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Origins: Oh What A Day

GUEST,Paddy 04 Jul 22 - 10:49 AM
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Subject: Origins: Oh What A Day
From: GUEST,Paddy
Date: 04 Jul 22 - 10:49 AM

Can anyone give me any information about the origins of the following.
I have been trying to find it's scource without success.

OH What A Day

Oh what a day this will be
Oh what a day to be free
Oh what a day to put tools away
Oh what a day to be me

We’re striking to get better pay
Bring better conditions our way
So a man when he’s hurt
Won’t be down in the dirt
And left there to make his own way.

So that widows with bairns by their side
Won’t be thrown out on the street to survive
With no roof over their head no straw for their bed
Left to get on with their lives

So that children some younger that ten
Won’t go down in the pit with the men
No time for book learning
A pittance their earning
Their childhood stolen from them

So a man can hold his head high
Look the rest of the world in the eye
And not be afraid to say
I’m a miner by trade
And as good as the next man am I.

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