Help: Johnny Booker assistance requested DigiTrad: JOHNNY BOOKER JOHNNY BUCCA Related threads: (origins) Origins: Old Johnny Bucker /Johnny Booker (34) Old Johnny Pucker/Booker/Bugger/Bucker/Bucca (32) Lyr Req: Old John Pigger (9) (origins) Origins: Dig a hole to put the devil in (18) Lyr Req: Old Johnny Booger (8) Lyr Req: Old Johnny Bugger (3) (closed)
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Subject: Johnny Booker assistance requested From: kada@elnet.com Date: 01 Oct 99 - 09:49 PM I am looking for the album which contains "Johnny Booker", you know, the song that goes "Monkey married a baboon's sister..." It was on 78rpm, and had about 4 songs. This song has been a bone of contention between my wife and I for as long as I can remeber. She says it never existed, and I swear I had the record when I was a kid, (circa. 1948-54). If you know who it is by, please give me a hand and let me know who it is by and the nome of the album. Thanks |
Subject: RE: Help: Johnny Booker assistance requested From: dick greenhaus Date: 01 Oct 99 - 11:54 PM I think that the one you're seeking is by Cousin Emmy; Brunswick label as I dimly recall. Fine album. |
Subject: RE: Help: Johnny Booker assistance requested From: GutBucketeer Date: 03 Oct 99 - 11:02 PM Funny that this post came up when it did. I am just learning "John Booker" from Mel Bay's Frailing the 5-string Banjo by Eric Muller and Barbara Koeler. It lists a source of an original recording as "Elektra EKS 7276". The version that is shown doesn't have your words in it though. It is in the DT if you search on "john booker" and not Johny. JAB |
Subject: RE: Help: Johnny Booker assistance requested From: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin Date: 04 Oct 99 - 06:30 PM Is this the same Johnny Booker that has the chorus:
Singing I do believe; I will believe.
Now old Johnny Booker, he thought it was a sin
If this rings bells, BigJ will be able to supply the rest when he gets back from the singing weekend in Forkill.
Shoh slaynt,
Bobby Bob |
Subject: Lyr Add: JOHNNY BOOKER^^^ From: GutBucketeer Date: 04 Oct 99 - 10:36 PM Oops. If you search on john booker it doesn't come up. the file name is JNBOOKER. It has both the lyrics and the tune. Here are the lyrics from DT. JOHNNY BOOKER
I saw an old man come walkin' by, |
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