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Tune Req: songs at Trump inauguration

GUEST,.gargoyle 20 Jan 25 - 06:29 PM
gillymor 20 Jan 25 - 09:19 PM
GUEST,paperback 21 Jan 25 - 10:01 AM
Donuel 29 Jan 25 - 08:38 AM
Donuel 01 Feb 25 - 11:43 AM
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Subject: Tune Req: Trump inauguration
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 20 Jan 25 - 06:29 PM

Most tunes within President Trumph's inauguration I knew ... but some FLUMMOXED me.

These I know:

Four Ruffles and Flourishes by the U.S. Army Herald Trumpets
“Hail Columbia” by the U.S. Marine Band 

The National Anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner” by the U.S. Marine Band.

Bag Pipes - "Scottland the Brave"

"Sweet Land of Liberty". (God Save the Queen)

"God Bless America" Florida Bagpipers

Medley - "Grand Old Flag" Tennessee Creek Band

Missippi Valley State University - drum corp


Blessed Be the Tie that Binds

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trump inauguration
From: gillymor
Date: 20 Jan 25 - 09:19 PM

A sound track to a shit show.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trump inauguration
From: GUEST,paperback
Date: 21 Jan 25 - 10:01 AM

I didn't view it gillymore, did they play Y.M.C.A.?

I can help myself sometimes imagining all those boys buring their Gay porn and donning Hugo Boss and all the while doing that dance.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trump inauguration
From: Donuel
Date: 29 Jan 25 - 08:38 AM

Lord, I was born a gamblin' man
Lyin' to make a livin' and doin' the scam I can
And when it's time for stealin
I know you'll understand
That I was born a gamblin' man
Well, my father was a gambler way up in Queens
And he wound up on the extreme right for the whites
And I was born into millions from shitty rentals
In courtrooms day and night
Lord, I was born a gamblin' man
Lyin' to make a livin' and doin' the scam I can
And when it's time for stealin'
I know you'll understand
That I was born a gamblin' man
I'm on my way to the White House this mornin'
Lyin' ing on my jet, in Florida
They're always having a good time in Mara Lago
Lord, and hot porn women think the world of me
Lord, I was born a gamblin' man
Lyin to make a livin' and doin' the scam I can
And when it's time for stealin'
I know you'll understand
That I was born a gamblin' man

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: songs at Trump inauguration
From: Donuel
Date: 01 Feb 25 - 11:43 AM

White man, there's no need to feel down, I said
White man, pick yourself off the ground, I said
White man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be crappy
White man, there's a place you can go, I said
White man, when you're short on your dough you can
Be there and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time

It's fun to stay with the M A G A
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
They have everything for young men to enjoy
You can hang out with all proud boys
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal
You can do whatever you feel

[Verse 2]
White man, are you listening to me? I said
White man, what do you want to be? I said
White man, you can make real your dreams
But you've got to know this one thing
White man do it all by themself, I said
White man, put your pride on top shelf
And just go there, to the M A G A
I'm sure they can help you today

It's fun to stay with the M A G A
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
They have everything for white men to enjoy
You can hang out with all proud boys
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
It's fun to stay with the M A G A
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal
You can do whatever you feel

[Verse 3]
White man, I was once in your shoes, I said
I was down and out with the blues, I felt
No man cared if I were alive
I felt the whole world was so jive
That's when someone came up to me and said
"White man, take a walk up the street
It's a place there called the M A G A
They can start you back on your way"

It's fun to stay with the M A G A .
It's fun to stay with the M A G A .
They have everything for White men to enjoy
You can hang out with all proud boys

, it's fun to stay with the
White man, there's no need to feel down
White man, get yourself off the ground

[Instrumental Break]

M A G A , it's fun to stay with the
M A G A .
White man, white man, are you listening to me?
White man, white man, what do you wanna be?
M A G A , you'll find it at the
Our men, White man do it all by themself
White man, put your pride on top shelf
M A G A and just go to the
White man, I was once in your shoes
White man, young man, I was down with the blues
M A G A , it's fun to stay with the

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