Subject: Vin Garbutt From: GUEST,Morris-ey Date: 06 Jun 17 - 06:51 AM Just heard that Vin has finally succumbed to his illness. Damn shame. |
Subject: Vin Garbutt - news From: Mr Red Date: 06 Jun 17 - 06:51 AM I have just had an e-mail that read: We have just had the following, very sad, email from our friend Paddy McEvoy:- So, so sorry to report that my/our dear friend Vin passed away during the night. There were post-op complications at the weekend and he died in hospital. '.............I'm singing this song with a tear in my eye..........' RIP Paddy Vin was a A lovely man and such a rare talent for music, song writing and the ability to make people laugh. "He's gone , he's gone and we'll never, on merry nights see him again" ……………. Sad news indeed |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt From: Dave Hanson Date: 06 Jun 17 - 07:13 AM RIP Vin, always great fun to see and listen to, he'll be very much missed. Dave H |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt From: Herga Kitty Date: 06 Jun 17 - 07:45 AM Oh now, so sorry to hear this - another great performer, writer and all-round good person gone.... all condolences to Pat and the family. Kitty xx |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt From: Dave the Gnome Date: 06 Jun 17 - 07:50 AM From his Facebook page - It's with great sadness and extremely heavy hearts that we must inform you that our beloved Vin passed away this morning. He loved the life he shared with you all, and we know how much he'll be missed. Although we won't be able to see him again, we're grateful that we will be able to listen to him for the rest of our lives. All the very best, Pat, Emma, Tim, Katie & Louis Very sad indeed. Condolences to all who knew and loved him. DtG |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt - news From: Teribus Date: 06 Jun 17 - 08:05 AM Very sad news indeed, he was a lovely unassuming man who was great company. He will be sorely missed by all. Sincere condolences to Pat and his family |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt From: Dave Sutherland Date: 06 Jun 17 - 09:33 AM Just heard a few minutes ago and still in shock. A good friend and a great performer who will be so sadly missed. RIP Vin Dave and Penny Sutherland |
Subject: RE: Vin Garbutt From: GUEST,dunelmian Date: 06 Jun 17 - 09:37 AM I share the thoughts of earlier contributors. Vin was a good man who never forgot his roots and early life with the Fettlers. He will be a great miss to his family and of course to the folk scene. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt From: Elmore Date: 06 Jun 17 - 10:38 AM Only saw Vin perform a few times here in the States. I never forgot him, and never will. Condolences to his family and friends. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Steve Gardham Date: 06 Jun 17 - 10:42 AM The loss will be felt throughout the folk world. Condolences to all close friends and family. He was a great star, but at the same time very much one of the people. No airs and graces. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,John James Date: 06 Jun 17 - 10:45 AM Just a few months ago, Gordon Giltrap sent me a photo of Vin and himself at Roger Bucknall's do. This was to celebrate Fylde Guitars. We all were amongst the first pro's to play Fylde Instruments in early 1970's. Vin played a Caliban, I think, with a cutaway. Vin's contribution to the UK folk scene (and overseas) was huge. Many close friends of his will be very shocked and saddened at his passing. His family will be in all our thoughts. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Raggytash Date: 06 Jun 17 - 11:05 AM My sincere condolences to Pat and family, like everyone here I hold very dear memories of not only a consumate performer but a lovely man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,padgett Date: 06 Jun 17 - 11:31 AM So sorry to hear ~ condolences to all ~ one in a million ~ gone to join his mate Betsy ~ Saltburn ff will never be the same ~ end of an era Ray |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Colin Randall Date: 06 Jun 17 - 11:45 AM Here's something I wrote a little hastily after hearing of the death of a man I considered a great performer, a brilliant wit and a much appreciated if long-distance friend... The onward links are clickable at the site ... Vin Garbutt RIP: if the river Tees could sing, he was its voice As we grow older, news of contemporaries dying becomes depressingly routine. Some deaths hit harder than most, however, and it is with immense sadness that I record the passing of a man I regard as probably the best solo performer on the British folk circuit, Vin Garbutt. Vin was a charming, funny, self-deprecating man but also a quite wonderful artist who could draw an audience into the palm of his hand with that roaring voice, exemplary stage presence and down-to-earth wit. A Boro lad through and through (despite his across-the-divide Orange and Green Irish parentage), he'd worked at ICI. The voice, it always seemed to me, could have come from nowhere else and I once wrote that if the river Tees could sing, it would sound like him. His home town's Evening Gazette reported his death, a few weeks after major heart surgery, with these words: A post on Facebook read: 'It's with great sadness and extremely heavy hearts that we must inform you that our beloved Vin passed away this morning. 'He loved the life he shared with you all, and we know how much he'll be missed. 'Although we won't be able to see him again, we're grateful that we will be able to listen to him for the rest of our lives. 'All the very best, Pat, Emma, Tim, Katie & Louis.' From earliest recollection, he would charge a fiver or so, including petrol and refreshments, to drive over from Teesside to folk clubs I helped to run in Bishop Auckland and Darlington. Even with the passage of time, that can be seen as selling himself short. I saw him sing to my own folk club faithful (and at other clubs), to a bunch of night club revellers including off-duty cops and to a hugely appreciative crowd in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, where I overheard a bloke in the toilet marvelling at the power of his vocals. Vin outraged the mostly southern English folk police by not only opposing abortion but writing songs embracing his strongly held belief. I wrote at length about the deep suspicion that he was excluded from the Cambridge Folk Festival programme for this reason. I disagreed with his point of view but never thought for a second that he should be forbidden from, or punished for, expressing it. The only time we fell out, and then only mildly, was when I described his outlook in a Daily Telegraph review as "self-opinionated". He was right to challenge the usage, since it excludes the validity of alternative opinions, and I told him so. It was a misuse of a word, when "opinionated" was the appropriate term. In classic Vin fashion, he accepted my apology. Vin's humour remained with him even as he approached serious heart surgery earlier this year, as the Evening Gazette reported. On the planned removal of his mitral valve and the insertion of a mechanical replacement, he said: "I could have had a pig's valve but that would have left the donor disgruntled so I rejected it." My abiding memory of Vin will not be the abortion row, the lusty voice, the jaunty tin whistle or even the superb banter he maintained with audiences. It will be of the sight of a supremely gifted singer sipping his pint of Guinness between songs and tunes, raising his glass to the audience and saying, simply: "Cheers." Cheers, Vin, for your wonderful music and long-distance friendship. And heartfelt condolences to Pam and the rest of the family. And the next time I order a Guinness - albeit from an export bottle since I am now in France - I shall raise it in your honour. Further reading: * Treasures rediscovered; Vin Garbutt and The Valley of Tees * Vin Garbutt and Cambridge: what's the real story? * Evening Gazette: reaction and tributes * And thanks to Bill Taylor for digging this one out of YouTube ... |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Nick Dow Date: 06 Jun 17 - 12:31 PM Terrible news, God rest you Vin. We will miss you. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: RTim Date: 06 Jun 17 - 12:35 PM Very Sad news - a lovely man and a great performer.........RIP. Tim Radford |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Brian Peters Date: 06 Jun 17 - 12:37 PM What a huge loss to the folk world. And such a nice, unpretentious, generous man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST, topsie Date: 06 Jun 17 - 12:44 PM He would have me in tears of laughter or just in tears. I am feeling very sad today. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST Date: 06 Jun 17 - 01:09 PM A Great Man |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,henryp Date: 06 Jun 17 - 01:13 PM A great loss. He leaves a great legacy. My condolences to his family and friends. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: alex s Date: 06 Jun 17 - 01:39 PM RIP bonny lad |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: JHW Date: 06 Jun 17 - 03:13 PM So sorry to hear - makes you want to believe - I can so easily picture Bettsy welcoming him up |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: StephenH Date: 06 Jun 17 - 03:36 PM I only ever had the pleasure of hearing Vin live one time - at the Redcar Folk Festival in, I think, 1977. Never forgotten what a great performer he was. Condolences to his family and friends. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Dave Howdon Date: 06 Jun 17 - 03:42 PM Goodbye mate thanks for the memories |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Derek Schofield Date: 06 Jun 17 - 03:53 PM I remember Vin at the Sidmouth Festival in 1971 or 1972, doing floor spots with Valley of Tees and the William Tell Overture on whistle, and receiving bookings up and down the country. A great loss - a generous, friendly man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler Date: 06 Jun 17 - 04:27 PM So sad to hear this. When I first wandered into a folk club at the University of Bradford in the 1970s it was to be confronted with Swan Arcade. I returned the next time and the guest was Vin. It was a truly life altering confrontation to someone who had no idea about the folk world to experience such inspiring performers. Robin Madge |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,weerover Date: 06 Jun 17 - 04:49 PM Wonderful singer and tin whistle player that I only know from many recordings. Soon there'll be nobody left that I can be bothered listening too. RIP old son. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Helen Date: 06 Jun 17 - 04:50 PM I also only ever had the pleasure of hearing Vin live one time - at a pub in Newcastle NSW Australia in about 1980. It was an unforgettable experience. I can still now, in my mind's eye and ear, put myself back into that dark little pub room, with the small spotlight on Vin standing at one end of the room and the whole roomful of people going from tears of sadness, tears of joy and uncontrollable tears of laughter as he progressed through his repertoire. And his tin whistle playing was a joy to hear. What a performer, what a great human being! My condolences to his family and friends, Helen |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,weerover Date: 06 Jun 17 - 04:52 PM ...and unforgvable from a teacher of English to get "too" confused with "to": I blame the BenRiach 20-year-old single malt. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST Date: 06 Jun 17 - 05:50 PM Although I had seen Vin many times and admired him, my fondest recollection of him was at a funeral off a mutual friend when he was in the pew behind me and singing with passion I shed many tears then as I have today listening to his life's work. RIP Vin a great man |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: The Sandman Date: 06 Jun 17 - 06:02 PM RIP, a sad day. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Frug Date: 06 Jun 17 - 06:03 PM Sadly missed Vin. You were indeed a caution. Met with you numerous times on your trips through the midlands. An outrageous dinner in London at a turkish restaurant with a few others after an appearance on capitol radio ..... was Martin Simpson there too? You were a funny and talented man and whilst we could disagree on a number of things you were always a fabulous human being. Frank |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Steve Shaw Date: 06 Jun 17 - 07:30 PM He was a great friend of the Tree Inn folk club in Stratton, Bude, and we were fortunate to see him there a number of times and generally roll on the floor laughing every time. His anti-abortion song (I only ever remember the one) didn't sit that well with his rollicking humour and amazing ability to hold the audience in the palm of his hand, but, well, he wanted to sing it, he sang it and he swiftly moved on. That'll do me. His whistle-playing was imbued with just as much humour as his banter, but was idiosyncratically-brilliant, a classic case of art concealing art. He was grand! |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Tattie Bogle Date: 06 Jun 17 - 07:45 PM Yes, sad news indeed! I saw him live several times over the years, but the performance that really sticks in my memory is when he played at Selkirk for the last ever "Both Sides the Tweed Festival" (ca 2005 0r 2006?) He was then only recently out of hospital after various medical calamities, and a near-death experience, but his description of events had me convulsing with laughter. RIP Vin! |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Steve Shaw Date: 06 Jun 17 - 08:33 PM I remember him playing with a heavy cold (he milked it to death with a fake bout of coming-the-old-soldier). He warned the people in the front row that he was going to be playing the greens.... Another time he broke a guitar string. He entrusted the repair to our mate Ian, who he'd known for years. In the meantime he played the whistle and bantered. When he got the guitar back from Ian he gazed down at it ruefully, saying "Tsk. Typical Ian. He's put the thickest string in the middle..." |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Dave the Gnome Date: 07 Jun 17 - 03:16 AM I was privileged to see him a number of times including the (in)famous concert at Fylde when a bunch of people staged a walk out in protest at some of his songs. My most enduring memories have always been his passion about everything he did and his humour. How he could switch from the tragic to the hilarious was, as some have said, a wonderful thing. Last time I saw him was about 3 years ago I think at the Village Hall in Lothersdale village, a tiny place close to us. I can't remember half of it but I know I went home with my eyes stinging with tears of both types. Played the album I bought there last night and it evoked the same reaction. DtG |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,David Nuttall, Wakefield Date: 07 Jun 17 - 04:44 AM I was greatly saddened to hear of Vin's passing and I offer my sincere condolences to his family and so many friends. He was a wonderful singer , whistle player and story - teller with a great sense of fun, sincerity , warmth and humour. He was a very special man who was so very kind and talented and he will be missed by so many. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Johnny J Date: 07 Jun 17 - 04:49 AM Sad news. One of the nicest guys you could meet in the business. He even bought me a pint once. ;-) His banter between songs was legendary but there was always a very serious side to his performance too. Great, well crafted songs, even the more controversial ones. Sadly, we'll not see his likes again but he'll never be forgotten. Condolences to Pat, family, and all his many friends. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Georgiansilver Date: 07 Jun 17 - 05:40 AM RIP VG. Your memory will live on in many minds and hearts. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Rob Naylor Date: 07 Jun 17 - 06:22 AM RIP Vin....not seen him live for years, but a couple of performances he did in Leicester when I was at uni there have remained with me always as being amongst the most entertaining live gigs I've ever attended. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Jean(eanjay) Date: 07 Jun 17 - 06:52 AM Vin looked fragile when I saw him at Helmsley Arts Centre earlier this year but he was still absolutely amazing. I suppose many people like myself thought the operation would be successful and that we would have many more years enjoying his music—such sad news and a huge loss. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 07 Jun 17 - 07:12 AM Sad news. It's coming for all of us, but I'd hoped he'd be with us for many years yet, and I'd hoped I'd get to hear him and meet him a few more times, and that he'd still be here after I've gone. No one else has a voice like that, or the way with words or with an audience. And I can't think of anyone with the courage to challenge the assumptions of his audience as honestly and directly. And he paid a big price for that with his career. His introductions were amazing. He'd have us in paroxysms of laughter for minutes, and somehow it didn't really matter if half of us couldn't make out what he was talking about. And then he'd break our hearts with a song that cut to the quick. I'm off to listen again to him. I see Spotify has a good set of albums, so I don't need to hunt down the ones I've lent. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: melodeonboy Date: 07 Jun 17 - 07:22 AM An exceptional performer and a lovely man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 07 Jun 17 - 08:05 AM Here's a song of his that fits, not one of the best known. From a performance at Harrogate Social Club back in 1996 that someone recorded and put in YouTube. I hope that lots of slips of his less known songs will turn up now. There must be many people who recorded him on the sly. One thing with Vin is that he put as much into singing in a little club room with a handful of people as he did in a big auditorreum. Who needs a Nobel prize? |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: billybob Date: 07 Jun 17 - 08:10 AM Lost count of the times I have seen Vin, from the 1970's at Farningham Couch House Club in Kent, Headcorn where he came as a guest artist many times, later at Kitty's club in Thorpe le Soken, The Walton on Naze Festival and last year at the Electric Palace in Harwich. Vin was always the perfect guest for a club or festival organiser,a wonderful performer, a brilliant weaver of stories, he could introduce a song with side splitting stories and then reduce you to tears with a heart breaking song.Then after a performance was happy to share stories well into the wee hours.There is no one like him, the world is a sadder place today but we should rejoice that we have wonderful memories and recordings to treasure. Sending all my love to Pat and her family xxxx Wendy |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Hrothgar Date: 07 Jun 17 - 08:48 AM Had him in concert here in Brisbane in 1982. Magnificent concert, and a pleasure to meet such a lovely man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Ray Date: 07 Jun 17 - 10:04 AM A sad loss indeed. I haven't seen Vin since the early 80s but well remember the night we asked him to present the proceeds of a charity raffle to a lady from the local Riding for the Disabled group. "How much have you made?" He asked. I think it was around £150. "Make it up to £200 and knock it off my fee" he said. When he turned up on stage, he had pinched an ice bucket from the bar and proceeded to pass it round the audience harangueing them with the words "We don't want coins, just notes!" We more than doubled the donation just because of Vin. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GMGough Date: 07 Jun 17 - 03:58 PM with reference to the post by Frug, Vin played on "Richard Digance & Friends" on 13 Nov 1982, 8th Feb 1981, a Sunday in November 1981, 4th Feb 1980, 6th July 1980, and it is the July 1980 show that he shared with Martin Simpson. Lovely performances indeed. There may have been other broadcasts at Capital Radio of course. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 08 Jun 17 - 05:25 AM Vin was in my top ten favourite artists across all the music genres. What a guy! And, I believe he was one of the great singers. He sounded totally natural unlike, for example, Martin Carthy and Nic Jones who seem to have methodically created their singing style. Vic could have been a big star. He had everything to make him an iconic performer ( think Billy Connolly, but much more talented). Indeed, to those who loved him, and his music, he is/was an amazing talent. God, I'll miss him. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Steve Shaw Date: 08 Jun 17 - 09:20 AM Not sure how appropriate it is to compare Vin and Billy that way. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 08 Jun 17 - 10:18 AM Really! Both known for observational humour. Both perform folk music, It's just that Vin was so much more talented but Parkinson didn't "discover" him. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Morris-ey Date: 08 Jun 17 - 11:37 AM Carthy and Jones "methodically created their singing style". What evidence of that do you have? I would not like this thread to be diverted from Vin. I do not, and I am sure that Vin did not, judge himself against the success of others. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 08 Jun 17 - 12:54 PM Re Jones and Carthy...just use your ears! And, I am angry that Connolly is a household name while Vin's passing hardly gets a mention in the mainstream media, |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,gozzer without his cookie Date: 08 Jun 17 - 12:59 PM I agree with Morris-ey, Vin should be judged, as I feel certain he would have judged himself, on what he achieved. His humour and his songs both made people think, but not in a "in your face" sort of way. Instead, you left his gigs comfortably pondering on subtle points he had made through his clever observations and the poigniancy of his songs. You left his gig feeling warm in his warmth, yet more aware of injustices within the world. His personable style was a powerful way to get his messages over and I also feel that some of that has rubbed off on others from a newer generation, such as Sean Cooney of The Young 'Uns who often takes on similar subject matter. RIP Vin. We will remember you with the same warmth and remember what you were saying. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Steve Shaw Date: 08 Jun 17 - 09:13 PM I loved Vin and I love Billy. This polarisation is bloody stupid. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Pat Cooksey. Date: 09 Jun 17 - 03:35 PM A friend since Redcar 1973, great talent in writing, singing, and superb live, many of my friends who are not musicians but knew Vin over the years are saddened at his passing, a true one off. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Murray MacLeod Date: 09 Jun 17 - 04:12 PM Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: McGrath of Harlow - PM Date: 07 Jun 17 - 07:12 AM His introductions were amazing. He'd have us in paroxysms of laughter for minutes, and somehow it didn't really matter if half of us couldn't make out what he was talking about. And then he'd break our hearts with a song that cut to the quick. You got that right, Kevin. I still remember , with a chuckle, the last time we had Vin at the Edinburgh Folk Club. We had an amazing young fiddle/guitar duo to kick off the night, and they were great ... sensational playing ... reels played at the speed of light . So Vin comes on and says ..."Well I have a slight problem ...I was going to do all these tunes myself. " The audience erupted ... |
Subject: Obit: Vin Garbutt - funeral and a poem From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 12 Jun 17 - 08:30 PM From the Middlesbourough Gazette Website - Friends and admirers of folk music legend Vin Garbutt will be welcomed "with open arms" to his funeral. Vin's family has announced his funeral will be at Middlesbrough Cathedral, Coulby Newham , on Friday at noon - and anyone whose life has been touched by Vin "either through his music, his friendship or his family" is invited. And from Facebook "All of you who wish to pay your respects are welcome to join us at the cathedral on Friday. We would like to celebrate his life the way he lived it, with open arms. "Following the service Vin will be laid to rest at Eston Cemetery , then a wake to celebrate his life. The message for those attending the private wake is: "Bring your instruments and your voices!!" And here is a poem about Vin written by a Friend, Keith Hancock - "The hardest obituary I have ever had to write" Vin Garbutt - Colossus with a heart of gold I've penned a few one-liners, I wrote a few good songs, I've met a few good people and some that did me wrong But once-a-while there comes a smile that holds you in its grasp, That shakes you to your boots and forces you to ask If you are lucky, once in life, you'll meet this kind of man The type of guy that made me ask exactly who I am I met that man so long ago, when we were young and daft We laughed and laughed oh how we laughed, we laughed and laughed and laughed Some beliefs were miles apart and yet we never fought Just recognised our differences in answers that we sought But values bound and stayed with us; will be forgotten never Like family and love of life and songs we'll sing forever That voice, those words, that cutting wit, the messages prevail The fun, absurd, the joy of it, the devil in the detail The stumblings and the mumblings, as big as any song, Even tuning his guitar would pull the audience along So generous of spirit, an open hearted guy and when I met his family I instantly knew why He shared his house his home his food, his everything, his kin but before I stayed the night I had to put the windows in * Farewell my friend I'm broken now, but heal I must, and will Forget you, Vin I never could, and though your heart lies still It beats within the ones you've touched, and they are not a few But thousands all around the world; they're better because of you. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Mick Tems (lacking cookies) Date: 13 Jun 17 - 07:59 AM I just heard the sad news and I am shattered. Vin was a beacon of brilliant artistry; throughout all these years, he fired my imagination and inspired me. I booked Vin at Llantrisant Folk Club on a number of occasions; the last time Olly and I saw him was at the Tredegar House Folk Festival Sunday afternoon concert last year, when he greeted us like old friends. He had a special view on the quality of life, and his philosophy rubbed off on everyone. Sincere condolences to Pat and his family, who have organised Vin's funeral in Middlesbrough Cathedral on Friday at 2pm - let's hope it's a full house for Vin's final gig... |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Mick Tems (lacking cookies) Date: 13 Jun 17 - 09:42 AM So sorry - it's 12pm, NOT 2pm. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Peter Laban Date: 13 Jun 17 - 12:50 PM Obituary in the Guardian |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,henryp Date: 14 Jun 17 - 05:46 AM Independent Obit Vin claimed to be very popular in Borneo, where he was apparently known as the Wild Man of Middlesbrough. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,Guest Date: 16 Jun 17 - 06:04 PM A magnificent send off. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 17 Jun 17 - 05:50 PM Here are some pictures of the funeral |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler Date: 18 Jun 17 - 03:35 AM Vin was featured on the BBC radio4 program "Last word", about 21 minutes in, with Mike Harding providing the obit. Robin |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: JHW Date: 18 Jun 17 - 04:38 AM While the taking of communion was in progress the organist played the melody of Valley of Tees. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 18 Jun 17 - 08:29 AM A lovely tune, for a lovely song - by a lovely man. Here's a youtube of Vin singing a goodbye song, beautifully. We may or might never all meet here again. And he tags a chorus on at the end from another song. Amazing man. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,CJB - trib. prog. Date: 19 Jun 17 - 07:24 AM BBC trib. programme tonight Starts at 21:30 |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Capo da Monty Date: 19 Jun 17 - 09:12 AM Could you confirm which channel /radio station please? CdM |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,addison10 Date: 20 Jun 17 - 06:51 AM The Guardian obituary is in the print edition of the paper today, Tuesday. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: JHW Date: 20 Jun 17 - 07:00 AM Will buy a Grauniad. RIP Vin was on R4 'Last Word' but didn't do him justice. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: Waddon Pete Date: 20 Jun 17 - 03:56 PM I am sorry to be so late coming to this thread. I cannot add to the compliments expressed above. Suffice it to say that he was a legend. I have added his name to the "In Memoriam" thread. Rest in peace Vin. Peter |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,A wandering minstrel Date: 20 Jun 17 - 04:21 PM Haven't been here in an age but just read Vin,s obit in the Guardian. Very sad to hear of the passing of this fine singer and master whistler. I'm raising a glass and wishing him as he so often did his audience "All the best!" |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (20 Nov 1947 – 6 Jun 2017) From: GUEST,CJB - Folkweave Date: 21 Jun 17 - 05:11 AM Here's a session with Vin Garbutt hosted by Toni Arthur ... Folkweave_1976_-_Disc_4_-_Vin_Garbutt |
Subject: ADD: TROUBLES OF ERIN - Vin Garbutt From: Joe Offer Date: 14 Mar 21 - 06:11 PM This song needs a home.
Thread #18819 Message #3319293
Surprised that one of my favourite songs isn't here - Troubles of Erin by Vin Garbutt |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (1947-2017) From: JHW Date: 16 Mar 21 - 03:46 PM Lovely song and Vin's voice easy to imagine singing it again. |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (1947-2017) From: Tony Rees Date: 18 Jan 25 - 12:46 PM Readers of this thread might be interested to know that, with Pat Garbutt's permission, I have just put up on Youtube a 2-hour show that Vin did in Tasmania in 1994, previously unseen and destined to stay that way otherwise... see Vin Garbutt Tasmania 1994. A good reminder of Vin's many talents. - Tony |
Subject: RE: Obit: Vin Garbutt (1947-2017) From: Long Firm Freddie Date: 18 Jan 25 - 01:35 PM Fabulous; thanks so much, Tony (and Pat). LFF |
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