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graeme miles songs


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GUEST,Ailsa MacKenzie 13 May 13 - 06:53 AM
The Doctor 13 May 13 - 11:06 AM
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Subject: graeme miles songs
From: GUEST,Ailsa MacKenzie
Date: 13 May 13 - 06:53 AM

Graeme Miles's songs are now being made available in notation form. The songs are being notated from Graeme's own singing. The first booklet comprises eight of Graeme's moorland songs. The second series is due out and is of eight industrial songs (£8 per booklet + pp). More will follow. They are also available individually (£2.50 + pp). Graeme gave me his blessing to do this work which is on an entirely unpaid and voluntary basis, with any profits going to Teesside Hospice. The songs are checked for accuracy by a highly experienced music teacher before being published. The booklets contain some songs that have not been notated before as well as familiar ones. Contact Artsbank art gallery, Saltburn-by-the-sea (, or for more information.

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Subject: RE: graeme miles songs
From: The Doctor
Date: 13 May 13 - 11:06 AM

Presumably if you go to the Saltburn Folk Festival you'll be able to call in and buy in person.

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