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Lyr Add: new verse Flowers that bloom in spring


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leeneia 26 Jul 21 - 04:20 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: new verse Flowers that bloom in spring
From: leeneia
Date: 26 Jul 21 - 04:20 PM

Here is the new (second) verse that I wrote for Gilbert and Sullivan's 'Flowers that Bloom in the Spring'. I sang it at today's Mudcat Singaround.

The flowers that bloom in the spring Tra la
bring songbirds to orchard and vine
As they brighten the air on the wing Tra la
We welcome the music they bring Tra la
In the summer of apples and wine, in the summer of apples and wine.
And that's what we mean when we say that a thing
is welcome as songbirds that pipe in the spring.
Tra la la la a   Tra la la la a. songbirds that pipe in the spring
Tra la la la la   Tra la la LA A Tra la la la la la!

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