Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC Related thread: 2002 Obit: Nellie Monk (widow of Thelonious Monk) (4) (closed) |
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Subject: great lives thelonius monk From: The Sandman Date: 02 Nov 20 - 01:37 AM https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b069rvbl |
Subject: RE: great lives thelonius monk From: GUEST,Martin Ryan Date: 02 Nov 20 - 03:44 AM Looking forward to listening to this, later today... My earliest memories of taking an interest in (modern) jazz are of Brubeck's 'Take Five" - and the film "Jazz on a Summer's Day" with Monk doing strange things to a piano! Regards |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk From: cnd Date: 02 Nov 20 - 09:37 PM I've heard a great cover of Thelonius Monk's song "Blue Monk" on The Steep Canyon Rangers' album North Carolina Songbook. While not a 'traditional' bluegrass song, I think it works well. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: The Sandman Date: 04 Nov 20 - 04:38 AM refresh |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: Jack Campin Date: 04 Nov 20 - 09:14 PM I thought that was terrific. Lots I didn't know before and presented in a cool and unpretentious way. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: The Sandman Date: 05 Nov 20 - 01:37 PM I AGREE JACK , BRILLIANT PROGRAMME |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,keberoxu Date: 12 Jan 25 - 08:08 PM I have to look at this program when I have time to watch it. Right now I am reading the biography, not of Monk, but of his colleague Sonny Rollins (tenor saxophone). Monk figures prominently in the Rollins story, as they recorded together numerous times and were close friends. There is a Thelonious Monk biography, written with Nellie Monk's blessing before she passed, and I will have to look that up as well. A great deal more is understood, today, about bipolar disorder, with which Monk was eventually diagnosed. I expect the biography will try to set the record straight about some of the stories, rumors or otherwise, about Monk. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: FreddyHeadey Date: 13 Jan 25 - 05:03 AM It's a great series. btw theres a mudcat thread with links for other musicians who have been featured. https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=171905 |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: keberoxu Date: 16 Jan 25 - 06:37 PM Just took in the Great Lives portrait of Thelonious Monk. My only complaint is that it's too short! A lot about the Baroness Nica de Koenigswater, if I've got her name right. I suppose the biography (author Kelley) is next. |
Subject: RE: OBIT: Nellie Monk - RIP From: keberoxu Date: 18 Jan 25 - 11:12 AM Just watched "Straight No Chaser," Clint Eastwood's homage to Thelonious Monk. Lots of archival footage, including film of Nellie and Thelonious Monk together, especially on tour. By all accounts Monk was blessed in his marriage and home life, as Nellie was understanding and dedicated throughout their life together. And she made certain that the two children understood that their father was ill and needed extra care and attention. I can't recommend the Clint Eastwood project, at least not watching it on YouTube, where commercial advertisements interrupt it every five minutes or so, within the YouTube upload. Maybe watching it without all the distractions, but I don't know where that is possible. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonius Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: keberoxu Date: 18 Jan 25 - 11:16 AM Regarding the Great Lives episode: Hannah Rothschild, who does the presentation with two others, is the great-niece of Baroness Nica Rothschild de Koenigswater, and knew her personally, so there is a direct connection to someone who played a major role in Thelonious Monk's life and career. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,Roderick A.Warner Date: 19 Jan 25 - 10:28 AM The Monk biography: Thelonious Monk: The Life And Times Of An American Original by Robin D.G. Kelley. Recommended. Kelley had access to the family archives and manages to debunk a lot of the stupid myths about Monk. Deeply researched and well-written. Kelley is also commentating from within the African-American community rather than the usual white gate keeping that ‘jazz’ has suffered since its arrival in American popular music. Monk was my gateway to an expanded sonic universe at an early age, as I have no doubt mentioned elsewhere. I’ve read the book twice and my only criticism is that I would have liked a little more depth on the music front but there are other sources for the technical aspects of his playing and compositions. Check out YouTube as well: a lot of live recordings in America and Europe and commentary. Re the mention of YouTube and adverts. I subscribe monthly and the small sum of money involved is well worth it to stream uninterrupted. My main evening screen time if doing nothing else and a wealth of material to explore… Lastly. Ironic how Nica De Koenigswarter had Charlie Parker living at her apartment when he died in 1955. As Jack Kerouac writes in ‘Mexico City Blues’ 239th Chorus: ‘Charlie Parker looked like Buddha Charlie Parker who recently died Laughing at a juggler on the TV’ |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: meself Date: 19 Jan 25 - 11:33 AM "Ironic"? How so? |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST Date: 19 Jan 25 - 06:58 PM Are my knights all cowards, that none will rid me of this thelonious monk? (Henry II) |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,Roderick A Warner Date: 20 Jan 25 - 10:22 AM ‘Ironic.’ In a tangential reference, perhaps, a character in the old UK comedy series ‘HI De Hi,’ remarks to his apprentice comic, ‘Never explain your jokes, Spike.’ (Ted Bovis, whom God preserve). But… Charlie Parker turned up at the Jazz Baroness’s hotel room in New York looking very ill and she put him up for a couple of weeks and got him medical attention until he died. What a lot of ‘jazz’ histories that refer to Bird’s tragic demise don’t mention is the ensuing scandal. Black musician found dead in white aristocrat’s room. Etc. She was thrown out of the hotel for this perceived outrage - and she was not without clout, being a member of the Rothschild family. Her friendship with Thelonious Monk over many years (apparently with the sanction of Nelly Monk, his wife) culminated when he died at her house in New Jersey at the end of his musical career after two years or so of refuge and silence. Parker 1955, Monk, 1982, his fellow genius comrade in arms in the 1940s modern jazz revolution. Both ending their lives in the care of Nica de Koenigswarter. If your knights are all cowards, don’t tell Miss Cathcart… |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: meself Date: 20 Jan 25 - 11:24 AM Still not seeing the 'irony', but that's okay; no one ever accused me of being the brightest bulb in the pack. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,paperback Date: 20 Jan 25 - 05:40 PM The irony may be the culture banditry - like the boy who's always writing about work songs but probably never worked a day in his life. Oh well, nobody ever said life was fair. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,Roderick A. Warner Date: 20 Jan 25 - 07:19 PM Bit harsh on those like Pete Seeger and other middle class lefties. Did he do the work song shtick when he toured thr Soviet Union? Larping the blues… |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: meself Date: 20 Jan 25 - 07:55 PM So ... helping out a troubled musical genius of another culture is "culture banditry"? What's it called when you ignore a troubled musical genius of another culture? |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,keberoxu Date: 20 Jan 25 - 09:50 PM Someone used the word unfair, and I hope we may agree that Monk suffered much unfair treatment from different sides. On the other hand he was hugely gifted and more sophisticated than his reputation would have one believe. And so, his music has endured, which is the important thing. |
Subject: RE: Great Lives: Thelonious Monk (1917-1982)-on BBC From: GUEST,paperback Date: 21 Jan 25 - 09:53 AM I doff me cap to you sir on the what about Pete Seegar and I'll be gettin' back to me shovel now . . . Good samaritaning is ok, I guess, and if a little of Monk's and Parker's cool rubbed off on the lady that not really stealing. They probably thought - what a way to go... clean sheets and a comfy chair. Sorry for the kerfuffle, keberoxu |
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