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Lyr Req: Protest song: oppression, import sugar

GUEST,Paula J 10 Nov 24 - 06:41 PM
Joe Offer 10 Nov 24 - 09:27 PM
jujublee 11 Nov 24 - 12:49 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Protest song: oppression, import sugar
From: GUEST,Paula J
Date: 10 Nov 24 - 06:41 PM

I’ve been trying to remember a song – the topic was the importing of luxury goods such as sugar, tea, etc., and how that worldwide trading came from oppression and slavery. The style was that of a folk / protest song.

Faith used to occasionally sing it at the San Francisco Folk Club song circles. I can’t actually remember the lyrics (nor the tune), but I’ll recognize it if I see or hear it.

Thanking y’all in advance!
Paula J.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Protest song: oppression, import sugar
From: Joe Offer
Date: 10 Nov 24 - 09:27 PM

Hmmm. The only one I could think of was "Sugar in the Hold," that was recorded by the Johnson Girls.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Protest song: oppression, import sugar
From: jujublee
Date: 11 Nov 24 - 12:49 AM

Thanks, Joe... that's not the song I'm thinking of but it was an interesting thread.

(By the way, this is still Paula J, but I'm logged in now -- with my very old all-purpose internet handle from years gone by, "jujublee.")

The song I'm seeking has a real social justice vibe, like a protest song.

The lyrics explain how our sugar and tea (it might mention coffee, too) are grown, traded, and shipped around the world -- and we don't realize the human exploitation and suffering behind their production and
sale and trade.

I don't remember what made me think of the song, but now I really want to find it!

Paula J

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