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ADD: A poem about a Seagull (Jerry Jeff Walker)

GUEST,PHJim 07 Nov 24 - 09:40 AM
GUEST,Phil d'Conch 07 Nov 24 - 02:00 PM
RTim 07 Nov 24 - 02:47 PM
GUEST,Ed 08 Nov 24 - 11:29 AM
GUEST,PHJim 09 Nov 24 - 02:21 PM
Joe Offer 10 Nov 24 - 12:40 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: A poem about a seagull
Date: 07 Nov 24 - 09:40 AM

I recall a poem about a seagull and how awkward and "doddering" he looked when walking, but how beautiful he looked when in flight. This poem was on the back of an LP cover, but I can't recall the artist - Jerry Jeff?
Could anyone help me out?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A poem about a seagull
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
Date: 07 Nov 24 - 02:00 PM

Unless there was another... Richard Bach for the poem & Neil Diamond for the vinyl:

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (soundtrack)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A poem about a seagull
From: RTim
Date: 07 Nov 24 - 02:47 PM

Here is Rick Keeling's song - Seagull - from 1971..
One of the first songs I heard from him at The Cutty Wren FC in Hythe, Hampshire when I started singing there....

Tim Radford

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A poem about a seagull
From: GUEST,Ed
Date: 08 Nov 24 - 11:29 AM

It is indeed Jerry Jeff Walker, from the album Mr.Bojangles

Insults and Apologies to a Seagull

    By John Sweethardt
    As told by Francis Carlisle

You are structurally unsound.
You wobble on that ferry boat piling on your rickety legs.
What makes you so awkward?
Why are you such a dodder?
brurr brurr brurr brurr brurr brurr
(Ferry boat pulls off)
My apologies to you Mr. Seagull.
Did I say awkward?
I saw no far arching wings.
Did I say rickety legs?
I saw no flit float flutter loll.
Did I say such a word as dodder?
You who can float absolutely atune to the wind.
And wait not quite ready,
Not quite,
Waiting for that long swift plunge to the churned waters.
My apologies to you Mr. Seagull.
I didn't know you.

A magical brew,
An olive in It.
A Kettle.of Fish
With people in it.
Cards and coins and seagulls,
And Francis knows
Wherever you think you see it,

j. j. walker

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Subject: RE: ADD: A poem about a Seagull (Jerry Jeff Walker)
Date: 09 Nov 24 - 02:21 PM

Thanks Ed. That's what I was after. I was watching the seagulls on the St. Lawrence River last weekend and it brought this poem to mind. I could recall the story, but not the actual poem.

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Subject: RE: ADD: A poem about a Seagull (Jerry Jeff Walker)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 10 Nov 24 - 12:40 AM

Here's a link to the track listing from the album.

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