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Joan Baez Kennedy Center Honors

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Mrrzy 15 May 21 - 08:55 AM
gillymor 15 May 21 - 10:58 AM
GUEST,Felipa 15 May 21 - 06:40 PM
Mrrzy 15 May 21 - 09:50 PM
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Subject: Joan Baez Kennedy Center Honors
From: Mrrzy
Date: 15 May 21 - 08:55 AM

Great article here.

What a voice she had. I got to see her in Charlottesville a few years back, what a person, what fire!

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez Kennedy Center Honors
From: gillymor
Date: 15 May 21 - 10:58 AM

She was my first guitar hero, I was fascinated by her Carter scratch and finger picking on those early Vanguard albums (I still have the ones my Dad brought home so long ago) instilled a life long love of those old ballads and old timey American songs in me. That woman deserves any honors this country can give her.

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez Kennedy Center Honors
From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 15 May 21 - 06:40 PM

thanks for the link to that article. I think it overstates Joan Baez' retreat from singing and playing. She did some nice lockdown recordings in 2020, at the age of 79.
Here is an example:

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Subject: RE: Joan Baez Kennedy Center Honors
From: Mrrzy
Date: 15 May 21 - 09:50 PM

It was her Indigo Girls tour that came through Charlottesville. What an admirable human being.

Glad you liked the article.

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