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Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jersey


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Lyr Req: Rolling Mills of New Jersey extra verses (21)

InOBU 13 Dec 99 - 11:04 AM
Jeri 13 Dec 99 - 11:06 AM
Jeri 13 Dec 99 - 11:07 AM
Jeri 13 Dec 99 - 11:10 AM
annamill 13 Dec 99 - 12:07 PM
Jeri 13 Dec 99 - 12:21 PM
Clifton53 13 Dec 99 - 12:25 PM
DonMeixner 13 Dec 99 - 12:49 PM
InOBU 13 Dec 99 - 03:23 PM
InOBU 13 Dec 99 - 03:26 PM
annamill 13 Dec 99 - 09:39 PM
Mark Cohen 13 Dec 99 - 11:00 PM
Joe Offer 14 Dec 99 - 03:15 AM
Jeri 14 Dec 99 - 09:18 AM
Charlie Baum 14 Dec 99 - 09:30 AM
Wolfgang 15 Dec 99 - 09:04 AM
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Subject: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jersey
From: InOBU
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 11:04 AM

Anyone know the words to this touching, and touched little ballad? I remember the chorus as
WHen I die bury me low
where I can hear the petrolium flow
through the pipes the pipes you know
that run through New Jersey
When the wind blows from the west, and I can smell my neighbors, I think on that song, as well as the health risks of living down wind of that lovely state, that gives New York, so much in the way of young highway deaths each year around this time. Having married a sweet young girl, from Hobokin, I need, at times to croon some praise to the state wherein lies the Meddowlands, perched atop the martyred remains of Jimmy Hoffa, and where Dixie extends so far up into other wise rational and thoughtful New England...
But serriously folks, In priase of that great land to the west...
anyone have the words?
Best wishes

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Jeri
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 11:06 AM

It's in the database at THE ROLLING MILLS OF NEW JERSEY

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Jeri
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 11:07 AM

(hee hee - a two-minute clicky...)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Jeri
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 11:10 AM

Boo-boo - there's no "green." As Roberts and Barrand sing it, it's "Da rollin' mills of New Joiiiisey."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: annamill
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 12:07 PM


Love, annap

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Jeri
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 12:21 PM

Not ta say dat New Joisey ain't a wunnafull place, wid nice things dere, like a ocean and rivers, beauteeful scenery, and dat nice annap. I just like da song, and like pickin' on youse.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Clifton53
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 12:25 PM

I got ya New Joisey right heah !!!!

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From: DonMeixner
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 12:49 PM

John and Tony swear this is the only song they sing with an accent.

When I die, bury me low,
Where I can hear the petroleum flow.
A sweeter sound I'll never know,
The rolling mills of New Jersey.

What's that smell, so rank and raucous?
Did somebody fart, or are we in Secaucus?
What's that aroma, that essence unknown?
Did you just blow lunch or are we in Bayonne?

In Trenton there is a bar
Where the bums come from near and from far.
They come by bus they come by car,
The lousy bums of New Jersey.

(Fill in these lines somebody, I'm unsure of them)
I wandered far from down town Bayonne,
So I sat down and I wrote this poem.
I wrote an ode (poem?) to New Jersey.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: InOBU
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 03:23 PM

I would thank you all in the language of that place, but, I am afraid it is not one of the forign languages I took in school and my wife speaks English, rather that Jersian. It is a lovely song, and I dont want folks to think I dont love the state. There are wonderful places, like the northern stretches of the Delaware, where one sees the old Jersey schooners, converted and still dredging oysters, or the farms which rival our own New York farms for quaint, BUT THEN AGAIN THERE IS ELIZABETH... Great seaport, however, I once told a friend in Ireland, you will know the refineries below Elizabeth by the smell of rotten eggs which you can smell for miles. About a year later, we were driving past the refineries, and she sat up in her seat and with great feeling said, This is the place you were describing in Ireland. Indeed.
Thanks for the wonderful words, and I will sing them with love and respect for our western neighbors

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: InOBU
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 03:26 PM

PS: Though she does speak english, when vexed with me, my Hobokian wife drops her Rs, knowing that it makes me crazy! Thanks again, and I will promice to learn Jersian as my next language.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: annamill
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 09:39 PM

My EX husband use to tell me (he's from Rho DIsland) that we must bury our dead along the NJ Turnpike. I didn't think it was funny, but as Art is fond of saying (paraphrasing) "Yes, but you'll tell it again". ;-)

Love, annap

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 13 Dec 99 - 11:00 PM

Now, now, I grew up going to Atlantic City every summer, (B.C. -- before casinos), and it doesn't usually smell that bad at all, hardly. I also went to college in New Jersey. Pop quiz: what is the (a) state flower, (b) state tree, (c) state bird, and (d) state motto? Answer: (a) beer can, (b) telephone pole, (c) mosquito, (d) "What's that smell?" True fact: there was a program on New Jersey Public Television called "A Lot Happens Between New York and Philadelphia." Which is almost as bad as a slogan that was once seriously proposed as an official slogan for my hometown: "Philadelphia Isn't As Bad As Philadelphians Say It Is!"


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Subject: Blue Clicky Record Beaten!!!!
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Dec 99 - 03:15 AM

Well, I happily announce that my three-minute record for a response with a blue-clicky has now been beaten. Up to this point, some have tied my record, but nobody beat me (that I know of). I shoulda known it would be Jeri who'd do it. She's one heckuva formidable woman.
-Joe Offer, retired former champion-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Jeri
Date: 14 Dec 99 - 09:18 AM

Joe, I almost got it under two minutes. It was luck, I happened to see the request pop right up, and the time it was sent was the same as the time on my clock. There are still envelopes to push, barriers to break, and records to set. I come no where near your record of number of people helped or quality of help.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Charlie Baum
Date: 14 Dec 99 - 09:30 AM

Unless of course, what we're after is "The Green Rolling Mills of West VIrginia" (tune by Bruce [U. Utah] Phillips)--a parody so new it hasn't been written yet, as far as I know.

("The Green Rolling Mills of West Virginia
Are the nearest thing to heaven I'll even know
They'll clamp me, and they'll stamp me
They'll keep me, and they'll never let me go.")

--Charlie Baum

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Green and Rolling Mills of New Jerse
From: Wolfgang
Date: 15 Dec 99 - 09:04 AM

Chapeau, Jeri, I would have loved to be the first to break that three minutes barrier (tied three times with Joe's record, but he was first; Alison tied too). Joe, you're still a champion with the fastest time (6 min) for posting lyrics (with line breaks!) to a request that have not yet been in the DT. However, there's one unbeatable Mudcat record, a 0 (zero) min. resonse time (no lyrics, no link) from Bert. And then there's the largest number of multiple postings, but I won't say by whom. Perhaps you'll see more of this in a 'BS: Mudcat records' thread in a while.


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