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2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club

Joe Offer 23 Jan 25 - 07:03 PM
MoorleyMan 23 Jan 25 - 07:14 PM
Tattie Bogle 23 Jan 25 - 07:18 PM
GUEST,diplocase 23 Jan 25 - 09:21 PM
Barbara 24 Jan 25 - 12:19 AM
Barbara 24 Jan 25 - 12:23 AM
Waddon Pete 25 Jan 25 - 10:54 AM
GUEST,David Brown 25 Jan 25 - 11:20 AM
GUEST,Rena Sonshine 26 Jan 25 - 01:11 AM
GUEST,Peter Kasin 26 Jan 25 - 11:30 AM
keberoxu 26 Jan 25 - 01:29 PM
Joe Offer 27 Jan 25 - 01:23 AM
GUEST,Deborah Sandler 29 Jan 25 - 02:01 AM
GUEST,David Brown 29 Jan 25 - 06:56 PM
GUEST,Tina Fields 01 Feb 25 - 11:04 AM
GUEST,Tina Fields 01 Feb 25 - 11:09 AM
GUEST,GUEST Lewis 05 Feb 25 - 10:49 PM
Joe Offer 08 Feb 25 - 06:45 PM
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Subject: Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Joe Offer
Date: 23 Jan 25 - 07:03 PM

I can't believe that Ed Silberman has died today. I thought he'd live forever. So intelligent (in a warped sort of way), so imaginative, and so damn funny. He had an amazing bass voice (I don't think I knew anyone who could hit the low notes better), and an amazing knowledge of songs. And such a quirky sense of humor. He had a penchant for wearing sparkly gowns for the New Year's celebration at Camp Harmony. But for New Year's Day in 2000, he wore a diaper and a beauty queen sash (and that's all - for the rest of my life, I cannot unsee that). He brought so much life to the San Francisco Folk Music Club. Damn, Ed, I'm gonna miss you.
I don't know how old Ed was, but it always seemed he was younger than me. I suppose most people thought of him as a clown, but I often had fascinating discussions with him on all sorts of subjects.
He was a pain in the ass, and I loved him. And I always felt so privileged to know that he loved me. I never knew why, but we had a bond. I think maybe it's because we knew that we both were excruciatingly and annoyingly honest. And we found a deep kinship in that.

Here's an example of Ed's singing, a parody he wrote about Hurricane Katrina:

Ed's posts at Mudcat: Ed Silberman

Thread #84688   Message #1565140
Posted By: GUEST,Ed Silberman
16-Sep-05 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: Hurricane Relief Song: Big Muddy (MP3)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DAMN FOOL TOOK THREE DAYS (Silberman/

I have written a new lyric for "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" about the Bush administration's response to the Katrina disaster. It is called "The Damn Fool took Four Days". A CD recording is available from me, as well as an MP3 at Mudcat (see the entry "MP3 ADD The Damn Fool Took Three Days, September 15, Joe Offer" -above). I'm selling the CD for a suggested $5 donation to the American Red Cross. Please send checks to me at 6527 Whitney Street Oakland CA 94609. Likewise if you are going to download from this site please send a check to the relief agency of your choice when you do. You can use the download time to write out the check. Inquiries about the song can be made at The lyrics are printed below. I am gratefully appreciative to Pete Seeger for permission to use his song this way.

(lyrics by Ed Silberman, music by Pete Seeger)

Oh the wind was raging and the water was rising and the sky was dark and mean
And when the lake broke through the levee, such a sight I've never seen
People were crying, people were dying, people walking 'round in a haze
We were knee deep in the big muddy and the damn fool took four days

People were looting, people were rooting through the shelves for whatever they could find
If you had money you got out of town but the poor folk got left behind
In the land of plenty our stomachs were empty, we looked for a helping hand
We were waist deep in the big muddy and the damn fool took four days

Well I don't claim to know the answers, no I don't claim to have plan
But when a person has the title of Chief you're relying on that man
My house was a ruin, my neighbors were dead, I thought help was on the way
We were neck in the big muddy and the damn fool took four days

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: MoorleyMan
Date: 23 Jan 25 - 07:14 PM

Sad, sad news indeed. I only knew him from zoom and the Covid days, but he made quite an impression on me with his kooky mix of erudition and zany humour. What a character!
Btw Joe - The above link to his posts doesn't seem to connect. [Link Fixed. -Joe-]

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 23 Jan 25 - 07:18 PM

Just met him once when he came to Edinburgh, after a few exchanges on this site. Took him to a session for moothies (harmonicas) at Sandy Bell’s. Definitely a great character, and an entertaining evening.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,diplocase
Date: 23 Jan 25 - 09:21 PM


Friends - will you help preserve Ed Silberman's music legacy?
If you know any of the parodies and songs he wrote, please post them on this thread.
Do you have any video of Ed singing them? do a blue clicky link!
Let's keep singing Ed's songs!

Casey Casebeer

The song goes on in the songs they sang
and when one song ends then another song begins
And the singers who are gone will be singing once again
When we sing the songs they sang!   
                                  --Mick Ryan

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Barbara
Date: 24 Jan 25 - 12:19 AM

I can throw out some fragments of his skill with parody, but not the whole song. Perhaps these will jog someone else's memory.

The San Francisco trolleys all sing this song N-Judah, N-Judah
Riding them all night long, N-Judah day.

Yolo, Yolo, Yolo Sonoma

The Shuls of Erin (not sure he wrote this one)

And there was one about Colcannon and Latke


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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Barbara
Date: 24 Jan 25 - 12:23 AM

Joe, I remember the diaper, but I am not sure it is any more memorable than the skunk costume or the white short dress with the polka dots that were each a foot wide.


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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Waddon Pete
Date: 25 Jan 25 - 10:54 AM

He sounds like quite a guy and I am sorry to hear of his passing. Condolences as always to all those who know and love him. I have entered his name in the Mudcat "In Memoriam" thread. RIP Ed.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,David Brown
Date: 25 Jan 25 - 11:20 AM

To the tune of Camptown Ladies:

The letter N streetcar sings this song - Judah, Judah
Hauling passengers all day long, oh Judah day.

Going to run all night, going to run all day
I merge with the Haight bus late at night
But I'm on my own all day.


BTW, this streetcar line runs near Clayton St (Faith Petric's house, the meeting place of the SF Folk Club for many years), emerging from a tunnel across from the Owl & Monkey Cafe at Cole & Carl, which was a popular spot for folk musicians, as well as to the location of the SF contra dance. It was also the primary line near several of Ed's residences in SF, including Henry St. So I'm sure Ed rode the N line many times.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,Rena Sonshine
Date: 26 Jan 25 - 01:11 AM

It's been many, many years since I've been to Harmony, but I was there for the spaarkly dresses and Diaper/Sash New Year. Ed had infectious energy and joy, and shared it freely. He also was very kind to me.

One year, he invited me to a small group welcoming Shabbat on Friday night, where I was introduced to the Jewish Renewal movement. Today, my synagogue in Santa Monica incorporates the music written by Nava Tehila of Jerusalem. I hear Ed's voice.

May his memory be a blessing.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,Peter Kasin
Date: 26 Jan 25 - 11:30 AM

Ed also wrote a song in tribute to Willie Mays. Sorry I don't have the lyrics to post. He would sing it at Starry Plough Irish sessions.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: keberoxu
Date: 26 Jan 25 - 01:29 PM

Here is a photograph of Ed Silberman.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Jan 25 - 01:23 AM

This Facebook link may not work for everyone.

And Ed singing a Malvina Reynolds song, "The World's Gone Beautiful,"

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,Deborah Sandler
Date: 29 Jan 25 - 02:01 AM

Ed was one of the first people I met in the San Francisco Folk Music Club, over 40 years ago. Quite the character! I am so sad he’s gone:

We used to have a monthly song session here in the San Francisco Bay Area, called In Harmony’s Way, which grew out of an album put together by several local traditional singers, one of whom was Ed Silberman. He wrote a song about the sessions, called In Harmony’s Way. We often sang it as a way of announcing that the mid-session break was over, and it was time for everyone to get back into a circle and start singing.

Here are the words. I remember the tune, and can sing it for Casey or whoever else may be collecting tunes for Ed’s songs. I should also note that after the line about turning his head to the moon and baying, several of us would howl like wolves, and Wd hates it when we did that. Sorry, Ed! Guilty as charged!

“In Harmony’s Way, by Ed Silberman

When the rain clouds loom, all is dark and gloom
And trouble is coming your way.
Turn your luck around with a joyful sound
By walking in Harmony's Way.

Chorus: Are you walking, are you walking,
are you walking in Harmony's Way?
Are you walking, are you walking,
are you walking in Harmony's Way?

When the sky turns hail and best friends fail
And you fear that you won't see light of day
You can right that wrong with a rousing song
If you're walking in Harmony's Way.


Now I will not lie, sometimes I have to cry
Turn my head to the moon and bay
But I'll laugh and shout when the stars come out
When I'm walking in Harmony's Way.


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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,David Brown
Date: 29 Jan 25 - 06:56 PM

The Sufganiot Song
by Ed Silberman
based on Dona Dona by Aaron Zeitlin and Shalom Secunda

Take some flour and take some sugar and
Fill a pot with a lot of oil
Take match and make a fire
Step back and watch the oil boil

How the oil is sizzling, simmering with sweet delight
And the rain is drizzling
Through the day and half a winters night

Donut donut donuts
Donut donut dy
Donut donut donuts
Donut donut dee

Roll the batter the shape of patties
Drop them into the oil to float
Watch them swimming round and round and
Soon we'll have sufganiot

How the oil is..
donuts dee

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,Tina Fields
Date: 01 Feb 25 - 11:04 AM

Oh, oh, this news makes me feel so sad. Years ago at the SFFMC, after we kept finding ourselves in the same rooms, Ed, Arlene, and others scooped me up and invited me to their stealth trad singing group, “Little Pink.“ I so enjoyed sharing ballads and other obscure trad songs with them each month over excellent snacks. No matter what the topic, Ed would have something wonderful or goofy to share. He was always generous and kind with praise for others, and that voice of his – oh my, impeccable harmonies in that beautiful bass voice. He was a deep and kind soul; we shared many conversations about important topics, and I know he cared deeply about the state of the world. I was very fond of him and will miss him.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: GUEST,Tina Fields
Date: 01 Feb 25 - 11:09 AM

— oh yeah, and I just remembered How proud he felt about his massive birthday birthday song collection!

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
Date: 05 Feb 25 - 10:49 PM

Thanks Joe O for starting this off with a description that makes me think Ed remained spirited much as he was in High school.
We were classmates at Pennsauken High, NJ '72
There he was founder and leader of a Kazoo club, which somehow fulfilled our club requirement for a small ragtag group. He discoursed on Irish folk music, and led us in developing a group repertoire. I recall Jim Kweskin's "Jug Band music" as especially vibrant on kazoo. A unique spirit who is missed.

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Subject: RE: 2025 Obit: Ed Silberman, SF Folk Music Club
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Feb 25 - 06:45 PM

Here's Ed singing "I Had an Old Coat" by Paul Kaplan. This video is a great example of his ability as a harmonica player.

Gee, he's wearing a dress shirt and tie. I never saw him like that.

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