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Is it still an old Martin?

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Backwoodsman 29 Oct 18 - 01:56 AM
GUEST,Nick Dow 29 Oct 18 - 02:36 AM
Will Fly 29 Oct 18 - 03:17 AM
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Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 29 Oct 18 - 01:56 AM

I believe many (most?) of the 'big name' builders are using Torrefaction, or a similar 'curing' process now - Larrivee, Taylor, Collings, Santa Cruz, Bourgeois, etc., etc. Can't speak about the 'top' UK builders because their instruments aren't on my personal radar. I haven't knowingly played a Torrefied guitar - my Martins, Collings, and Lowden are all non-torrefied instruments (all but one were built before Torrefaction became a regular thing), and I'm not looking for another guitar so I'm not going around playing them in stores.

There are frequent threads on the AGF and UMGF about Torrefaction - might be worth checking those out.

Sorry I can't be any more helpful than that.

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Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
From: GUEST,Nick Dow
Date: 29 Oct 18 - 02:36 AM

That means my old Yam has 'Torrefacted ' (is that right?) itself, so were you to buy a second hand instrument, say a LL something, it might be more stable than a new treated instrument. So our friend above who says this is a marketing ploy may well be correct. I'm sort of thinking out loud here. Interesting though.

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Subject: RE: Is it still an old Martin?
From: Will Fly
Date: 29 Oct 18 - 03:17 AM

I knew an old Sussex violin maker/repairer who used to suspend new violins in a specially made vibrating cradle from the ceiling of his workshop. The cradle vibrated at fairly high resonances. Michael (the maker) told me that three weeks of constant vibration was the equivalent of the wood being "played in" for a year. He said it was essential that wooden instruments are played regularly so as to improve the tonal qualities of the vibrating wood.

Guitars I've had made on commission for me have sounded dry on first playing and, by the end of a year or so, start to mellow and "grow" tone.

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