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Jack Hudson's wake-15 March 2022

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Big Al Whittle 03 Mar 22 - 10:41 PM
johnadams 04 Mar 22 - 06:19 AM
Big Al Whittle 04 Mar 22 - 07:01 AM
GUEST,Bendigo 15 Mar 22 - 08:30 AM
GUEST 28 Jan 25 - 04:42 PM
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Subject: Jack Hudson's wake
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 03 Mar 22 - 10:41 PM

Got a message from Jody today.
Jack's body was cremated to day with no one in attendance - as was his request.
There will be a wake organized as part the meeting of the Vernon Arms Folk Club, March 15th, Spondon, Derby. DE21 7AL
'The club usually broadcasts on zoom and therefore you could watch the night on that if you prefer, though of course I would love to see you there. If this is you preference, please let me know - you will be added to the event and I'll make sure instructions on how to tune in are sent.
I cant tell you how grateful I am to be able to share my love for my dad one last time.
In a style I hope he would have approved of, there will be a gathering of friends, enemies, fellow musicians and music lovers to mark the passing and celebrate the life of my Dad, Jack Hudson.
This will be taking place at the open mic night at one of his favourite gigs in Derbyshire on what would have been his 79th Birthday.'
With love, Jody x

Love and Memories, Elvis Is “Alive and Well”, 2005, Jack Hudson

Nothing good about a funeral
make you bloody cry
promise you wont have one for me
cross your heart and hope to die
Have a party
have a ball
invite my friend and my enemies too
eat, drink and be merry
then go about, you've better things to do
If you believe in God
you'll believe I've gone
to a better place than this
to cover me in flowers
cry it's a shame
would only be taking the piss
you know God's magnanimous,
God is love
he always and forever forgives
but what about this vengeance is mine
why should all the fun be his
Did we create him
or he create us
chicken and egg, catch 22
ye of little faith believe in us
and we'll believe in you
does he shoulder the blame
or does he say
'I'm a Virgo it ain't my fault'
bring on freedom of knowledge man
you should have taken the apple with salt
So when I'm gone
write me a song
not some dirge, some rock and roll tunes
I want people to say
'hey that's alright, that's about
... what's his name'
Promise you wont be miserable
dance around the burning photographs
I wont ask for nothing more
'cause love and memories never last
Nothing good about a funeral
make you bloody cry
promise you wont have one for me
cross your heart and hope to die
Have a party
have a ball
invite my friend and my enemies too
eat, drink and be merry
then go about, you've better things to do

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Subject: RE: Jack Hudson's wake
From: johnadams
Date: 04 Mar 22 - 06:19 AM

I’m sorry to learn that Jack has passed. He was one of the first people I saw when I found the folk scene in 1966 - at the Peasmouldia folk club in Derby. I remember sharing a bill at the Gaumont Cinema concert when I was with The Springhill Singers with Keith Kendrick. Hedy West was second on the bill and Jacque & Birdie headlined.
I’d very much like to join in on the 15th. I can’t travel due to my being a carer but if I could get the Zoom details I would be grateful.

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Subject: RE: Jack Hudson's wake
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 04 Mar 22 - 07:01 AM

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I won't be able to get to Spondon either, though I would love to pay my respects to one of the great voices.

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Subject: RE: Jack Hudson's wake
From: GUEST,Bendigo
Date: 15 Mar 22 - 08:30 AM

Family commitments,fuel cost for around 200 miles and slight concern re-Covid will prevent my being there (only learned late last night due to Mudcat being offline).I had really wanted to bring Jack's Texan to the event.Have a good time remembering Jack,and I will be at home playing the Texan tonight with many happy memories of Jack over the last 50 years.

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Subject: RE: Jack Hudson's wake-15 March 2022
Date: 28 Jan 25 - 04:42 PM

So sorry to see this we crossed paths many times in different places on the road & had some great laughs .Although I was more a trad singer then I always loved Jack's versions of the country songs it's his influence that inspired me to sing country . Will never forget him he was a one off. Rest in peace old friend.BILL BRACKEN.

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