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Abram 2016

Harmonium Hero 21 Jun 16 - 06:48 PM
FreddyHeadey 22 Jun 16 - 06:44 AM
Harmonium Hero 22 Jun 16 - 09:47 AM
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Subject: Abram 2016
From: Harmonium Hero
Date: 21 Jun 16 - 06:48 PM

This year's Abram tour will take place this Saturday, 25th June. First dance will be at 11 a.m. on the Morris Dancers' Ground, which, as far as I know, is the only piece of land in England specifically dedicated to the local dance. If you want to see this dance done PROPERLY, then be there! I'll try and post the full tour details (about 24 dance spots) before the weekend. You may think you know the Abram dance, but if you aren't doing it like the Abram Morris Dancers, then you just ain't doing it right!
John Kelly.

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Subject: RE: Abram 2016
From: FreddyHeadey
Date: 22 Jun 16 - 06:44 AM

Here are some times and links John

"...We will do our best to keep to the times published below but since this is a new route for us
they are given as a guide and there may be slight variations on the day."

2016 approx times as planned.
11.00am. Morris Dancers Ground, Park Lane
11.15am. Maypole Crescent – Park/Play Area
11.30am. Junction of Ashwood Avenue and Park Lane
11.50am. Oak Avenue crossroads
12 noon. Ashwood Avenue
12.20pm. Simpkin Street - top end
1.45pm. Keats Avenue(/Way?)¾
2.00pm. Abram Park
2.10pm. Ansford Avenue
2.20pm. Corner of Lee Lane and Park View
2.30pm. Verda Street
2.45pm. Opposite Bickershaw Lane
3.00pm. Outside King Billy Public House
4.30pm. Willow Lodge
4.45pm. Vicarage. Road behind Community Centre
5.00pm. Windermere Road/Grasmere Terrace
5.15pm. Minstrel Close
5.30pm Egerton Street – top end
5.45pm. Kingsdown Road/Wright Street
6.00pm. Bucks Head Public House.


& see 

2016 map  (use browser - landscape, not googlemaps)

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Subject: RE: Abram 2016
From: Harmonium Hero
Date: 22 Jun 16 - 09:47 AM

Thanks for that Freddie - just saved me a job. For the uninitiated, the Abram dance is well known in the Morris Dance world, and many teams dance interpretations of it. We've seen a few versions, but never with a maypole, so they're not doing the Abram dance. It is, as far as I know, the only surviving English Maypole Dance. This differs from the familiar style with plaited ribbons, which was introduced from the continent in the late 19thC, when the English dance was thought to have died out. The Abram Morris Dancers will not be familiar to many of you, because we don't dance at festivals and dance weekends. We only do the tour of Abram and environs on the last Saturday in June, following an age-old tradition. None of us is getting any younger (not even me!), and if we don't get some younger men to take over, it's going to die out. So get along on Saturday if you can, and see it done properly, before it's too late!
Abram, as you can see from th map link above, is on the south east side of Wigan, close to the East Lancs Rd and M6.
John Kelly.

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