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Lyr Req: Borne on the Breeze (Harvey Andrews)

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GUEST,Malcolm Turner 21 Jul 18 - 05:47 AM
johncharles 25 Nov 11 - 03:23 PM
GUEST,Harvey Andrews 25 Nov 11 - 02:37 PM
breezy 25 Nov 11 - 11:07 AM
Jim Dixon 25 Nov 11 - 10:07 AM
johncharles 25 Nov 11 - 05:12 AM
Jim Dixon 24 Nov 11 - 09:48 PM
johncharles 24 Nov 11 - 07:03 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Borne on the Breeze (Harvey Andrews)
From: GUEST,Malcolm Turner
Date: 21 Jul 18 - 05:47 AM

I love this song. I play guitar also. I have just learned this song, and will be playing and singing it today. Then it's going on YouTube, as there is only one crumby cover version of this beautiful song on the whole of YouTube. I'll put this to right!
Malcolm Turner.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: johncharles
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 03:23 PM

Dear Harvey,
thanks a lot for the lyrics.
I was practising with a couple of friends I play with and one of them was talking about being away from home and how boring it was and I remembered this song. I used to have it on vinyl many years ago, before record players became extinct. A beautiful song with a great tune.
best wishes. john platt

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Subject: Lyr Add: BORNE ON THE BREEZE (Harvey Andrews)
From: GUEST,Harvey Andrews
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 02:37 PM

Harvey Andrews

Catch a train to a plane to a place overseas,
Over clouds, over fields, over rivers and trees,
And they're serving me coffee to put me at ease,
But I'm drifting without you,
Borne on the breeze from my home.

See the sights, see the lights as they shine on the Seine.
Eiffel Tower stands so tall that it's lost in the rain.
Tour the town with a friend and try not to explain
How I'm drifting without you,
Borne on the breeze from my home.

A cold empty room and a bottle of wine.
It's too early to sleep but it's too late to dine,
So I'll sit and I'll write that the weather is fine
And that Aznavour signed you a picture.

I met stars; I rode cars down the Champs Elysees.
Let time pass through a glass at a pavement café.
Though I smile all the while, I'm just hiding the way
That I'm drifting without you,
Borne on the breeze from my home.

The day ends with my friends giving numbers to ring.
I shake hands and make plans to return in the spring,
And I promise you'll come so I won't have to sing
How I'm drifting without you,
Borne on the breeze from my home.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: breezy
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 11:07 AM

Yes ?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 10:07 AM

You're right, John. I got my information from which is usually reliable.

I thought "borne" (carried) made more sense, but I guess I'd have to hear or read the lyrics to be sure I understood what he intended.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: johncharles
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 05:12 AM

Hi Jim, according to Harvey Andrews own website it is actually Born on the Breeze. John

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 24 Nov 11 - 09:48 PM

The title is BORNE ON A BREEZE. It was on Harvey Andrews' album "Writer of Songs" (1972).

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Subject: Lyr Req: Born on the Breeze
From: johncharles
Date: 24 Nov 11 - 07:03 PM

has anyone got the lyrics fro this Harvey Andrews song
Thanks John

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