Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors |
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Subject: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 27 Oct 21 - 04:27 PM Fairly straightforward, I'm looking for religious (primarily gospel, however other genres are fine) songs with metaphors to sports. Preferably, the emphasis should be on the sport rather than the religious aspect. Notably, they *don't* have to be overwhelmingly positive, just Christian motifs. Here are a few examples I've found: Baseball: - Life Is a Ballgame by Wynona Carr (listen) - Will You Be Ready At the Plate by Young Country (listen) Football: - Drop-Kick Me Jesus by Bobby Bare (listen) Track: - The Race by Flip Wilson (listen) |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 30 Oct 21 - 12:39 PM Not really a song but The Game of Life by Jarrell McCracken (listen) is football-themed |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 02 May 23 - 09:54 PM Not strictly a gospel song, but since the material is so few and far between, I think I can make an exception. Here's one called THE GAME WAS PLAYED ON SUNDAY: This is sung to the accompanying tune at Cortland Normal School, and was sung to me [Sherle R. Goldstone] by Ruth Lerman, Cortland graduate of 1933. (College Songs That Are Unprinted (for Obvious Reasons) by Sherle R. Goldstone, term paper, 1934 |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: GerryM Date: 03 May 23 - 02:07 AM The First Baseball Game, performed by Chosen Few: https://youtu.be/4vbPyeMyIPk |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: GerryM Date: 03 May 23 - 02:10 AM Will Jimmy Make it Home, by The Inspirations: https://youtu.be/BG4Yfv5DfjQ |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: GerryM Date: 03 May 23 - 02:14 AM Football and Jesus, sung by Ryan Nicholson: https://youtu.be/_NnDg6tC71k |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:05 AM I'll go ahead and post lyrics for the songs already posted in order of posting, or link to an existing thread... starting with songs already on the 'Cat: Life Is a Ballgame Drop Kick Me Jesus (since the links to lyrics in the thread are dead - link) The Race |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:26 AM The following are my transcriptions of the above songs from the links provided. WILL YOU BE READY AT THE PLACE (WHEN JESUS THROWS THE BALL) Randy Brooks Life is just a baseball game and most folks play to win But you won't ever get to first if you're wallowing in sin You'll never make the team if you don't lead a Christian life If you've been making love, my friend, she'd better be your wife CHORUS Will you be ready at the plate when Jesus throws the ball? Will your life be an infield fly or a base-hit off the wall? No sinner's ever happy when he hears that umpire's call Will you be ready at the plate when Jesus throws the ball? Will you be in condition on the day you get the call Or have you broken training rules with drugs and alcohol If you can't play the game you will be sent down to the minors Where Satan is the manager and it ain't in North Caroline-r CHORUS [spoken freely] Hallelujah, brothers and sisters, did you always think the initials RBI stood for Roguish Body Inclinations? If someone mentioned the "Immortal Babe" did you think they were talking about Raquel Welch? And if I were to you right now and say Rollie Fingers I'd bet you'd think I meant a rash transmitted by means of petting, well, brothers and sisters, you're in trouble, and what you need is my pamphlet describing the road to salvation. It's entitled The Fall of the Roman Umpire, and special operators are standing by right now to take your call. The number is spelled out in chewing gum on the back of your stereos, and if you hurry up and call before midnight tomorrow night, we'll send you absolutely free an autographed photo of Billy Martin in the showers. All you have to do is send us three bills -- we don't care what currency, but we do ask in the interest of ecumenicalism that no two of the bills be of the same denomination. Your pamphlet will come to you wrapped in a red or a white sock, and for you health food fans, many parts of the pamphlet are edible. Now ask yourself this question: have your morals gone on strike? Do you direct foul language at the folks that you don't like? And would you rather steal than base your life on something fair? And do you stay at home, or go out swinging everywhere? CHORUS [spoken freely in lieu of last 8 words of chorus] Hallelujah, brothers and sisters, save your soul and sing along one time with me. CHORUS Will you be ready at the plate when Jesus throws the ball? |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:32 AM Modified lightly from the words as presented at https://baseballsheetmusic.omeka.net/items/show/18 THE FIRST BASEBALL GAME (Don Raye, Gene de Paul) "My sermon today," said the Reverend Jones, "is baseball and whence it came. If you take the good book, and you take a good look you will find the first baseball game It says, Eve stole to first and Adam second Solomon umpired the game Rebecca went to the well with the pitcher And Ruth in the field made a name Goliath was struck out David A base hit made on Abel by Cain And the prodigal son made a great home run Brother Noah game checks out for rain Now Old Saint Pete was checking errors Also had charge of the gate Salome sacrificed Big John the Baptist Who wound up ahead on the plate Delilah was pitching to Samson When he brought down the houses with a clout And the Angels that day made a double play That's when Adam and Eve were thrown out Now Jonah whaled and went down swinging Later he popped up again A 'lion' drive by old Nebuchadnezzar Made Daniel warm up in the pen Satan was pitching that apple It looked as though he might fan 'em all But then Joshua let go with a mighty blow And he blasted one right at the wall Shouting "Come along and let's play ball" |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:39 AM Since early days of childhood, baseball was Jimmy's game The day that he turned 21 his big break finally came He's working out, he's working hard, he's looking mighty fine He'd like to give his heart to God but this is not the time CHORUS Jimmy steps up to the plate, the game is on the line Two outs and this, his final play, he wants to hit this time A loud crack breaks the silence, a smile comes to his face He's running hard, he knows it's close as he comes around third base Like a bullet from the outfield, the ball is aimed and thrown The next play's gonna tell the tale -- will Jimmy make it home? Days turn into years, Jimmy's hair has turned to gray He never gave his heart to God, time just slipped away Now life may treat us differently, but death treats all the same It is come to visit Jimmy, time to play his final game CHORUS The great umpire of the universe leans down over the plate Jimmy's sliding into home one second too late Now with torment and outer darkness, he still hears the umpire shout (you're out!) You're out for all eternity, (you're out) you're out The batter steps up to the plate, you're in the game this time Two outs and this, your final play, eternity's on the line A loud crack breaks the silence, a smile comes to your face You're running hard, you knows it's close as you come around third base Like a bullet from the outfield, the ball is aimed and thrown Today your name is Jimmy -- will Jimmy make it home? Today your name is Jimmy -- will Jimmy make it home? |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:41 AM Lyrics copied from video description JESUS AND FOOTBALL (Ryan Nicholson) He said he thought he was ten feet tall and bullet proof When the Doctor told him “Coach, you might be sidelined for a year or two” Imagine that, a hometown legend down on his knees No stranger to adversity Fighting the biggest battle he’d ever seen So I asked him coach, how’d you tell the team He said, I walked into that locker room and gave one hell of a pre-game speech Chorus We’re gonna send up a prayer and play to win Fight till the clock runs out Gonna jump in the trenches Take it on the chin Hit back till we leave no doubt No one comes into our house And pushes us around In our veins there’s no weakness When we've got football and Jesus He said it was inch by inch, yard by yard, hit & miss Most days felt like it was 4th and 10 But against all odds, the Good Lord put him back in So tonight when he takes the field, damn sure he’s gonna soak it up The lights, the fans, high fives and the hugs Yeah man, he’s gonna feel the love He said, the grass looks greener than it’s ever been Let’s go raise some hell boys, let me tell you again... Chorus We’re gonna send up a prayer and play to win Fight till the clock runs out Gonna jump in the trenches Take it on the chin Hit back till we leave no doubt No one comes into our house And pushes us around In our veins there’s no weakness When we've got football and Jesus Bridge No you can’t lose with a clear head and an open heart It all starts CHORUS When you send up a prayer and play to win Fight till the clock runs out When you Jump in the trenches Take it on the chin Hit back till you leave no doubt No one comes into your house And pushes you around In your veins there’s no weakness When you've got football and Jesus Oh yeah, when you've got football and Jesus You got football and Jesus |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 24 - 11:46 AM Transcribed by ear from the YouTube video below. This one's not strictly religious, but it's close enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuE6QJ8GoGc COME ALONG WITH COME-ALONG (Brent Mason) CHORUS Come along with come-along, we ain't got time to waste The game's in extra innings, the starters have been chased The reaper's got a mighty bat, he's rounding second base Come along with come-along, we ain't got time to waste I used to think that time was free, would spend it like a drunk It went swirling down the urinal, I never would have thunk That knowledge of its passing would put me in a funk I used to think that time was free, I spent it like a drunk CHORUS But there's time to say I love you, and there's time to hold a hand There's time enough to not be tough on strangers to this land It's time I finally realized you gotta take a stand There's time to say I love you, there's time to hold a hand CHORUS |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 19 Jan 25 - 09:48 PM Another imperfect match, but it was a fun one so I felt inclined to include it. It includes several popular (at the time) references to football's violence and danger. Via the Davidson College Magazine, Vol. 21 No. X (December 1904), pp. 124-125. FOOT BALL ON MT. ARARAT 'Twas autumn on Mt. Ararat, And all around the creatures sat. It had been thirty days or more Since they had left the ark with Noah; And life was growing dull indeed; 'Twas plain that there was urgent need Of something to enliven them. The Lion cleared his throat "ahem!" "Good friends and comrades," he began, "I've hit upon a splendid plan-- 'Twill make your countenances beam-- We'll organize a football team." This speech was greeted with applause That made the Lion lick his jaws; And straightway everyone began To carry out this glorious plan. The day appointed for the game Was perfect; everybody came With colors of the side they backed. The grand-stand very soon was packed. They chose as umpire the Giraffe, To use his long neck like a staff And keep the line of scrimmage straight. ('Twas said that at this he was great.) When they had tossed they took their stand; The crowd then yelled to beat the band. But Noah, who was referee, Was green at this 'twas plain to see; He looked about him--helpless man-- Blew his nose and the game began. All words are lacking to portray The scenes of that eventful day. The Elephant received the kick And brought the ball back down so quick, It took the Baboon's breath away, And some declare it cinched the day. Then followed end runs, bucks and punts, And many other brilliant stunts. The Hippo held his center down; The Bear was great at gaining ground. Excitement waxed to fervent heat The Lynx could scarcely keep his seat. And even for a time forgot (A thing most rare, I truly wot.) To wink his ever ready eye At ladies who were sitting, by. The Porcupine, though, heeded not, He looked serene, and said, "What rot!" The first half ended in a tie. The crowd’s excitement ran so high That Noah was afraid to stay; So, unobserved, he sneaked away. When once again the play began, Around a threat'ning rumor ran That if they could not win by right, The game must end in bloody fight. Now, this ignoble fun to start, Of course it was the Lion's part. When making a superb end run, He slugged the Monk a dirty one. At this they all began to fight And claw and wrangle, scratch and bite; The spectators then left their place And joined in the strife apace. That night they gathered 'round the fire, All spattered o'er with clay and mire. They all declared the game that day A grand success in every way, They laughed and talked and stories spun, Till worn and weary every one Dropped off to sleep just where he sat, And quiet reigned on Ararat. |
Subject: RE: Gospel Songs with Sports Metaphors From: cnd Date: 19 Jan 25 - 09:49 PM Ah shucks. Not No. X, but rather No. 3... |
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