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Lyr Req: The Blackbird of Sweet Avondale

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Lyr Req: Blackbird of Sweet Avondale (53)

Leslie Walters 21 May 97 - 11:18 AM
Barry Finn 22 May 97 - 12:28 AM
Leslie Walters 22 May 97 - 09:23 AM
Martin Ryan 29 May 97 - 10:27 AM
Jim Dixon 03 Jul 09 - 06:15 PM
MartinRyan 03 Jul 09 - 06:20 PM
ard mhacha 04 Jul 09 - 12:25 PM
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Subject: blackbird of sweet avondale
From: Leslie Walters
Date: 21 May 97 - 11:18 AM

Need to find the lyrics to the above song. Trad Irish supposedly. About Charles Stewart Parnell

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From: Barry Finn
Date: 22 May 97 - 12:28 AM


           (D)           (Bm)          (D)        (Bm)
By The bright Bay of Dublin, while carelessly strolling
(D) (Bm) (F#m) (Bm)
I sat myself down by a clear crystal stream
(D) (Bm) (F#m) (Bm)
Reclined on the beach where the wild waves were rolling
(D) (Em) (A7) (D)
In sorrow condoling, I spied a fair maid.

Her robes changed to mourning, that once were so glorious
I stood in amazement to hear her sad tale
Her heartstrings brought forth in wild accents deploring
Saying where is my blackbird of sweet Avondale

To the fair Counties Meath, Kerry, Cork and Tipperary
The notes of his country, my blackbird wil sing
But woe to the hour we'll part light and airy
He flew from my arms in Dublin to Queens

Oh Erin, my country, awake from your slumber
And bring back my blackbird so true unto me
Let everyone know the strengh of his murmur
That Ireland, a nation, would long to be free

Now the birds in the forest, for me have no charm
Not even the voice of the sweet nightingale
Her notes are so charming, fills my heart with alarm
Since I lost my poor blackbird of sweet Avondale.

Charles Stuart Parnell was the blackbird from Avondale, Co. Wicklow, born 1846. Taken from "A Bonnie Bunch Of Roses", Dan Milner & Paul Kaplan, Songs Of England, Ireland & Scotland. ^^

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Subject: RE: blackbird of sweet avondale
From: Leslie Walters
Date: 22 May 97 - 09:23 AM

Thank you so much. Most of the time I gather lyrics from recordings, but there were a couple of phrases that I kept missing on the Silly Wizard "Glint of Silver" CD. It's a beautiful song, and since I saw Parnell's home and his monument in Dublin last summer, I've wanted to learn the song even more. Thanks again.

Leslie or

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Subject: RE: blackbird of sweet avondale
From: Martin Ryan
Date: 29 May 97 - 10:27 AM

Fine song. See also "Avondale" by Dominic Behan, in the DT.


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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 03 Jul 09 - 06:15 PM

Here's how it appears in Songs of Irish Rebellion by Georges-Denis Zimmermann (Hatboro, Pa.: Folklore Associates, Inc., 1967), page 277f:

Text: Broadside in the National Library of Ireland

1. By the sweet bay of Dublin whilst carelessly strolling
I sat myself down by a green myrtle shade.
Reclined on the beach as the wild waves were rolling,
In sorrow condoling I saw a fair maid.
Her robes changed to mourning that once shone so glorious.
I stood in amazement to hear her sad wail.
Her heart-strings burst out in wild accents uproarious:
"Oh, where is my Blackbird of sweet Avondale?

2. "In sweet County Meath, Wexford, Cork, and Tipperary,
The rights of old Erin my Blackbird did sing,
But woe to the hour when with heart light and airy,
When he from my arms to Dublin took wing.
The fowler way-laid him in hopes to ensnare him,
While I here in sorrow his absence bewail.
It grieves me to hear that the walls of Kilmainham
Surround the dear Blackbird of sweet Avondale.

3. "Oh, Erin, my country, awake from thy slumber
And bring back my Blackbird so dear unto me.
Let everyone see by the strength of your number
That you as a nation would wish to be free.
The cold prison dungeon is no habitation
For one to his country so loyal and true;
Then give him his freedom without hesitation.
Remember he fought hard for freedom and you.

4. The linnet and thrush may now warble in sadness.
It grieves me at eve for to hear their sad tone.
The thoughts of my Blackbird oft drive me to madness
To think that I here must sit pensive and lone.
The birds of the forest for me has no charms,
Not even the voice of the sweet nightingale.
Their notes when most sweet fill my heart with alarm
Since I lost my Blackbird of sweet Avondale.

5. Alas! Oh, my country, in sorrow I'll wander,
While sadly I make supplication to thee,
For absence they say makes the heart grow the fonder,
So that makes my Blackbird more dear unto me.
Oh, heaven! give ear to my supplication,
And strengthen the bold sons of old Granuaile.
God grant that my country will soon be a nation
And bring back my Blackbird to sweet Avondale.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Blackbird of Sweet Avondale
From: MartinRyan
Date: 03 Jul 09 - 06:20 PM

There's a brosadside copy in the Bodleian HERE


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Blackbird of Sweet Avondale
From: ard mhacha
Date: 04 Jul 09 - 12:25 PM

Nice recording here by the Wlfe Tones,

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