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DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024

pattyClink 11 Nov 24 - 01:05 PM
Charmion 11 Nov 24 - 01:50 PM
Stilly River Sage 11 Nov 24 - 06:22 PM
Dorothy Parshall 11 Nov 24 - 08:28 PM
Charmion 12 Nov 24 - 09:57 AM
Stilly River Sage 12 Nov 24 - 10:21 AM
Charmion's brother Andrew 12 Nov 24 - 11:38 AM
keberoxu 12 Nov 24 - 01:14 PM
Stilly River Sage 12 Nov 24 - 02:25 PM
Charmion 12 Nov 24 - 05:10 PM
Stilly River Sage 12 Nov 24 - 06:23 PM
Dorothy Parshall 12 Nov 24 - 10:08 PM
Charmion 13 Nov 24 - 10:19 AM
Stilly River Sage 13 Nov 24 - 12:45 PM
Dorothy Parshall 13 Nov 24 - 08:22 PM
MaJoC the Filk 14 Nov 24 - 04:33 AM
Mrrzy 14 Nov 24 - 10:57 AM
Stilly River Sage 14 Nov 24 - 12:36 PM
Stilly River Sage 14 Nov 24 - 07:27 PM
pattyClink 15 Nov 24 - 09:50 AM
Charmion 15 Nov 24 - 11:19 AM
Stilly River Sage 15 Nov 24 - 11:28 AM
Stilly River Sage 15 Nov 24 - 04:37 PM
keberoxu 15 Nov 24 - 04:48 PM
Stilly River Sage 15 Nov 24 - 06:59 PM
Dorothy Parshall 15 Nov 24 - 08:14 PM
Sandra in Sydney 15 Nov 24 - 09:25 PM
Stilly River Sage 16 Nov 24 - 10:04 PM
Stilly River Sage 17 Nov 24 - 12:58 PM
pattyClink 17 Nov 24 - 04:03 PM
Stilly River Sage 17 Nov 24 - 06:41 PM
Charmion 18 Nov 24 - 10:09 AM
Stilly River Sage 18 Nov 24 - 12:20 PM
Stilly River Sage 18 Nov 24 - 10:46 PM
Stilly River Sage 19 Nov 24 - 11:03 AM
Charmion 19 Nov 24 - 01:06 PM
MaJoC the Filk 19 Nov 24 - 02:52 PM
JennieG 19 Nov 24 - 03:11 PM
Stilly River Sage 19 Nov 24 - 05:35 PM
Charmion's brother Andrew 20 Nov 24 - 08:28 AM
Charmion 20 Nov 24 - 11:40 AM
MaJoC the Filk 20 Nov 24 - 11:49 AM
Stilly River Sage 20 Nov 24 - 12:43 PM
Charmion 20 Nov 24 - 02:32 PM
Stilly River Sage 20 Nov 24 - 06:21 PM
Stilly River Sage 20 Nov 24 - 11:37 PM
pattyClink 21 Nov 24 - 10:57 AM
Stilly River Sage 21 Nov 24 - 12:23 PM
pattyClink 21 Nov 24 - 12:49 PM
Stilly River Sage 21 Nov 24 - 01:47 PM
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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: pattyClink
Date: 11 Nov 24 - 01:05 PM

I have been invited to a gathering on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Hostess spent 30 minutes lecturing about gluten etc, so I guess I will have to give that kind of baking a whirl, and will have to do a dry run to see if it works. She mentioned having success with einkorn flour, which is apparently still wheat but low-gluten enough it doesn't bother them. I've used spelt in the past and liked it, but not einkorn.

For gravy, we always used cornstarch ,which is gluten free. You may know the caution about always mixing it with a little ice water, then slowly drizzling in the slurry to your hot liquid, stirring constantly til it thickens. I know it's carby but just thought I should mention it.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 11 Nov 24 - 01:50 PM

The other thing about foods thickened with cornstarch is that they don't keep. Within a certain amount of time (don't remember how much, but less than 48 hours), they tend to separate and "weep".

Tapioca (not the pearl kind) and arrowroot are effective thickeners that are also, coincidentally, gluten-free.

Pan gravy -- the reduced but otherwise unthickened juices from the roasting pan -- is also nice, and safe for your celiac friends.

Me, I don't think it fair to invite people to dinner, require them to bring a dish, and then lecture them at length about dietary restrictions. The host is responsible for ensuring that every guest will eat well, and if that means farming out only the un-challenging parts of the menu, or providing both conventional and adapted versions of particular favourites, then so be it.

Speaking as one who does her best to avoid sugar ... !

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Nov 24 - 06:22 PM

I saw my daughter today between the various scheduled meetings and appointments (I took over my 25 drawer cabinet of embroidery floss for her to pick through) and we discussed Thanksgiving. I'm making changes to my diet, but I will still have some of the traditional things they expect - mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, but I'll also see about that Cranberry duff as an addition to the fare. Meat and poultry. Slow-carb vegetables. She understands (has been hearing about this for several months) so we're good. Now to find a date.

Thanks for naming some of the possible thickening agents for gravy. Cornstarch does have its limitations. I could keep a container of the drippings in the fridge and make fresh gravy each time I need it if I went that way.

Meanwhile, this morning Dorothy wrote:
A week with my wonderful #2 son (61) has been all manner of gifts. The bottom line is that we (R, Taun and myself) are all realizing, and supportive of each other, that there is only one way out of this. I am sadly ready and hope to get off the world peacefully in the not too distant future: weeks? months?

Viewing this as the ultimate de-clutter?

Very little energy. Going back to bed.

I am verklempt. Dorothy, I love you. If you need and can get palliative care it frequently extends life. You can continue chemo (if it isn't too nasty) during that time. Being comfortable is good for you, and I'm glad you had time with your son to really talk about it. My heart is still broken to know your cancer that took so long to get diagnosed and you're having to make these decisions now. Give our love to Robin - he's going to need it to sort out everything you two have built. I'd love to buy a cup or plate or bowl or whatever you have made that is around for sale if someone could ship it. Your work is gorgeous. ❤ ❤ (lets see if either of those gets through).

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 11 Nov 24 - 08:28 PM


Having eaten everything in sight - more or less, I am feeling some better. I thought of some writing I had done on wordpress about 10 years ago and managed to find it, copy it and move it into docs so I can dispense with wordpress, where I have done nothing since then. But I read it all and was impressed by my writing! I was far better back then - when I was writing regularly?

Over the last week I have been struggling, at times, with a loss of words - not remembering and having to describe what I wanted to catch the word. This malaise of the last couple weeks has been deep. I blame the Ibrance and stopped taking it. It has been over a week 'til I am, tonight, feeling better and hopeful that it has passed. There were days when I could hardly eat anything - chicken broth and a slice of bread.

Sunday/yesterday, I woke up barely breathing. We were still in bed and R felt it also - I really was barely breathing. He finally got up and went downstairs to talk to my son. I am very pragmatic about the fact that this cancer will surely kill me and would prefer not to be waiting around, also want nothing to cause me to end up being tortured in a hospital when we know nothing will help. I can feel the cancer gremlins nibbling on me, sometimes nipping me and mini pains are here and there, now and then.

By 10 pm, I had spent hours talking family history with Taun and we typed out a new, more tidy "will" and Taun - with his B Engineering in computerated automation - where's your printer? Well, there are two that stopped functioning and the one I bought in February (the day before my life stopped being reasonable) was still in the box, which was - still is - being used as an extra counter in the bathroom. In a few minutes it was functioning and Taun astounded R by hitting a button on the computer downstairs and informing R it was printing - upstairs!

Now I have two dead printers to get rid off - declutter!!- and one functional, and no inclination to print anything. We have a will! to put in a safe place with my body donor card. The box is still in place for the "counter". Magic Taun had somehow extricated the computer without moving the box. And he went to Philly today instead of yesterday. With his 3 dozen two day old bagels. No fuss - he just did what he felt needed to be done for us old folks. WOW!

He says he is coming back in a couple weeks with my #1 grandson -27 or so. Doubting I will make the wedding on 1 June.

One of the high points of our "family" conversations: looking on google at the neighbourhood in which I grew up, I told him that his grandfather and friends had built the house (about 1940) --- "Every time I drive on that road, a house my grandfather designed and built is just over there!" Now if I can just find the floor plan - in pencil on graph paper. It is not where I was sure it was so some searching must happen. That would be treasured by Taun as it has been by me. The house does not look as nice as it did. My grandparents nice home is beautiful. And grandfather Quantin's has been nicely improved. The memories!!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 09:57 AM

Dorothy, is there a Habitat for Humanity ReStore anywhere near you? The branch here in Stratford handles recycling of dead computers and their peripherals, including printers, and I’d bet money that’s something they all do. For your own sake, get someone to rid you of those non-functional printers!

Over the last four years I think I have hauled about three generations of computer parts to the ReStore. The house is much more livable without them.

I’m sorry to read that you’re feeling so frail and blue, and glad to note that food and rest perk you up considerably. Please update us on your thoughts and actions whenever you feel up to putting words together. We care.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 10:21 AM

Dorothy, I need to either do something with my old Wordpress account or bail on it. Like you say, I think I wrote better then. (I felt like I had more to write about!) It's a question of adjusting that one or changing venues and subject matter. Scattershot all over a few social media isn't great communication.

I took myself off of statins this year, but I don't consider that as important as the one you took yourself off of. Maybe your doctor has a suggestion of a version of that with fewer side effects? Or sometimes there is a companion medication to help with those.

Since you looked at your hold homes, I've revisited a couple: my childhood home (the earliest one I remember) was upgraded and now appears to have a basement apartment. The house we moved to when I was finishing elementary school has had some changes (the front porch rebuilt) but the robust magnolia that we gave my mom for Mother's Day in 1968 is still at the corner of the front yard. The current street view from 2018 has a garage. The 2024 satellite view looks like they tore it off.

Good work on the printer setup, and I'm sorry Taun's bagels were a bit stale when he left.

Attacking the fence post this afternoon.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion's brother Andrew
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 11:38 AM

When Zach de ka Rocha wrote "Rage Against the Machine," I am pretty sure he was thinking of a printer.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: keberoxu
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 01:14 PM

Stilly, I hope your eye is recovering after receiving a punch from a sunflower.
Charmion, I hope your cough is clearing up at last.
ANd Dorothy, as Senoufou would say, you keep a'troshin'.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 02:25 PM

Keb, thanks! Yesterday afternoon it was at its worst but by evening was barely noticeable. Today it seems to have cleared up. And yes, I also wondered about the cough - and do Charmion's cats take umbrage at the disturbance or are they sympathetic and better cuddlers?

The sunflowers are almost gone and no crops in the yard this fall. Herbs still - oregano and rosemary make it through the winter; the first freeze will kill the basil. The last of this year's acorn squash has been consumed. My daughter told me that she decided to experiment with her four chickens so carved a few holes into it and gave it to the birds. It didn't take long before they were pecking and prodding and ate about half of it the first day, thoroughly enjoying the seeds and pulp. They finished it the next day. As enrichment activities go she had two days of very happy birds.

I've started working with the dogs on cooperation with each other - there are things they are fine about, others they are jealous. If I take a nap on the couch or the recliner Cookie has been allowed to hop up and as long as she sleeps can stay. Pepper is less of a nap dog. But I've decided to give them access to the sofa if I'm sitting there, one dog on each side. Cookie is very territorial about the couch, so with a dog on each side Cookie was ready to launch herself at the offending Pepper. I did several short attempts and by the last one Cookie had settled down. I'll keep this up until they get the idea. This would have been impossible when there were three since the Lab was pretty leaky and not welcome on any furniture.

Research on diet continues, with attention now to the upcoming holidays and what to bake. Sugar is part of the chemistry of baking so taking it out is difficult. The alternatives look worse (Heathline article 1 and Healthline article 2) so I think it will end up being a combination of stevia with some added bulk (yogurt, applesauce) for volume and a smaller proportion of regular white sugar for additional volume and browning. The bottom line is that sugar is bad for you but the substitutes (erythritol et al.) are worse.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 05:10 PM

Watson and Isobel have co-existed with the Cough from Hell since they were 12 weeks old. They know it’s loud but harmless — at least to them. I got through choir practice last night and felt surprisingly okay this morning. Still coughing, but slightly less often and less disgusting.

The doc (consulted this afternoon) wanted to dose me with Prednisone again, but I protested — again? When I had a heavy-duty two-week course of it back in March? Hmmm, maybe I had a point. So we compromised: if I stop improving, or relapse, I’ll call in for a prescription.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 06:23 PM

Good luck with that! Steroids and antibiotics are wonderful tools but they are overused. Hopefully the only thing you need now is a healthy dose of time (and do you breathe steam to soothe your respiratory system?)

The fence post is pretty securely lodged so I'll call next door and plan tomorrow to go around to their side of the fence to do some digging and pushing in the direction I want it to move (straight up - it leans into their yard at about 15o from vertical). Meanwhile I did an esthetic project. The fence posts are all set in concrete that it is not flush with the surface so pickets at the post look taller than the rest of the fence, giving it a wavy look. I worked my way the length of that fence removing those pickets, turned them upside down, figured how much would come off the bottom and drew a line before sawing. After trimming about a dozen pickets the fence looks much better.

And in the "it's always something" department, today's work made it clear that my tool arrangement needs work. I have enough battery-operated Ryobi tools that now they are an ungainly stack in the laundry room. I need to look at the shelves on both sides of that tiny room and decide what gets moved to make space or if the tools need a new home entirely. It may be that some stuff goes to the garage and the tools get most of the lowest shelf over the washer.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 12 Nov 24 - 10:08 PM


Phoned the oncology nurse this am and we agreed that she would make an appointment on Friday for R and I to talk with the Dr. and her to sort out the Ibrance problem - I vote for no more! I mentioned that I should no longer be paying for meds now that I have official health card. Then the pharmacy phoned and asked us to stop in after we see the doctor. I messaged R but no response so I just hope he can do this. (OH! I must tell Taun!)

Slightly better today. Ate well and went to store with slight trepidation. But I felt a bit better for getting out. I did. however, end up with 6 loaves of various breads which will barely get space in the freezer! My goal was the goat cheese shop but it is closed Mon and tues! Hopefully tomorrow as I am craving the lovely cheese Taun bought there; - the cause of all the breads! The cheese is expensive but I need to eat better to feel better. I did get some veggies as well!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 13 Nov 24 - 10:19 AM

Good for you, Dorothy. Focus on things and activities that give you pleasure and help you feel strong. Good food ticks those boxes.

In my experience, there ain’t no such thing as good cheese that is not expensive.

Yet again, I noped out of pool class at the Y after a night of broken sleep due to coughing. I have a haircut scheduled for today and a work session in the choir library tomorrow, and if I get through those without a major coughing fit, maybe I’ll be ready for pool class on Friday. The sun is bright and strong today, so a walk before lunch would be good; that’s the time of day when I feel most capable..

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 13 Nov 24 - 12:45 PM

Ticking off the various office decluttering items that need doing, filing and shredding so far. Fall came to my computer desk via a scattering of colorful post-it notes that are slowly rounded up and acted upon - send the note, bookmark the podcast or film, save a book title in GoodReads, an appointment that is past - all into the trash when finished. A couple of films are now on my Prime watchlist and sorted the Spotify free account and a podcast added to it. The Spectrum account is closed and there is no way to see the autopay stuff but I did what I could to disable that when I made the last payment. Disturbing dust has caused some sneezing (I will dust when I finish clearing).

This morning I sent an email to WYSIWYG - Susan Hinton. I hadn't heard anything from her for a long time but stumbled upon a Facebook group where she is still modestly active. I have no information about where she's living or how much much help she's needing now.

I concur about the price of cheese - the good stuff costs money. The reason I love my local warehouse gourmet grocery is for things like high end cheese and yogurt that turn up there periodically. Last week I found some high-end havarti. Usually I buy at places like Costco (their Coastal rugged mature sharp cheddar is a favorite.) Good dining, Dorothy! I hope that doctor appointment gives you the best of both worlds - comfort and prolonged life.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 13 Nov 24 - 08:22 PM


YUMMIE Cheese! My son likes any cheese but cheddar. I rarely buy anything else. So I have six different - well, five now! The small $6 piece was lunch on the special bread I bought yesterday. scrumptious and cheaper than a lunch thingy at Timmy's. A treat after supper was a dif creamy cheese.

The nice young man at the shop was very patient trying to determine what was "Charlie"- the name I read on the label from T's cheese. When I got home and took the old label out of the trash, it is Charrue! And I did bring home out a piece of that, serendipitously.

Fromagerie Ruban Bleu is a goat farm 20 minutes away so many of the cheeses are their goat cheeses. There is also a wide selection of other Quebec cheeses. Their beautiful shop is the nicest I have found in this town - for anything! They seem to be doing well; people must visit from miles around! It is a class act! This town is far from a class act!

Today: 30 min driving, time in store, 10 min home, lunch. Then I fell asleep in the chair and went up to bed. Now ready to go back to bed - but on clean sheets as I did manage a laundry.

Oh! I drove the river road, beautifully full to the brim with hundreds of geese in the shallows. Lovely!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 14 Nov 24 - 04:33 AM

> high end cheese and yogurt that turn up there periodically

(*ahem*) Do they walk there :-) ?

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Mrrzy
Date: 14 Nov 24 - 10:57 AM

That sounds beautiful! And cheese doesn't walk, it runs.

Yay new drugs.

Organized my hats, finally, so there are all the berets (winter) on the big Eiffel tower, all the bucket hats (summer) in the closet, all the other hats (rain, boat, etc) sorted by type and either displayed on the antler hatrack or away in the closet. Found all the hats I'd wondered where they were, and a few I'd forgotten I owned, and even put a few in the Go to thrift store pile.

Got through the mound I'd amassed in the studio, finding art I'd forgotten I'd acquired on my travels, presents I've forgotten to give people and now that I think of it, fuck'm, they're trumpians, ha, will redistribute anyway. And bags and piles to the thrift stores, woot.

Next is the clean clothes, which did get folded but haven't been put away...


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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 14 Nov 24 - 12:36 PM

MaJoC - when the local high end groceries do food promotions and don't sell all of them, their wholesale suppliers send the extras over to this place, pennies on the dollar. This place repackages those huge wheels of cheese and sells in large portions for a modest (still not necessarily cheap) price. High end yogurt is good at $1.59 a quart vs $7 and up at Central Market. They sell tons of produce and when they have breads gluten free I load up and freeze them - the prices are eye-watering at the Sprouts or HEB but they're usually $1 each here.

The groceries aisles have lots of sauces and canned goods and boxed stuff. I see stuff there that sells at Costco and Aldi - they all redistribute their excess and Town Talk is there to pass the savings on. They have produce out every day but on Saturday is when you can really dive in for savings. You have to be picky - sometimes the asparagus is wilted or the peppers are too close to gone. There may be mold on one or two of the strawberries - but if you're taking things home to prepare today - cut up, cook, freeze, whatever, then tossing a moldy organic strawberry and using the rest when they come at about $1.50 a pound or $8 a flat (8 pounds) is worth it. Most things that are novel come through, are sold out and never appear again. I've discovered some great salsas and hot sauces and tea flavors that way. One of the hot sauces was so good that I now order it online and pay the full price plus shipping.

Back in the yard the next section of the sunflower stand is cut and shoved in the trash; goggles and gloves this time. First I harvested a quart bag of seed heads for my daughter who thinks she wants some on her property in the next county north. Be careful what you wish for, but I cut some seeds for her.

The box with the embroidery thread is on the kitchen table; I'll pick a few primary and variegated colors to keep for reference or for adding to sewing projects here, and send the rest in the box to my son's partner. As my daughter and I went through them we realized why I had so many - when KMart closed about 25 years ago (!) they put notions on sale. Some of the old sale stickers are still on them. J.P. Coats most of those, but there are also a lot of DMC. Maybe I got those when Hancock closed?

I accomplished quite a lot yesterday, and have generally been more efficient over the last week. My usual catching up on news (on MSNBC or CNN) intermittently during the day habit is on hold for now; I can't stand to hear about Trump's stupid choices. I'll read the newspaper to get that stuff and not have to listen to his voice. Classical music via my CDs or radio are the main background noise now.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 14 Nov 24 - 07:27 PM

The Ryobi tools are now on the shelf in the laundry room but one of the utility baskets that lived there needs a new home. The contents may get spread around and the basket into the donation bin.

I've located a video about gate building that lets me work with the small space left in the fence, so am ready to move forward. I dug out the root and have to finish firming up the post before I do any more building (and possibly putting in one more post). The lumber is all in place and the pickets have the wood preservative painted on.

It seems like sending the care package to my son now might be an odd move with xmas around the corner, but it will help clear stuff on the side of the kitchen table and cluttering the sideboard. It isn't gift type material. This reminds me of a couple of sewing projects I'd like to get to now rather than the last minute.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: pattyClink
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 09:50 AM

Kudos Mrrzy, you are on a roll!

Chaos here. The lovely modern kitchen sink tap opens and runs water at will, so it is tied up with a bungee til a new one arrives (checked for fixes online, it can be tweaked but is a bad design which will continue to fail).   

I spent time cleaning up the little front cactus garden but that just seems to highlight what else is wrong. Took forever to get the large prickly tumbleweed out of there. They have to be disassembled into a hundred small branches to get bagged up. Sort of like taking apart 3 tangled Christmas trees that are out to hurt you. Oh well. I tossed the bedraggled herbaceous plants with lots of berries over in the rough part of the yard and the birds seem to like having more private access to their goodies.

Picked up what looked like a small neutral sleeper sofa, quite a bargain, in an antique shop. Took staff an hour to wrestle it out of the place (though I had called a few days earlier to say I would be there), and heard an ominous remark by the main guy moving it 'it's incredibly heavy'. Oh drat. Note to self NEVER buy something without lifting one end of it.

Bought 2 dollies on the way home, but, still, could not lift enough to work with it. (Yes I know there are lifter tools but I didn't have one). Sheepishly called the neighbor who has already done too much for me, and he brought a second neighbor, and they still struggled with it. Were my kitchen equipped I would whip up some goodies for them, but alas, I am not, and getting set up will be another 8 things tacked on to the end of the endless list. Perhaps I'll go ahead and purchase the goathead roller and make it available to borrow. I need it badly and it would be something I could contribute to the neighborhood tool-borrowing supply.

Today I am off to pick up the vintage bedroom set which mercifully is in manageable pieces. Just have to clear an entire room to get it in and set up.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 11:19 AM

Good Lord, Patty. I'll never complain about Ontario's native flora again!

I had a lovely modern kitchen faucet that cost an obscene amount of money and was at the cutting edge of fashion, if you can imagine that plumbing has fashion. It was one of those tall ones with an extendable sprayer on the end, very elegant. But its stream of water was weak from the get-go for no apparent reason, and after a couple of years it decreased to a mere trickle. My favourite plumber took it apart and found that it had several layers of mesh screen in the business end, at least three more layers than is usually found in the spout of a kitchen faucet, and all of them were clotted with lime.

That tall, elegant faucet also splattered its weak stream of water all over the place because, of course, it was released several inches above the brim of the sink. Whenever you washed your hands, or rinsed a dish, or scrubbed a potato, the water flew far and wide. I had never seen such faucets before that brief period of plumbing fashion, and now I know why.

So I junked the obscenely expensive fashionable faucet and, on the plumber's advice, went to Canadian Tire for a bog-standard Moen faucet that cost literally hundreds of dollars less. Years later, it continues to perform flawlessly.

Weather today is damp and chilly, with fog. On my way home from pool class -- made it today! -- I noted that the posties are on strike. Just in time for the Christmas rush. How traditional!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 11:28 AM

Patty, I've never heard of the goathead roller - wow! That's serious infestation control. And your description of moving that bed sounds like a good way to get to know your neighbors. I've paid someone come in to move my upright grand piano three times between residences. I had special heavy-duty castors installed to make rolling it a bit easier, but it still weighs 1000 pounds.

Good luck with the kitchen faucet. This reminds me I've been meaning to change out my kitchen faucet. "Washerless" doesn't mean there isn't a problem with adjusting or dripping. (Charmion's faucet kind of describes the one I want to replace, except it wasn't expensive, it's that the connecter lines are not the usual gauge and the pressure is always a bit low. It needs the next larger line and can only be accomplished by changing the entire faucet.)

Mrrzy's studio sounds fascinating. When you went through the pile of art and clothing what remained in the room? What kind of art? (And are you redistributing the forgotten gifts to the Trumper recipients or to other recipients?)

Still have a lot to do around here. Keep moving forward.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 04:37 PM

With the holidays around the corner I need to put a lot of stuff away (the dining table has the photo cube for eBay listings, boxes for packing things are in the den, and the sunroom has accumulated things that need recycling or put away.) I've started with the sunroom, plucking dead leaves off of the plants in the stands in the bay window and vacuuming up those that dropped to the window ledge and floor. If I really want to be efficient, I can finish the jigsaw puzzle lower the drop-leaf on that table.

When it comes to skilled craftspeople, I have to call the electrician one of these days since most of those projects I don't do myself. I will change the kitchen faucet, but after the holiday.

Charmion, how's the cough and did you do any more choir stuff this week? Dorothy, did R get home and is he working on projects for you to sort out the pottery and various houses and where stuff is stored?

Is everyone in the US doing some version of Thanksgiving this year? Do you have to jump through a lot of hoops to accomplish it? Do share!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: keberoxu
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 04:48 PM

An ongoing topic on this thread is what to shampoo with if regular shampoo is irritating to your scalp.

Currently I'm buying from the Vermont Country Store website,
a product called Silver Savior shampoo.
The silver ingredient is something called colloidal silver.
Sadly, for those who are extremely sensitive,
this product still has laureth this and paraben that in it,
so it won't work for people who have coconut allergies, for example.

It seems to be working for me, though.
My scalp has settled down wonderfully using this product.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 06:59 PM

I'm glad it's working for you, Keberoxu! I like the Vermont Country Store. Recently I found a sulfite-free shampoo fairly low in the other stuff so every other time I shampoo I use that for the first wash, then my bar soap for the final wash, hoping it will remove any of the problem stuff. Shampoo is easier to use than bars. And if you're interested in another investigatory route, my hairdresser told me that the shampoos and (in particular) conditioners with Purple in them seem to really make silver and gray hair sparkle. But if your scalp isn't happy, your hair won't be happy.

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? You're still at the facility you've been at for a while, aren't you? Do you have options? And how is the apartment declutter going? Have you sold more pieces or made donations to thrift stores, etc? Papers to the shredder?

When I woke this morning I realized I was perfectly comfortable under my small lap quilt over the sheet, but if my feet strayed beyond it they would be cold. When I changed the sheets this afternoon I put the big quilt on. The heat hasn't been turned on yet, that may probably happen in a few days when the daytime highs are in the low 60s.

The sunroom is looking much better this evening and I made progress on the jigsaw.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 08:14 PM


Trip to Doctor and oncology nurse at cancer clinic this am. They assert that my malaise of last couple weeks - a big nasty bout of Diariea (sp) was the cause and it was reasonable that it has lasted to long and so nasty. So eat well and drink lots and we won't re-start that med until January. I really cannot fault the health care I am receiving here! Already feeling better - the Dr said I would so I must!

The cheeses are yummie. But R is not impressed by any of them. That's fine!! I will be starting a second loaf of bread tomorrow. Choices! My goal is to entice myself into eating better to improve the malaise and discourage the slight dizziness/vertigo. In other words: pay attention to what the bod wants/needs.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 15 Nov 24 - 09:25 PM

an excellent idea -lots of us ignore what the body wants/need & could do with following your lead.


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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 16 Nov 24 - 10:04 PM

Packing a box to go out to my son on Monday.

The local freecycle group had an offer of yarn and needles that I'll pick up tomorrow for my daughter. The donor also had fabric scraps that I could have used but someone beat me to those. I'll pick up yarn tomorrow and next week will deliver those plus a machete her dad brought over (was in his garage). No idea when she bought it or why it was at his house but we're both clearing out kid stuff however we can.

Pulled a couple of more shirts out of the closet; they don't fit well so will join a pair of trousers in the donate bin.

This evening I made a big batch of what I call my "nacho mix" that can be used in burritos, for tacos, tostadas, or for making nachos. I freeze it in pint jars. Right now the batch is in the fridge cooling and tomorrow will go into the freezer.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 17 Nov 24 - 12:58 PM

I have several quarts of frozen mustang grape juice that I hate to waste; I'm not eating much sugar these days but lots of friends still use jelly so I'm going to thaw a couple of jars and make a batch for gifts this year. I'll look for some 12oz jelly jars (they have an embossed jewel pattern that is lovely with the jelly color) for more robust gifts.

The ice cube dispenser again was clogged and I dismantled things and realize that the rim of insulation around the edge of the flapper that covers the cube channel has nicks in it. It appears that moisture gets in through there and builds up on the metal part of the mechanism. I have two choices - it may be that the flapper part is replaceable (it looks like it can be snapped off) or I could use something to give extra insulation around that point. Research will tell me which is the better bet (if the flapper is a universally-sized replaceable item or not).

My olive oil supply is running low so I tried calling the Halal grocery to learn if they have the new year's batch of olive oil in yet but when I select "English" as my language it goes to a recording. No English speakers there this morning it seems. Most of the employees are immigrants who don't speak a lot of English yet. I'll drive over tomorrow and look for myself.

Working on the box for my son; I had to hunt around to find some of the stuff that has been sitting here for a while waiting to be sent. It will go in the morning, clearing up a couple of cubic feet of stuff (but there's so much more to move before the holidays). I flattened a bunch of boxes in the front room and the sun room is looking good now, though I do want to move one more piece of furniture out of there. Where to is the question I need to answer first. I had the swing on the front porch for a while and while it gets so faded out there I did like having it to sit on. Maybe I'll move it back out and find another tarp to cover to prevent fading.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: pattyClink
Date: 17 Nov 24 - 04:03 PM

Well the field trip and night out were great fun, but Friday's furniture debacle was not.

Spent the morning totally emptying and cleaning the bedroom.

The shop staff cheerfully packed the bedroom suite into my cargo trailer, with many pads and blankets. They failed to remove a heavy trifold mirror from the vanity, instead loading it in topheavy and impossible for me to unload. Blessedly realized it was only 4 screws, easily removed.

The dresser had treble-clef-like mirror brackets which made the piece too tall to wheel out of the trailer. Only two nuts to remove these, theoretically, but alas, square ones impossible to unscrew through the cutouts available---only the exact size of slim standard wrench would have had even a chance. Needlenose pliers, useless, ratchets nope, channellocks forget it. But, maneuvered the thing out with a couple of scary moves dropping it onto dollies.

All safely in the house, discovered every bit of it had not been cleaned in decades. By this time the sun has gone down, and I decide to just clean and set up the bed, a bit tricky two-handed.

Finally it's assembled, the moment of truth. Drop my new standard-double box spring into the standard-double bed. Will not fit. The curvy wood on head and footboard would not allow passage of a rigid box. Tried every possible way, but no go.   By this time I'm exhausted and panicky because I've taken down the old bed frame, and have to get up at 4 a.m. for a field trip. So, drop the mattress on the 5 inadequate slats (it is flexible enough to slide in), and hope for the best. It sleeps okay but not a permanent solution, especially because you can't sit on the bed, you wind up across the siderail.

Now apparently I have to either order a custom box spring (and I am fresh out of willingness to pay up for weird unexpected costs), or I have to construct a low plywood platform to substitute for the box spring. And no, I don't have a workbench set up yet, and I'm not a good carpenter, but, looks like I am now in the sawing and screwing business. Perhaps the lumberyard will whack some plywood sheets in half for me so I can load them in the RV and begin work. I refuse to run helpless to the carpenter.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 17 Nov 24 - 06:41 PM

Many of the stores with lumber also have a saw area set up so you can cut the pieces to size. I've used them at Homes Depot and Lowes.

Can you use the bed without the footboard? Sounds like you bought a fancy Victorian thing that probably originally used a different kind of wire spring format. I know what you're describing with the slats - I have beds here that have those slats (only one is set up but not in use at the moment).

There's something to be said for the ubiquitous adjustable steel frame that can go from twin out to queen and has sturdy castors. I have my box spring and mattress on one of those and the headboard of the Victorian bed leans against the wall and the bed is in front of it (not so close that I bang the headboard into the wall when I move around). I don't use the footboard, it is stacked in front of the headboard between it and the bed to keep it out of my way.

Box is ready to go. I had to get out a new roll of tape and was disappointed to find that my sturdy Uline tape has a cheaper thinner packing tape and that's what Amazon had for sale. Bait and switch, too late to return it. There will be a review posted making note of this.

Picked up the yarn - a tiny bag when it comes to it, but the offering party was there and came out to apologize (she forgot to put it on the porch this morning so it was two trips). Seems she taught art for years and is planning to move in the new year and will have a lot of other stuff to list. I told her about the place for donations to local art teachers and she's going to check them out next time they're open.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 18 Nov 24 - 10:09 AM

The cough continues. Last night was really quite unpleasant, and I'm not at the Y this morning for fear of bringing down the roof. Also, the cats are fighting, and only God knows why.

It must be Monday.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 18 Nov 24 - 12:20 PM

Still coughing? Is this the beginning of the end or the time to get the drugs?

The box was handed to the mail carrier after I raced over to his truck and caught his attention and wait for me to retrieve the box from the house - I was out in the yard conferring with the handyman friend Antonio about taking down the dead pine. Today was was too wet to leave the box on the porch awaiting postal pickup.

I had no plans to take down the pine today but one of those little powerful thunderstorms passed through this morning that hit the yard across the street, dropping two large limbs in the road. I went over with my reciprocating saw to cut up the part that was over pavement and the rest Antonio is going to haul away (the homeowner friend is 90, so he's not working with us, but we all have wet feet from standing in his yard consulting.) As we all talked about which of his trees to take today (the downed branches are from a red oak but there's a huge rotten mulberry that is going to split his house in half if he doesn't do something soon) versus later and I pointed out my ailing pine (much smaller, but almost completely dead now). And some of the deadwood in the vitex I was going to saw out myself. Since Antonio has another tree to take in the next block he'll work his way down to our houses. I asked him what his Monday had looked like before the storm - it was absolutely quiet.

Before the tree activity I had stuffed the next to the last batch of sunflowers into the trash can for today's pickup, and stacked the rest in preparation to cut on Thursday. But since Antonio will be hauling off a tree I'll drop the sunflowers on top of that load and save myself a little work.

I've changed wet shoes twice today and see at least one more pair destined for a soak this morning.

Meanwhile in Dog World Cookie's Invisible Fence collar keeps falling off. It's one from Tractor Supply that has a couple of flimsy hinges on the clasp. I have a nylon collar to put new holes in and attach the collar - not easy, but it must be done. The job is a combination of drilling and melting the frayed edges to create durable holes that the prongs go through at exactly the right width.

The truck and trailer for hauling dead wood has arrived.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 18 Nov 24 - 10:46 PM

The updated collar is on the dog. I'll find a few more and drill them ahead to have them ready. I typically need to change out the collars about every 12-18 months. Sometimes they wear out, others (like last spring) due to skunk. Hoping to have no more of those.

Six jars of my Nacho mix are now in the freezer after having a couple of meals from the batch. My future self will thank me.

The front yard looks a bit naked on the south side, but it's better than having a dead tree there. I have some work to do (remove tires from the berm) and then I'll put in a new tree a few feet further over. (I can spread a lot of zeolite in the area to absorb toxins leached from the tires to help the area recover.)

I was in the yard during much of the work today and I think I still have some sawdust in my hair. Heading for the shower.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 19 Nov 24 - 11:03 AM

Back to Michael Pollan this morning - nearing the end of the book - his short treatise on Vitamin C and micronutrients and antioxidants is interesting. I've heard about them for ages but didn't know what they were doing that is so important.

Humanoids apparently at one time made their own Vitamin C because it is an antioxidant we rely on to catch free radicals released into our systems by things like inflammation (a defense mechanism).
—atoms of oxygen with an extra unpaired electron that make them particularly eager to react with other molecules in ways that can create all sorts of trouble. Free radicals have been implicated in a great many health problems, including cancer and the various problems associated with aging. (Free-radical production rises as you get older.) Antioxidants like vitamin C harmlessly absorb and stabilize these radicals before they can do their mischief.[163]

We can synthesize some of our own antioxidants, but apparently we've been eating leaves of green things for so long we stopped making our own vitamin C.

He follows up on the next page about "scores of studies" that show people who eat a pound or more of fruits and vegetables a day have half the cancer rate of what we have in the US.

There are some calculations to be made; I don't know that I'll get a pound a day, but I'll get a good mix in small doses. Working on it along with the healthy fats and protein. Eliminating as many of the "seed oils" and sticking with olive, avocado, butter, etc. Aiming to get the nutrients through food, not supplements.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 19 Nov 24 - 01:06 PM

Off to the allergy doc as usual this morning, home again with a big, bad antibiotic to take once a day for a week. Let’s see the cough stand up to that!

In other news, November is doing what November does in Ontario: raining coldly and feeling dismal. The stretch from now to Christmas is the toughest part of the year: short, dark, dirty days followed by increasingly frigid nights, and all of it fraught with the fake glitz of intense holiday-oriented merchandising.

When I arrived at the doctor’s office, the radio was playing “White Christmas”, the Bing Crosby version. On the way home, the country music station on the car radio interrupted its usual programming of banjos and pedal-steel guitar to play “Christmas in Killarney”, again by Bing Crosby. I’m not at all sure I can take this for five more weeks!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 19 Nov 24 - 02:52 PM

One thing I wish I could declutter is the White Christmas earworm. It's dry rot for the mind.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: JennieG
Date: 19 Nov 24 - 03:11 PM

Back in World War II my father was stationed in New Guinea, and of course Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas' was very popular in those days. My mother told me (my father never spoke of his war experiences, never ever, but he must have told her this) that the Ozzie soldiers would sing "I'm dreaming of a white mistress".....being as how the New Guinea lasses were what used to be called 'dusky'.

It was regarded as being very risqué and naughty, apparently!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 19 Nov 24 - 05:35 PM

I notice that one channel in the SUV Sirius lineup changes periodically, and it says "Holiday Favorites" now. I won't be touching that one (I can program these, and part of the year it plays things I like).

This morning I went in for my annual mammogram (the appointment at 10:40 but they kept sending reminders that I should be there at 10:20—if the appointment is actually at 10:20 then say so. I split the difference and arrived at 10:30.) From there I did some running and finally got to my favorite Halal market and bought a new supply of olive oil then picked up three pumpkins at a friend's house. We had a good visit; I haven't picked up a baby in ages but after taking off my dangly earrings I got to pick up a little 10-month-old guy named Bennett (her grandson) and was good until the bottle arrived and that person was suddenly who he wanted to be with. Excellent visit and now I'm back home. Olive oil and pumpkins for my ex and daughter are in the SUV until tomorrow when they get dropped off.

The heat still isn't turned on in the house but the bathroom was chilly enough this morning that I did turn on the overhead coil heater fan contraption. (Old fashioned and it strikes me as a fire hazard, but it seems to work ok; after I moved in I rewired it so the switch is a timer so it isn't accidentally left on.) Wearing a sweater around the house most days.

So much to do in preparation for the holidays. Clearing up stuff around the house. eBay seems to be at a standstill at the moment (nothing selling - there are just watchers right now.)

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion's brother Andrew
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 08:28 AM

Charmion, you have the technology; you spent good money on it. There's no need for you to suffer in Xmas noise.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 11:40 AM

Yes, Andrew, I was whining. But be fair — I can’t choke the radio in the doctor’s office, much as I would like to. I’m pretty sure they won’t believe that I’m allergic to trite schmaltz. As for “Christmas in Killarney”, a stab of the finger brought me Jimmy Buffet before ol’ Bing could get to “with all the folks at home.”

Second day of antibiotic, and I slept through the night, even over-slept. This stuff really works, even with its downright unsettling list of warnings.

I must acquire a dressy pair of black trousers with belt loops for concerts. These days, I need a belt to keep my shirt tucked in, and I don’t want to feel my shirt-tail flapping half-way through the “Hallelujah” chorus.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 11:49 AM

Well distinguisned, Sir: Xmas != Christmas. I tend to wish people "a merry Christmas and a tolerable Xmas". And I too am allergic to muzak, but that's a rant for another thread.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 12:43 PM

I use "xmas" because it is actually an acceptable shortening of the holiday (looking in style manuals) and I lowercase it because I'm not a believer in anything to do with the biblical part of it. At my doctor's office yesterday there was a Bible (the English major in me has that book capitalized and italicized, to distinguish from the catholic use of the word to describe compendiums on various subjects) sitting on the end table in the waiting area. I casually turned it face down and moved it off to the side. Following the scan the book was in the same place but turned face up. I was tempted to lift it and dump it in the trash outside the office, but I didn't. It's my opinion vs theirs. You saw what I did there.

The SUV is tidied this morning and three of us will go out to lunch today then leave our daughter-unit with pumpkins, olive oil, and the machete she had her father dig out of his garage for her. The only way she could easily move all of this on her own is if she had Hermione Granger's fancy handbag. We've worked out where we'll all park so the transit of pumpkins will be easy. They're all quite large.

Last night I struggled with making a master photo of beer glasses to use in each eBay ad. They're more difficult than shots of the angular Duratuff glasses (where it's possible to avoid the odd reflections). If I want them to be perfect it will involve a tripod and daylight only (no flash or side lighting.)

I'm building up BlueSky (adding accounts I follow and who follow me) to resemble the old Twitter and next will set up one of the docking sites for organizing those I follow into subject lists (TweetDeck was the app that worked well with Twitter in the past. Musk killed it off.) I need to organize all of the brain-droppings in blogs and micro-blogs and such out there. Use or get rid of, primarily.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Charmion
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 02:32 PM

The Bible is important reading for Christians who make the effort to live their professed faith. The hard part is understanding what the Bible actually is: a collection of ancient writings, much of it not very helpful as a guide to ethical living in the 21st century. It’s literally not all to be taken literally.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 06:21 PM

Allegorical stories are a great story form meant to teach or set examples (and they can be considered a form of literature) - I read a lot of Trickster stories when I was working on my MA in English (American Indian Literature). No one in their right mind would read one of those and assume Coyote actually ate his own asshole, but the stories go to places like that to use humor as they teach. (Also, the size of the world known to the people who told those Bible stories was tiny - not much more than around the Mediterranean and into old Persia.)

Today after lunch we stopped at the thrift store that is our favorite (they relocated last year). The ex hadn't been to this new location so he poked around while I found a dozen and after trying on kept four pairs of jeans. It used to be I could leave there with a large bag of good clothes for $20, they have gone up, but four pair of like-new jeans (three blue, one black for more formal occasions because I hate to wear slacks) for $50 isn't bad. Bought new they'd have been more than that for one pair. And to my surprise, though I was mostly looking at the size 12s out of habit, when I came across 10s I liked I put them in the cart, I ended up with all of the size 10s. When these finish in the laundry they'll go to the closet and go on the hangers of the pants I'm going to discard into the donation bin. (An aside: I remember selling a really premium pair of Levi's on eBay several years ago, but I think they were size 8 and I doubt I'll reach that size, or I'd be sad I ever let those go.)

Yesterday I did something I've been tempted to try for a while; I have a long handle dust mop thing I use for the ceiling fan blades, but I brushed it across the popcorn ceiling in my bedroom, where strands of dust have accumulated over time. The fan running seems to contribute to dust moving sideways to those spots. Most of the dust stayed on the mop head enough fell to the floor that I need to vacuum. This afternoon I'll finish going over that popcorn before I vacuum (I hate that texture stuff, but taking it down is a huge amount of work, then painting the ceiling again).

Thank you Chrome, I am in your debt. The computer UPS just interrupted things by turning off suddenly, but Chrome saved all of the above text. It's annoying to have to try to recreate what you just wrote. Time, I think, for a new UPS. This one is several years old.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 20 Nov 24 - 11:37 PM

The Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) wasn't finished with the drama reported in the last post. I decided to take a look at how the device was functioning via the software in the computer, and it looked normal. I moved over a tab and told it to perform the self test. Two seconds later there is a modest explosion in the corner of the room and flames erupted inside the UPS. I pulled off all of the device plugs on the back (as the flames went out) and lugged it out into the yard. This was on its second battery, replaced probably 18 months ago.

I've read reviews and ordered a new UPS to arrive overnight and for now the computer and everything are running while plugged into a surge protector. There's another one of these things in the hall closet, also on a replacement battery, and I'm thinking perhaps I'll replace that next (my modem and router are plugged in there). Soon. That will get a more modest battery backup and surge protection - I don't address that one through the network, though it's designed for that use. I could pay $20 less and get the same UPS delivered next week from Costco, but it isn't worth leaving all of this equipment unprotected that long.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: pattyClink
Date: 21 Nov 24 - 10:57 AM

Holy moley, an exploding UPS! Glad you were able to deal with the situation without a house fire breaking out.

I'm starting to really wonder about quality control in these devices. I've had one for the RV start failing a few years, in. The replacement looked and was more expensive, but a couple years in, started shorting out and shutting down any power post it was plugged in to. Tech repaired the bad connection inside, and it happened again, no doubt another connection is bad. It had become safer to 'go bare', at least at a trusted park. Not sure I care to waste another $130 on such questionable devices.

When I got the house, scooped up a couple new power strips, and one began sparking whenever used. Sheesh. I think maybe these devices should be enclosed in clear plastic so you can SEE what's going on in there before melting down a receptacle.

Meanwhile, fitting out the new bed has turned into a tar baby with chain-reaction problems and delays.   Got the lumber, got a little chop saw, got home, saw "blade not included". Another 'gotcha'.

'S okay, started assembling the workbench I bought, because I had been intending to find or build one, and there was a nice one for sale. Well, unpacked its 100 pound flat-pack self and hauled it inside one piece at a time. To discover it is actually a kit where you even build the drawers. It has miserable instructions, 30 parts and 85 fasteners, comes out and says it is designed to be assembled by two people, and the order of assembly requires doing most work upside down and then flipping its weight once big and heavy. Really? Put that crap on the box so the hapless solo can avoid buying it.   So, I'll adjust the order of assembly, and prop things up on this or that to get things together.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 21 Nov 24 - 12:23 PM

Aw, Patty! That sounds like a rude surprise. What kind of workbench is it? The Black and Decker Workmate portable bench comes folded in a box, and I see there is one out there with a step extension on the front if you want to put a foot on it for more stability. I've used one for years. It stands on the floor in front of the garage workbench (I built that from scrap lumber and a dismantled cedar picnic table's slats. It is fastened to studs in the wall and all held together with carriage bolts.)

Having a UPS makes a big difference in how devices work and last. I would recommend one that finding one that has a few features (to make the purchase most effective): look at the number of outlets and see if some are spaced out if you have those fat plugs that come on some devices. True sine wave is a better power management for the device, and AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) means the device corrects minor power fluctuations without switching over to the battery so it saves the battery for longer use. Fluctuations in power is often referred to as "dirty power" - inconsistent enough that it burns out devices faster.

You can get away with one of the smaller ones. In my office I have two desktop computers (older quad-core one dedicated for use with Adobe products and the newer Dell). Plugged into the UPS tower are both desktops, two scanners, printer, four monitors, and four external hard drives. The computers and the main monitor on the newer Dell are in the power on plugs so I can turn off the computer in an orderly way if the power goes out.

CyberPower CP850PFCLCD PFC Sinewave UPS System, 860VA/510W, 10 outlets, AVR is one that has 10 plugs (all close together) for $154.

APC UPS 1000VA Sine Wave UPS Battery Backup and Surge Protector has 10 outlets but two are separated for larger plugs, and has two USB charger ports (to plug in other devices) for $139.

For the less technical battery backup surge protectors, a company I looked at called Liebert has a number of battery backup surge protection devices (ranging from 350V up to 850VA0) that have shutdown software (so you tell what to do if the power goes out; while on backup it basically reaches out and tells the computer to turn off.)

CyberPower has a similar one that comes in different output levels. If you click around they have various form factors (blocky versus slim). Starts at $53.

I always avoid the Amazon basics.

The new UPS has arrived and is plugged in for eight hours before I start setting it up. If there was ever a time to decide to rearrange the office, this is it. But will I?

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: pattyClink
Date: 21 Nov 24 - 12:49 PM

Thanks, I'll investigate those UPS's.

This is the workbench, I saw it in passing and it just looked outstanding, and perfect for my narrow room. It's wood, made in US, fingerboarded butcherblock style, just seems quite well designed and precision manufactured and finished. The only corner they cut was the drawer bottoms and shelf are dense 1/4" masonite, and they'll do fine if I don't park a chainsaw on that shelf. I just wish it were shipped a bit more assembled and had a 'if you're by yourself' method. And the bolts could be driven with a square driver bit instead of a stupid hex allen wrench.


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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 21 Nov 24 - 01:47 PM

That's a good-looking bench! Very sturdy. Good luck getting it assembled!

The one I built used an old redwood picnic table that the former renter's dogs had chewed on and it was wobbly as a table. But the 2x6 planks were great material to reuse and I had a large piece of furniture-grade plywood to use for the top. Since the garage was built new in 2002 and the house in 1976 I decided to put in a bench that looked weathered enough that it had been around a long time, giving more continuity between the new garage and the older house.

The house is at that point where I'm ready to turn on the heat. Maybe this evening. I've pulled out the strings of holiday lights that I wrap around a juniper at the bottom of the driveway so I can put them up while the daytime temperatures are still warm. I won't turn them on until December.

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