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Lyr Add: Chi Mi an Geamhradh -Gaelic I See Winter

Felipa 09 Jan 23 - 08:32 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Chi Mi an Geamhradh -Gaelic I See Winter
From: Felipa
Date: 09 Jan 23 - 08:32 PM

         Calum & Ruaraidh Dòmhnallach

Chì mi 'n geamhradh as a' ghaoith
Chan eil an sneachd' fada bhuainn
Sgòthan dorch' 's na craobhan rùisgte
Tha an oidhche a-nochd fuar.

Shaoilinn fhèin gur ann an-dè
Bha teas an t-samhraidh gar leireadh
Fad an fheasgair air an dùin
'S tu laighe leisg ri mo thaobh.

Sèist [chorus]

'S iomadh oidhche a rinn sinn suirghe
'S iomadh oidhche a rinn sinn gàir'
'S iomadh oidhche a bhithinn a' smaointinn
Gum biodh tu còmhla rium gu bràth.

Chan fhan a' ghrian fad na bliadhn'
Cha sheas an uair mar a tha i
Dh'fhalbh thusa chun a' cheò
Is dh'fhàg thu mi le mo gheamhradh.

translation by Tom Thompson at


I see winter in the wind
the snow is not far off.
Dark clouds and the trees bare,
tonight the night is cold.
Myself, I think that it was yesterday
the heat of summer was melting us
all afternoon on the hill
as you were lying lazily at my side.
It was many a night that we were courting,
many a night that we were laughing.
It was many a night that I used to think
that you would be with me for ever.
The sun doesn't stay all the year,
and time doesn't stand still.
You went away to the city - 1
and you left me with my winter.
It was many a night that we were courting,
many a night that we were laughing.
It was many a night that I used to think
that you would be with me for ever.
I see winter in the wind
the snow is not far off.
Dark clouds and the trees bare,
tonight the night is cold.
It was many a night that we were courting,
many a night that we were laughing.
It was many a night that I used to think
that you would be with me for ever.
With me for ever.
    1. literally: the smoke

Sung by Cathy Ann McPhee

Donnie Munro, Runrig with lyrics and translation on screen

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