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BS: Still in Guam FGS!

Naemanson 31 Jan 25 - 03:29 AM
Naemanson 31 Jan 25 - 03:45 AM
Jack Campin 31 Jan 25 - 04:52 AM
Sandra in Sydney 31 Jan 25 - 05:51 AM
Donuel 31 Jan 25 - 07:22 AM
Naemanson 01 Feb 25 - 01:08 AM
Helen 01 Feb 25 - 01:22 AM
keberoxu 02 Feb 25 - 05:04 PM
Roger the Skiffler 03 Feb 25 - 03:47 AM
Joe Offer 03 Feb 25 - 02:16 PM
robomatic 03 Feb 25 - 03:02 PM
Charley Noble 03 Feb 25 - 03:17 PM
Stilly River Sage 04 Feb 25 - 01:11 PM
Naemanson 06 Feb 25 - 02:09 AM
Naemanson 06 Feb 25 - 03:40 AM
Charley Noble 06 Feb 25 - 03:22 PM

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Subject: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Naemanson
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 03:29 AM

Damn! I just wrote a nice long post and then my fumbly fingers deleted it. I have problems with my hands. So I’ll fall back on the Microsoft dictation part of Word. I've been doing a lot of writing this way.

Earlier when I was writing, Wakana was petting Tora-Chan, the small orange cat that has adopted us. Tora-chan on means “little tiger.” Back in October he began hanging around the house. He's small but has a huge voice and back then he was just skin and bones. We began feeding him. At first it was just a scoop of food in the morning and then if he showed up at night he'd get another scoop. And now he shows up morning noon and night and then He shows up for midnight snack as well. As a result he's no longer skin and bones. He's still small.

Our initial plan was to get his trust enough to get him into a cat carrier and get him to the vet. When he first showed up he had a huge wound on the side of his head easily the size of silver dollar (for those of you old enough to remember the silver dollar). In the 3 1/2 months since then the wound is closed up but he's still so skittish we can't catch him. He's only recently been allowing Wakana to pet him. I suggested to her that she could slip him into the box, and we could take him to the vet. She doesn't want to abuse his trust. I guess it's up to me to get the cat to trust me so I can abuse that trust and get him into the cat carrier and take him to the vet. We need to get him there. He needs his shots and his vaccinations and a flea collar and we have to get him neutered. I don't think he's gonna like any of that.

I don't know what I've reported. I'll make a list and you can tell me if you already heard some of it.

2019: My siblings sold the family farm and we split the funds we earned five ways. I suggested to Wakana we do a full renovation of the kitchen. She decided what she'd rather do is turn our carport into a living room and that's what we did.

2023: In March I had a biopsy on my prostate. Two days later I was admitted to the hospital with an extreme urinary tract infection. I spent five days in the hospital with antibiotics plugged into my arm. That was the start of a series of urinary tract infections followed by kidney stones, big kidney stones. I was sick for two 2 1/2 months.

At the end of May we were hit by Supertyphoon Mawar Only one day after I got out of my sick bed. We lost power and didn't regain it for a month.

To make matters worse, Wakana had to go to the hospital for extreme abdominal pain. Gallstones! This was during our power outage so we had no air conditioning no refrigeration and she was recovering from surgery.

Also in June of 2023, after recovering, Wakana had to go to Japan to take care of her ailing mother. Mitsuko, unfortunately, is descending into dementia. The time she left we've been without power for most of four weeks. When I took her to the airport I commented that we'd probably get power back now that she was out of the house. We did! I was never so happy to see the power come on. I went through the house and turned on every light. I basked in the cool air conditioning. In the meantime Wakana got stuck in Japan had to change her flight. She took a flight through Korea and got stuck in the Korean airport for 11 hours! 2023 was not a very good year.

Compared to 2023, 2024 was a pretty good year. The only problem was the disaster in November but I don't want to talk about that. I came back to Mudcat to get away from all the crap that's going on.

So I'm going to start to hang around here again. I miss all you guys. Let me know what you think.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Naemanson
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 03:45 AM

I reread that post and was aghast at what I'd written. Here is an edited version.

Damn! I just wrote a nice long post and then my fumbly fingers deleted it. I have problems with my hands. So I’ll fall back on the Microsoft dictation part of Word. I've been doing a lot of writing this way.

Earlier, when I was writing the first post, Wakana was petting Tora-Chan, the small orange cat that has adopted us. Tora-chan means “little tiger.” Back in October he began hanging around the house. He's small but has a huge voice. Back then he was just skin and bones. We began feeding him. At first it was just a scoop of food in the morning and then if he showed up at night he'd get another scoop. And now he shows up morning, noon, and night and sometimes he reports for midnight snack as well. As a result he's no longer skin and bones. He's still small.

Our initial plan was to get his trust enough to get him into a cat carrier and get him to the vet. When he first showed up he had a huge wound on the side of his head easily the size of a silver dollar (for those of you old enough to remember the silver dollar). In the 3 1/2 months since then the wound has closed up but he's still so skittish we can't catch him. He's only recently been allowing Wakana to pet him. I suggested to her that she could slip him into the box, and we could take him to the vet. But she doesn't want to abuse his trust. I guess it's up to me to get the cat to trust me so I can abuse that trust and get him into the cat carrier and take him to the vet. We need to get him there. He needs his shots and his vaccinations and a flea collar and we have to get him neutered. I don't think he's gonna like any of that.

I don't know what I've already reported. I'll make a list and you can tell me if you already heard some of it.
2019: My siblings sold the family farm and we split the funds we earned five ways. I suggested to Wakana we do a full renovation of the kitchen. She decided what she'd rather do is turn our carport into a living room and that's what we did.

2023: In March I had a biopsy on my prostate. Two days later I was admitted to the hospital with an extreme urinary tract infection. I spent five days in the hospital with antibiotics plugged into my arm. That was the start of a series of urinary tract infections requiring hospitalization. That was followed by kidney stones, big kidney stones (2 centimeters). Overall I was sick for two 2 1/2 months.

At the end of May we were hit by Supertyphoon Mawar only one day after I got out of my sick bed. I had no opportunity to prepare the house. We lost power and didn't regain it for a month. The worst part was the storm destroyed our mango trees.

Then Wakana had to go to the hospital for extreme abdominal pain. Gallstones! This was during our power outage so we had no air conditioning no refrigeration and she was recovering from surgery.

Also in June of 2023, after recovering, Wakana had to go to Japan to take care of her ailing mother. Mitsuko, unfortunately, is descending into dementia. When she left we'd been without power for most of four weeks. When I took her to the airport I commented that we'd probably get power back now that she was out of the house. We did! I was never so happy to see the power come on. I went through the house and turned on every light. I basked in the cool air conditioning. In the meantime, on her way home, Wakana got stuck in Japan and had to change her flight. She took a flight through Korea and got stuck in the Korean airport for 11 hours! 2023 was not a very good year.

Compared to 2023, 2024 was a pretty good year. The only problem was the disaster in November but I don't want to talk about that. I came back to Mudcat to get away from all the crap that's going on.

So I'm going to start to hang around here again. I miss all you guys. Let me know what you think.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Jack Campin
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 04:52 AM

What's it like being in a US colony under the Great Orange Khan? I guess pretty much anything might happen from now on?

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 05:51 AM

You have been Living in Interesting Times, welcome back

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Donuel
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 07:22 AM

Ah my favorite tale teller returns.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Naemanson
Date: 01 Feb 25 - 01:08 AM

Jack, we live, as Sandra says, in interesting times. Guam is on the remote edge of Trump's empire. As such we are out of his sight... kinda. About 10 years ago the DOD decided to move a couple of Marine units out of Okinawa because they couldn't play nice with their Japanese hosts. There were helicopter crashes and rapes and the Japanese had had enough. Consequently there was a base being built on Guam to take them. That was great for the local economy. Then the pandemic struck and tourism dried up. Tourist related businesses died left and right. Guam's economy limped along on all that construction. Then one of the generals, hoping for a top spot in Trump's government, held a press conference where commented that moving the Marines out of Japan was going in the wrong direction. Now people are worried. Tourism is not back to pre-pandemic levels and nobody knows what Trump will do.

Plus the election put Republicans in charge of the Guam legislature. Our neighbor was a Republican running for (local) senator and asked for my vote. I told him I couldn't vote for any Republican after their support for Trump in the States. I agreed he could have my vote as long as he didn't do anything embarrassing. Then, 2 days later, the Republican party of Guam was reported as supporting Trump. My neighbor was listed and quoted in that article in the newspaper. I sent him a message taking back my support. It's all good, though. He still mows my lawn. Guam cannot vote in national elections but we do list the candidates on our ballots. Trump won Guam. Ugh!

Actually the local Republicans are a mix of good and bad as are the Democrats. The Republican Attorney General has been posting billboards about meth addicts and how many "criminals" he has deported to their home islands. They are about as disgusting as he is capable of making. His latest is an attack on the governor and her policies. He doesn't like the lieutenant governor either because he's gay.

The other hot button issue here is construction of a new hospital. One faction, led by the doctors wants to build it on a small piece of land on the western side of the island. The other faction wants it on the eastern side on a larger piece of land. The eastern location features room for parking lots. Plus it's close to the university and its nursing school. The western location is closer to doctors' homes and clinics. They wouldn't have to drive the 10 miles to and from there. Plus there isn't much room for parking.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Helen
Date: 01 Feb 25 - 01:22 AM

This trick may or may not work, but I have found that if I hit submit prematurely, sometimes by hitting the back-arrow a few times I can go back and find my text in the box on a previous Mudcat page. It might be worth a try.

My other trick, if I am typing a long post, is to copy it as I go and paste it into a text box, e.g. Notepad, or even an email and save it as a Draft copy. I save it a few times as I go until I am ready to hit the submit button.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: keberoxu
Date: 02 Feb 25 - 05:04 PM

Good to have news of Naemanson and Wakana. Glad you are still among us.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 03 Feb 25 - 03:47 AM

Good to have your stories back,Brett.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Joe Offer
Date: 03 Feb 25 - 02:16 PM

Thanks for bringing us up to date, Brett. I enjoy your stories of Guam. Hope life is going ok for you.


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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: robomatic
Date: 03 Feb 25 - 03:02 PM

We are a kind of Northern Guam, due to being on our own but heavily militarized, in a positive way (Alaska).

Not only that, but the average liberal in Alaska supports oil development (of Alaska). They're not making any more of it and it funds our development and we might run out of the natural gas we need to heat our homes, even down here in Anchorage.

I use Helen's technique of writing out my longer messages in wordpad so that I don't lose a lot of text due to online hiccups or delirium tremendous.

Alaska is a very red state but aside from the occasional armed Starbucks customer, people are mostly neighborly.

Hope your health holds up, and that of your brave little tiger.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Charley Noble
Date: 03 Feb 25 - 03:17 PM

Naemanson ,

I think I have you to thank for turning me on to Mudcat back in the early Pleistocene Era. You certainly also reinforced my love for nautical songs, and attendance at sea music festivals.

So thanks for having such a positive impact on my life.

Charlie Ipcar

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Feb 25 - 01:11 PM

It's good to catch up on your activities, Brett. I have wondered how life is going with the occasional nearby (relatively) volcanic eruptions and typhoons.

Keep your heads down. And is there any way to purchase a generator?

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Naemanson
Date: 06 Feb 25 - 02:09 AM

Hi guys,

I've been doing water aerobics for several years (about 8) now. It isn't a perfect exercise. Like everything else you only get out of it what you put in. But it is an activity that doesn't irritate my arthritis too badly. I am an introvert but the one and a half hours of social activity three times a week doesn't leave me exhausted. The other people in the class are about my age or older. They are mostly women. The instructor is a few years older than me. Her husband is a retired music promoter and night club owner. Her mother used to run the WA classes until she retired. She died yesterday. She was 97 and passed peacefully. Amy was a pistol. Everyone loved her. I guess it was her time to go.

One of my favorite pictures was me singing Away Rio with Amy in her wheelchair parked right in front of me. While I sang I focused all my attention on her and she was really getting into the song. We'll all miss her.

Robomatic: I usually type anything I want to say using a Notes App. It really comes in handy in keeping track of memories for my big project of telling my life story to my estranged kids. Plus when writing answers to comments in can refer back to the source.

Charley: Did I introduce you to Mudcat? That was many years ago. I'm glad to have done that service. You're a valuable addition to the site. You're welcome.

Stilly River Sage: Volcanoes, typhoons, earthquakes, etc. Guam has it all. Back in the '70s they had one that knocked a floor out of a big hotel but most of our 'quakes are minor shakers. Generators are easily available but there is some kind of exchange requiring $$$ and that is in short supply. Besides, we don't need it very often. We've been here since 2003 and have only had a long term power loss two or three times. Taking a cold shower in Guam is no hardship. Our water lines run on or near the surface so the water is not that cold.

Joe O., Sandra, Roger, keberoxu, Helen, Donnelly, and Jack Campin, thanks for the welcome.

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Naemanson
Date: 06 Feb 25 - 03:40 AM

BTW, Charley, I've been listening to Dan Snow's History Hit podcast. I have learned a lot. The Last one i listened to was about Britain's missing sailors. During WWII Britain relied on convoys from North America to provide food and other supplies. We all know the toll the German U-boats took on those convoys. What I didn't know was a large percentage of the sailors in those convoys were Chinese, recruited from China by the Blue Funnel Line out of Liverpool. They lived in Britain, were raising families there, and once the war was over they were deported, many leaving their families behind with no chance to say goodbye. Link is below.

[Dan Snow's History Hit] WWII Britain's 'Missing' Sailors #danSnowsHistoryHit via @PodcastAddict

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Subject: RE: BS: Still in Guam FGS!
From: Charley Noble
Date: 06 Feb 25 - 03:22 PM

"and once the war was over they were deported..."

Another injustice that I was unaware of but I don't find it surprising.

In fact I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if most of the people in the States were inadvertently deported by executive order to their home countries, including mr tRump. You heard it from me first on Mudcat Central!

Charlie Ipcar

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