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I am humbled

OH, THE WIND AND RAIN (The Two Sisters)
TWO SISTERS (Bonnie Broom)

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WyoWoman 24 Oct 99 - 01:23 PM
catspaw49 24 Oct 99 - 01:40 PM
WyoWoman 24 Oct 99 - 01:43 PM
catspaw49 24 Oct 99 - 02:29 PM
WyoWoman 24 Oct 99 - 03:20 PM
catspaw49 24 Oct 99 - 05:00 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 24 Oct 99 - 05:28 PM
Penny S. 24 Oct 99 - 06:44 PM
Little Neophyte 24 Oct 99 - 06:47 PM
catspaw49 24 Oct 99 - 07:17 PM
WyoWoman 24 Oct 99 - 09:15 PM
Bill I'm Back 25 Oct 99 - 01:29 AM
Davey 25 Oct 99 - 10:49 AM
Zeno 25 Oct 99 - 04:12 PM
harpgirl 25 Oct 99 - 04:30 PM
Zeno 25 Oct 99 - 04:38 PM
Rick Fielding 25 Oct 99 - 05:15 PM
_gargoyle 25 Oct 99 - 10:59 PM
catspaw49 25 Oct 99 - 11:10 PM
katlaughing 26 Oct 99 - 12:39 AM
WyoWoman 26 Oct 99 - 01:26 AM
bseed(charleskratz) 26 Oct 99 - 02:48 AM
WyoWoman 26 Oct 99 - 11:10 AM
Davey 26 Oct 99 - 11:17 AM
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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 01:23 PM

Oh, Lord. This reminds me of when my kids' dad and I finally divorced and I discovered in the course of things -- after having gotten up for *years* to make a nice breakfast because I thought that was what a good wife did -- that he absolutely hated breakfast and he absolutely hated *me* in the mornings because I'm CHEERFUL...

I wonder what destroys relationships more, the things we do say or the things we don't say?

Wondering in Wyoming...

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 01:40 PM

Probably being cheerful in the mornings......that's totally disgusting WW...just cancel the Omaha thing.


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 01:43 PM

I'm sorry Catspaw. We started out so well...

I've gotten grumpier as I've gotten older. Does that help? I could fake it. I mean, folks fake other stuff, why couldn't I fake grumpiness?


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 02:29 PM

Okay...its a deal.....I'll settle for grumpier, providing you can be that way at least one MORNING each month.


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 03:20 PM

Fine, asshole. Bite me. This is my morning.


(how was that?)

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 05:00 PM

Hey just kiss my ass you miserable bitch.


So let's see here, that'll be November 24, a Wednesday....hmmm, day before Turkey day....that'd be about right. Til then, luvya WW.......


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 05:28 PM

Gee, whiz, guys! Can't you keep your clothes on in public? There are children present. --seed

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Penny S.
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 06:44 PM

wildlone, I've just been reading Ceefax. Are you above the floodplain? For the benefit of others, the River Wriggle in Sherborne has burst its banks after heavy rain, and some homes have been flooded.


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Little Neophyte
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 06:47 PM

Thank you Charles

The Little One

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 07:17 PM

Uh sorry.......she's just such a wild one ya' know? But it must be something about those girls from Wyoming..........Sorry there Phyte!


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 24 Oct 99 - 09:15 PM

I've tried all my life to behave myself and be nice (yes, it's been a strain), but now I feel completely emboldened and empowered to be my Inner Grump. You've created a monster, Mr. 'Spaw.

(/maniacial laughter)


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Bill I'm Back
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 01:29 AM

hmm what did I start here? Anyway, its a well known phenomenon that morning people marry night people and light sleepers marry heavy sleepers...I am the former in both cases--hey what am I doing up anyway? Oh yeah, can't sleep. I better try though cause morning is getting soonish.

If people have to be up in the morning, I much prefer cheerful to the alternative!

For those who have expressed a kindly interest in the communicative health of my marriage, it's not that we can't or don't talk, we talk all the time about what happens next. And we certainly each have a pretty good sense of what might annoy the other. But our senses of silliness come from two different places and don't understand each other.

I really am glad to be back in these parts! (What parts?)


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Davey
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 10:49 AM

Well, I go away for the weekend, and what do I find on my return? A lot more informative, revealing, honest and thought-provoking postings, some jibes which must have something to do with the full moon, 'Spaw's response which I'm sure many of us agree with, and the return of a long absent Catter. Welcome Bill I'm Back... I'm fairly new but getting the hang of things.

Kat, I hope you are feeling better, I can see from your posts that seem to be back on form. Neil, thanks for the information about "The Prophet".. I do a lot of reading, bith for a diversion and also for self education... That's a book I've made a note to look into. In fact, my partner may have a copy at home that I've noticed but never got around to.

'Spaw, 'Seed and others, I've decided to ignore the postings from you-know-whoas if they weren't there, since any other type of response appears to be what h/she/it is looking for. 'Nuff said about that..

LilNeo, you've certainly shown by your postings that you are anything but a 'Phyte', you have perception, insight, and a well developed sense of who you are and where you are going. I look forward to reading your posts, whatever you decide to call yourself. I'm in agreement with the idea that you have to just be yourself and know who you are in order to be at peace within. It's a difficult and never ending journey, full of twists, and turns, and wonderful discoveries like the Mudcat.

Rick, you are welcome, this place brings out the best in people. And I'm glad to know you and to read your sometimes cryptic, sometimes self-deprecating but always insightful and informative posts.

Jon, thanks for your kind words. I have two daughters, now in their late 20's, both of whom have great admiration for as they each have a clear sense of who they are and what they want. But they both still have some of the uncertainties that plague many of us from time to time. Would that I had known you and the other Catters much earlier in my life (but then I'd be a different person today, wouldn't I?.. And I like who I am now and the people I'm meeting here.)

And I'm a morning person, often an evening person, I sometimes do bathrooms, and I do most of the cooking in our household, and enjoy it.

Daveywhoisstillfindingoutwhoheisandalsolearningthisfunnylanguage. (:>)

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Zeno
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 04:12 PM

I'm very happy for this to be my first post. I've lurked for quite a while, amused at the interaction of some of you.

Perhaps you forgot about this gargoyle. Which then leaves one simple search to find out who you really are. Not to mention searches at say... Perhaps now that you realize that anyone who knows anything, knows who you are, by your own carelessness, you won't be such an ass. But I doubt it. Reading some of your posts now kind of makes you look like an idiot. Hmmm, who'da thought you had more flaws than just a lack of accountability...

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: harpgirl
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 04:30 PM

Oh heck Zeno,we already knew that! But who are you?

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Zeno
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 04:38 PM

A friend of a friend.

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 05:15 PM

Welcome back Davey. I know what you mean about going away for a few days and seeing a thread take on several lives of it's own. Back a few months ago when Catspaw was very ill, some of us turned to Mudcat before coffee and the morning paper.
A while ago I posted a question on behalf of Tony Quarrington about an obscure Django song (he wanted the french lyrics to Nuages) and day after day it hung in by a thread (so to speak) until one day, like a Phoenix it rose..and voila..the lyrics! Great fun, what?
I know I'm self-deprecating, but cryptic?
Remember: if a white seagull catches the ferranablaster, spring will follow the plastecine.



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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: _gargoyle
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 10:59 PM


but as the ol-carny-barker used to say....

But No Cigar!

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: catspaw49
Date: 25 Oct 99 - 11:10 PM

The ultimate in Thread Creep.......on any number of levels.


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: katlaughing
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 12:39 AM

Obfuscation exposed.


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 01:26 AM

Once again, I'm just shaking my head...


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 02:48 AM

Zeno, welcome to the 'cat. You like to make a dramatic entrance, I see. Just how long had you been lurking before you discovered the perfect entrance line?


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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: WyoWoman
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 11:10 AM

Yup. I for one am impressed.

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Subject: RE: I am humbled
From: Davey
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 11:17 AM

Zeno, welcome.... Neat bit of detective work, and a flashy entrance...

Rick, OK maybe not as cryptic as some of the other posters here, but always enjoyable to read.. And now an enigmatic soothsayer as well, I see.

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