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Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers

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sed 14 Jun 12 - 09:57 PM
NOMADMan 14 Jun 12 - 10:58 PM
GUEST,cetmst 15 Jun 12 - 10:21 PM
sed 29 Jun 12 - 01:23 PM
GUEST 27 Sep 24 - 04:25 PM
GeoffLawes 27 Sep 24 - 05:57 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
From: sed
Date: 14 Jun 12 - 09:57 PM

From the Columbia LP of about 1965, Introducing the Beers Family, or from other sources. Any info about the composition of the lyric will be appreciated. Wasn't Robert Beers the lyricist and Beethoven the composer? Are there more recent recordings of this song?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
From: NOMADMan
Date: 14 Jun 12 - 10:58 PM

Evelyne and Bob Beers recorded this on their 1972 Biograph LP "The Golden Skein." According to the liner notes: "This was written by Bob and Evelyne Beers after a visit to the Shiloh battlefield. The musical theme is taken from the Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven, and was adapted on the one hundredth anniversary of that tragedy."

I don't know if there are any recordings of the song subsequent to this LP. The melody is indeed instantly recognizable as a bit of Beethoven's 6th.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
From: GUEST,cetmst
Date: 15 Jun 12 - 10:21 PM

Also recorded on Columbia LP MS6705, "Introducing the Beers Family", 1964. Notes say it was written in the car drivingn back to New York from their visit to Shiloh. Transcribed from a transcription so there may be some errors.


Sing low my Sairo, weep no more for me,
The green grass of Shiloh is growing over me.

The earth is my sweet breast; the soft wind is my song;
The blue eyes of heaven gaze on me all day long.
It sings to the forest; it whispers with the breeze;
I hear thy voice calling from every field and stream.


Hush now my Sairo, I will wait for thee
At the doorway of heaven where you will be with me.
Our sorrows forgotten, our souls forever soar
And the green grass of Shiloh will lead to heaven's door.

Hum and instrumental

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
From: sed
Date: 29 Jun 12 - 01:23 PM

Thanks a lot! I make these comments with serious reservations, assured from past experience that I may be missing something critically needed for true understanding. "Green Grass of Shiloh" by Robert Beers is a very attractive yet somewhat mysterious song on account of the confused theology of its lyrics, for on the one hand the deceased body speaks through its spirit from its battlefield grave and then in the second verse it speaks from heaven. So, where is the spirit of this fallen soldier who is apparently singing to his wife or girlfriend, Sairo? Not that we have to understand every nuance of poetry to enjoy it and benefit from it, of course! I'm glad the song was written and recorded! If anyone has a better understanding of this song please state it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
Date: 27 Sep 24 - 04:25 PM

Thank you so much! This was VERY helpful! I had part of it and I greatly appreciate your assistance in hep=lping me recll the rest! With all good wishes! J.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green Grass of Shiloh by Robert Beers
From: GeoffLawes
Date: 27 Sep 24 - 05:57 PM

The Green Grass of Shiloh - Evelyne Beers on YouTube

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