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Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround

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GerryM 14 Apr 21 - 03:55 AM
GerryM 08 Apr 21 - 05:12 AM
GerryM 01 Apr 21 - 10:16 PM
Felipa 01 Apr 21 - 07:19 PM
GerryM 01 Apr 21 - 07:11 PM
GerryM 25 Mar 21 - 07:05 AM
GerryM 18 Mar 21 - 05:26 AM
GerryM 12 Mar 21 - 10:21 PM
GerryM 03 Mar 21 - 04:39 PM
Felipa 03 Mar 21 - 07:08 AM
GerryM 02 Mar 21 - 07:58 PM
GerryM 24 Feb 21 - 04:56 PM
SPB-Cooperator 24 Feb 21 - 12:46 PM
GerryM 24 Feb 21 - 01:55 AM
GerryM 17 Feb 21 - 03:55 AM
Joe Offer 16 Feb 21 - 06:37 PM
GUEST 16 Feb 21 - 05:46 AM
GerryM 12 Feb 21 - 06:54 AM
SPB-Cooperator 12 Feb 21 - 05:25 AM
GerryM 10 Feb 21 - 04:24 AM
Joe Offer 09 Feb 21 - 02:39 PM
Felipa 09 Feb 21 - 08:16 AM
MoorleyMan 09 Feb 21 - 07:59 AM
Joe Offer 09 Feb 21 - 04:47 AM
GUEST,Bradfordian 09 Feb 21 - 04:43 AM
The Sandman 08 Feb 21 - 01:53 PM
GerryM 06 Feb 21 - 06:59 PM
SPB-Cooperator 06 Feb 21 - 07:33 AM
GUEST,Felipa 06 Feb 21 - 07:31 AM
GerryM 05 Feb 21 - 09:40 PM
GUEST,Bradfordian 31 Jan 21 - 01:59 PM
GUEST,Gallus Moll 29 Jan 21 - 04:42 PM
SPB-Cooperator 28 Jan 21 - 05:04 AM
GerryM 27 Jan 21 - 10:05 PM
Joe Offer 26 Jan 21 - 02:03 PM
Mrrzy 26 Jan 21 - 01:32 PM
GUEST,Bradfordian 26 Jan 21 - 04:34 AM
SPB-Cooperator 21 Jan 21 - 07:25 AM
SPB-Cooperator 21 Jan 21 - 07:21 AM
GerryM 20 Jan 21 - 05:52 PM
Waddon Pete 14 Jan 21 - 05:33 AM
GerryM 13 Jan 21 - 11:33 PM
GerryM 06 Jan 21 - 04:10 AM
MoorleyMan 04 Jan 21 - 07:24 PM
GerryM 29 Dec 20 - 11:16 PM
GerryM 29 Dec 20 - 04:25 PM
MoorleyMan 29 Dec 20 - 09:33 AM
GerryM 23 Dec 20 - 09:35 PM
MoorleyMan 21 Dec 20 - 04:55 PM
GerryM 17 Dec 20 - 09:57 PM
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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 14 Apr 21 - 03:55 AM

Songs, poems and stories from the 12/13 April Mudcat Worldwide Singaround, quite possibly in the order in which they were performed. Thanks to Mrrzy for roughly the first half of the list. Comments and corrections always welcome.

Waltzing Mathilda (Queensland version)
The Jeannie C
Me To Lýchno Tou Astrou (in Greek)
Captain Indecisive (poem)
Frog Song
Woman With a Shovel
Le Soldat Mécontent (French)
Weary Blues From Waitin'
Dead Dog Scrumpy
Three Drunken Maidens
Window Cleaning Shanty / We're All Cleaning Windows
The Swallow / La Golondrina (sung in English)
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
The Killer in Me
Diana Hanson
Will Ye Go To Flanders
Lovely Agnes
Lazy Bones
The Minstrel
My Love is Like a Dewdrop
On One April Morning
All Trades
Advice to the Lovelorn
Ballad of John Williams
Animal Farm
The Riley Boys
Tackety Boots (recitation)
Come All You Virginia Girls
Your Name is What?
The Further Adventures Of Albert (poem)
The Big 5-0
Thomas Was A Little Glutton (poem)
Rum And Sailors
The Coffee Shop In Pimlico
Close The Coalhouse Door
Ill Wind
Rio Grande
The Man From Luddenden Dean
Mask of Life
Wings of a Goney (aka The Weary Whaling Grounds)
The Lone Pilgrim
Lovely Nancy
The Pharmacist
Eli, Eli
Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate
City of New Orleans
Wayfaring Stranger
The Candlelight Fisherman
House of the Rising Sun
The Titanic (version at
Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
Song of the Lower Classes
Canning Salmon
Yuri Gagarin
Methodist Pie
The Old Woman and Her Pig (story) (aka Fire! Fire! Burn Stick!, aka The Pig Who Would Not Jump Over the Stile) (singable version at
The Trail of the Lonesome Pine
The Jews Did Not Kill Jesus
The Lightship
Threescore and Ten
Silver Dagger
Betrayed by Love
Isabel Makes Love Upon National Monuments
Unreconstructed Rebel (aka I'm a Good Old Rebel)
Wave Goodbye, Wave Hello
When I'm Gone
Dropkick Me, Jesus
Faretheewell, Titanic
Side by Side

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 08 Apr 21 - 05:12 AM

Songs & poems from the 5/6 April Mudcat Worldwide Singaround. Thanks to Moorley Man, Pelagie, and Joe Offer for help with the items that preceded my joining the proceedings. Comments and corrections always welcome.

Sweet Betsy From Pike
Out On The Ocean
The Shipping Forecast (poem by Les Barker)
Staying Out All Night
Nous Quittons Les Paques (in French)
The Tourist's Complaint
Evening Prayer from "Hansel & Gretel"
Wullie's Drowned In Yarrow
The Hobnail Boots That Father Wore   
Annan Water
Click Go Your Joints (by Emma Elliott)
(Wrap Me Up in My) Tarpaulin Jacket
One Time and One Time Only (by Tom Paxton)
The Silly Hug Song
Fairy Faire Blues
When Spring Comes In
My Happiness
Life Passes By
She Was Just Going Home (to the tune of "The Grey Funnel Line")
Log Driver’s Waltz
I Knew You Were the One
Hody hody doprovody (A Czech Easter presentation)
Home on the Range
Curragh of Kildare
We are the Music Makers
Cosher Bailey’s Engine
South Wind
Foggy Dew (Irish version)
The Eagle and the Dove
Sweet Michael
Molly and Tenbrooks
The Mormond Braes
The Banks of Sweet Mossen
A Song for Our Time
Bheir Mi O (in English, chorus in Irish)
Moreton Bay
Die Gedanken Sind Frei (in English and German)
Coming Home Song
Turkey Reveille (aka Turkish Revelry, aka The Sweet Trinity, aka The Golden Vanity, aka The Golden Willow Tree, aka The Weeping Willow Tree, aka Sinking in the Lonesome Sea, aka The Gallant Argosy, aka The Old Virginia Lowlands, aka Sir Walter Raleigh Sailing In The Lowlands (Shewing how the famous Ship called the Sweet Trinity was taken by a false Gally & how it was again restored by the craft of a little Sea-boy, who sunk the Gally))
Aragon Mill
Red is the Rose
Wayfaring Stranger
The Iron Moulder's Wedding
I'm Shy Mary Ellen, I'm Shy
Ainster Harbor
Easter Lilies
Down By the Glenside (The Bold Fenian Men)
Truth Cannot Be Silenced (to the tune of Die Gedanken Sind Frei)
North Sea Holes
Wonders Still the World Shall Witness
Lord of the Dance
Custard Creams (to the tune of John o' Dreams = Tchaikovsky's Pathetique)
Isle Au Haut Lullaby (Hay Ledge Song)
I'll See You in My Dreams
Bonny Ship the Diamond
Drunk's Express
Northern Tide
The Ways of Man
April Fool
Blow the Candles Out
Michael Row the Boat Ashore
Tell Old Bill
Autumn to May (aka Little Brown Dog)
Here is My Home

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 01 Apr 21 - 10:16 PM

Felipa, it's a folk song, recorded by many artists, using many different titles and spellings and lyrics. I learned the song from David Holt's album, Reel And Rock, and his spelling was The Coo Coo. Clarence Ashley called it Coo Coo Bird. It was called "The Coo Coo Bird" on Doc Watson, The Vanguard Years.

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Felipa
Date: 01 Apr 21 - 07:19 PM

Latkes was sung to the tune of "The cuckoo" rather than the "coo coo". The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she warbles as she flies. And she never hollers "cuckoo" [coo coo?] till the fourth day of July." I learned the song before I moved to a place where I heard many cuckoos, and they holler in May.

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 01 Apr 21 - 07:11 PM

Thanks again to Moorley Man for covering for me for the first hour-and-a-half, and thanks to Joe Offer. Here are the songs and poems from the 29/30 March 2021 singaround:

Circle of Song
If Music Were My Life
The Lost Elephants of Denbigh (poem)
Pull Down Below
Lo Soldat Desconegut (The Unknown Soldier, in Occitan)
Guitare et Tambourin (in French)
Paddy on the Railway
The Road to Dunmoor
To Cheer Him Up and Help Him on His Way
I Like Bananas (Because They Have No Bones)
The Wheels of the World
Stewball & Griselda
The Meeting of the Waters
The Earl Of March's Daughter
Across the Blue Mountains
To An Anchor God (aka Second Mariner's Song)
The Male Female Highwayman
Donald Where's Yer troosers?
The Flower Carol
Theme from The Secret of Roan Innish (Mist Covered Mountains)
The Gallant Shopper
Mrs Murphy
I Think of You
The Pace Egging Song
Look Down On Me
Goodnight-Loving Trail
How Can I Keep From Purring
Ode to the Little Brown Shack
The Ever-Given (to the tune of The Titanic)
Stand Up for Judas
The Covid Blues (to the tune of If I Only Had a Brain)
Norland Wind (aka The Wild Geese)
Pretty Saro
The Latke (to the tune of The Coo Coo)
Sally Free and Easy
You Singers All
The Curragh of Kildare
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (in French)
Nogies Creek
On One April Morning
Amourette (formerly known as Exercise 77)
Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill
Vecherniy Zvon (Evening Bells, in Russian)
I'm Henery the Eighth, I Am
My Sweet Wyoming Home
The Maid From Bunclody (aka Bunclody, aka The Streams of Bunclody; also spelled Buncloudy, Bunclaudy)
Watching the Trains Come In
Pointing to the Moon
Chocolate Rabbit
We've Got To Sail Away
Blues Chase Up a Rabbit (aka Blues Jumped the Rabbit, Rabbit Foot Blues, Rabbit Blues, Jackrabbit Blues, and Cool Colorado)
Go Down Moses (aka When Israel was in Egypt's Land, aka Let My People Go)
Gentle Annie
The Bonny Ship The Diamond
Whiskey on a Sunday (aka Come Day, Go Day)
When They Buy Up All the Air
Have You Got a Biro I Can Borrow?
Man Come Into Egypt
Starlight Upon the Sea
Thanksgiving Eve
The Flower of Magherally
The Slave's Lament
Sweet Lass of Richmond Hill
Bonny Banks o' Fordie (aka Babylon)
You Are Beautiful
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Plant a Radish

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 25 Mar 21 - 07:05 AM

Thanks to Moorley Man for covering for me for the first hour-and-a-half. Here are the songs/poems/riddles/tunes from the 22/23 March 2021 singaround:

Ghost Riders In The Sky
The Volunteer Organist
Inconsonants (poem)
Devinhola (in Occitan; title means "riddle")
Knock a Man Down
The Soldier
Castle Garden
On The Banks Of Allan Water
2 Original Tunes in Memory of Izzy Young
Away To The Mountain's Brow
9-5 Pollution Blues
It's Good To See You
Lonely Person
Banks Of The Sweet Primroses
Bridge Guard In The Karroo
New Garden Fields
Willie o' Winsbury
Any Dirty Work Today?
Stolen Child
Mary Hamilton (aka The Four Maries)
Croppy Boy
'Illean Bithibh Sunndach (in Gaelic)
Brennan on the Moor
Ken Supiense (Ladino for Who Knows One, which is English for Echad Mi Yodea, which is Hebrew)
The Devil's Courtship
Yellow on the Broom
Spring Song
Mussels in the Corner
Wild Side of Life / It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels
Going to the West
The Patriot Game
New Harmony
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
Over the Hills and Far Away
Ballad of the Carpenter
The Foggy Dew (bachelor)
The Foggy Dew (bachelor, short)
The Moon Going Home
Moving Father's Grave
The Woodbridge Dog Disaster
Summer Sunlight
Gartan Mother's Lullaby
Swing Me
Maple Sweet
Our Favourite Things (parody of My Favorite Things)
How Will I Ever Be Simple Again
Down the Long Road
Rural Lad (poem)
Maple Syrup Time
Sweet Rose of Allandale (aka Sweet Rose of Allendale)
Je Suis Trop Jeunette (in French)
The Galway Shawl
A Whaler's Tale
My Own Dear Galway Bay
Another Train
First Lullaby (partly in French)
De Colores (in Spanish)
The Answer's Ireland
San Francisco Bay Blues
John Cherokee
Isle au Haut Lullaby
Devil Versus the Widow (aka The Widow and the Devil, aka The Widow's Promise)
Desperate Dan
Angels Come and Gather
Logie O'Buchan
Never on Sunday
The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring
Zog, Maran ("Tell Me, Marrano" in Yiddish)
The Song Goes On

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 18 Mar 21 - 05:26 AM

Thanks to Mrrzy for covering for me for the first hour-and-a-half, and to Joe for the chat transcript, also to Moorley Man. Here are the songs/poems/stories/tunes from the 15/16 March 2021 singaround:

Rivers of Babylon
Anchor God
If I Were a Duck
Us Goldfish (poem)
Essequibo River (in Creolese)
Can Vei la Lauzeta (in Occitán)
The Private Still (aka The Gauger)
In My Backyard
The Flying Cloud
Medley: The Fountain in the Park, Sipping Cider Through a Straw, and several others
I Had An Old Coat
Henry My Son (aka Green and Yellow)
Our Lady of the Hospital
Mountains of Mourne
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Oranges and Lemons
The Dear Little Shamrock
Yarns of the People (poem)
Sea Change
The Roving Journeyman
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
A Miners Life (aka Miners Lifeguard)
Moving Day
My Own Dear Native Land
For Just One Dime (take-off on Northwest Passage)
Haul Away Snow
The Kerry Dance
Mull of Kintyre
Where Did You Get that Hat?
If You're Irish Come into the Parlor
The Whitby Lad (aka Botany Bay, The Boston Burglar)
Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore
Rockin' Robin (to the tune of All I Have to Do is Dream)
San Antonio Rose
The Orange and the Green
The Gallant Hussar
The Carter (aka Fairie Pie)
I Wish I was a Mole in the Ground
Lobster Salad (aka Paddy's Dream, Kelley's Dream)
Story about Newfoundlanders abroad
The Garden Where the Praties Grow
Story in Your Eyes
Raglan Road
The Galway Shawl
Bold Fenian Men (aka Down By the Glenside)
Cameronian Cat
Song for Mary Ann
The Joy of Living
Like the Way I Do
Welcoming Paddy Home (aka Welcome Poor Paddy Home)
Boolavogue (tune)
The Praties They Grow Small (aka The Famine Song)
An Old-Fashioned Wedding
You Are Still My Boy
On Yonder Hill there Sits a Hare
My Own Dear Galway Bay
I Wish I Were a Maid Again, or The Blackbird, or The Butcher Boy, or Died For Love
Let it be a Dance
Mary Ann, or The Roving Gardener
Click Go the Shears
Have Some Madeira, M'Dear
Holla Hi Holla Ho!
Old Man in His Garden
Red is the Rose
The Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede
Long Long Time
The Foggy Dew (aka Down the Glen)
The Youth of the Heart
Do You Love an Apple
Gilgarry Mountain (aka Whiskey in the Jar)
Somebody Threw a Tomato at Him
Hymn Song

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 12 Mar 21 - 10:21 PM

I came to the singaround of 8/9 March 2021 late and left early, so I owe even greater thanks to others than usual. Moorley Man & Mrrzy, independently, supplied me with the performances from before my joining, and Joe sent me the chat transcript so I could reconstruct what happened after I left. Here's the list of songs, poems, and tunes – corrections eagerly solicited.

In the Jailhouse Now
The Dutch in the Medway
Captain Wedderburn's Courtship
Jolly Wagoner
Les Djinnes (poem)
Planxty Irwin (tune)
Jamie Allen (tune)
Mon Amie la Rose (in French)
Willie 'ole Lad
The Yellow Bittern
Making Babies by Steam
Keemo Kimo (aka Sing Song Kitty)
The Duke's Late Glorious Success Over the Dutch
Cab, Cab, Cab
A Dialogue Between a Believer and his Soul
King Henry
The Reaper's Revenge
Rosie the Riveter
Hard Times of Old England
Lovely Nancy
Burning Gold
Boomer Johnson
We Don't Need the Men
The Quilting Party (aka Seeing Nellie Home)
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
This World Goes 'round and 'round
The Lasses O' Bonnie Dundee
Female Drummer
Drover's Boy
Darling Nellie Gray
March of the Women
Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms
We Were There
The Tryphina's Extra Hand
The Curragh of Kildare (aka The Irish Lovers)
Sandgate Dandling Song
The Winter with His Grisly Storms
Liverpool Lullaby
Short Jacket and White Trousers
Whup Jamboree
Blackleg Miner
Maid on the Shore
The Last Battle
People Say Strange Things
Mothers Teach Your Sons
Memories of Maxine (poem?)
Time to Thank the Women
Killing the Blues
Housewife's Lament
MacCrimmon's Lament
All the Way Home
Rosa's Lovely Daughters
Harriet Tubman
Bread and Roses
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Idris Strike Song
Streets of Five-i-o
Poverty Knock
Little Red Hen
John Golden and the Lawrence Strike
Maid of Fyvie
Northwest Passage
February March
Oh, Didn't He Ramble
Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out
Rebecca Who Slammed Doors For Fun And Perished Miserably

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 03 Mar 21 - 04:39 PM

Felipa, yes, a novelty song from the 60s. Here it is on YouTube.

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Felipa
Date: 03 Mar 21 - 07:08 AM

The Eggplant that ate Chicago?!

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GerryM
Date: 02 Mar 21 - 07:58 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/stories that were sung/recited/told, in order, at the Singaround on 1/2 March 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined. Some uncertainties: I couldn't find any song called "Death and the Doctor" – is that title right? All I could find for Ring of the Nibelungen was a cycle of four operas, and I doubt that's what Joe sang. "I Wish I Had a Charm" is my guess at a title for Storm's poem, and "Where God Leads Me I Will Go" is my guess at a title for his song. Here you go:

Death and the Doctor
Ring of the Nibelungen
Finest You Ever Saw (aka The Finest of Them All)
Treigladau (Mutations) (poem)
Frobisher Bay
La Más Bella Niña (in Spanish)
Isn't It Grand Boys
When I Can't Play
Barnagh Hill
Scarborough Fair
Cuckoo's a Bonny Bird
Bangum and the Boar
Blann's Beer
Red Iron Ore
Miner's Lifeguard
The Revel
Still Scared of You
Strike the Bell Second Mate
Bugeilio’r Gwenyth Gwyn (Watching the White Wheat, English and Welsh)
I Am a Little Collier (macaronic, English and Welsh)
How Snow Got Its Color (story)
The Rare Ould Times
The Jack-Ass Song
Ten Hours a Day
Row On
Murrumbidgee Water
Ballad of Springhill (aka Springhill Mining Disaster)
Adieu to Dear Cambria
Die Gedanken Sind Frei (in German)
Queen Amang the Heather
Let Now the Harp
Sheep Stealer
The Coster's Serenade
Geritol Gypsy
Teannaibh Dlùth is Togaibh Fonn (in Scottish Gaelic)
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Sow Took the Measles
Last Boat In
I Wish I Had a Charm (poem)
Where God Leads Me I Will Go
Bheir Mi O
The Yorkshire Couple
Painting Box
When Forsythia's in Bloom
Witch Hazel
Chinese White
Earth (poem)
The Midas Touch (poem)
The Plover Catcher
Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen (in Yiddish and English)
Young Companions (aka Bad Company, Bad Companions, I was Born in Pennsylvania, ....)
Story of Taliesin (story)
The Lifeboat Mona
Lady Margaret
It's Up to Us
Drover's Dream
Obedience (poem)
Rose of Allendale
Frog in the Well
The Ash Grove (in Welsh)
Maleny Washing Line
When the Coal Comes from the Rhondda
The Drunkard's Looking Glass
Lay Down Beside Me
The Poor Orphan Child
The Eggplant that Ate Chicago
Times are Getting Hard Boys
Three Ravens
Process Man (aka The Chemical Worker's Song)
Gentle Arms of Eden
A Handful of Songs

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 24 Feb 21 - 04:56 PM

Thanks, SPB. I'll edit my post.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 24 Feb 21 - 12:46 PM

The Czech song was called Voják which translates as Soldier. I wouldn't call it a lullaby - the first verse translates to

The translation of the three verses:

(1) When I didn't die in the war, I also will not die back home.
(2) When I didn't die on the French meadows, I will not die by my sweetheart.
(3) When I didn't die alongside the Austrians, I will not die with my lords.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 24 Feb 21 - 01:55 AM

Here's my list of songs/poems/letters/stories that were sung/recited/read/told, in order, at the Singaround on 22/23 February 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined. Here you go:

John Ball
Song for Mira
Roll the woodpile down
Dyslexia or The Y Files (poem)
Down by the River Sallia (aka Weela Wallia)
Gottingen (in French)
When Did You Leave Heaven?
The Three Ravens
Adio Querida (or Adio Kerida) (in Ladino)
Now that the Buffalo's Gone
I Likes a Drop of Good Beer
Song of the Fugitive
The Bantry Girl's Lament
Scarborough Settler's Lament
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Down the Dials
Baltimore Fire
Wave the Ocean, Wave the Sea
I Do Adore Her
George Washington's letter to the Hebrew congregation of Newport (reading)
Brockagh Braes
Pistol-Packin' Mama
William Stone
Dan O'Hara
Cossack Lullaby (in Russian)
My My Mama
Second Class Wait Here
I'm Gonna Be an Engineer
Your Little Hand
Martin Said to His Man (aka Who's the Fool Now?)
Love is Kind
Spirit Song
The Fur Rendezvous Song
Queen Elinor's Confession
The Flower of Magherally, O
The L and N Don't Stop Here Any More
Snowin' on Raton
Laurel Hill
Deep River Blues
I'm an Old Cowhand
Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
Queen Elizabeth and the Three Knights (joke)
Bold Riley-O
Voják ("Soldier", in Czech)
Geritol Gypsy
The White Shepherd
Come Back, Liza
Blues Chase Up a Rabbit
Price Tag
All the Fine Young Men
The Green Man
The Old Carmarthen Oak
Ten Hours a Day
Scarborough Fair
Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (in French)
If I Needed You
Lay Down Beside Me
White Collar Holler
Here is My Home

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 17 Feb 21 - 03:55 AM

Here's my list of songs/poems/tunes that were sung/recited/played, in order, at the Singaround on 15/16 February 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined. I couldn't find any trace of a song called "Dark-haired Mary" – was that maybe a tune, not a song? I couldn't find any song called "Don't Believe in a Woman", or any version of Pretty Saro associated with Aunt Molly Jackson, or any song set on Clinch River and connected to Pretty Saro or to Aunt Molly Jackson. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Follow That Road
Something in the Way She Moves
Dark-haired Mary
La Calha (The Quail) (in Occitan)
Spinning wheel song
If Love Doesn't Bother You It Doesn't Bother Me (tune)
The Quiet Land of Erin (Ard Ti Cuain, chorus in Irish)
River (with instrumental bridge Planxty Irwin)
Plains of Kildare (aka Skewball, aka Stewball and Griselda, ....)
When Black Hands Saved Me From the Blue
Alabama John Cherokee
Get On a Wagon Rolling West
Cân y Bugail gan (Song of the Shepherd, in Welsh)
Machynlleth (tune)
Blarney Roses
The Prince of Denmark's March (tune)
Week Before Easter
Catfish John
Vicky's Secret
Lochmaben Harper (aka The Blind Harper)
Coulters Candy
Mingulay Boat Song
The Factory Girl
Web of Birdsong
Lincoln and Liberty
From Little Things Big Things Grow
Tanglewood Tree
The Lost Highway
Thyme it is a Precious Thing
Time is a Tempest
My Country 'Tis of Thee
Across the Great Divide
A Place Called England
Benjamin Bowmaneer
How Can I Miss You
Stern Old Bachelor
Binsey Poplars (poem)
Red River Valley
Ranter Parson
Seventeen in Aberdeen
The Hippopotamus Song
Gartan Mother's Lullaby
The Spider
Follow the Heron
Lassie Lie Near Me
Whitby Fisherman
The Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe
Cold Blow and the Rainy Night
Big Muddy
The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow
Sonora's Death Row
Mrs. McGrath
Shanty Town
254 Shades of Gray
How The Helpmate Of Blue-Beard Made Free With A Door
City of New Orleans
Forever and a Day
Dimming of the Day
Queen of Waters
Back to Broome
West Texas Waltz
Beautiful Noise
Vive l'Amour
If I Were Free
Cape Breton Lullaby
Blowin' in the Wind
Don't Believe in a Woman
Ill Wind
Twa Corbies
Crossing the Bar
Hallelujah (Wheatley)

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Feb 21 - 06:37 PM

Splott Man, it's great to post lyrics you sang to this thread, and thank you very much for that. Be aware, though, that I will eventually move such posts to other places, like Monique's "songs not in English" thread.
If you posted something and can't find it, clicking on your name in any post should bring it up.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
Date: 16 Feb 21 - 05:46 AM

Last Night we played Can y Bugail by Geraint Jarman & Meic Stephens (There should be a To Bach/Circumflex over the 'A' in 'Can', but I can't work out the HTML!).
I promised the lyrics for this morning, but I need to delve a bit deeper, so please bear with me.
I have an English translation, but I will wait until I have the Welsh as well before posting.
Thanks for a great evening(UK), we will be back.

Splott Man and Dame Pattie Smith EPNS.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 12 Feb 21 - 06:54 AM

Thanks, SPB. I've added the Czech. I went back and forth between "Everyone Calls Me Tarzan" and "Tarzan of the Apes" as I saw each given as the title by various sources, so I've edited to show both as alternatives.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 12 Feb 21 - 05:25 AM

The title in Czech is Slunécko, which is a diminuitive of slunce which translates as Sun. Wasn't too happy with the performance though, I think neres or tiredness got the better of me, and maybe I should do new material firth time round. The other title - according to the Sheet Music is 'Everyone Calls Me Tarzan'.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 10 Feb 21 - 04:24 AM

Here's my list of songs/poems/stories that were sung/recited/shared, in order, at the Singaround on 8/9 February 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined. As usual, I made up names for Jane Nicholls' stories, "The Flood and the Family" and "Two Lads and a Foal". "God Bless the Birds" seemed like a good title for Elizabeth Block's takeoff on "God Bless the Grass". "Are You Out There" is a guess for a song Hazel Richings sang. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Mr Rabbit, Mr Rabbit
The Green Man
The Nightingale
Lawd, How Come Me Heah
La Chanson des Vieux Amants
The Jabberwonky (poem)
Ancient (poem)
Don't Fence Me In
Yorkshire Song
Pretty Polly
Bells of Rhymney
The Wild Raparee
Roger's Courtship
Follow the Heron
Just as the Tide is/was Flowing
The Rare Ould Times
Innisvaddie Annie
The Boys of Mullachbawn
The Flowers in the Valley
Tarzan of the Apes (aka Everyone Calls Me Tarzan)
Be a Man, Joe
The Sailor's Grave
Lynn's Dream
The Cat Came Back
Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun (funeral song from Cymbeline, set to Norwegian folk ballad Heiemo og Njkkenn)
Millie's Waltz
Aura Lee [with bonus Allan Sherman parody]
Johnny Give Me
The Pitmen Poets
Seven Drunken Nights
Folk Song Army
Homeless Beaver
The Prisoner Song (aka I Wish I Had Someone, aka I Wish I Had Someone to Love Me, aka Someone to Love Me)
Springhill Mining Disaster
The Flood and the Family (story)
The Overflowing Catbox Blues
The Bonny Broom
The Barnyards of Delgaty
The Hippopotamus
Down the Mountainside
Donal Og
The Seven Wonders
Painting Box
Fair Weather Friends
I Think of You
Cape Farewell
Ye Banks and Braes
If You had a Brain You'd Be Dangerous
Political Noncooperator (poem)
Union-Busting Time in Massachusetts
Bold Doherty
The Queen of Tarts (poem)
Maybe Someday
Sally, Free and Easy
The Rich Man's House
Everything's Fine Right Now
Sammy's Bar
Shepherd O Shepherd
Harwich Ladies (TTTO Spanish Ladies, aka Brisbane Ladies, aka Augathella Station, aka The Drover, ....)
Slunécko (in Czech; title means "Sun")
Crackdown Addict
I'm Just an Old Chunk of Coal
Just Coorie In
An Empty Table
Poor Boy
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
The Land of Bright Gold
Two Lads and a Foal (story)
The Olive Tree
God Bless the Birds (TTTO God Bless the Grass)
Little Piece of Wang
John Henry
Buy Broom Besoms
Blind Mary (instrumental)
Magic Penny
Eight More Miles to Louisville
Are You Out There (??)
Miners Lullaby
Po' Lazarus
Strike the Bell
500 Miles
Henry the Accountant
The Final Trawl

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Feb 21 - 02:39 PM

Oh, no doubt that will happen in time, Felipa. In fact, it's happening now to a great extent. But it takes time.
I'm trying to keep the main announcement thread clear for announcing coming singarounds. It's fine to post other things there, but eventually they will be moved to more permanent homes.
It's a very easy thing for me to move a message to another thread.

For the most part, I have been starting or refreshing threads during the Singaround for songs that aren't common or that we don't have full information for, and then researching and discussing the songs over the coming week.

Gerry Myerson and others started building lists of songs sung at the singarounds, so we started this thread for those lists and as a temporary resting place for lyrics. Monique is managing a thread for songs from the Singaround that are not in English.

We've been trying our best to document sources for lyrics and to ensure we have correct and proofread lyrics in the "origins" and "DTStudy" threads. But until lyrics have been checked, it's nice to keep them elsewhere until they're ready for "origins" threads.


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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Felipa
Date: 09 Feb 21 - 08:16 AM

would it not be handier to have this thread be for lists of which songs are sung each week (presently given in an exceeding long discussion of everything and anything to do with the Mon night song session), with links to the lyrics in their own threads? If the lyrics are not already on Mudcat, they deserve their own threads. A group of songs with related themes would suit being together in a thread, but here we are going to have songs which have little in common apart from having been sung at the same singing circle.

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 09 Feb 21 - 07:59 AM

I just checked my records after last night's magnificent singaround, and i find that i sang Anna Shannon's Yorkshire Song there myself on the very first edition of the Singaround, 8th June last year!
It's truly one of those songs that haunts you for ever.
But hey, doesn't time fly?!!!

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Feb 21 - 04:47 AM

Barrie, I'll certainly agree with that description of the "silky smooth to die for voice."
It's such a pleasure to hear Hazel sing. But hey, the rest of us sing pretty good, too.

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GUEST,Bradfordian
Date: 09 Feb 21 - 04:43 AM

First heard from Hazel Richings, she with the silky smooth to die for voice.
I sang this beautiful song 08/02/21.

Yorkshire Song by Anna Shanon

When heather's bloom has faded long….. and turned to brown
When pheasant chides his bright alarm
When rolling mist the valley shrouds…. in silent arms
Once more I know this place to be my home

I heard the curlew cry today…. on windswept heath
A plaintive call on rising wing
And as I watched from ragged lines….. of weathered trees
My heart stirred from her place to go with him

There's not one thing I would not give…. to be as he
To circle here in joyous flight
And on these moors my life to live…. to simply be
My spirit to go on in hill and scree

I wish that I could write a song….. that had no words
Of beauteous things and journeys run
For many is the time I've tried….. and tales begun
But with beauty such as this the words won't come

When heather's bloom has faded long….. and turned to brown
When pheasant chides his bright alarm
When rolling mist the valley shrouds….. in silent arms
Once more I know this place to be my home

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom TODAY!!!
From: The Sandman
Date: 08 Feb 21 - 01:53 PM

i am not saying i am right, but i have only ever heard it as mcCafferty in over 50 years on the uk folk scene, mcCafferty seems to be definteley the most popular name

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 06 Feb 21 - 06:59 PM

SPB, thanks! I will edit the list.
Felipa, I was wondering the same thing, but Prof Google tells me that it's done both ways, and Jim Lucas definitely sang it as McCassery.

    In Folk Song in England, A.L. Lloyd has it listed both ways, McCassery and McCafferty - and McCaffery. -Joe O.-

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 06 Feb 21 - 07:33 AM

Yep, A Dollar A Day.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 06 Feb 21 - 07:31 AM

re the song list for 1 Feb = should "McCasserly" be "McCafferty"?

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 05 Feb 21 - 09:40 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/stories that were sung/recited/shared, in order, at the Singaround on 1/2 February 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined. I didn't get a title for Fred Maslan's song, "Sailing to Victoria" is a guess. I'm guessing "Always Belay" and "In Praise of Men" as the names for Jane Nicholls' stories. "I May Not Have Long" is a guess for Storm's song. Digital Tradition has six versions of Hieland Laddie, and Tony said the one Joe put in the chat wasn't what he (Tony) was singing. I didn't catch a title for Sadie's poem for The Birthday of Francis J. Child. "Liza Jane" comes in many flavors with varying titles. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Cosmo Revisited (poem)
Stone By Stone
Sail, O Believer
The Death of Romeo and Juliet
What Will We Do
Candlelight Fisherman
Will Ye Go To the Indies, My Mary
Three Score and Ten
The Housewive's Shanty
Ranter's Wharf
Spencer the Rover
Sailing to Victoria (?) (Princess Marguerite)
Go to Sea Once More
Mise Raifteirí an file / The End of the Winter (in Irish and English)
Walkin' After Midnight
Bird on a Wing
I Thrive When I'm Drunk
Ain't No More Cane on the Brazis
The Bunch of Rushes
Song for the Mira
When the Boys are On Parade
Always Belay (story)
Billy Gray
The Burning of Auchindoun
Lament of Mary, Queen of Scots, on the Approach of Spring
Rolling Down the Ryburn
Wynken, Blinken, and Nod
Avalon is Risen
Tecumseh Valley
Flower of Sweet Strabane
A Dollar a Day
English Country Folk Club
Lessons of Time
Nevada Jane
When the Green Man Walks the Forest
You Tell Me
Newborough Beach (poem)
Wildwood Flower
It's All Just Talk
Spring Will Come
Je Suis Trop Jeunette
Crafty Maid's Policy
The Lodger
I May Not Have Long
Let Union Be
Hieland Laddie (??)
Reg, the Lonely Glow Worm
Trouble in the Fields
The Galway Shawl
Mingulay Boat Song
Second Front Song
9 to 5 Pollution Blues
(Poem for) The Birthday of Francis J. Child
Bob the Kelpie
(Goodbye) (Little) Liza Jane
A Tree Song (aka Oak, Ash and Thorn)
See Here, She Said
Kishmul's Galley
Burma Shave
I'm Shy, Mary Ellen, I'm Shy
Cornflower Blue
Somebody's Grandmother
John Of Dreams
The Human Cannonball (poem)
The Field Behind the Plow
If You Had a Brain You Would be Dangerous
Henry the Accountant
Eyes of a Painter
Polwarth on the Green
Left Hand Lost
In Praise of Men (story)
Along the Road of Time

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Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: GUEST,Bradfordian
Date: 31 Jan 21 - 01:59 PM

Ha ha; I’ve now found the thread for posting new Mudcat zoom songs

Here are the lyrics for he song HERMIONE by DANIEL KELLY which I sang on 25 January zoom session. The tune is ROLLING DOWN TO OLD MAUI.
(Copied from the Mudcat worldwide sing around on zoom Monday’s — or something like that!)

It's a damn tough life full of toil and strife we Gryffindors undergo,
We don't give a damn when the term is done how many facts we know.
But there is one girl, that we know for sure, will still at her studying be,
We’ll drink butter beer and give a cheer to the girl Hermione.

Yes her name’s Hermione, it is,
Her name’s Hermione,
We will win house cup, when the year is up
Thanks to our Hermione

Once more we fail at the Potions class, wicked recipes Snape has made,
But Hermione read, and with level head, she has brewed the winning grade,
While Crabb and Goyle set their hair on fire, and Malfoy makes a scowl,
When Hermione reads every word she needs, She’ll be outstanding in every owl.

A Ravenclaw some said she’d be, but they couldn’t be more wrong,
Though her mind is sharp, she’s a lion’s heart, and her will is mighty strong,
She is sometimes gruff, like a Hufflepuff, but there’s a sparkle in her eye,
Though her bloods not pure, she will endure and triumph by and by.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GUEST,Gallus Moll
Date: 29 Jan 21 - 04:42 PM

Wow! Lots of Scottish songs!! Sorry I missed it, been immersed in Celtic Connections, only a few more days to go....
Still not sure if I have overcome my microphone problem,shall find out on Sunday at Glasgow Ballad Workshop session (fingers crossed)
- hope to join you a week on Monday!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 28 Jan 21 - 05:04 AM

There's 12 keys to choose from, 24 if you count minor, 84 if you go modal, and with microtonal it stretches to infinity.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 27 Jan 21 - 10:05 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/stories that were sung/recited/shared, in order, at the Singaround on 25/26 January 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined, and thanks to others who supplied me with titles. I made up a name for Jane Nicholls' story about the box in the attic, and for Charlotte Oliver's reply to Lady Franklin's Lament. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Bells of Norwich (Julian of Norwich - Sydney Carter)
Now Westlin Winds
Hermione (to the tune of Rolling Down to Old Maui)
Backblock Shearer
Parachutiste (in French)
Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa'
Ode to a Vegetarian Haggis (poem)
Jumbo Stevens
Johnny Lad
Ye Banks and Braes (aka Banks O' Doon)
If It Wasnae for Your Wellies
Seven Faded Letters
I Ain't Got No Home
Slave's Lament
Let's Have a Ride on your Bicycle
To Daunton Me
Loch Lomond
Mill Mill O
Night Visiting Song
Bogie's Bonnie Belle
Are You A Grotty Yachty
Gay Spanish Maid
Dumbarton's Drums
Pack Up Your Sorrows
The Times They Are a-Changin'
Mingulay Boat song
Chemical Worker's Song
Wife to a Cocky Farmer
Reply to Lady Franklin's Lament (?)
Andrew and His Cutty Gun
On Susan's Floor
Ae Fond Kiss
Heart's Home
Henry Martin
Flower in the Wildwood
Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation (aka Parcel of Rogues, aka Rogues in a Nation)
Ca' the Ewes
Imagine a Girl (poem)
Leave Us, Donald, Leave Us
We Shall Be Renewed
King of Rome
A Man's a Man for A' That (aka Is There For Honest Poverty?)
West Virginia Boys
How Will I Ever Be Simple Again?
Time is a Tempest
The Bonny Earl of Moray
Charlie on the MTA
My Love is Like a Dewdrop
Nepudem Domu (We Won't Go Home, in Czech)
Till the Dance is Mine
Far Side Banks of Jordan
Dumbarton's Drums
Whiskey in the Jar (aka Gilgarra Mountain, aka Kilgary Mountain)
Sam's Gone Away
Since Then
The Bonniest Lass
In China or a Woman's Heart
In the Morning (poem)
The Polished Box in the Attic (story)
Scarborough Settler's Lament
Jamie Foyers
O Whistle and I'll Come to Ye, My Lad
Braw Lads o' Gala Water
Health to the Company
How Can I Keep From Singing

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: Joe Offer
Date: 26 Jan 21 - 02:03 PM

Well, Mrr, your range is alto to high tenor, but I don't know from keys. You sing good.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: Mrrzy
Date: 26 Jan 21 - 01:32 PM

Hey, can anybody tell me what keys I sing in? Longer question in the Xylo thread.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GUEST,Bradfordian
Date: 26 Jan 21 - 04:34 AM

Here are the lyrics for he song HERMIONE by DANIEL KELLY which I sang on 25 January zoom session. The tune is ROLLING DOWN TO OLD MAUI.
I’m not sure if this is the right place but I see you have one or two song lyrics in this thread. (Should we do a separate thread for new zoom songs? (Or maybe there is already and I didn’t find it!))

It's a damn tough life full of toil and strife we Gryffindors undergo,
We don't give a damn when the term is done how many facts we know.
But there is one girl, that we know for sure, will still at her studying be,
We’ll drink butter beer and give a cheer to the girl Hermione.

Yes her name’s Hermione, it is,
Her name’s Hermione,
We will win house cup, when the year is up
Thanks to our Hermione

Once more we fail at the Potions class, wicked recipes Snape has made,
But Hermione read, and with level head, she has brewed the winning grade,
While Crabb and Goyle set their hair on fire, and Malfoy makes a scowl,
When Hermione reads every word she needs, She’ll be outstanding in every owl.

A Ravenclaw some said she’d be, but they couldn’t be more wrong,
Though her mind is sharp, she’s a lion’s heart, and her will is mighty strong,
She is sometimes gruff, like a Hufflepuff, but there’s a sparkle in her eye,
Though her bloods not pure, she will endure and triumph by and by.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Now!!
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 21 Jan 21 - 07:25 AM

I am pretty certain that Clement's version in Manavilins which I've arranges is called Common Sailors.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Now!!
From: SPB-Cooperator
Date: 21 Jan 21 - 07:21 AM

For the last 34 years it has just had working title Swells Parody. I suppose now is as good as any time to give it a proper title:

A Couple of Drunken Swells

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Now!!
From: GerryM
Date: 20 Jan 21 - 05:52 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/stories/speeches that were sung/recited, in order, at the Singaround on 18/19 January 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined, and thanks to SPB for some corrections. I didn't get a name for Jane Nicholls story about the elephant, nor for Storm's song which I've recorded as "To Make this World a Place where All are Free". Jane Nicholls' contribution about a bus ride in wartime London was more a reminiscing than a story, I wouldn't expect it to have a title. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Let Freedom Ring (speech)
We Shall Overcome (one verse)
When The Tees Ran Warm
Glad to Meet You, Glad to Greet You
Bridie and the Pole
Babylon is Fallen
Lee Hays monologue from The State of Arkansas
Cottage Cheese (story)
We've Come a Long Way
Ballade en Novembre (in French)
The Ploughboy's Dream
I Wish I was a Mole in the Ground
The Chevalier's Lament
If it Wasn't for the Song
Dragging the River
When I was a Lad (Allan Sherman)
Blowin' in the Wind
Ella's Song
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Sushi Blues
The Really Strangest Dream
Common Sailors
I'll Go
Have the New Jab
Steal Away
There'll Come a Day
Your Daughters and Your Sons
Farewell to the Gold
If I Were Free
Early Snow
Rolling Home to Old New England
A Cowboy Lives
The Boy and the Elephant (?) (story)
The Bergen
We Shall Not Give Up the Fight
Stone by Stone
Tatties and Herrin'
A Man's a Man for a' That
Flowers of Bermuda
Angel from Montgomery
Can the Circle be Unbroken
Old Songs Home
To Make this World a Place where All are Free (?)
Sandwood Down to Kyle
Punch and Judy Man
Health to the Company
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Caledonia (Dougie MacLean)
Ae Fond Kiss
Snowy Breasted Pearl (in Irish and English)
Rosa Parks
Pedlar of Lidice (story)
The Quaker's Cow (story)
The Times They are a'Changin'
I Still Breathe
A Couple of Drunken Swells
Thirsty Boots
Ye Banks and Braes
The Battler's Ballad
Ballad of Maxton Field
The Valiant Soldiers, aka Marching Song of the First Arkansas Colored Regiment
Across the Great Divide
Don't Call Me Early in the Morning
Big Iron
(story about a double-decker bus in wartime London)
Gonna Take Us All
Idlers and Skivers
Java Jive
Let the Good Guys Win
Sailor's Lullaby
Three Drunken Maidens
We Shall Overcome
How Can I Keep From Singing

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: Waddon Pete
Date: 14 Jan 21 - 05:33 AM

Just one correction from me Gerry. "She was very fond of dancing" is properly titled, "The Calico Printer's Clerk".

I also thought I should thank you for your work in generating this list every week. It's appreciated.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 13 Jan 21 - 11:33 PM

Here's my list of songs and poems that were sung/recited, in order, at the Singaround on 11/12 January 2021. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Here's to the State of Richard Nixon
Penny for the Ploughboys
Que Vous Etes Beau
Old King Cole
If (poem)
We Sing Hallelujah
Weeping in the Promised Land
Banana Republics
Lincoln Park Pirates
Month of January
The Shearer's Dream
The Lambton Worm
She was Very Fond of Dancing (The Calico Printer’s Clerk)
Lili Marlene (in Irish and German)
Johnny Macree (poem)
In and Around Nashville (aka Uncle Dave's Travels, Part 3)
Bring Us a Vaccine
Kissin' in the Dark
Poor Murdered Woman
Found My El Dorado in My Backyard
Remember Me
Until the Dark Time Ends
The Farm Auction
The January June
Broken Heartland
I Ain't Nobody in Perticular
The Long Arms of Love
Ceres and Pluto and Eris
There is a Time
Power and the Glory
Reedy River
Lullaby for the Whaler's Child
Oh, Mary Don't You Weep
She's Someone's Grandmother
Nevada Jane
Jimmy Murphy
Wayfaring Stranger
Call to Song
The Dream Tree
Silver Whistle
A Stor Mo Chroi
Luckiest Sailor
Tom Paine's Bones
Let Me Down Easy
The Far Side Banks of Jordan
The Broken Token
Philadelphia Lawyer
Noah's Ark Shanty (aka A Long Time Ago, aka In Frisco Bay)
Garden Song
The Possum Song
Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy
Way Down in North Carolina
A Chat with Your Mother
Nobby Hall
Blank Space
The Charladies' Ball
The Demon Lover (aka The House Carpenter)
Mhairi Bhan
Rose Bay Ferry
Before They Close the Minstrel Show
Take a Chance
Lolly Too-dum
Bonnie Wee Lassie (aka Bonnie Wee Window)
Why Does It Have To Be Me?
House of the Rising Damp
Night Visiting Song
The Knitting Song
Hobo's Lullaby

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 06 Jan 21 - 04:10 AM

Here's my list of songs (no poems this time) that were sung, in order, at the Singaround on 4/5 January 2021. I didn't get a name for Patty Clink's parody of Dylan's My Back Pages. I'm not sure that Bring Me My Dull Old Pants is the right title for Rusty Dobro's take-off on a song from Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:

Wasn't That a Mighty Storm?
Mormond Braes
Ballad of Jed Clampett
We'll Sing Hallelujah
Richard of Taunton Dean
The Will (in French)
Please to See the King
Seven Nights Drunk (aka Seven Drunken Nights, cf Our Goodman)
Bring Me My Dull Old Pants (parody of Any Dream Will Do / Give Me My Colored Coat)
Past Carin'
Mr Fox
V'chitetu Charvotam (And They Shall Beat Their Swords, in Hebrew)
The Body Piercing Song (parody of I'll Tell Me Ma)
The Year Turns Around Again
Queen Elinor's Confession
The County Line (aka We Moved the Line)
The Fishfinger Song
The Schmuck Song
Three Score and Ten
Brightest and Best
Snow Flurry (in Russian)
Bonobo Wannabe
Piano Leg (Broken Token-2)
The Creel
Across the Great Divide
Witch of the Westmoreland
It's a Miracle
Mary Parker's Lament
Clerk Colven
The Doffing Mistress
The Iron-Moulder's Wedding
I Fall to Pieces
Da Day Dawn
O Wee White Rose of Scotland
Cherry Tree Carol
Will the Circle Be Unbroken
Rollin' Down to Bethlehem
Northern Tide
The Hour that the Ship Comes In
The Braes O' Appin
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Naptime
Molly Bawn
You Can Close Your Eyes
Mary Had a Baby
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Chestnuts Blaring Through the Shopping Mall
The Music of Strings
If I Ever Sing a Love Song
Brandy Tree
Bless This House
Soon May the Wellerman Come
Don't Call Me Early in the Morning
? (Parody of My Back Pages)
January Lullaby
Alfred the Alligator
The Holly and the Ivy
Sancta Bega
Grandma Song
Homeless Wassail
Old Black Joe

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom TODAY!!!
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 04 Jan 21 - 07:24 PM

For Gerry M's listings:
Here's the first few items from today's Zoom Sing, before he joined:
Joe Offer - Wasn't that a mighty storm?
Alison - Mormond Braes
Barrie Mathers - Ballad of Jed Clampett
David Kidman - We'll sing hallelujah
Mrrzy - Richard of taunton
Monique - The will (in French)
Leeneia - Stewball
Noreen - (Please to see) The king


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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 29 Dec 20 - 11:16 PM

Here's my list of songs and poems that were performed, in order, at the Singaround on 28/29 December 2020. I think this is everything. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here's you go:

2020 is Almost Over
The Disheartened Ranger
The Painted Veil
Macavity (poem)
Three Wise Women
You Can't Make a Turtle Come Out
Sandy Boys
The Holly and the Ivy
Young Waters
The End of Another Year
The Lag's Song
San Antonio Rose
The Wabash Cannonball
A Thousand Songs
My Grandfather's Ferret
The Banks of Sullane
By the Blackthorn on Doolieve
The Frozen Logger
Hood 2001 (poem)
Good King Wenceslas
A Guid New Year to Ane an' $A'
Big Mama (poem)
Ode to the Little Brown Shack
New Year's Eve
Already Dead
Good Riddance
New Year's Octet (poem)
Please to See the King
Rich Man, Poor Man
The Gift of Song
Drive the Cold Winter Away
The Restroom Door Said, "Gentlemen"
The Lowly Carpenter
Ruins By the Shore
Mariner's Hymn
Freedom Come All Ye
Spot of the Antarctic
The Wexford Carol (aka The Enniscorthy Carol)
Mary Had a Baby
The Door of the Year
My Father's Mansion
Walking in My Winter Underwear
I Still Miss Someone
Dance With the Dragon
The Miner's Dream of Home
The Farmer's Carol
Donny Be Gone
The Rose
You've Been a Friend to Me
Safe Romance
The Lady of Song
The Toast Song
The Innumerable Christ (poem)
Poor Lazarus
The Wren
We Are
Mary Did You Know (Jennifer Henry version)
Jack the Slob and the Goddess of Love
Brandenburg Gate
Loud Sing the Carol
The Woes
Woven Through Herringbone
The River Where She Sleeps
The Master of the Sheepfold

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 29 Dec 20 - 04:25 PM

Moorley Man, thanks as ever for filling me in!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 29 Dec 20 - 09:33 AM

Another great singaround yesterday!

Here for the Log-keeper (GerryM), who arrived a little later than starting-time, is a listing of the first few items performed:

Joe Offer - 2020 Is Almost Over by Larry Montgomery
Severn Savage - The disheartened ranger
Alison - The painted veil (? by Guest, Gallus Moll ?)
Pelagie Crofton - Macavity (poem by TS Eliot)
David Kidman - 3 Wise Women (Stanley Accrington)
Jim Lucas - You can't make a turtle come out by Malvina Reynolds
Richard Adrianowicz - Sandy boy
Robert Rodriquez - The holly & the ivy
Casey Casebeer - Young Waters (Child ballad)

I think Gerry had arrived by then...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 23 Dec 20 - 09:35 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/readings that were performed, in order, at the Singaround on 21/22 December 2020. I didn't get a title for Storm's song – I've given it as "Here's Hoping" which was a repeated phrase in the song. I didn't get a title for Hazel's second song – I've given it as "Here On My Island" (but it's not the song of that name from the Barbie movie that comes up on Google). Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here's what I have:

Candle (poem)
Merry Christmas from the Family
Global Warming and the Iceberg (poem)
Shepherds, Arise
Green Groweth the Holly
Cauld Winter
The Magnon
Do Virgins Taste Better?
Stannington Carol
Ode by a Christmas Pudding at Sea
The First Franksgiving (story)
Still Not Dead
The Jab Song (aka I've Had the Jab)
The Huron Carol
A Wee Drappie O't
Pussywillows, Cat-tails
Personent Hodie (in Latin)
The Good Old Way
Christmas in Jail
Christmas in the Trenches
Suburbs of Eden
Halsway Carol
Julian of Norwich (aka Bells of Norwich, aka All Shall Be Well Again)
My Love is a Tall Ship
Christmas at Sea
Clear was the Night
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Summon Up the Sun
Gentle Night
(From the) Lambing to the Wool
Strolling Through a Summer Wonderland
I'll Lick Another Stamp for You
Hail Chime On
The Wheels on the Fatal Bus
The Wexford Lullaby
Comfort and Joy
The Ballad of Ben Dover
Banjos Roasting on an Open Fire
Angels and Shepherds
Ole Slew Foot
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Twelve Days Home for Christmas
Eddi's Service (A.D. 687) (poem)
Light a Candle (story from The Singing Tree)
The Wexford Carol (aka The Enniscorthy Carol)
Here's Hoping (?)
Until the Dark Time Ends
Carry Me Over
Yorkshire Song
Phantom 309 (accompanied recitation)
Joseph Kinder (in German)
Suffer the Children
Merry Little Christmas
Leavin' Liverpool
Green Grow the Rushes, Ho!
A Virgin Most Pure
The Greatest Story of All
A Time Will Come for Singing
The Rose of York
Christmas in Prison
Leanabh an Aigh
Long is the Winter 'Til the Sun's Return
Dick Darby the Cobbler
The Little Cradle Rocks Tonight
ATale of Jesus (aka Baby Born)
Brightest and Best
The First Hanukah
Here on My Island (?)
Mojo Hannah
On Christmas Day
God Rest Ye, Unitarians
Witch Hazel

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Now!!
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 21 Dec 20 - 04:55 PM

For GerryM, late joiner, before you ask:
Tonight's starting songs:
Joe Offer - Candle (poem by Micca Patterson) then Merry Christmas from the family by Robert Earl Keen Jr
Pelagie Crofton - Poem: Global Warming & The Iceberg by Les Barker
David Kidman - Carol - Shepherds, Arise
Anne Gregson & Chris Timson - Green grows the holly (by Henry 8th)
Alison from Dunoon - Cold winter
Mrrzy - The Magnon, adapted from PP&M's The Magi
Tony Becker - Do virgins taste better?!
Noreen - Stannington (Sheffield carol)
then Jim Lucas... by which time i believe you'd joined??

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
From: GerryM
Date: 17 Dec 20 - 09:57 PM

Here's my list of songs/poems/readings that were performed, in order, at the Singaround on 14/15 December 2020. Thanks to Moorley Man for filling me in on what was done before I joined. I think the only title I didn't get was for the poem Andrew wrote & read about being kicked out of a poetry society for wanting poems to rhyme. Also, I'm not sure whether Hazel's second song is called "I'll Bring the Whiskey if You'll Bring the Wine", or "Old Friends". Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks all welcome. Here's what I have:

The Pickle Tree Carol
Raiders of the Lost Shark (poem)
The Mistletoe Bough
Dunster Carol
When You Are Old And Grey
Sir Greenbaum's Madrigal
Pastres Rintratz Vòstrei Tropèus (Shepherds, bring your flocks in tonight)
Jerusalem Cuckoo (aka I Am a Donkey Driver)
The Wexford Carol
Do You Hear What I Hear
Merry Christmas, Baby
(Do) The Rock of Ages
Lovers and Friends
Ar Gyfer Heddiw’r Bore (For the Sake of This Very Morning, in Welsh)
Come All You Jolly Mummers
Carol for the Twelfth Day
Of All the Birds
I Must Go Home Tonight
Tarry Flynn
Twas a Month Before Christmas (poem)
A Silent Night (Christmas 1915)
(When We Go) Rolling Home
The Galway Shawl
The Greatest Story of All
Now the Day is Over
The Death or Glory Wassail
Shepherds Arise
Lines Suggested by a Tennessee Song (poem)
Adeste, Fideles
The Potato Song
Send Me to Glory in a Glad Bag
Hanerot Halalu
Dark December
The Trees are All Bare
Auntie Julia
There's a Song in the Air
It's Better Than That
Amourette (formerly known as Exercise 77)
See Amid the Winter Snow (instrumental)
Hanukah in Santa Monica
(poem about free verse)
Bottle O' the Best
Fields of Athenry
Sam Small's Christmas Pudding
The Coventry Carol
Albert and the Lion
The Snows they Melt the Soonest
Vive le Vent (French version of Jingle Bells)
The Boar's Head Carol
I Wish You Enough
Darby Ram
The Carol Singers
Eibhlin a Run (Eileen Aroon)
Glory Hallelujah
A Christmas Carol (reading from Dickens)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks on Ilkley Moor
The Boys in the Back Room
Rock of Ages (Hanukah version)
The Latke Carols – First Carol
Zen Gospel Singing
When the Children Come Home
Jolly Old Hawk
Pat-a-Pan (aka Willy, Bring Your Little Drum)
Old Friends (I'll Bring the Whiskey if You'll Bring the Wine (?))
Mon Beau Sapin (French version of Tannenbaum)
God Rest Ye Unitarians
Rollin' Down to Bethlehem
The Parting Glass
Circle of Song

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