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ADD: The Garden Song (David Mallett)


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Lyr Req: This Town (Dave Mallett) (5) 09 May 97 - 08:34 PM
John O'Keefe 10 May 97 - 09:52 AM
belter 10 May 97 - 12:39 PM
surfy7 05 May 99 - 11:31 PM
campfire 05 May 99 - 11:36 PM
o'hanrahan 05 May 99 - 11:51 PM
Tucker 05 May 99 - 11:51 PM
campfire 06 May 99 - 12:05 AM
Frank of Toledo 06 May 99 - 12:16 AM
Night Owl 06 May 99 - 01:19 AM
Guy Wolff 06 May 99 - 10:36 AM
AllisonA(Animaterra) 06 May 99 - 01:00 PM
surfy7 07 May 99 - 04:50 AM
Joe Offer 27 Jul 20 - 11:47 AM
Joe Offer 11 Jan 21 - 08:50 PM
PHJim 12 Jan 21 - 01:29 AM
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AllisonA(Animaterra) 23 Jun 24 - 01:54 PM
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Subject: Inch by inch, row by row
Date: 09 May 97 - 08:34 PM

I'm looking for the words to this song I heard Yoachim do at the San Francisco Free Folk Festival a couple of years ago. Thanks, Ken Heikkila

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE GARDEN SONG (David Mallett)
From: John O'Keefe
Date: 10 May 97 - 09:52 AM

I learned this song at family gatherings so I'm not 100% sure of the exact words, but here goes:

Inch by inch, row by row,
I'm gonna make this garden grow.
All I need is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground.
Inch by inch, row by row,
Someone bless these seeds I sow.
Someone warm them from below
Till the rain comes tumblin' down.

Pullin' weeds, pickin' stones,
A man is made of dreams and bones.
I felt the need to grow my own.
Now the time is close at hand.
Grain for grain, sun and rain,
Find my way in nature's chain.
Tune my body and my brain
To the music of the land.

Plant your rows straight and long.
Temper them with prayer and song.
Mother earth will make you strong
If you give her love and care.
Old crow watchin' hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree,
And in my garden, I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there.

That's it for my rendition, I'm afraid. I hope it comes close to the actual lyrics.

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Subject: RE: Inch by inch, row by row
From: belter
Date: 10 May 97 - 12:39 PM

The Garden Song (Dave Mallet)

It's listed in the data base. Nice song.

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Subject: the garden song
From: surfy7
Date: 05 May 99 - 11:31 PM

I first heard The Garden Song on a Noel Paul Stookey album.Anyone have the words? The CD doesn't seem available on the Net

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: campfire
Date: 05 May 99 - 11:36 PM

Do you mean the "Inch by inch, row by row" Garden Song? If so, I can post it, but I've been wrong before....


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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: o'hanrahan
Date: 05 May 99 - 11:51 PM

written by Dave Mallet

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: Tucker
Date: 05 May 99 - 11:51 PM

I think you're right campfire

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE GARDEN SONG (David Mallett)
From: campfire
Date: 06 May 99 - 12:05 AM

The Garden Song - Dave Mallett

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All you need is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
Til the rains come tumbling down

Pulling weeds, picking stones
We are made of dreams and bones
Need a place to call my own
For the time is near at hand
Grain for grain, sun and rain
Find my way through nature's chain
Tune my body and my brain
To the music of the land

Plant your rows straight and long
Temper them with prayer and song
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her love and care
An old crow watching hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered theif up there!

There are some alternate words in the Chorus, by Pete Seeger:

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
Gonna mulch it deep and low
Gonna make it fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Please bless these seeds I sow
Please keep them safe below
Til the rains come tumbling down

From RUS - campfire

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: Frank of Toledo
Date: 06 May 99 - 12:16 AM

David Mallett wrote the Garden Song in 1975. It was recorded by Pete Seeger and many others.That was the song that put him on the map as a songwriter. "That song was a gift from as pure a place as there can be," he says. "I was working with my father, who was an avid gardener, and I remember I was on my knees, my hands were in the dirt, and we were planting peas. The song just came to me." I am having David Mallett in concert here in Toledo Or in November and the highlight is that he's giving a childrens' show in the school and using the song and book to teach the children the song to sing at our evening concert. When we speak of great songs this has to be included with the best of them.

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: Night Owl
Date: 06 May 99 - 01:19 AM

I'm still trying to find a recording of this song done by Bill Crofut...

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: Guy Wolff
Date: 06 May 99 - 10:36 AM

David M . is playing the SWeet Harmaony Coffee House in Marbledale Ct. In the next few days ,I'l have to go and give him a flower-pot.Thanks for the imformation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)
Date: 06 May 99 - 01:00 PM

Of course, in RUS (Rise Up Singing) there's a pretty good parody, appropriate to sing round about the middle of August: "Slug by slug, weed by weed, my garden's got me really tee'd..."

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Subject: RE: the garden song
From: surfy7
Date: 07 May 99 - 04:50 AM

Thanks all for the lyrics, information, and perspectives.

You are wonderful folks!

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Subject: DT Correction: Garden Song (Dave Mallett)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Jul 20 - 11:47 AM

The DT has a very good transcription of this song, with only one difference from the songwriter's recording.The Digital Tradition lyrics are on the left. On the right is my transcription of the 1978 David Mallett recording. Differences are in italics.

(Dave Mallett)

Inch by inch, row by row,
Gonna make this garden grow,
All it takes is a rake and a hoe,
And a piece of fertile ground.

Inch by inch, row by row,
Someone bless these seeds I sow,
Someone warm them from below,
'Till the rain comes tumblin' down.

Pullin' weeds and pickin' stones,
Man is made of dreams and bones,
Feel the need to grow my own,
'Cause the time is close at hand.

Grain for grain, sun and rain,
Find my way in Nature's chain,
Tune my body and my brain
To the music from the land.

Plant your rows straight and long,
Temper them with prayer and song,
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her loving care.

An old crow watching hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree,
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there.

GARDEN SONG (Mallett Recording)
(Dave Mallett)

Inch by inch, row by row,
Gonna make this garden grow,
All it takes is a rake and a hoe,
And a piece of fertile ground.

Inch by inch, row by row,
Someone bless these seeds I sow,
Someone warm them from below,
'Till the rains come tumblin' down.

Pullin' weeds and pickin' stones,
Man is made of dreams and bones,
Feel the need to grow my own,
'Cause the time is close at hand.

Grain for grain, sun and rain,
Find my way in Nature's chain,
Tune my body and my brain
To the music from the land.

Plant your rows straight and long,
Temper them with prayer and song,
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her loving care.

An old crow watching hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree,
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there.

(repeat first verse).

Copyright David Mallett
filename[ GARDENSO

Popup Midi Player

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Subject: ADD Knitting Song (Elizabeth Block)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 Jan 21 - 08:50 PM

Elizabeth Block came up with this:

(Elizabeth Block)

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this sweater grow
Give me yarn & needles & watch me go
I'm a knitter of great renown
It'll keep you warm from head to toe
Keep you warm in ice & snow
Keep you warm when the cold winds blow
And the rains come tumbling down

1. Knit by knit, purl by purl
Fine enough for a duke or earl
Or a little boy or girl
Can't buy it in a store
Purl by purl, knit by knit
Pretty soon I'll finish it
When it's done I hope it'll fit
The one I'm making it for

2. Sweater, mittens, scarf & hat
And when I finish that
Maybe I'll knit a rug or a mat
Don't care how long it'll take
Row by row, stitch by stitch
Being idle makes me twitch
When they're still, my fingers itch
For something else to make

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req/Add: The Garden Song (David Mallett)
From: PHJim
Date: 12 Jan 21 - 01:29 AM

(Eric Kilburn)

CHO: Slug by slug, weed by weed,
My garden's got me really teed
All the insects love to feed upon my tomato plants
Sunburned face, scratched-up knees
My kitchen's choked with zucchinis
I'm shopping at the A & P next time I get a chance.

The crabgrass grows, the ragweed thrives,
The broccoli has long since died.
The only things left still alive are some radishes and beans.
My carrot plants are dead and gone,
Hear the rabbits sing a happy song
Until you've weeded all day long
You don't know what boredom means

You get up early, work till late
Watch moles and mice get overweight
They eat their dinners on a plate from the hard work you have done
As ye sow so shall ye reap,
But I smell like a compost heap
I'm gonna get that lousy creep
who said gardening was fun

(Parody of Dave Mallett's "The Garden Song")
((c)1982, Eric Kilburn)

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Subject: RE: ADD: The Garden Song (David Mallett)
Date: 22 Jun 24 - 09:20 PM

Here Dave clearly sings "love and care" not "loving care"

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Subject: RE: ADD: The Garden Song (David Mallett)
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)
Date: 23 Jun 24 - 01:54 PM

Great to see this thread again. I now live in the town next-door to Dave; almost bought a house a mile down the road from him (the realtor who showed it to us was his brother. As we drove by Dave's house his brother pointed him out... working in his garden!).


I actually had to edumacate the local music teacher, now a friend, of the importance of this song. I told him that he really had to teach it every year, and have it be part of the school's culture. All he knew was that there are a lot of Malletts in his classes (mostly nieces and nephews; his sons are all grown up).

Dave's still at it, but feeling his age. I've met him, but don't know him, really. Nice guy.

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