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Little Martin Guitar

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The Maverick 24 Sep 17 - 04:31 PM
Backwoodsman 24 Sep 17 - 04:46 PM
Merritt 24 Sep 17 - 10:41 PM
GUEST,Lin 25 Sep 17 - 01:23 AM
Backwoodsman 25 Sep 17 - 02:38 AM
GUEST,Guest Tim 27 Sep 17 - 10:44 AM
GUEST,Mark Bluemel 28 Sep 17 - 07:43 AM
Roger the Skiffler 28 Sep 17 - 08:53 AM
Merritt 29 Sep 17 - 02:10 PM
punkfolkrocker 29 Sep 17 - 03:05 PM
punkfolkrocker 29 Sep 17 - 03:36 PM
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Subject: Little Martin Guitar
From: The Maverick
Date: 24 Sep 17 - 04:31 PM

Can anyone advise whether the space for fingers is any tighter on the little Martin as opposed to any normal sized guitar?

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 24 Sep 17 - 04:46 PM

It's a 23" scale compared with the full-size Martin Dreadnought scale of 25.4". Therefore yes, the frets are closer together, so less space for the fingers.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: Merritt
Date: 24 Sep 17 - 10:41 PM

They are both 1 11/16" at the nut. But, as Backwoodsman points out, there are other matters such as scale - and string spacing, etc. My personal experience is that Martin doesn't always manage "space for fingers" well. I had a Martin 000-15CE for a while, also 1 11/16" at the nut. I'm a fingerpicker & loved everything about the guitar except the string spacing. Sold it and bought something friendlier to the fretting hand. I encourage you to play the instrument; see if it works for you.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: GUEST,Lin
Date: 25 Sep 17 - 01:23 AM

This guitar might just be for me. I am a female with small hands. I could never really learn to do bar chords on a regular guitar as it was too much of a stretch and not very comfortable as my fingers are short. Well I am a small petite person anyway, only about 5'2" on a good day but maybe 5' 1 1/2" on other days.:-)
Having small hands has been sometimes difficult for me to even play some regular chords. (the stretch too far between frets). The little Martin would probably be good for me!! How much do they cost approximately and do most guitar stores sell them?

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 25 Sep 17 - 02:38 AM

If I wanted a travel guitar I'd be on to a Taylor GS Mini. And I'm an owner of three 'proper' Martins who generally dislikes Taylors - but the GS Mini knocks every kind of spot off the Little Martin.

Usual disclaimers apply......IMHO, YMMV etc.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: GUEST,Guest Tim
Date: 27 Sep 17 - 10:44 AM

I recently picked up a Tanglewood TW73 Parlour, it's really worth looking at for the price. Lots of bass from a small guitar and plays really well, both finger style and chord accompaniment.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: GUEST,Mark Bluemel
Date: 28 Sep 17 - 07:43 AM

I tried one in a music shop about a year ago - fingering was fine, but it a) is small and b) seemed quite heavily built, which meant I (who am a fairly light-touch player) found it frustratingly unresponsive.

It may suit an Ed Sheeran with a more robust approach, but I wouldn't want one.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 28 Sep 17 - 08:53 AM

I'm not a musician (as anyone who has heard me sing can attest) but I know a female performer who bought a Little Martin because it was her husband's name and he was short. They are now divorced, but I think she kept the guitar.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: Merritt
Date: 29 Sep 17 - 02:10 PM

The Maverick, you're the OP. Are we getting at what you were asking about?

IMO there's no substitute for you trying out the guitar for size, tone, string spacing, etc.

+1 to Tim's point - maybe a parlor guitar would be the thing. And Tanglewood makes a nice guitar. I've had a Simon & Patrick (Godin) Woodland Parlor with spruce top & cherry b/s for the last 12 years that's kept only in open tunings; it's been just a durable, resonant, steady companion for 100s of gigs. Never had it adjusted or maintained in any way, altho I did ask Godin if I could put medium strings on it which they said was fine. Fretboard width is 1.72" at the nut so plenty of room, at least for me, for fingers on the fretting hand. Great for fingerpicking, rhythm & slide.

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 29 Sep 17 - 03:05 PM

Gretsch and Epiphone may be worth checking out for affordable back to basics parlour size guitars...

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Subject: RE: Little Martin Guitar
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 29 Sep 17 - 03:36 PM



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