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Lyr Add: Chanteyman, The (C. Fox Smith)


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Charley Noble 08 Jun 15 - 08:30 AM
ChanteyLass 08 Jun 15 - 04:52 PM
Charley Noble 08 Jun 15 - 07:22 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Chanteyman, The (C. Fox Smith)
From: Charley Noble
Date: 08 Jun 15 - 08:30 AM

"The Chanteyman" is one of the unpublished poems that was recently hand-copied from a hand-written manuscript at the archives at the Imperial War Museum in London. It's one of over 50 unpublished poems by Cicely Fox Smith that will be in the new 2nd edition of The Complete Poetry of Cicely Fox Smith published in June of 2015.

I think it works really nice as another tribute to the passing of the Great Age of Sail. Here's a link to how I've adapted the poem for singing (with a MP3 sample) and the original poem: click here for lyrics and MP3 Sample!

Charlie Ipcar

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Chanteyman, The (C. Fox Smith)
From: ChanteyLass
Date: 08 Jun 15 - 04:52 PM

Good work, Charlie! I enjoyed hearing you sing this in NH.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Chanteyman, The (C. Fox Smith)
From: Charley Noble
Date: 08 Jun 15 - 07:22 PM

Looking forward to singing this at the Mystic Sea Music Festival later this week.


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