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ADD: Beautiful Rose (David Mallett)


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GUEST,Roger in Baltimore 08 Jul 14 - 05:29 PM
maeve 08 Jul 14 - 05:42 PM
Joe Offer 08 Jul 14 - 07:01 PM
maeve 08 Jul 14 - 09:11 PM
GUEST,Roger in Baltimore 10 Jul 14 - 04:40 PM
GUEST,Mary Katherine 10 Jul 14 - 11:26 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Lyrics to Beautiful Rose by David Mallet
From: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore
Date: 08 Jul 14 - 05:29 PM

I have just heard this song on a David Mallett CD. I cannot clearly understand all the words. If you know the lyrics, please pass them on through this Thread.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lyrics to Beautiful Rose by David Mallet
From: maeve
Date: 08 Jul 14 - 05:42 PM

Roger, I'm about to head out for a rehearsal, but if you look on pages 3 and 4 of the following PDF there are lyrics for the song- accuracy unknown- but you may be able to figure out what you are missing.

If not, I'll have a listen tomorrow if I can.


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Subject: ADD: Beautiful Rose (David Mallett)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Jul 14 - 07:01 PM

(David Mallett)

God within me is talking, I hear with my ear and my eye;
God within me is talking real low, and he says don't cry, don't cry,
And he says, don't cry, don't cry.
The world is a faulty creation, but it works in its own little way;
No room for much intervention, and I'd probably get in the way.
But here in this garden where nobody knows,
And here on the north side where nothing else grows,
Oh what a beautiful, oh what a beautiful rose.

God within me is laughing, I hear with my ear and my eye;
God within me is laughing real low, and he says don't cry, don't cry,
And he says, don't cry, don't cry.
The world is a place of confusion, things always get out of hand;
I'm not into intrusion too much in the matters of man.
But see how it moves when the birds start to fly,
See how the sun puts the gleam in your eye,
And oh what a beautiful, oh what beautiful sky.

God within me is singing, I hear with my ear and my eye;
God within me is singing real low, and he says don't cry, don't cry,
And he says, don't cry, don't cry.
The world is a work still in progress, sometimes things get out of line;
There's bigger things I should be doing, I guess,
But right now I'm working on rhyme, right now I'm working on rhyme.
But see how the whole world is covered in lace,
And the green and the blue give it just enough grace,
And oh what a beautiful, oh what a beautiful place.

I used the link provided by Maeve (a sermon given in the United Church of Christ), and listened to the song on the 2012 DFave Mallett album titled Greenin' Up

Oh, what a beautiful, oh what a beautiful song.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lyrics to Beautiful Rose by David Mallett
From: maeve
Date: 08 Jul 14 - 09:11 PM

Thank you, Joe. And yes- a beautiful song...Dave is full of them.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lyrics to Beautiful Rose by David Mallett
From: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore
Date: 10 Jul 14 - 04:40 PM

Maeve and Joe,

Thank you for your efforts. And yes it is a beautiful song, true poetry with music and a message that rings true for me.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lyrics to Beautiful Rose by David Mallett
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine
Date: 10 Jul 14 - 11:26 PM

When I heard him sing this live for the first time I was STUNNED at the beauty and power of the lyrics. Another one of his little masterpieces.

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