Lyr Add: Cha Bhi Mi Buan (Scottish Gaelic)
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Cha Bhi Mi Buan (Scottish Gaelic) From: RunrigFan Date: 22 Jun 21 - 06:04 PM I will not last while you are away from me I gave my young love to you I will not last while you are away from me I see the boat going by The sea scattering about her sides If I’m not mistaken My sweetheart was sailing her My sweetheart was steering her The fair young man of the beautiful hair The fair young man of the yellow hair O, I’ve known you since I was young It is your lasting vows And your love, Lachlann, that have afflicted me O, if I should see you coming I would run to meet you I would run to meet you On the soles of my bare feet Though there’s a very hard frost And cold snow on the moor Brian Ó hEadhra |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Cha Bhi Mi Buan (Scottish Gaelic) From: RunrigFan Date: 22 Jun 21 - 06:03 PM Cha bhi mi buan ’s tu bhith bhuam Thug mi luaidh òg dhut Cha bhi mi buan ’s tu bhith bhuam Chì mi ’m bàta dol seachad Muir a’ sgapadh na bòrdan Mura deachaigh mi mearachd Bha mo leannan ga seòladh Bha mo leannan ga stiùireadh Òigear ùr a’ chùil bhòidhich Òigear ùr a’ chùil bhuidhe O, b’ aithne dhomh òg thu ’S e do bhòidichean fada ’S ghaol, a Lachlainn, a leòn mi O, nam faicinn thu tighinn ’S mi gu ruitheadh nad chòmhdhail ’S mi gu ruitheadh na do choinneimh Air mo bhonnan gun bhrògan Ged tha reothadh glè chruaidh ann ’S sneachda fuar air a’ mhòine |
Subject: Lyr Add: Cha Bhi Mi Buan (Scottish Gaelic) From: Felipa Date: 22 Jun 21 - 03:27 PM CHA BHI MI BHUAN [SEISD] Cha bhi mi buan 's tu bhi bhuam Thug mi luaidh òg dhut Cha bhi mi buan 's tu bhi bhuam Chì mi 'm bàta dol seachad Muir a sgapadh mu bòrdan Mar an deachaidh mi mearachd Bha mo leannan ga seòladh Bha mo leannan ga stiùireadh Oigfhear ùr a 'chùl bhòidheach Oigfhear ùr a 'chùl bhuidhe # O, b'aithne dhomh òg thu 'Se do bhòidichean fada 'S gaol, a Lachlainn, a leòn mi O, na faicinn thu tighinn 'S mi gu ruitheadh 'nad chòmhdhail 'S mi gu ruitheadh 'na do choinneamh Air mo bhonnan gun bhrògan Ged tha reothadh glè chruaidh ann 'S sneachda fuar air a' mhòine TRANSLATION [CHORUS] I will not survive if you leave me I gave you my love when I was young I will not survive if you leave me I see the ship going by Its boards slicing through the sea If I'm not mistaken My sweetheart was sailing her My sweetheart was at the helm The young man of the beautiful tresses It is your long-established promises And your love, Lachlan, that have wounded me Oh if I saw you coming I would run to meet you I would run towards you On the soles of my shoeless feet Though there's a hard frost And cold snow on the peat Sources http://www.celticlyricscorner.net/lamond/cha.htm as sung by Mary Jane Lamond of Canada on her album "Bho Thír nan Craobh" (from the land of the trees): https://open.spotify.com/album/3D6UgxbfKUlBxxP6XFOfyi http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/gaidhlig/alltandubh/orain/Cha_Bhi_Mi.html sung by Fiona Mackenzie and Brian Ó hEadhra - youtube Cha Bhi Mi Buan - sung by Anne Martin | Spotify |
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