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Lyr Req: Trump songs

GUEST,Phil 13 Dec 15 - 07:58 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 13 Dec 15 - 08:25 PM
GUEST,Phil 14 Dec 15 - 10:37 AM
GUEST,Phil 14 Dec 15 - 10:38 AM
GUEST 14 Dec 15 - 08:58 PM
Donuel 13 Jan 21 - 09:18 AM
Phil Cooper 13 Jan 21 - 09:45 AM
Capt. Telemark 13 Jan 21 - 07:58 PM
Capt. Telemark 13 Jan 21 - 08:11 PM
Capt. Telemark 13 Jan 21 - 08:33 PM
Capt. Telemark 13 Jan 21 - 10:26 PM
Stilly River Sage 14 Jan 21 - 03:14 PM
Reinhard 14 Jan 21 - 03:47 PM
Stilly River Sage 14 Jan 21 - 05:05 PM
Stilly River Sage 04 Jun 24 - 07:12 PM
Charley Noble 05 Jun 24 - 05:42 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 05 Jun 24 - 06:32 PM
Pappy Fiddle 08 Jun 24 - 09:09 PM
GUEST,henryp 09 Jun 24 - 09:34 AM
Georgiansilver 09 Jun 24 - 12:56 PM
The Og 10 Jun 24 - 10:40 AM
GUEST 14 Jun 24 - 04:57 PM
Paul Reade 14 Jun 24 - 05:26 PM
BrooklynJay 15 Jun 24 - 05:50 PM
Joe Offer 09 Jul 24 - 10:24 PM
YorkshireYankee 13 Jul 24 - 08:10 PM
Black belt caterpillar wrestler 15 Jul 24 - 04:26 AM
GUEST,Rob Mad Jock Wright 16 Jul 24 - 04:56 AM
Donuel 05 Nov 24 - 09:26 AM
Tattie Bogle 05 Nov 24 - 10:51 AM
GUEST,Roderick A Warner 05 Nov 24 - 11:05 AM
Stilly River Sage 05 Nov 24 - 11:17 AM
Black belt caterpillar wrestler 05 Nov 24 - 12:10 PM
The Sandman 05 Nov 24 - 02:11 PM
The Sandman 05 Nov 24 - 02:12 PM
GUEST,henryp 05 Nov 24 - 02:20 PM
GerryM 05 Nov 24 - 03:57 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 05 Nov 24 - 05:01 PM
Tattie Bogle 05 Nov 24 - 05:15 PM
GUEST,keberoxu 05 Nov 24 - 07:00 PM
GUEST 06 Nov 24 - 05:13 AM
John MacKenzie 06 Nov 24 - 08:27 AM
GUEST,PHJim 06 Nov 24 - 10:15 AM
Joe Offer 07 Nov 24 - 02:41 AM
GUEST,Roderick A Warer 07 Nov 24 - 04:46 AM
GUEST,Dennis D'Asaro 13 Nov 24 - 02:39 AM
GeoffLawes 13 Nov 24 - 09:26 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Phil
Date: 13 Dec 15 - 07:58 PM

there was a somewhat off topic discussion of Donald Trump's current campaign on a facebook page celebrating Phil Ochs --- so now I'm looking for songs based on any of Trump's exploits

existent or newly penned lyrics welcome (take this as a song challenge if you wish)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 13 Dec 15 - 08:25 PM

It is stale news...but here is à New-York Post article about tribute songs to Donald Trump.


"Let's make America great again, better than she's ever been"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Phil
Date: 14 Dec 15 - 10:37 AM

link doesn't seem to work, Gargoyle

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Phil
Date: 14 Dec 15 - 10:38 AM

what about dump trump songs?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Date: 14 Dec 15 - 08:58 PM

My. but we are paticular...and't we ? ? ?

Troll in thé hinter region


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 09:18 AM

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the mad man
Behind trump eyes
And no one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated to telling only lies
But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my golf course seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through
But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my hotels seem to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one knows what its like
To be mistreated, to be defeated
Behind blue eyes
An no…

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Phil Cooper
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 09:45 AM

There is a song out there called something like Donald Trump Murdered John Prine. Someone sang it at the virtual fox valley folklore society song circle a couple months back. And I think someone said they found a link to it on youtube.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Capt. Telemark
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 07:58 PM

These songs will seem less relevant in a week. I usually leave out two verses when I sing it, since it is a bit long.

Before Mexico pays for the wall

I don't claim to be an astronomer,
But I'm sure that the stars will fall,
And I will win a Nobel prize,
Before Mexico pays for the wall

It's clear that the climate is changing,
Winters now seem more like fall,
But I know that Hell will freeze over,
Before Mexico pays for the wall.

We all have wished for something we want,
Money , good looks, or good health,
But if trump is as rich as he says he is,
He can pay for the wall himself.

I've never been very athletic,
I can't run much faster than a crawl,
But I'll win an Olympic Gold medal,
Before Mexico pays for the wall.

I know I'm not much of a singer,
My voice might make your skin crawl,
But I'm sure that I'll win a Grammy,
Before Mexico pays for the wall.


Shakespeare said all the world is a stage,
And that we are players all,
And I'll have an armful of Oscars,
Before Mexico pays for the wall.

I'm not an ornithologist,
I can't ID bird calls,
But I will fly like an Eagle,
Before Mexico pays for the wall.


We should not be governed by hubris,
Pride goeth before a fall,
But driven by vanity, goaded by Hannity,
TRump wants us to pay for his wall.

TRump claimed he would balance the budget,
He hasn't and he never will,
China will finance his spending,
And our grandkids will inherit the bill.

We all have wished for something we want,
Money , good looks, AND good health,
But if TRump is so rich, that son of a bitch,
Can pay for the wall himself.

You can hear it (poorly sung) on my YouTube channel

Larry Montgomery

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Capt. Telemark
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 08:11 PM

Rake, Rake, Rake

Intro: A little more than two years ago, Northern California was under a heavy pall of smoke, but that was nothing compared to the suffering of our friends and relatives and neighbors who lost everything in one of the big wildfires. A little while later, our dear leader came to Butte County to show just how much empathy he's capable of, and to share his vast knowledge of how to prevent more wildfires. I thought his wisdom should be set to music--using that term very loosely.

    (So) Rake, Rake, Rake the forest clean,
    Make it the cleanest forest floor you've ever seen,
    Rake it to bare earth, to keep the forests green,
    Rake, Rake, Rake the forest clean.

California is on fire, I need someone to blame,
If the earth should shake and quake, my response would be the same,
Paradise or Pleasure, who cares about the name,
Everything is politics, that's my only game,

    I'm a forest fire expert, just ask me,
    Though I don't know which end's which on a Pulaski,
    I just blurt what's in my head, then I don't know what I
    And, I've never seen the forest for the trees.

I cut from Forest management, to spend more on defense,
Not defense of people's homes, that would make way too much sense,
I don't believe in climate change, and I am proud to be so dense,
That's why the right-wing kooks have so much confidence.


California lets some river water run out to the sea,
It seems like such a waste to let it follow gravity,
It ends up getting salty, and full of salmon pee,
It would be a better use to dump it all on golf club greens.


Hearable on YouTube

How many of you have ever sung about salmon pee??? A Pulaski???

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Capt. Telemark
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 08:33 PM

This is not just about trump, but you might notice a reference to one of his most infamous statements. There is a verse admonishing the ladies to do the right thing, but I can't find it at the moment.

Keep It In Your Pants

It's not pleasant to discuss this, but I really think I must,
You know there are some famous men, we thought that we could trust,
Men of wealth and stature that seemed to have good sense,
But we know now, they don't know how, to keep it in their pants.

    So, keep it in your pants, guys, keep it in your pants,
    Whether you're at work, on the bus, or at a dance,
    Keep it in your pants, please, keep it in your pants,
    But we know now, they don't know how, to keep it in their pants.

When you're the boss of someone, and you think you'll have your way,
The power is not balanced , there are no shades of gray,
You think she's so impressed with you, she'll welcome your advance,
But when in doubt, don't whip it out, just keep it in your pants

    So, keep it in your pants, guys, keep it in your pants,
    Whether you're at work, on the bus, or at a dance,
    Keep it in your pants, please, keep it in your pants,
    When in doubt, don't whip it out, just keep it in your pants

Don't grab 'em by the pussy, don't pat 'em on the butt,
Just think how you would feel if someone grabbed you by the nuts,
Keep your privates private, don't act like a dunce
Take a tip, keep it zipped, just keep it in your pants

    So, keep it in your pants, guys, keep it in your pants,
    Whether you're at work, on the bus, or at a dance,
    Keep it in your pants, please, keep it in your pants,
    Take a tip, keep it zipped, just keep it in your pants

When You meet a lovely lady, and you hope you can connect,
You've got a better chance, if you treat her with respect,
If the lady you are wooing doesn't welcome your advance,
If uninvited, not requited, just keep it in your pants.

    So, keep it in your pants, guys, keep it in your pants,
    Whether you're at work, on the bus, or at a dance,
    Keep it in your pants, please, keep it in your pants,
    If uninvited, not requited, just keep it in your pants.

And there's a special situation, that's got a Scottish lilt,
Would all you Highland laddies, please keep it in your kilt,
Keep it in your kilt, lads, keep it in your kilt,
Would all you Highland laddies, please keep it in your kilt.

Hearable on YouTube

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Subject: Links for the preceding songs
From: Capt. Telemark
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 10:26 PM

I just figured out how to make active links, and I don't know how to go back and edit previous posts.

Before Mexico pays for the wall

Rake, Rake, Rake

Keep it in Your Pants

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 14 Jan 21 - 03:14 PM

You can't, but moderators may be helpful in that way.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Reinhard
Date: 14 Jan 21 - 03:47 PM

Iona Fyfe sings Mark Russell's song Donald Whit a Lover on Twitter.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 14 Jan 21 - 05:05 PM

'Fall of Trump' songs

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Jun 24 - 07:12 PM

Bringing this back to the top for any new lyrics.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Charley Noble
Date: 05 Jun 24 - 05:42 PM

Sally Rogers and Charlie King were singing their own version of this song, to the tune of "Sixteen Tons. I'm asked them for their verses.

This is as far as I got last weekend:

By Charlie Ipcar, 5/1/2024
Tune: “sixteen Tons”

Thirty-Four Felonies

Thirty-four felonies and what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt;
St. Peter, don’t you call me ‘cos’ I can’t wait,
I’ve sold my soul to be Chief of State!

It was early one morning, cloudy and cool,
Trump pulled up to the court house, addressed the press pool;
“I’m an innocent man and this trial is a joke,
And you’ll soon see who’s been blowing thick smoke.”

The jury filed in, their verdict in hand,
Trump rose up and straight did stand;
“Thirty four felonies,” the court clerk tolled,”
The judge scratched his head said, “Well, bless my soul!”


For years tRump supporters have rejected the charge that "he had no convictions." Since last Thursday afternoon, around 4:30pm, they must feel vindicated as he racked up 34 convictions, all of them felonies.

Next stop will be sentencing, July 11th.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 05 Jun 24 - 06:32 PM

The entire world stumps,
For our president, Donald Trump.
He is the only one near,
That Vladamir Put has a fear.

Give a nickle, give a dollar,
All of Newport
Is glad to hollar...
Thank you Lucky Palmer!


Biden and Trump just wrapped up California fund raisers ... one at the home of under 30yo engineer.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Pappy Fiddle
Date: 08 Jun 24 - 09:09 PM

Here's another one, I just whipped it up like a batch of fritters.

The Grand Ol' Party
Has a rep for bein' honest
Well, there was a prez named Nixon
But y'all are just biased

And then we had a man
Name o' Donald Trump
Made a fortune in casinos
Scamming fools what a chump

Sorry, you have to provide yo'sef a tune and probly should add a couple more verses.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,henryp
Date: 09 Jun 24 - 09:34 AM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;

"Old Man Trump" is a song with lyrics written by American folk singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie in 1954. The song describes the racist housing practices and discriminatory rental policies of his landlord, Fred Trump (the father of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump). Although the lyrics were written in 1954, it was never recorded by Guthrie. In January 2016, Will Kaufman, a Guthrie scholar and professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, unearthed the handwritten lyrics while conducting research at the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

In December 1950, Woody Guthrie signed a lease at the Beach Haven apartment complex owned and operated by Fred Trump in Gravesend, Brooklyn. There are several handwritten drafts of the lyrics with titles such as "Beach Haven Race Hate" and "Beach Haven Ain't My Home". In its lyrics, Guthrie expresses his dissatisfaction with Trump and the "color line" he had drawn in his Brooklyn neighborhood:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
He stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Similarly, an unreleased variant of Guthrie's "Ain't Got No Home" protests Trump's segregation at Beach Haven.

Beach Haven is Trump's Tower
Where no Black folks come to roam
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

According to scholar Will Kaufman, Guthrie "thought that Fred Trump was one who stirs up racial hate, and implicitly profits from it." In Guthrie's notebooks he wrote about wanting to put an end to the segregation with "a face of every bright color laffing and joshing in these old darkly weeperish empty shadowed windows."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Georgiansilver
Date: 09 Jun 24 - 12:56 PM

By far the best 'Trump' song I have come across is this one.....

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: The Og
Date: 10 Jun 24 - 10:40 AM

Those Gallant Red Hats (G).                Tune = After the Ball was Over
author = Bill Ogden

After the votes were counted, after the deed had been done,
Many a heart had been broken, vic-try had still not been won.
“Hold on,” our bold leader urged us, “just bully those weak bureaucrats,
Never give in for an instance, keep wearing those gallant red hats.

Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, all can be turned if we press,
Law suits, and recounts, and lying, cheating, subversion and stress.
Keep up the pressure on Georgia, push on ‘til others fall flat,
All of the nation will know you, in your gallant red hat.”

After the mob has all gone home, after the smoke fin-ly clears,
Gone is the strength of our people, gone are the brave volunteers.
Gone is the voice of our leader, purged from its old habitat,
All I have left of this glory, is my gallant red hat.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Date: 14 Jun 24 - 04:57 PM

Richard Thompson's 'Fergus Laing' does not mention Trump by name, but is clearly based on him:

Fergus Laing is a beast of a man
He stitches up and fleeces
He wants to manicure the world
And sell it off in pieces
He likes to build his towers high
He blocks the sun out of the sky
In the penthouse the champagne’s dry
And slightly gassy

Fergus Laing he works so hard
A'busy as a bee is
Fergus Laing has 17 friends
All as dull as he is
A'17 friends, a'17 wives
All the perfect shape and size
They wag their tails and bat their eyes
Just like Lassie

Fergus Laing he builds and builds
Yet small is his erection
Fergus Laing has a fine head of hair
When the wind’s in the right direction
The wind's in the right direction

Fergus Laing and his 17 friends
They live inside a bubble
There they withdraw and shut the door
At any sign of trouble
Should the peasants wail and vent
And ask him where the money went
He’ll simply say, it’s all been spent
On being classy.

Fergus Laing he builds and builds
Yet small is his erection
Fergus Laing has a fine head of hair
When the wind’s in the right direction
The wind's in the right direction.

Fergus’ buildings reach the sky
Until you cannot see ‘em
He thinks the old stuff he pulls down
Belongs in a museum.
His fits are famous on the scene
The shortest fuse, so cruel, so mean
But don't call him a drama queen
Like Shirley Bassey

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Paul Reade
Date: 14 Jun 24 - 05:26 PM

I’m surprised no-one’s come up with the obvious line “we shall overcomb”

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: BrooklynJay
Date: 15 Jun 24 - 05:50 PM

I wrote this a few months back when Trump was first indicted. The tune is In the Jailhouse Now.

BTW, when I do this song I do it like Leon Redbone with hat, dark glasses and false facial hair. Seems to fit!

In The Shithouse Now
(New lyrics by Jay Pearlman)

There once was a guy named Donald J. Trump,
Long arm of the law thumped Trump on his rump,
He thought he was the smartest guy around;
Well, it was a Witch Hunt or worse day,
Indictment came down on a Thursday,
He’s headed for the hoosegow way downtown!
He’s in the shithouse now!
He’s in the shithouse now!
Grand Jury said it ain’t funny
To pay a porn star hush-hush money,
He’s in the shithouse now!

[Bad Yodeling]

Angry fist he was pumpin’,
American flag he was humpin’,
The Golden Arches was his favorite shrine;
He’ll get throw’d in jail,
Melania won’t go his bail,
The judge done said “Sedition’s next in line!” (That's fine!)

He’s in the shithouse now!
He’s in the shithouse now!
His face looked meaner and meaner
When the judge said, “Grab ‘im by the subpoena!”
He’s in the shithouse now!

[More Bad Yodeling]

Stormy went “Hubba-Hubba!
Maybe Trump’ll get a cellmate named Bubba!”
And Alvin Bragg’s the toughest guy in town;
The D.A. said it was rash
To have your lawyer slippin’ her cash,
Looks like Chester Cheeto’s goin’ down! (That clown!)

He’s in the shithouse now!
He’s in the shithouse now!
Left your MAGA pals in the lurch,
Now it’s fingerprints and a cavity search, (Ow!)
He’s in the shithouse now!

[Still More Bad Yodeling]

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Subject: ADD: Impeached, Indicted, and Convicted (Block)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Jul 24 - 10:24 PM

Here's a classic Trump parody from Elizabeth Block:

(Elizabeth Block)
[to the tune of: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered]
    I'm a fraud and don't I know it
    But I've always had success
    Now, though I try not to show it
    I'm a total mess

    All my life I've lied and cheated
    Bullied my way to the top
    How could I ever be defeated
    Why should I have to stop?

I'm riled again
Reviled again
By women whom I have defiled again
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

Been ditched again
Unhitched again
Another staff member has snitched again
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

Republicans have turned against me
Their mistake, you'll agree
Some have even Mike Penced me
They're worse than Nancy Pelosi

Caught again
Distraught again
The jury and judge can't be bought again
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

Been booed again
And screwed again
Why do they all say that I'm lewd again
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

I'm stuck again
Out of luck again
Oh shit, they've called me a schmuck again
[Or: All I can say is, Oh fuck again]
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

    Democrats the day will rue
    That they thought I might lose
    There's no way, but if I do
    I'll just blame the Jews

I'm stumped again
Been dumped again
My aces all have been Trumped again
Impeached, indicted and convicted am I

Tune: Richard Rodgers, from "Pal Joey"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: YorkshireYankee
Date: 13 Jul 24 - 08:10 PM

Just seen this thread. Here's a parody I wrote just after the 2020 election:

TTO It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To
new words by Vikki Appleton Fielden, 16th Nov 2020

Nobody knows where my vict'ry has gone
Rudy said it would be mine
Joey and Kam are ruining my plan
To rule to the end of time

It's my party and I'll lie if I want to
Lie if I want to, lie if I want to
You would lie too if it happened to you

Playing my mindgames on election night
Tweeting that mail-ins are frauds
Any vote cast that was not for me
Just ain't the will of the Lawd

It's my party and they'll lie if I say so
Lie if I say so, lie if I say so
You would lie too if you wanted a coup

Antifa libtards all think they have won
But I'll show them they are wrong
Oh what a bigly surprise
I've had advice from Kim Jong

It's my party and they'll lie if I say so
Lie if I say so, lie if I say so
You would lie too if you wanted a coup

Some nasty people think ALL votes should count
Whether or not they're for me
So bad they can't understand
Wake up and smell the covfefe

It's my Whitehouse and I'll stay if I want to
Stay if I want to, stay if I want to
You would stay too if you wanted a coup
You would lie too if you wanted a coup
You would lie too if it happened to you

And here's a parody I wrote when T was first indicted:

You're So Indicted
TTO I'm so Excited
new words by Vikki Appleton Fielden, 8 Aug 2023

Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen
Tonight we'll make sure you end up inside
Give up this time and try some introspection
We're goin' to take measures; you'll be fried

We want to hold you
Jail you
Wrap the law around you
Want to squeeze you
Tease you
Till you've had enough
And if you move too slow
Won't let you go...

You're so indicted
You just can't hide it
You already lost control and you can't abide it
You're so indicted
You just can't hide it
And we know
We know
We know
We know
We're gonna taunt you
Haunt you

You shouldn't even think about tomorrow
Your villainy is vast, so are your crimes
You're such a big crybaby, but don't worry
We'll make sure that
You finally do some time

You're so indicted
You just can't hide it
You already lost control and you can't abide it
You're so indicted
You just can't hide it
And we know
We know
We know
We know
We're gonna haunt you
Haunt you

Video here

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
Date: 15 Jul 24 - 04:26 AM

Here's one I made earlier...

Robin Madge ©2021

We've already said "goodbye"
Since you gotta go, oh you'd better
Go now, go now, go now (go now, ooh)
Before you see me cry?
I don't want you to tell me just what you intend to do now
'Cause how many times do I have to tell you Donald, Donald
I'm not in love with you now
Whoa oh oh oh

We've already said "so long"
I just want to see you go, oh you'd better
Go now, go now, go now (go now, ooh)
Don't you even try?
Tellin' me that you really don't want it to end this way
'Cause Donald,Donald, can't you see I’d hate you to stay, yeah
Since you gotta go, oh you'd better
Go now, go now, go now (go now,…

I think it's fairly obvious what the tune is.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Rob Mad Jock Wright
Date: 16 Jul 24 - 04:56 AM

This one is not just about Trump but he features in it.

Rats in the Chamber

Rats in the Chamber snakes in the grass
Parties in the garden whisky in the glass
Leaks from the main pipe holes in the floor
Life on the slide again banging on the door

Whispers in the men’s club sneering in the car
Vile words and images cocktails at the bar
Anger in the back street graffiti in the hall
Disempowered voices ringing of the wall

Schemes in the boardroom pervert on the screen
Violence in cyberspace faces never seen
Cracks in the pavement sinking through the hole
Hunger in the heartland sickness in the soul

Sharp double dealers on the greasy climb
Liars and charlatans wading through the slime
Poison in the undergrowth toxins in the air
Leper in the alleyway dying in the glare

Rats in the Chamber snakes in the grass
Truth in the garbage whisky in the glass
Siren cuts the darkness crying in the night
Better run for cover or brace yourself to fight.

Angie Wright.

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Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
From: Donuel
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 09:26 AM

You guys should lighten up and be more positive

Who can hang a critic?
Cover them with poo
Sprinkle them with lies and a felony or two

The Trumpy Man
Oh, the Trumpyy Man can
The Trumpy Man can 'cause he mixes it with hate
And makes his world taste great

[Verse 2]
Who can't steal elections?
Wrap it in a lie
Soak the unwashed public and make a capital attack
The Trumpy man
The Trumpy Man can 'cause he mixes it with fear
that makes the world taste queer.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 10:51 AM

Here's the one I wrote in 2017 before and after he was elected as President: I asked some American friends visiting Scotland if it would be OK to sing a song about him: "So long as it's nothing complimentary", they said! It's not! The second verse refers to his big golf complex at Balmedie, near Aberdeen.

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP                        © Lyrics Trish Santer      
Tune: Nellie the Elephant

From New York
A travelling businessman came,
But not an intelligent elephant,
No, a bloke with a funny name,
Mop of hair,
And face with a very fake tan,
O what a farce, he might well pass
For an outsize orang-utan.
Donald, th’orang-utan packed his cart
And trundled off to the golf course,
Off he went with a trumpety-trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Doesn’t want wind farms to blight his view
But happy to knock down some houses,
Said he was doing it for everyone’s good,
Trump, Trump, Trump.

But soon bigger things were calling, far, far away,
He put himself up as a candidate
In the US election fray.
BUT, that was in April, and no-one believed
That Donald would ever pursue it:
Now you must agree how wrong you can be,
Trump, Trump, Trump.

Night by night,
He’d rant and point and rave,
When Donald was up on the podium
He looked so proud and brave,
Dirty tricks
Yon Donald did perform
But yet he just deluded them
And took the crowd by storm.

What a palaver for months on end,
Touring all over the country,
Hillary missed out Wisconsin, oh dear, but not
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Lawyers and FBI all muscled in
To ride on this huge roller-coaster,
Vote for the “lesser of evils” they said, not
Trump, Trump, Trump?

The Mexican border was calling, far, far away,
He’ll send all those immigrants building his wall,
And leave them the other side of it, And then he’d make them pay for it – (same tune)
While others are fleeing to Canada,
The moon or Mars or Australia,
What kind of country will America be, with
Trump, Trump, Trump?

On he went,
Trampling others down,
He only had one goal in life,
To take the President’s crown.
Just how many people did he offend?
Which makes it such a mystery
That they voted for him in the end.

All other candidates whittled away,
He had to face up to Ms Clinton,
TV debates, all fuelled with hate,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Misogynist, racist and bigoted perv,
And don’t mention emails from Hillary,
Lies and distortion, all out of proportion,
Trump, Trump, Trump.

Washington DC was calling, not so far away,
He’ll be in The White House by January,        
What horror, is all I can say.
BUT now he is lining up missiles and ships
And pointing them at North Korea,
Just keep your hands well off pussies and buttons, Trump, Trump, Trump!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Roderick A Warner
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 11:05 AM

In the interest of balance (probably not a consideration for tribalists) any Kamala Harris songs? Lots of scope for ‘folky’ invention, one would think?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 11:17 AM

The old "equal time" rules only applied when they were equally worthy; giving equal time to nutcases is partly how we got into this mess. Anyway, a new entry posted today (this is actually more of a women's song, a good start if you want to start a Kamala song thread):

The Eve of Election

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 12:10 PM

The Spooky Men have a new song on youtube.
They do not say it about Trump but.....


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: The Sandman
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 02:11 PM

To Bombay a traveling circus came, they brought an
Intelligent elephant and Nellie was her name
One dark night she slipped her iron chain
And off she ran to Hindustan
And was never seen again
Nellie the elephant pack her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety trump
Trump trump trump
Now Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
And trundled off to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety trump
Trump trump trump
The head of the herd was calling far far away
They met one night in the silver light
On the road to Mandalay
Night by night she danced to the circus band
When Nellie was leading the big parade
She looked so proud and grand
No more tricks for Nellie to perform
They taught her how to take a bow
And she took the crowd by storm

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: The Sandman
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 02:12 PM

I wonder if one day that,
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly,
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
Love is just like a merry-go-round
With all the fun of the fair
One day I'm feeling down on the ground
Then I'm up in the air
Are you leading me on?
Tomorrow will you be gone?
I wonder if one day that,
You'll say that, you care
If you love me madly,
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I may win on the roundabout
Then I'll lose on the swings
In or out, there is never a doubt
Just who's pulling the strings
I'm all tied up to you
But where's it leading me to?
I wonder if one day that,
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly,
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I wonder if one day that,
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly,
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
Like a puppet on a, string
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Bill Martin / Phil Coulter
Puppet on a String lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Unison Rights S.L.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,henryp
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 02:20 PM

And now we face the darkest hour
The night is cold and lonely
The road is rough, we've come so far
We long for comfort only

We hope to feel the warming rays
The new dawn should be bringing
And to enjoy happier days
How can we keep from singing?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GerryM
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 03:57 PM

"The Spooky Men have a new song on youtube."

A fine song, but not new. It went up in October of 2020.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 05:01 PM

Mr. Sandman,



Cast my ballot this morning, in person, quadruple verification.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 05:15 PM

Thanks for posting the original Nellie the Elephant lyrics, Mr Sandman.
But did you read mine - only 4 posts above yours?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 05 Nov 24 - 07:00 PM

I can't think of one just now, but surely there must be
a Flanders & Swann song
that could be adjusted to become a Trump song.

All I can think of at the moment is the coda to the Elephant:
"Practicing me trumpet half the night ...
And I'll stick in the elephants' nursing home
'Til I get me memory back!"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Date: 06 Nov 24 - 05:13 AM

Over the Falls

G       C       G
Over the falls we go,
C                      G
Look out good people below.
D                         G
Fasten your seatbelts and pull up your socks.
    D                              G
The drop will be steep and there's bound to be rocks.
    G          C          G
The captain, to no one's surprise,
   C                         B7
Is scoffin' down burgers and fries.
    C            C#dim    G          E
It's all hands on deck, and look out below,
    A7       D       G
It's over the falls we go!

D                      G
Things are a little bit crazy in here;
D                           G
No one knows just what to do.
    D                         G             E
You start doin' this, someone else says, "Do that!"
A                            D
A third guy comes by and says, "Crap in your hat!"
   G             C       G
We let the great almighty be.
    G                   B7
He's happy just watchin' TV.
    C          C#dim       G - E
He's happy just watchin' the box
    A7          D             G
And grabbin' the girls by their arms.

Over the falls we go,
Look out good people below.
Fasten your seatbelts and pull up your socks.
The drop will be steep and there's bound to be rocks.
The captain, to no one's surprise,
Is scoffin' down burgers and fries.
It's all hands on deck, and look out below,
It's over the falls we go!

Nobody knows what to do anymore,
Nobody here has a clue.
We see him come in, we see him go out,
We hear the boss scream, and we hear the boss shout.
We know things are never his fault.
We bring him a chocolate malt.
He's happy just watchin' that box
And getting his ass kissed on Fox.

So over the falls we go,
Look out good people below.
Fasten your seatbelts and pull up your socks.
The drop will be steep and there's bound to be rocks.
The captain, to no one's surprise,
Is scoffin' down burgers and fries.
It's all hands on deck, and look out below,
It's over the falls we go!
It's all hands on deck, and look out below,
It's over the falls we go!

(Words and music by Tom Paxton, 2018)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 06 Nov 24 - 08:27 AM

My Old Man's a Dustman ?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Date: 06 Nov 24 - 10:15 AM

Both Sides Now Parody

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Nov 24 - 02:41 AM

Well, here's "Kamala Mamala Wal(t)z":

Kiss My Rump, Donald Tr*mp 2024:

Gimme Hope Kamala:

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Roderick A Warer
Date: 07 Nov 24 - 04:46 AM

Re remarks about balance above, the reply is about what one expect. Predictable. May a billion stars gladden the hearts of the blinkered in the predictable defeat… (cue for shouts of ‘Fsscist” etc from the coffindodger left).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GUEST,Dennis D'Asaro
Date: 13 Nov 24 - 02:39 AM

There was a space of a little bit when Trump seemed lampoonable.
This lyric spilled out of my awareness of how self-assured bin Laden was about the righteousness of his atrocities. I'm ultimately disappointed with the lack of depth of Trump's comeuppances; but the song is what it is and was written when it was.
Mostly for your amusement; if anyone wants to perform this sucker, look me up and I'll get it online or sing you some over the phone or something.
Yeah---the scansion is "relaxed" ---to be delivered conversationally.


When Adolph Hitler went to heaven
He got a big surprise
There was this short dark guy leanin' on the desk
Givin' him the evil eye

“Gott im Himmel!” said der Führer
“Was ist das shwartz face?”
Jesus grinned and said, “You've sinned
And I'm in charge of your case

“Might'a' been Anubis or Vishnu
Or a voice from a clapboard steeple
But I raised my hand 'cause of my old man
You know the Jews were his chosen people

“And when I preach it's usually
A more forgiving kind of a tale
But we all agreed your awful deeds
Was way beyond the pale

“So first you can walk in the furnace
It'll take a century all told
We'll see you feel each and every
Molecule explode

“And the absolute zero inside of you
That void and empty hole
We'll fill it with gold teeth and ashes
You can use it for a soul

“Then we'll give you a rag and sandals
And a wasteland you can roam
Where you can play the shofar
Till the angels all fly home”

        Here comes God in his compassion
        Ain't Cat Stevens that he's hummin'
        Down the line in some fine fashion
        You gonna get what you got comin'

When Osama bin Laden got to Heaven
Pride was shining from his eyes
“Was I not your most exemplary son
God all-powerful and wise?”

Allah gave a great big eye roll
He said, “I know you thought it out
But you got it WRONG you uncompromising
Neolithic lout!

“You missed the part about compassion
It's somewhere in the book
I forget what page
Why don't you sit down here and look

“For all the lifetimes you destroyed
We'll round it down and say three grand
At a nominal threescore and ten
That was allotted to a man

“That's 210,000 years
Every night and day
You'll study your Quran,
And at every verse you'll pray

“At the end there'll be an oral exam
It goes on till I say 'when'
If at the end you still seem filled with hatred
You can do it all again

'The next time through you'll translate to English
And put it all in rhyme
I will proctor you personally
You know I've got the time

“And if I should get bored
And need a little chuckle
I will borrow Sister Lawler's ruler
And rap you on the knuckles

“And if at last you're humbled
I will set you free
You can have a taste of Paradise
And if you want 'em, a virgin or three”

        Here comes God in his compassion
        Ain't Cat Stevens that he's hummin'
        Down the line in some fine fashion
        You will get what you got comin'

When Donald J. Trump gets to Heaven
He'll think his ears need washin'
“Privyet, tovarish!” says St. Peter
….....................“Hey, Don, only joshin'!

“Why don't you pull your jacket off
'Cos it might get pretty warm
Take a load off your feet, have a seat
And hand me up that form”

St. Peter takes the clipboard
And it really pops his eyes
“Hey, you filled your application in
With verifiable lies

“A bicameral committee
Will decide if you go to hell
They're all out somewhere golfing
But you can park at your hotel

“Got a kinda greasy wall-to-wall
And to minimize the clutter
You get exactly one solid gold golf ball
And one solid gold putter

“You can aim at a solid gold Dixie cup
From Reagan's old Rolls Royce
But it's also the cup you'll piss in
So you'll have to make a choice

“There's a black-and-white TV
That allows no shades of gray
With nothing but Rachel Maddow
23 hours a day

“She'll interview Bernie and Hillary and Elizabeth
Warren while you view
And they'll talk and talk and never
Say a single word about you

“From 3 to 4 in the morning
If you need to rest your eyes
There's Hannity and Friends
But all they do is apologize

“Room service is iffy
What else would it be?
It's all students working their way through
Trump University

“And you can eat Donald Trump Steaks
Served up bloody rare
And drink Donnie Johnnie Trumpie Wumpie
Warm flat beer

“Your suite is not in Moscow
But it will suit you well
It's the only room in Trump Tower
White Collar Hell”

        Here comes God in his compassion
        Ain't Cat Stevens that he's hummin'
        Down the line in some fine fashion
        You will get what you got comin'

Dennis D'Asaro

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
From: GeoffLawes
Date: 13 Nov 24 - 09:26 AM

Not a song about Trump personally but a chilling reminder of what he is going to do
Lyrics,information and recording for KRISTALLNACHT IS COMING from Rise Up And Sing
1994 California Proposition 187, article from Wikipedia

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