Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 18 Sep 22 - 10:56 PM Today one of the newest patients attempted suicide. The patient was taken by ambulance to the big hospital up the road. Every patient who comes here agrees to a code of behavior that includes, no harm to self or to others. A great many of the patients here sought admission precisely to turn around their suicidal ideation, I'm guessing this patient was one of them. You would think that a mental institution would be inured to this sort of thing, but in fact it is always a hard blow for us all. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 18 Sep 22 - 04:46 PM Good on you, keb. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 17 Sep 22 - 01:53 PM I've paid my dues Time after time I've done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I've made a few I've had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I've come through And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the minions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the minions We are the minions Its time for losers 'Cause we are the minions of the World I've taken my bows And my curtain calls I had five minutes of fame And everything that goes with it I lost it all and it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The human race We're all gonna lose And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the minions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the minions We are the minions All just for losers 'Cause we are the minions of the World We are the minions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the minions We are the minions We all are losers 'Cause we are the minions of the World We are the minions to the one tenth of one percent who are the multi billionaires dedicated to keep expanding their con, scam or crimes. You agreed to the fine print of miniondom with a click but probably never read the user agreement. Rights, freedoms and liberty are not obstacles to the ultimate rich anymore. Rights and freedoms will continue to disappear. Believe me they have improved the George Orwell outlook a million times over. This makes many people angry for the wrong reasons and is easily handled by inducing a fight between the minions and the other colored minions or the other religion minion fights. The red blames the blue and the blue blames the red but they both lose to the system made by the owners of the Banks. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 17 Sep 22 - 12:41 PM This past week was a mixed one. My mental health is resilient, more so than two years ago at the time of admission to the clinic [I'm still there]. Things roll off of me now, which back then would have set me back and overwhelmed me for a time. Physically I have had better weeks. For some reason, on Thursday the best description for me would have been, as Senoufou quotes the Scottish, "peely-wally." Rather than hibernate, I got through the day taking brief naps, walking from my residence to the dining hall and back, eating sparingly and selectively, drinking a lot of fluids. I had to ask at the medication closet for a pair of ibuprofen tablets, which helped the achy feeling, in my head amongst other places. Can't explain what came over me, but it was gone in twenty-four hours. Then came the debacle with the residence HVAC. The HVAC system is such that you can have either refrigerated air or heat, but not both -- you cannot change from one to the other with the touch of a switch or two. So here we were with refrigerated air from the length of the summer. Then Thursday night the temperature plunged, and when I got out of bed at 7 am on Friday morning, the temperature in my bedroom was down to 60 degrees F. Colder than I like it, I have to say. I was fortunate to have warm blankets on the bed; but then, I was most reluctant to get out from under the covers into the chill of the bedroom air. So I went to the powers-that-be at the clinic and said, I cannot endure another night like last night, cannot something be done! Well, maintenance came to the residence and did their maintenance thing. When they were done, there was heat aplenty in many parts of the residence, such as the large kitchen, with an abundance of hot air coming through the vents. But across the house, in my bedroom, nothing. No air moving at all, and no sign that any heat was going to visit the room anytime soon, and night coming on. So somebody scared up a space heater, the kind that is filled with oil and resembles a miniature old-fashioned radiator. This was brought to my bedroom and plugged in to the electric outlet, and thankfully, it solved the cold problem nicely for the moment. I did not have to go through another overly chilly night in the bedroom. In the meantime we don't know what is wrong with the heat in that section of the house, and more maintenance servicing and repair is probably in order. What a time for it to conk out, just as the seasons are changing. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Stilly River Sage Date: 13 Aug 22 - 02:34 PM We hold our breaths here during this extended heat wave - the conditions can cause streets to shift that result in water main breaks and if a fire gets started it will spread fast. Happening at the same time would be catastrophic. We're past the time of trying to keep some of the plants alive and are focused mostly on the larger more expensive shrubs and trees. The lawn is golden straw at this point (not that I treat it well, but I haven't managed to plant the area with something else yet.) Staying afloat now means staying the course until it cools and there is some rain and we can go outside and start cleaning up dead plants after the drought. Fixing parts of the house that show signs of drying or shifting from the heat (our foundations all need to be watered to keep the house in good stead). My foundation needs to be stabilized and this year has left a lot more cracks in the walls. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 13 Aug 22 - 02:12 PM Timing, while not everything, is a lot. I came out of my in-patient thing just in time for the lockdown. Oddly enough I was much happier alone knowing I *couldn't* visit or be visited. Made it not lonely. Then again, I had discovered keto by then. I just didn't trust it yet. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 11 Aug 22 - 07:58 PM We're having rain as this goes online. Hopefully no hailstorm. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 11 Aug 22 - 09:09 AM With regard to veblen good and the rest of that discussion, I will just remark that I checked in and was admitted to the clinic just in time for the COVID-19 state of emergency and the consequent lockdown. I have been an in-patient for the entire crisis with the coronavirus. SO I will always, in a metaphorical sense, be in the debt of this institution for caring for me and protecting me from dangerous isolation during the pandemic. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 05 Aug 22 - 07:33 PM Thunderstorms here are usually heralded by really hot temperatures here in Oz. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 05 Aug 22 - 06:05 PM So far, the housemate situation is going well at the smaller residence. I just enjoyed a Friday evening supper of fried perch, with steamed spinach. Have been feeling off my feed for a number of days, one of them with the sort of MILD back pain that ibuprofen can remedy. So it was nice to enjoy a small supper and to feel a bit better. We're supposed to have heavy thunderstorms tonight. Weird, because it's been a brilliant sunny day all day today. Hotter then Hades, though, so I suppose the thunderstorms are related to the heat. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 31 Jul 22 - 12:52 PM And also hoping for a good distribution of funds. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 31 Jul 22 - 10:02 AM Hoping for a good housemate |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 31 Jul 22 - 09:06 AM Finally, at our smaller residence, the patient whose move-in here was delayed while recovering from COVID-19 has moved in, this weekend. So the house is not as empty as before. In the past two weeks my attorney and I have been in contact and the campaign to get distributions of funds has resumed. What a hurry-to-wait, hurry-to-wait process this thing has become. I know it would be worse if I were actually going through the court, but still. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 19 Jul 22 - 07:23 PM The lug nut nut story is, a driver gets a flat tire at night outside the insane asylum. Trying to change the tire, steps in the hubcap and sends the lug nuts flying off into the bushes. Now mad, swearing, hears a voice from inside the fence which says, take one lug nut off each of the other wheels, that'll get you to the next station. When the driver seems surprised the voice says I'm in here because I'm crazy, not because I'm stupid. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Sandra in Sydney Date: 18 Jul 22 - 08:54 AM psychiatrists are people with the potential to have all the problems (other) people have! I had experience on a committee some years back with a very bossy over-talking, shouting member who also did stuff without consulting the rest of us. Said shouter was a psychiatrist & some of us wondered if their patients were treated like us! Several decades ago I had a psychiatrist friend who had a colleague who couldn't cope with tears(??) & prescribed anti-depressants on day one to all patients. sandra |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 18 Jul 22 - 07:06 AM whatsa lugs nut nut ?? |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 17 Jul 22 - 09:57 PM I am reminded of the lug nuts nut... |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 15 Jul 22 - 11:27 PM Well, today a public tantrum broke the calm. Not a patient, though. A psychiatrist who is a Fellow in psychiatry at the institute, as this is a teaching institution. He scared the shit out of me when he lost his temper during a meeting. I, be it noted, was in the hallway outside the conference room; the meeting /conference-room location is surrounded by consultants'/therapists' office, including my therapist, and I had my regular appointment for this particular day of the week. What's the difference, the old joke goes, between the patients and the staff? The patients get better, that's what ... |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 14 Jul 22 - 03:34 PM Dr. Trauma sez a regieme of MMDA would spring her from the compound and one treatment of psylocybin would provide permanent freedom. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 13 Jul 22 - 05:41 PM To be honest, keberoxu, I've ever seen a quokka IRL, even at a zoo. They live in Western Australia which is the one Oz state I haven't visited yet. What Is a Quokka? "When National Geographic deems an animal 'the happiest on earth', you take note. And sure enough, the smiling, teddy-bear sized marsupials known as quokkas get that name for good reason." I have seen rock wallabies in the wild in the Northern Territory, hanging about on a huge, reddish-coloured rocky face of a river gorge. They just hopped from rock to rock and then stopped and looked at us from across the gorge. I'd have to check exactly where that was but I think it was somewhere between Uluru aka Ayres Rock in NT and Alice Springs. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 13 Jul 22 - 04:47 PM Nobody (else) wants to gush over the cute little quokkas. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 22 - 04:44 PM Just in case anyone asks I'm not accusing keb of commiting a veblen good. I just pulled $2K out of the air as an average charge in many CA long term clinics. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 22 - 03:56 PM Up north when it got below 10 degrees we would say "Throw another dog on the bed". Sleeping in a dog heated closet also works in a pinch. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Stilly River Sage Date: 13 Jul 22 - 10:30 AM Staying afloat here this year means maintaining a livable temperature in the house while every day is over 100o. We've have a month at least of it so far and no end in sight. The summer of 2011 was like this with 72 days over 100o. A lot of people die in this kind of heat. People hunker down and come out after the sun sets and seek shady patios any other time. It's a time of year when if there is a traffic accident with a motorcycle or a bicyclist the victim could die of the heat of the roadbed. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 13 Jul 22 - 10:00 AM For two grande a day, you're not paying for the room, but for the ability to say "I can afford to blow two grande a day on a room at Hotel Extravaganza". The official term for this sort of thing, I understand, is Veblen good; another (mentioned iirc by Thorstein Veblen) is potlatch. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 22 - 08:25 AM In a Parisian 5 star hotel $2,000 will get you the extravagant decor but only a tiny single room. The finest suites are 5 figures a day. and up |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 22 - 08:08 AM Government grants to aid addiction services and mental health can actually benefit insurance companies and service providers alike to the tune of 11 billion dollars/yr in California alone. With that kind of money there is plenty to go around and give kick backs to various administrators. At $2,000 a day for two years one can imagine that keeping an income stream going might become a priority to the people who handle the money. Employees may have the best of skills, empathy and intent but following the money can POSSIBLY lead to a 'caring conspiracy'. I am not saying there is, I am thinking out loud how money that could pay for the finest hotel in Paris per day for 2 years could be bent for purposes that encourage administrators to push/wish for long stays. What makes us happy and how you spend money if you have it, is your own business and none of my concern. Sometimes "nothing is as it seems" doesn't matter. jus sayin... I'm just a retired hypnotist who saw how people can be led without knowing it or believe in a big preposterous lie. Life always has 2 choices. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 12 Jul 22 - 08:43 PM Regarding the 2,000 year old Sequoias; For, being green, there is great hope… — HENRY VI PART 2, ACT 3 SCENE 1 |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 12 Jul 22 - 05:45 PM Well thanks Donuel! Not!! A deep forboding of an impending cataclysmic event is all we need. The icing on the cake. LOL Even with all the natural disasters i.e. many years of drought, bushfires, repeated floods, and then COVID over the past couple of years, here in Australia we seem able to be cautiously optimistic because we no longer have a climate-change-denier in charge of the country. I don't want to drag this thread down with a full political discussion, but finally we may be looking forward to a more proactive approach to what this country needs to do for the future. A glimmer of hope. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 12 Jul 22 - 04:49 PM Bon courage, keb. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 12 Jul 22 - 03:20 PM Yesterday, a prospective new housemate visited our program meeting. THis is of course a fellow patient at the clinic, and someone who has been in treatment longer than I have, and I've been here over two years. Well-known and respected within the patient community, as this person has struggled and overcome many obstacles and issues, and has been a force for goodwill and kindness. And we have two empty rooms, and on the weekends in this house, people go away and the whole place feels like a ghost town. Which is what I said to the prospective housemate when I blurted out during the program meeting: "PLEASE MOVE HERE." How everybody else laughed and laughed . . . |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Donuel Date: 11 Jul 22 - 08:33 PM Helen, whomever you ask I bet they will express a deep forboding as if a catclysmic event is expected. Even the news that the great sequoia forest is under the threat of an impending wildfire seems incidental. We missed an asteroid collision by 2 million miles this weekend. Whatever is coming feels big even if the incremental change is small like the one more gram that achieves critical mass. On the bright side 'these are the good ol days'. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 10 Jul 22 - 07:21 PM Hubby & I drove 3.5 hours up the coast a couple of weeks ago to see his Mother in a retirement village, although now she is in the nursing home section. We could only visit her for an hour. I haven't seen her since COVID began because there was a limit of one visitor and she was a lot more "with it" the last time I saw her. She was also walking around using her walking frame last time. This time she was immobilised in a large movable chair which the nurses operated. So a total of seven hours driving there and back and an overnight stay at a hotel and she doesn't even remember that we were there. She has now been diagnosed with COVID but she would be up to date on her vaccinations so hopefully it won't be a severe case. It makes me want to ask, "why is the news so wearying right now?" |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 10 Jul 22 - 05:15 PM In continuing developments at my small residence at the clinic: remember the housemate with full-blown COVID-19? She was approved to move off-campus, to an apartment two towns over, once she was clearly testing negative for the coronavirus. So her room has been deep-cleaned and sanitized, and stands empty. There is nobody on the waiting list at this point. Although, one patient still at the big main residence had expressed an interest in moving to this smaller residence. Unfortunately SHE came down with full-blown COVID-19 and had to isolate in her room where there is nursing to take care of her. She's out of isolation now. Obviously this delayed everything for her, I don't know what she will do next. I'm hanging in there. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 10 Jul 22 - 01:16 AM oooh, that one link had quokkas on the page. How can anybody resist a quokka? |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 09 Jul 22 - 11:37 PM Drop Bear Drop Bear |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 08 Jul 22 - 06:28 PM No, the ones you really need to worry about are the drop bears. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 08 Jul 22 - 06:08 PM Ah, Helen, but the rumo[u]rs about BUNYIPS have made it into literature. Update from my 6 June post. The new medical receptionist, who threw one of my housemates into an utter tailspin, has resigned. Here's hoping the next one has better manners and expertise and all. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 08 Jul 22 - 01:27 AM I'm glad you have found some equilibrium, a sense of balance. Bears? And people say Australia is dangerous!! LOL At least our dangerous species are little. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 08 Jul 22 - 12:53 AM About the program manager, I'm a little sheepish and embarrassed here. See, I have always got on well enough, one on one, with the program manager. I could not help but notice, is all, how differently the entire household behaves together during the program manager's absence. I don't know what will come of the nurse reporting to the supervisor. In the meantime, the program manager is back, and I had my individual check-in with the person. They know they are challenging in some ways -- some self-awareness there -- and they suggest that all of us speak openly about it. Some of my housemates don't want to go there. Since I am actually sort of entertained by the program manager personally, I can tolerate a fair amount of the idiosyncracies. And probably will go on doing so. Honestly, I can do without the negotiating in this case. THe other thing is that it helped me so much more, to speak with someone like the wonderful nurse I spoke with; I felt ever so much better afterwards, and found that by the time I saw the program manager again, I had processed enough emotion that I wasn't upset any more. I guess I sound like a real wuss. My distress was real at the time. What I believe I ought to do, is stay in the present moment, not forget the past to be sure, but stay focused in the present. Change of subject: tonight I walked my bedroom trash, safely bagged, outside the house to the garbage cans, to put the trash out. It was nice and quiet out there as it ought to be. It's just that I could not avoid noticing how the garbage can lid had been gnawed on, and around the edges had been gnawed through, by teeth ... really BIG teeth. And I was reminded of the bears that raid dumpsters and garbage cans around here. There's something about seeing a chewed-on garbage can lid that brings it right home to you. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Helen Date: 03 Jul 22 - 08:39 PM keberoxu, I'm a firm believer in calling out bad behaviour. We can keep quiet about it, endure it, and hope we make it through unscathed to the other end or we can be proactive and tell someone we trust and hopefully find a workable solution. Stand by what you think is appropriate, and by that I mean, don't get pushed past the limit you are prepared to go in solving the problem but, as I said to a couple of ex-colleagues who were standing their ground against a workplace bully, "keep your eye on the prize" and don't lose sight of the goal to be achieved. For that to work, you need to be sure of what that goal is for you. If, for example, it is a better and safer residential environment for you, then keep that goal in mind while others around you are trying to work on the issues. You need to be comfortable with the outcome and be alert to the possibility of being railroaded into something you could regret afterwards. I suppose I'm referring to setting boundaries, with the person you are not happy with and also with anyone who wants to take up the cause for and/or with you. (Sorry, I was a Union representative for most of my working life. I'm used to standing up for people and especially helping others to stand up for themselves and achieving the desired outcomes, hopefully win-win outcomes for everyone, as far as possible.) |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 03 Jul 22 - 08:17 PM If that were not enough: the program manager for the small select on-campus residence to which I have 'stepped down' my treatment plan, has caused so much distress in the household that I went to the nurses' station for emergency services one day, just to pour my heart out to somebody whom I trusted. And when I had got it all off my chest, the nurse said that what I had disclosed is so important that she has to speak to her supervisor. I've done it now! |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 01 Jul 22 - 03:52 PM How dare they retire when we need them! |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 25 Jun 22 - 09:20 PM Well I was unhappy about the development from the previous post, with my attorney sending me notice of her imminent retirement. Today I am calmer about the whole thing. In fact, I think the soundest thing for me to do in response is to look at this turn of events as an opportunity instead of a setback. Then again, it might be down to the change in my prescription meds . . . |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 21 Jun 22 - 08:06 PM Today was a day of deep depression. Did I tell you that my attorney is retiring in less than fourteen days? Well, she is. The retirement letter was e-mailed to me by her office today, same as to all of her outgoing clients. I hope I get out of this half-alive. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 20 Jun 22 - 10:55 AM Indeed. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 15 Jun 22 - 09:26 PM Our housemate went for another COVID-19 test today . . . they were talking about how it's been thirty days since ...? I sort of lost it there. There's the possibility that although she is much healthier now, this particular test may still come out positive because this test is sensitive to that virus at really minute levels. I'm an ignoramus, I'm sorry -- people who know what they are talking about know what this means, and I'm still in the dark. Here at the clinic, members of the staff, worryingly, continue to come down with COVID-19 and have to stop working and isolate and get treated and all. The patients are doing better at staying clear at the moment. And this particular county, where the infection rate had shot up with the beginning of warmer weather, has now stabilized and no longer is colored red on that online map. Last evening in my e-mails I received an update from my attorney. I need to ask for a distribution of funds, and the trustee is responding to my attorney's demands and requests ... very strangely indeed. My attorney is frustrated, I'm disgusted, I don't know what to make of the trust company. We wanted specific facts and figures. So the trust company electronically DUMPED accounting statements that amount, my attorney says, to thousands of pages. As though to say, You do the arithmetic yourselves if you want to know. I'm trying not to respond with the first impulse that comes to mind. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 14 Jun 22 - 05:36 PM Um, it is worse. Ask if you want details. |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: Mrrzy Date: 10 Jun 22 - 05:13 PM He recovered and is currently a 4th in one of my weekly mah jongg games! There was also an assault, apparently, with the arrest. I am hoping this gets him into a hospital... |
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't From: keberoxu Date: 09 Jun 22 - 08:40 PM Mrrzy, this is old news, but I'll ask anyhow: what became of the young man who used to be your son's housemate? |