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Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!

Thompson 09 May 16 - 05:14 AM
Murpholly 09 May 16 - 06:09 AM
Thompson 09 May 16 - 08:13 AM
GUEST,J C Crowley 21 Jan 25 - 12:47 PM
GUEST,Jerry A. O'Neill 27 Jan 25 - 07:55 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!
From: Thompson
Date: 09 May 16 - 05:14 AM

I've mislaid the middle of a childhood rhyme - can anyone help? It starts:

"Do you eat potatoes?"
"Yes I do!"

and it ends

"How do you like them?"
"Skins and all."
"And do they not hurt you?"
"Arrah, not at all!"

It was always said in a rural Cork accent - shkins and aahhll… and in a tone of astonishment "Arrah, not at aaaahhhll!"

I think the third line might be "How do you like them?"


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!
From: Murpholly
Date: 09 May 16 - 06:09 AM

Do you eat potatoes
Sure I do
Where do they come from
How do you eat them
Skins and all
And do they hurt you
Not at all

This from my Cork City husband though never to a tune just a rhyme.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!
From: Thompson
Date: 09 May 16 - 08:13 AM

Suddenly leaped back into my mind.

Ar oo from Cork?
I am, aroo?
D'ye ate potatoes?
Yes! I do!
How d'ye like them?
Shkins an' all!
And do dey not hurt ye?
Arrah, not at all!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!
From: GUEST,J C Crowley
Date: 21 Jan 25 - 12:47 PM

This from my Cork city father all through my Durty Dublin childhood :

Aroo from Cork ?
I am aroo ?
Cnoo play golf ?
I can cnoo ?
How are the praties ?
Big and Shmall.
Howd u ate them ?
Shkins an all.
Don't the choke ye ?
Yerrah, nodadawl.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Potatoes… Arrah, not at all!
From: GUEST,Jerry A. O'Neill
Date: 27 Jan 25 - 07:55 AM

"Are oo" is a Kerry term, only heard in parts of West Cork. It is in no way representative of Cork as a whole. In any case it is rarely used nowadays except by some of the older generation. The humour in the verses quoted is completely misplaced. "Are oo from Kerry" was used by Corkonians to make fun of our neighbours from over the "County Bounds" Sorry for being so pedantic. Advancing years are taking their toll on my sense of humour. ??

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