By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary
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Subject: By the strands of Magilligan From: The Sandman Date: 14 Jan 25 - 03:16 AM https://www.rte.ie/radio/doconone/646812-radio-documentary-by-the-strands-of-magilligan-derry Lots of singing Eddie Butcher etc rte radio documentary |
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan From: Joe Offer Date: 14 Jan 25 - 04:01 AM Story Notes Magilligan peninsula is an area in the Roe valley, the most northerly parish in Co. Derry located at the mouth of Lough Foyle. It is a huge 32 km2 coastal site, part British army firing range, part nature reserve. A Martello Tower was built there in 1812. This documentary looks at the people who live there. Unusually, this is an area of northern Ireland where Irish has survived and the population is made up in the majority of pre-planation stock. The history of the Magilligan area is varied - and influenced by diverse aspects of history such as Scots dialet and cricket. It was once a good rabbit area but farm patterns have changed. Produced by Proinsias O' Conluain First broadcast 5th November, 1975 An Irish radio documentary from RTÉ Radio 1, Ireland - Documentary on One - the home of Irish radio documentaries |
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary From: The Sandman Date: 14 Jan 25 - 07:31 AM My thanks to Steve Gardham for alerting me to the ulster song in the first place |
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary From: Steve Gardham Date: 14 Jan 25 - 01:50 PM Great programme, Dick, and some fine singing. Thanks for flagging it up. |
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary From: The Sandman Date: 16 Jan 25 - 04:18 AM I received this e mail from len Graham Wed, Jan 15, 9:18 AM (23 hours ago) to Len, liam.oconnor, Steve, gardhams@hotmail.com, thetraditionbearer, Pádraigín, me, John I recently was delighted to come across a long forgotten RTE Radio documentary on the Mudcat Forum. Here is some information on the documentary - I'm sorry to say that I am the only survivor...! Co. Tyrone man, Proinsias Ó Conluain (1919-2013) of RTE in 1975 approached me regarding some contacts for a radio documentary and I suggested Eddie Butcher (1900-80) of Magilligan, Co. Derry. I also gave him contact details for Hugh Shields (1929-2008) of TCD Dublin, who knew Eddie and collected songs and folklore of Eddie from the 1950s. Another old friend Jackie Devenney (1930-2024) was suggested and he in turn suggested his neighbour Dan McLaughlin, a solicitor and local historian. Here are the songs featured in the programme:- 1) The Strands of Magilligan - Eddie Butcher Roud 688 2) Magilligan - Eddie Butcher Roud 2965 3) The Mountainy Farmer - Jackie Devenney Roud 21998 4) The Faughan Side - Eddie Butcher Roud 2292 5) Tam Lin - Eddie Butcher Roud 35/Child 39 6) Dungiven Criket Match - Eddie Butcher Roud 13539 7) The Wreck of the Trader - Eddie Butcher Roud 2952 8) The Daysman - Eddie Butcher Roud 2942 9) Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore - Len Graham Roud 1419 10) The English Harvest - Eddie Butcher Roud 13468 11) The Smuggler - Eddie Butcher Roud 23482 ENJOY! Len Graham www.storyandsong.com |
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary From: The Sandman Date: 23 Jan 25 - 01:39 AM re |
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