30 PM
Bobert 18 Jan 12 - 10:34 PM
GUEST,Owlkat 11 May 12 - 01:38 PM
Ebbie 12 May 12 - 11:46 AM
Ebbie 04 Feb 13 - 10:42 PM
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Subject: Review: Buddy Tabor Played at Folsum Prison
From: Ebbie
Date: 07 Oct 04 - 11:31 PM

Buddy Tabor, a folksinger and songwriter in Juneau, Alaska, on tour 'down south' at the moment, called and reported that his gig at Folsom Prison went very well and was "a very emotional experience" for him. I can just imagine that the CLANG of the doors behind him curdled his spine a bit.

It will probably result in new songs from him- he does a lot of blues and other biting stuff; as he says, happy songs depress him.

At last April's Alaska Folk Festival, the inmates and staff at the prison heard his set and called him a day or two later. He was thrilled about the invitation to play there because Johnny Cash played there long ago.

He is a prolific writer and has far more songs -and CDs - recorded than show up at the efolk music site I'm linking to but there are a couple of downloads there that give an idea of what the man is about.

Incidentally, he doesn't know I'm posting this thread- but we're quite proud of him. As one musician says, When Buddy dies, he's going to be famous.

More about Buddy:
    With the release of "Writing on Stone", 20-year Alaskan singer-songwriter Buddy Tabor is creating new fields from old soil. "Buddy Tabor is a player and a poet," said the late Townes Van Zandt, for whom Tabor opened during one stop of the legendary artist's 1994 Alaskan tour. Writing On Stone is Tabor's second CD, but his fifth recording release. The album includes 15 original songs, Including I Never Prayed for Elvis, Stories Made of Beauty, New Fallen Snow (lament for Townes Van Zandt), Songs of Joy and Sorrow and Moment of Conception. Genre: Modern Folk, Country, Blues

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Subject: Songs by Buddy Tabor- Songwriter
From: Ebbie
Date: 18 Apr 11 - 01:25 PM

Here are several representative Buddy Tabor songs. He is a prolific writer but we have learned to eagerly anticipate each one. For the last three or four years he has had a standing gig at Folsom Prison (on the last tour, he did two there) and some of his songs come from that experience. Buddy quips that happy songs depress him, and that of the 150 songs he has recorded, four are happy.

He does have some though that are heart warming. Like 'She Walks in Beauty', one he wrote about his Navajo mother in law.

(Buddy Tabor, Juneau, Alaska)

My father was born in the hills of West Virginia
Rode the coal cars through the train yards, Went to work at seventeen
He married Mama late in life, they gave birth to five children
You know hard times was all they ever seen
That old car he drove made him ashamed but to us it was a limousine
Took the kids out a-riding right after Sunday School
Buy a watermelon and stop somewhere and eat it in those picnic chairs
Spit the seeds out at each other, spit the seeds up in the air

We did not know that we was poor, to us kids it did not matter
But to him it broke his heart, cracked in pieces as it shattered
Catch the lightning bugs in mason jars as it got dark in our back yard
In the house that we grew up in that our father never owned

Late at night when the wind would blow and rattle on the window
In this rundown house he paid the rent for 40 some odd years
And though he worked hard all his life and he never drank or gambled
He never owned that home that he dreamed through silver tears

We did not know that we was poor, to us kids it did not matter
But to him it broke his heart, cracked in pieces as it shattered
Catch the lightning bugs in mason jars as it got dark in our back yard
In the house that we grew up in that our father never owned

When the old man died he didn't have a nickel to his name
All the kids pitched in to pay for his funeral
Mama's sister donated a little plot of land
To lay his body down to rest in peaceful sleep
And it was six feet deep and four feet wide and we covered it with flowers
And thanked our father there for all he'd done
For at last he had a piece of land he could call his own
And no one to collect the rent on his bleached out tired old bones
Tired old bones, tired old bones
And at least he had a piece of land he could call his own

(Buddy Tabor)
I had a girl up in Denver. She had the keys to my heart
But that highway called to me. Lord, it tore us apart
I guess she's still up in Denver. Never seen her again
Cause when you're out on this highway you're just like the wind

Roll on, roll on. Sing a highway song
Here one day and the next day you're gone
And you roll and you ramble like a leaf on the wind
You pack up your suitcase. You're gone again.

This old highway's like morphine, it can kill all your pain
That dirty old asphalt it runs through your vein
Like a gambler with his cards or a drunkard his wine
The wheels spin around and you burn up your time

I've been through your towns where they don't know your name
And after awhile they all look the same
I ain't got no friends and I ain't got no home
Cause when you're out on this highway you're out here alone

That broken white line, it runs through my soul
And I'll follow its path 'til the day I grow old
And the day I grow old I'll lie down by this road
I'll lay down my burdens, I'll lay down my load

(Buddy Tabor)

There's a line that's drawn through
This life of beauty and tears
Sometimes it seems so far away,
Sometimes it seems so near
When the spirit and flesh are torn
Between Earth and the sky
As we go through the days and the hours
And the minutes of our lives

You may be weary,
You may be feeling low
Your life might be out of line
But you still got miles to go
Miles to go, miles to go.
Between the earth and the sky
And the moment we die,
We still got miles to go

There's questions we'll never answer,
There's things we'll never know
Searching for that state of grace
Out here on this open road
There's a reason for everything,
Sometimes you just let it go
Between the earth and the sky
And the moment we die
We still got miles to go

Beyond this great horizon
At the end of this endless road
We'll stand in the sun to see what we've done
And we won't have miles to go
You won't be weary,
You won't be feeling low
Your life will finally be in line
And you won't have miles to go

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Subject: Great Buddy Tabor CD! 'Hope'
From: Little Hawk
Date: 18 Jan 12 - 10:30 PM

Someone on Mudcat sent me this CD awhile back. I think it was Ebbie. Anyway, it's marvelous. Buddy Tabor is from Alaska by the looks of it. He's got a collection here of the most heartfelt songs, some great protest songs and social comment, very moving stuff.

He's got a song that makes a satirical comment on the Rightwing notion that God has rewarded the rich for their righteousness and that's why they're doing so well and the poor aren't, of course, because they're's called "Jesus Loves Me (More Than He Loves You)".

There are 14 songs on this album and they're all great.

Thanks, Ebbie! (Or whoever it was...)

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Subject: RE: Great Buddy Tabor CD! 'Hope'
From: Bobert
Date: 18 Jan 12 - 10:34 PM

Buddy Tabor is the shits, L.H.

Ebbie or KT sent me some of his stuff, too, and he is the real deal...


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Subject: RE: Buddy Tabor- Songwriter
From: GUEST,Owlkat
Date: 11 May 12 - 01:38 PM

Any chance of getting the lyrics to "Get up dogs, you ain't tired"

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Subject: RE: Buddy Tabor- Songwriter
From: Ebbie
Date: 12 May 12 - 11:46 AM

Get Up Dogs
                               Guy (Buddy) Tabor 1997
Get up dogs, you ain't tired
In the spirit of this race we can set this trail on fire
You were born unto the race- your dogs are just the same
You were made for the winner's circle, it runs inside your veins

The days of alcohol, it never ruled your mind
You were born a free man, you never were that kind
People watch you because you stand up proud and tall
And that ain't all

In the summertime it's hot, the bugs are in your face
Your mind is on your fishing but your heart is in the race
When the seasons change the snow will set you free
It's the call of the wild, it's the only way to be

As the snow disappears beneath your sleds, you've lost all track of time
An ancient rhythm pounds from a drum somewhere in the back of your mind
The elders sing, the people dance and you go round and round
Into the dream the runners scream as they slide across the ground

Get up dogs, you ain't tired
In the spirit of this race we can set this trail on fire
You were born unto the race- you dogs are just the same
You were made for the winner's circle, it runs inside your veins

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Subject: RE: Buddy Tabor- Songwriter
From: Ebbie
Date: 04 Feb 13 - 10:42 PM

Tomorrow, February 5, 2013, it will be a year since Buddy died. Unbelievable.

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