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Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III

Lighter 27 Mar 24 - 11:35 AM
Donuel 27 Mar 24 - 11:11 AM
Stilly River Sage 27 Mar 24 - 09:43 AM
Donuel 27 Mar 24 - 09:16 AM
Backwoodsman 27 Mar 24 - 08:41 AM
Lighter 27 Mar 24 - 07:55 AM
Donuel 27 Mar 24 - 06:51 AM
The Sandman 27 Mar 24 - 04:25 AM
Stilly River Sage 26 Mar 24 - 06:28 PM
Stilly River Sage 26 Mar 24 - 05:55 PM
Lighter 26 Mar 24 - 05:17 PM
Donuel 26 Mar 24 - 04:24 PM
Stilly River Sage 26 Mar 24 - 02:58 PM
MaJoC the Filk 26 Mar 24 - 01:22 PM
Stilly River Sage 26 Mar 24 - 11:43 AM
Helen 26 Mar 24 - 01:19 AM
Stilly River Sage 25 Mar 24 - 11:02 PM
Helen 25 Mar 24 - 09:42 PM
Donuel 25 Mar 24 - 07:24 PM
Stilly River Sage 25 Mar 24 - 03:15 PM
Helen 25 Mar 24 - 01:39 PM
Donuel 25 Mar 24 - 07:09 AM
Helen 24 Mar 24 - 02:00 PM
Donuel 24 Mar 24 - 11:03 AM
Donuel 24 Mar 24 - 07:46 AM
Helen 24 Mar 24 - 02:32 AM
Backwoodsman 24 Mar 24 - 02:25 AM
Helen 24 Mar 24 - 02:06 AM
Backwoodsman 24 Mar 24 - 01:47 AM
Helen 23 Mar 24 - 09:40 PM
keberoxu 23 Mar 24 - 07:43 PM
Lighter 23 Mar 24 - 07:13 PM
Helen 23 Mar 24 - 05:49 PM
Backwoodsman 23 Mar 24 - 04:57 PM
Lighter 23 Mar 24 - 08:00 AM
MaJoC the Filk 23 Mar 24 - 07:19 AM
Helen 22 Mar 24 - 07:16 PM
Stilly River Sage 22 Mar 24 - 06:23 PM
Donuel 22 Mar 24 - 05:39 PM
Donuel 22 Mar 24 - 05:27 PM
Stilly River Sage 22 Mar 24 - 12:22 PM
Helen 22 Mar 24 - 11:56 AM
Helen 22 Mar 24 - 11:39 AM
Lighter 22 Mar 24 - 11:07 AM
Stilly River Sage 22 Mar 24 - 10:57 AM
Lighter 22 Mar 24 - 10:53 AM
Stilly River Sage 22 Mar 24 - 10:41 AM
Donuel 22 Mar 24 - 08:25 AM
Helen 21 Mar 24 - 09:44 PM
Stilly River Sage 21 Mar 24 - 08:51 PM
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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 11:35 AM

According to U.S. population growth figures, its more like four per minute. (Estimated.)

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 11:11 AM

Who falls for such bunk?

Smart people, people with poor listening skills, people who believe in self-referenced sources, people who believe a personal acquaintance over a distant source, people who believe in the loudest shouter, and people who hear the most repeated message.

It's easy to have a narrow bandwidth with listening and actual understanding. We have different confirmation biases. It's easy to get sidetracked and miss the point or accept anything at face value.
You are likely to believe anything that you are already conditioned to accept, While hypnosis can be used for brainwashing it falls outside the above parameters.

Anger makes people defensive and blocks interaction except for arguing against a misinterpreted premise.

TRUE LISTENING DOES NOT CREATE COMPLIENCE. It makes for more rational understanding be it a response to a positive or negative narrative.

LISTENING WELL is hard work. It's easier to be lazy.
Poor listening begets more poor listening.

P.T. Barnum said a sucker is born every minute. Thats BS.
Its more complicated than that.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 09:43 AM

Trump says in one of the blips that it's his favorite book and he has them all around the house.

You can't make up this stuff.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 09:16 AM

24% will always fall for it.
Be it Alex Jones lying about no kids shot at Sandy Hook just to sell his vitamin supplements or Trump's lies to sell his brand,
there are too many con man bad boys selling their line of lies.
Religion is just the oldest con. Even science and academia sometimes take a page from religion for grant money.

It is possible that you have a figure in which you are willing to sell out, most people do. And they often go dirt cheap.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 08:41 AM

”It's "The only Bible endorsed by President Trump!"

Makes a change from selling snake-oil.

”Recent Trump supporter: “The hand of God is upon him and he cannot be stopped.”

More likely the hand of Satan. Do Americans really fall for this kind of hog-wash?

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 07:55 AM

It's "The only Bible endorsed by President Trump!"

God has waited a long time for his endorsement.

Recent Trump supporter: "The hand of God is upon him, and he cannot be stopped."

Read more:

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Subject: RE: Trump SPAM ALERT make america pray again
From: Donuel
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 06:51 AM

Trump is now selling altered bibles!
(it includes the Constitution and leather flag)

He is also selling pieces of the suit he was wearing when indicted.

I believe it is against biblical law to alter, amend, or add to the Bible as stated in the book of Ezekiel.

His pieces of suit sale remind me of cutting up and selling the Shroud of Turin or selling crucifixion nails.

His bible sells for $60 plus shipping.
His suit pieces have varied pricing.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: The Sandman
Date: 27 Mar 24 - 04:25 AM

Trump is good at blowing his own trumpet

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 06:28 PM

Here's a rundown of her tenure at MSNBC.
Ronna McDaniel, the onetime head of the Republican National Committee who helped former President Donald Trump spread lies about the 2020 election, was axed from her job at NBC News on Tuesday, just one week after her hiring was announced.

McDaniel was ousted following a meeting of top executives from NBC amid growing backlash to her hiring last week. McDaniel used her position as the RNC chair to spread falsehoods about the 2020 presidential election, and continued calling the election results into question even after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Every one of us knows we can never let what we saw in 2020 happen ever again,” McDaniel said during her party’s summer meeting in August 2021. “Democrats waged war on election transparency, security and integrity — undermining our elections, and we at the RNC are using every tool at our disposal to protect the vote.”

Creative Artists Agency, which helped broker the deal to bring McDaniel on as a political analyst for the network, also cut ties with McDaniel on Tuesday, Variety reported.

There's more at the link. Rachel Maddow spent half of her airtime last night talking about it. If Rachel or Lawrence or Nicole or Joy are unhappy, they aren't going to bite their tongues.

I look forward to learning what kind of brain fart had executives at MSNBC hiring her to begin with.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 05:55 PM

Yup. That electoral college and the gerrymandered districts in some of those states both need to go. And the Congress cut off the number of representatives added probably 100 years ago, but for the states with really large populations that makes a lot of work for their elected officials.

Things need fixing, but they won't happen this term, and they won't happen next time if the Senate changes hands or if the House stays with the GOP. All the stars must align (and not so closely that the Joe Manchins of the world can mess everything up.)

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 05:17 PM

Remember that Biden won by only something like 100,000 in swing states.

If those states had gone just as narrowly for Trump, he'd be president now.

Never mind the millions more popular votes that Biden got nationally.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 04:24 PM

As preposterous as it sounds Trump says to his TV audience "I am one of you". Well he is if you were given 40 million bucks at 21 and you were pathological.

His Supreme Court is going to blow back on him regarding their abortion decisions.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 02:58 PM

Everyone needs to stop reading polls and giving them credence. They need to campaign as if their lives and livelihoods and the Democracy depend upon it.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 01:22 PM

Comment from someone in the New European: The Democrats had better not rely exclusively on the court cases stopping Tr*mp, but had better campaign hard in other more conventional ways. The margin between "we need do nothing" and "there's nothing we can do" looks to me as if it's wearing worryingly thin.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 11:43 AM

He has to make the appeal soon, he doesn't have a typical 9 months.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 26 Mar 24 - 01:19 AM

Of course he'll resist paying it, but the option should still be there to seize some of his assets if necessary. As I understand it, the bond required now is for his appeal to be heard. If he is still found liable after that, he will owe the full amount. If by some divine - or diabolical? - intervention he is found not guilty and therefore not liable, then he can save his money to pay the exorbitant lawyers' fees and the other legal obligations he has already and hopefully will continue to accrue for his other legal cases.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 11:02 PM

The fear is that if they only collect 40% of the amount now that Trump will never honor the rest of the debt. You know he'll resist ever paying it.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 09:42 PM

Would a narcissist declare bankruptcy? It would be a major public declaration of his own financial failure. Narcissists don't declare their failures to the world. And, it would put him in a double bind. He needs to use his available funds for his political campaign but he would not be able to use them if he is declared bankrupt.

Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't! :-D

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 07:24 PM

I am wrong about bankruptcy and a delay of the hush money trial.
I hope I am not wrong about his losing the election.
I believe the bond reduction does not reduce the original judgment but I am on a wrong streak so my crystal ball seems broken.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 03:15 PM

The amount of time he is spending in court and with lawyers is increasing month by month; the idea that the RNC is going to be paying his lawyers must be galling to non-MAGA mainstream Republicans. The down-ballot races this year that won't be supported will push more and more of them from the party.

McConnell was one of those GOP folks who must have imagined that they could easily manipulate Trump to accomplish the things they'd strived for; it's the plot of Sinclair Lewis's 1935 novel It Can't Happen Here. It's what the powerful in Germany thought they could do with Hitler. People who refused to learn from history are in danger of repeating it again.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 01:39 PM

Donald Trump's bond reduced, deadline extended as court delays possible seizure of assets

"A New York court has significantly reduced the amount of money Donald Trump must pay as bond to avoid having his assets seized, and extended the deadline for payment.

"The appeals court has agreed to hold off collection of the former president's $US454 million ($694 million) civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $US175 million ($268 million) within 10 days.

"If he does, it will stop the clock on collection and prevent the state from seizing the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's assets while he appeals.

"The development came just before New York Attorney-General Letitia James was expected to initiate efforts to collect the judgment."

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 25 Mar 24 - 07:09 AM

Delay has always been Trump's best strategy.
Therefore I see him declaring personal BANCRUPTCY.
That would delay everything including asset seizure by a year or more.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 02:00 PM

I think he has stopped the accordion move too. I did see a clip a few days ago but I think it was an old one, not recent.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 11:03 AM

Since these videos appeared Trump has stopped doing this.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 07:46 AM

Trump bracket

This election has no 11% undecided voters. Instead we have 22% double haters who don't want either guys.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 02:32 AM

Me too. Even after 7 years.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 02:25 AM

LOL! I’ve seen that before, it creases me up every time! :-)

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 02:06 AM

Well BWM, he looks good in this video:

Life Accordion To Trump

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 24 Mar 24 - 01:47 AM

Well somebody has to look good in photos, and it’s sure as hell not him.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 09:40 PM

Well keb, my bet is that he would choose her to look good next to him in photos, rather than her fantastic political abilities. LOL

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: keberoxu
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 07:43 PM

I find it really hard to believe he would have a woman for a running mate, for some reason.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 07:13 PM

He should pick somebody who's so much worse than he is that he'll never be impeached again.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 05:49 PM

Donald Trump is yet to choose a running mate for the US election. Who will he pick as his possible vice-president?

The preamble for the article says, "A gun-loving grandma, a former Democrat and a MAGA frontwoman — who will Donald Trump pick from his long shortlist of running mates? And will his pick be based on strategy or aesthetics?"

The list of potential VP's discussed in the article:
Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Tulsi Gabbard, Nikki Haley, Tucker Carlson, Vivek Ramaswamy, and some others.

[Tucker Carlson?? OMG!]

My bet is he'll pick a woman with a style and looks to which he is attracted. He's not so good on choosing and consistently following through on strategy, IMO.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 04:57 PM

Agent Orange announced today, to a crowd in Dayton OH, that ‘Biden beat Barack Hussein Obama’! WTF?

And he has the temerity to claim that it’s Biden who has dementia…

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 08:00 AM

Not unexpectedly, the question of whether he "has" the "cash" is more complicated than it sounds:

Takeaway: even if he has it, he may not be able to use it.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 23 Mar 24 - 07:19 AM

Methinks he'd be (or at least sound) much calmer if someone took away his caps-lock key. From this nerd's viewpoint, he honestly reads like he's thinking in Fortran 4. (I leave making the connection with Monopoly as an exercise.)

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 07:16 PM

Just as I imagined: hoist by his own petard! Publicly, with nowhere to run and hide. Funny!

If a novelist wrote this as fiction it would be panned as unbelievably unlikely in the real world, but here it is IRL. :-D

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 06:23 PM

That was taking the long way around to hint at something that never ever needs to be uttered out loud.

The afternoon pundits suggest that by Trump announcing this deal and all of the cash he has, while the lawyers are trying to come up with a bond or something before 12:01am March 26 means that either he's going to have to put the cash down (and poor little Donald, not use it for his campaign) or admit he lied and he doesn't have the cash.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 05:39 PM

1 in 5 Presidents face these existential dire threats and therefore is a rational part of a candidate's risk.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 05:27 PM

Like I said did he lie at the deposition or is he lying now.
In politics cash is like mother's milk. More important is life itself. Most individuals probably have no real idea how many political assassination attempts have been plotted and put into effect with various results in the United States. Many people may remember the U.S. Presidents who were assassinated, but there were a number of other attempts against political leaders, some successful, others only partially so. Nine American presidents have been targeted while in office. Andrew Jackson was the first U.S. political figure to have been officially recognized as the target of an assassin. Due to the widespread impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction, most people know the basic outlines of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and may recall the successful attempts on James A. Garfield, and William McKinley. Some may recall the failed attempt on the
life of President Harry S. Truman, which occurred while the White House was undergoing extensive renovation and he was residing in Blair House in 1950. Almost everyone is aware of the basic circumstances surrounding the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963. In addition, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan were all targeted by would be assassins. A review of the violence against American political leaders reveals Franklin D. Roosevelt being targeted when he was President-Elect, but not yet sworn in, in 1933. Three presidential candidates were targets, Theodore Roosevelt, Robert F. Kennedy, and George C. Wallace were all shot while campaigning for votes. Of course, other figures in politics have been targeted. Martinez counts eight governors, seven U.S. senators, nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives, eleven mayors, seventeen state legislators, and eleven judges who have been victims of political assassinations or attempts. This does not count the shooting attempt on several U.S. House members practicing on a ball field recently.
Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 11, No. 1

We know the CIA is a lawless branch of government. You can assume this discussion has happened regarding the 24 election.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 12:22 PM

This will churn through the news cycle today (though right now I see MSNBC is still covering the Israel-slaughtering-Gaza talks and Blinken's visit to Israel today).

The Hill headline: Trump says he has $500 million in cash as lawyers say he can’t post $464M bond

There are mixed messages to parse:
Former President Trump claimed Friday he has nearly $500 million in cash, conflicting with messaging from his attorneys who claim he won’t be able to post the $454 million bond for his civil fraud case.


Trump criticized New York Judge Arthur Engoron and New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) who he said knew how much money he had on hand and set the penalty in that range on purpose.

Engoron ordered Trump to pay nearly $355 million in penalties plus interest after finding he conspired to lie about his net worth to receive favorable treatment from banks and insurers. The total sum is now worth more than $454 million with $112,000 in interest added each day.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 11:56 AM

After reading the NPR article, my main thought is that it's a desperate fire sale: i.e. buyer advantage, vendor disadvantage.

The one thing which the article places possibly in Trump's favour is the potential for it being seen as "meme stock" where Trump's supporters are not looking so much at investing and benefiting financially from that investment but seeing it as a way to support Trump in the political arena, i.e. throwing their money in the ring based on their heart and not their financial reasoning. Alternatively some investors may see it as a quick internet sensation and they will invest and then divest when the popular interest in the shares starts to fall.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 11:39 AM

An NPR article: Trump is on the verge of a windfall of billions of dollars. Here are 3 things to know

I've picked bits out of it but it's a fairly short article and it makes some good points.

"Former President Trump is on the verge of a windfall of billions of dollars — but it may not come soon enough to help him fend off his mounting legal problems."


"But the process of listing Trump Media has been a rather convoluted saga, much like the business and political career of the former president, marked by investigations, lawsuits and general chaos."


"All eyes are on the Digital World shareholders

"The vote by Digital World shareholders should be simple.

"If the shareholders of the shell company do approve the deal, Digital World would become Trump Media in the stock markets as early as next week, trading under the stock symbol DJT, short for Donald J. Trump.

"But Digital World has struggled to find enough shareholders to show up in previous key votes, so there are no guarantees that they can get enough of a quorum on Friday to approve the merger.

"And the process to this point has been far from easy in other ways. Digital World has also faced scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange Commission, and it has also faced lawsuits from key shareholders that are still pending.

"Trump stands to earn billions

"If enough Digital World shareholders approve the deal, the windfall for Trump could be big.

"Trump would own over 50% of the new merged company, a stake that would be worth over $3 billion at current market valuations.

"Analysts agree those kinds of valuations are far removed from the actual value of Trump Media. Truth Social had just over $3 million in revenue in the first nine months of last year and losses of nearly $50 million."


"But Trump might not be able to sell his shares soon

"The potential windfall comes at a time when Trump is in dire need of cash.

"On Monday he needs to post over $400 million in bond to settle a civil fraud case, and Trump has been unable to secure a company to put up the cash.

"However, how soon the former president can cash in on his stake in Trump Media is uncertain.

"Under the current agreement, Trump faces a six-month lock-up period, meaning he won't be able to sell his shares in Trump Media during that period.

"He could, however, try to work out a deal that would allow him to sell some or all of his holdings earlier, though a big sale at once would risk sending Trump Media shares sharply lower.

"Trump could also try to find somebody who would loan him the money using his Trump Media shares as collateral.

"But the Trump Media shares would be trading at above what many analysts think it's actually worth, making it difficult for a lender to justify lending him the money."

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 11:07 AM

Trump has just announced that he has $500,000,000 in cash.

Origin undisclosed.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 10:57 AM

This is where he might approach the court and ask for time to liquidate part of the proceeds. It depends on how long (or if he wants to do it. It may be his nest egg for the future.)

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Lighter
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 10:53 AM

Evidently it will be difficult for Trump to liquefy that bonanza,
and impossible before midnight Monday.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 10:41 AM

According to a notification from the New York Times this morning Truth Social just merged with some shell corporation and Trump will get about $300m from that. Finalized today. I found a story about it from The Hill so it should be readable by all.

Digital World shareholders approve merger with Trump’s Truth Social
Shareholders in Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) approved a merger with former President Trump’s media startup on Friday teeing up Truth Social’s stock market debut and a potential $3.5 billion windfall for Trump.

The long-delayed merger between the blank check company and Trump Media & Technology Group received regulatory approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last month.

Trump stands to make about $3.5 billion from the deal, given the nearly 79 million shares he would control in the newly merged company.

All of those moving parts. We were looking at the bank accounts and the buildings, forgot about that worthless scourge on the social media world. It seems someone wants it (and the party he merged with must be bigger and nastier than he is.) It will trade on the NY Stock Exchange as DJT. Of course it will.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Donuel
Date: 22 Mar 24 - 08:25 AM

How desperate is Trump for cash, let me count the ways;
He has replaced everyone in the RNC so he can now take his cut for legal defenses before any money goes to the RNC. That way he can say no money from the RNC goes to his defense fund.
He cannot afford all the victim victory rallies he used to have so he may have to charge at the door with a promise of a door prize.
No more free helicopter rides for the kiddies. Instead of country music celebrities, he will have heroes like Rittenhouse at his fewer
rallies. He can't afford all the Facebook ads he used to have so he will rely on Musk's X Posts. Trump might have to secretly place bets against his winning on all the online betting sites. He might even urge his real patriots to make up stories for GoFundMe sites and give him the money. His private airliner will miss crucial maintenance due to cutbacks and possibly strand him in Minnesota. Having to ask his son-in-law for cash could be the final humiliating insult.

This could be the only election where a candidate gets more money from foreign sources than domestic. This is possible because of the Citizens United decision.

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Helen
Date: 21 Mar 24 - 09:44 PM

That's funny, Donuel! LOL

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Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 21 Mar 24 - 08:51 PM

He has until midnight on Monday, March 25, so on Tuesday any liens will be filed by the NY AG.

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