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GowerFolk Festival 2012

GUEST 02 Mar 12 - 04:42 AM
SteveMansfield 02 Mar 12 - 07:41 AM
JohnH 02 Mar 12 - 05:36 PM
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Subject: GowerFolk Festival 2012
Date: 02 Mar 12 - 04:42 AM

Having spent a lot of time in and around The Gower and since we store the caravan there we've seen sense and booked tickets for The Gower Folk Festival in June. Has anyone been to it in the past and what do people think? Also any information about local(ish) sessions, at any time of year, would be hugely appreciated.

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Subject: RE: GowerFolk Festival 2012
From: SteveMansfield
Date: 02 Mar 12 - 07:41 AM

The Gower FF is just lovely.

Sadly we've not been for a couple of years, but that's purely because the date always clashes with a big local event for our Morris side (and neither the Water Weekend, nor the Gower FF, seem prepared to move their dates to accommodate us unfortunately!).

There's only 350 (IIRC) season tickets, and only one stage, but the festival usually punches well above its weight in terms of the acts it attracts - and there's nearly always at least one act that you see there just before they become famous.

There's usually a small workshop programme and a very good bar, and the whole thing is based in an old mill (now the Gower Heritage Centre) so it's a bit of a splendid venue. The main campsite is a commercial site so it has proper facilities, and is about 20 minutes walk down (but that's downhill so take advantage of the bus service to get you back up the hill at the end of the day).

Every year we've been we've muttered beforehand about the time, expense and inconvenience of driving all that way from Derbyshire to the Gower, but every year it's been well worth every single mile.

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Subject: RE: GowerFolk Festival 2012
From: JohnH
Date: 02 Mar 12 - 05:36 PM

I agree with Steve. A hidden treasure that I should keep to myself in case they sell out!

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